Her Personal Filth Slave Ch. 03


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"Why the hell is he screaming? Is he ok?" questioned one of the girls.

"Yeah!... He just really likes to... act up his fantasies! You know, like when I am sitting on his face or something he will act like he doesn't want it and try to escape or call for help... he is really kinky like that" Hannah was making stuff up as she continued her excuse.

"Huh... are you sure he is all right?" one of the girls said now in a calmer voice.

"Don't worry, he knows his safeword perfectly well, he just never uses it" Hannah answered.

My happiness was quickly replaced with hopelessness, I sobbed as I heard Hannah get away with torturing me, convincing them of her innocence.

"Why didn't you tell us anything?" asked one of them.

"Well I was a bit awkward to tell you girls, but it doesn't matter anymore because this morning he said that he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore, he begged me to take his fetish to the next level, he wanted to be my slave. I was a bit hesitant at first but he just loves acting out his fantasy and I would be lying if I said I didn't kinda enjoy having a slave!" Hannah chuckled "You two girls have been my best friends ever since high school freshman year, and I know we three share some sadistic fetishes from when we played around with the feelings of all those horny boys back in the day. I love you girls and I shouldn't have kept my boyfriend a secret. So what if to apologize I let you girls come to my apartment tomorrow and we can all have fun with my slave!"

"That sounds hot af!" said the two girls in unison.

"Ok girls it will be great to have you over! But remember that my slave has some really degrading fetishes so he would really appreciate it if you did a lot of exercises and didn't shower, he likes to be tortured by girls' stink, and it's also really important for you girls to eat lots of gassy foods, he has a massive fart torture fetish as well."

"Thanks for telling us! We will be sure to arrive drenched in sweat and bloated with gas!" one said, already excited to torture me.

"And be prepared to ignore him, if you give him the chance he will beg and plead to be let free, he will scream for mercy when you torture him, saying that his slavery isn't consensual and that he is in agony, It's all part of his kink" Hannah added.

"Don't worry, that will only make it hotter. We will make sure to give your boyfriend a good time!" one of the girls said with an aroused voice.

When they started playing again Hannah muted her microphone and began repeatedly stomping both of my legs with all of her force. I wailed in agonizing pain, it felt like she was slowly shattering my bones. While she punished my disobedience I scolded myself in my mind, my stupid attempt to escape ended exactly like Hannah had said it would, with me being severely punished and with even worse torture ahead of me. I had been so naive to believe I could escape my prison, Hannah had the superiority in every situation, I can't escape.

She kept on savagely stomping me and enjoying the feeling of my screams vibrating against her asshole until her legs became tired. Without saying a word Hannah once again shifted backwards and enveloped my mouth in her pussy before stomping me once last time for me to start worshiping again. I stuck out my tongue and began my duties, I didn't dare to make a sound other than the occasional slurping of her pussy juices.

Hannah unmuted and continued playing with her friends, I thought my punishment had passed until I felt a stream of salty and bitter urine crashing against my tongue, this time I didn't even protest, I deserved it after fucking myself over so badly.

As time went on Hannah told made-up stories to her friends about how much I loved to be tortured in the most humiliating and mind-breaking ways possible and how well I acted out my fantasy of not consenting to it. All the while I was serving as a seat, sniffing her dirty asshole to breathe while lapping and slurping her disgusting vaginal excretions. How could I have been so stupid to scream for help?

Every ten or so minutes Hannah would switch between making me worship her vagina or asshole, everytime she had to fart she blasted it into my mouth and closed my nose with her left hand, making me choke and suffocate on her toxic gas until she felt me start to pass out. I served as a seat for hours before the girls finally decided to go about their days.

"Girls wait! before you go, my slave has something to tell you!" Hannah said standing up and pulling the microphone close to my exhausted face.

"Help me.... please......." Is all I managed to mutter in my broken state.

The girls laughed hysterically, they had been convinced I was just acting out a fetish. They all said goodbye to each other and left the chat.

"Awh slave, this is what happens when you try to escape the place where you belong. The only thing your pathetic struggles achieve is making your torture worse, now tomorrow you will have to tongue bath an extra two filthy bodies." she laughed. "Anyways, I am late to my workout routine. I will make sure to force my body to its limits so I can come back drenched sweat for you"

I didn't say anything, there was no point in protesting anymore. She freed me from her throne and dropped me to the ground, my legs were too beaten to move so I just stayed immobile on the ground. She stuffed my mouth with stinky socks and shit-stained panties, sealing them in my mouth with duct tape.

Before leaving she got dressed with whatever panties, oversized shirt, and booty shorts she found lying around the floor of her messy room.

"If you don't clean the dirty laundry in your mouth by the time I am back you will be severely punished" she said before leaving the room.

Her threats send shivers down my spine and I wasted no time starting to lick and squish the filth out of her unwashed laundry. The taste was potent, a strong salty taste of old concentrated sweat from the socks with a hint of sulfur from her panties.

As I layed exhausted on the floor I couldn't decide what was worse; being tortured by Hannah's filthy body or being tortured by my own thoughts, the realization of how far I had fallen and how hopeless I was of ever escaping from the anguish and torment that came with being a slave to a sadistic sex maniac. She knows that I crave release from her grasp more than anything else in the world and she loves it.

I stayed motionless on the floor, with my legs still suffering extreme pain and developing bruises, I just whimpered and tried my best to clean the filth out of her dirty laundry. Hours passed and the door to my prison finally opened, I looked up only to let out a small scream of fear at the sight of her, it looked like she had just emptied a bucket of water over her head, I had never seen a girl drenched in that much sweat before. Upon seeing her I began loudly crying, knowing that she would force me to drink every single drop of it from her body.

"Oh my fucking god slave, shut the fuck up! You are such a pathetic little crybaby. Useless cowards like you belong as filth slaves to perfect goddesses like me" she explained.

As she squatted down next to me to take out her cleaned laundry the horrendous smell of her body assaulted my nose. Once she emptied my mouth I began begging her to not make me taste the disgusting smell that emanated from her. But she only giggled at me while peeling off the wet clothing she was wearing and throwing it back to the floor, no wonder this hellish room stunk so goddamn bad.

Once she was completely naked a new wave of powerful odor reached my nose as my cock hardened on its own accord from seeing her beautiful naked body glistening and shining with sweat. Unexpectedly, she untied my legs allowing me to move like a human for the first time since I was abducted. I thought about kicking her and then trying to open the door but I was weak, exhausted, and unathletic, I didn't stand a chance against her, even less so with my hands tied behind my back.

"You will need some mobility for your next task" she said with a twisted smile. "Now lay your back on the floor next to the bed"

I obeyed and layed in position.

"If you move or use your legs for ANY purpose that isn't to do your task I will beat you until you bleed." she threatened.

As I layed next to the bed she sat down on it and hovered her nauseating wet foot above my face. I threw up in my mouth when she spread her toes, I saw the viscous mix of sweat and dead skin, stuck in between each of her toes being stretched apart between them making small strings like glue or slime.

"You will worship your goddess from bottom to top and consume every single fucking particle of filth in my body. If I can sense even the faintest little smell in me other than your saliva when you are done you will be punished so badly you will wish you were never born"

It didn't matter if I had vomited at the sole sight of her foul filth, I knew she was serious and that she wasn't exaggerating either the task or the punishment. My only option was to vigorously worship every single square centimeter of her disgusting body until I had consumed the monstrous amounts of sweat, filth, and odor-creating bacteria that covered her skin. This extremely labor-intensive task would take multiple hours of gut-wrenching work to be completed. As she lowered her slimy foot onto my face I could feel its putrid smell increasing exponentially. Tears left my eyes as my tired tongue made contact with her sweaty sole, I froze as I experienced the taste combination of her putrid cheesy feet and the salty acrid taste of sweat.

"BEGIN, OR GET PUNISHED!" Hannah screamed, impatient for me to start torturing myself for her amusement.

I obeyed and began the extremely slow and mind-breaking process of consuming all of the sweat and bacteria in her body. It took me 10 long and painful minutes of worship to clean just the sole of the first foot. Then I began with the toes, as I licked and slurped every trace of filth from them I could feel the toe slime I had seen previously, sticking to my tongue and slowly sliding into my throat, after 20 more minutes of restless work I had finally finished working the toes, sides, back and top of her right foot, leaving it completely odorless.

"Please pass me the next foot, goddess" I asked.

Hannah now positioned her left foot above my face, setting my nostrils on fire once again and spreading the toes to show me the gunk I was going to eat. I repeated the painfully slow cleaning process for half an hour until the odor was gone. When I opened my mouth I could still smell the feet bacteria that now resided stuck in my tongue, filling my mouth with the cheesy smell of feet and adding to my torture. After that, I got on my knees using my new movement freedom and licked the sweat from her legs, because the legs don't have any particular smell it just took 10 minutes to clean them until I reached the crotch area. I was attacked by the smell of swamp ass and sweaty pussy making me shed some tears from the stink alone.

I decided to begin with her vagina. I stretched out my tongue and began what I had to do, I firstly licked the sweat around it, slowly making my way into her disgusting sticky insides. The air around her crotch was warm and thick, infused with her sickening smell. For what felt like an hour, I profusely worshipped everything; her outer and inner labia, her urethral orifice, clitoris, vaginal opening, and every single disgusting fold of skin that I found in between. All the while she moaned in sadistic pleasure, telling me how pathetic I was and repeatedly ejaculated into my mouth. I must have drank a whole glass of her pussy-slime before the nauseating smell died down and I felt confident enough to move on to her asshole.

"Goddess, I am done with your vagina, can I now proceed to your asshole?" I asked Hannah politely, trying my very best to not incite any of her anger.

"Beg" she ordered.

"Please goddess, please let me worship the filth out of your asshole, I would be very grateful if you would let me" I replied in a tired and shaky voice.

She giggled and turned around on the bed, lifting her ass into the air like a stretching cat. The asscheeks spread open revealing the revolting swamp of fart residue and sweat covering everything around her hole. I wanted to cry and scream in frustration, but I was too tired for that, I just gently inserted my face in between her asscheeks and began worshipping the filth. I sucked and licked all across her crack, just stopping to breathe through my nose and check if the smell was fading, once I was done with her crack I began consuming the viscous mixture that coated her asshole and its immediate surroundings. I passed my tongue through every single wrinkle and crevice to try and neutralize the sickening sulfuric smell. Sometimes she would fart in my mouth, reversing the progress of the last 10 minutes of heavy and tiring work. After more than an hour of worshiping her asshole while she scrolled through social media on her phone I finally felt that the putrid smell was gone, at least until the next time she decided to fart.

"Thanks goddess" I said, signaling I was done with the anus.

She stood up from the bed for me to keep cleaning upward around her body. I drank the sweat in her back and abdomen before cleaning her underboob, it wasn't as bad as her asshole, but it was still extremely strong and salty, I worshiped all around the sides and between her two beautiful big boobs. Finally, I moved to her armpits, the smell was acrid and sharp like no other and the taste made me physically cringe from how salty and bitter it was. It took a long time of licking like a dog for them to finally stop smelling. Once I was finally done I stumbled backward and collapsed exhausted on the ground, I was hardly able to move and my whole body ached from exhaustion, my tongue was painfully cramping and my taste buds had been infused with the nauseating taste of Hannah's filthy body.

"Aww, my little slave got a bit tired from worshipping his goddess?" she mocked. "Just pray that you did a good enough job or your exhaustion will be the least of your worries"

While I stayed motionless on the floor as Hannah smelled every part of her body, looking for an excuse to beat me into a pulp.

"You have a real talent for consuming filth slave." she praised. "I will make sure to exploit it to the fullest."

"As a reward for completing your task I will let you rest on the floor while I open the rest of these packages" she added.

I layed on the ground seeing her open the stuff she had bought using my credit card. My reward of "rest" was cut short when she pulled out a tattoo gun and ink from one of the boxes.

"Wait! What is that for?!" I asked in terror, but deep inside I already knew the answer perfectly well.

"You are my property slave, I will mark it permanently in your skin so you never forget that you are nothing but a servant to your almighty goddess" she said trying not to laugh.

She tied my legs together, once again leaving me completely defenseless, plugged in the tattoo gun, and sat on my abdomen to start drawing.

"I have seen some tutorials on youtube so pray they were accurate enough"

"Goddess please don't do this, I will never be able to take it off, please don't!" I begged.

"That's the whole point dummy! Also, you are in no position to beg for mercy after attempting to escape by using my friends!" she replied with a smile as she turned on the machine and began writing.

I screamed and begged, every second that hell machine was on it caused me terrible pain, like being stabbed by hundreds of tiny needles. Hannah changed positions, moving and turning me around as I felt the pain traveling all over my body. I eventually stopped begging and just clenched my teeth trying to endure the pain. After what felt like an eternity the machine finally turned off. Hannah stood over me and took pictures of the front and back of my body before sitting on my chest to show them to me.

"Do you like your new skin slave?" she mocked while presenting me the pictures.

Tears poured from my eyes as I saw the scriptures that I would carry in my skin for the rest of my life. There were writings covering my chest, back, arms, and legs. I could make out a great variety of degrading and humiliating labels; "Hanna's toilet slave", "Hannah's asshole worshipper", "Hannah's fart cushion", "Hannah's garbage disposal", "Hannah's little urinal", "Hannah's diarrhea bucket" and much more. It didn't matter if I escaped anymore, no one would ever even get anywhere close to me looking like this, and I will forever be reminded of how much of a pathetic loser I was. There was no real escape anymore, Hannah would haunt me wherever I went.

"Awh, why are you crying slave? You don't like the new skin I made for you? How tragic, considering it is permanent. Well maybe you could hide it by tattooing yourself completely black, I don't really care if you do, either way, your skin is completely ruined" she laughed.

"Omg stop fucking crying already, it's not funny anymore, you will ever escape my filth anyway. Here, this will shut you up."

She sat on my face with her vagina in my mouth and released a stream of urine which quickly drowned out my cries of despair. I drank it all and automatically licked the residue out from her pussy.

Hannah stood up and looked down at me with a smile, proud of how she had ruined my skin just as much as she had ruined my mind.

"Look at the clock! Time truly goes so much faster when you are having fun! Oh well, I will go make myself dinner, you will get to enjoy it secondhand all night long." she cackled and left the room.

Not much passed through my mind while I waited on the ground, only sadness from being permanently forced to bear my own humiliation in my skin for the rest of my life. After a while Hannah came back in, she had already finished eating her meal and was holding a big glass of milk which she tauntingly drank while standing right above me, letting some drops of it flow down her chin and drip down into my eyes, making them itchy and blurry.

Once the glass was empty she dragged me into the bed, covering me under the sheets and adopting the same position as the night before. It didn't take long after I started my rectum-worship duties for the putrid wet milk farts to start blasting my mouth while I circled my tongue in her hole. After some hours of the same merciless torture as yesterday, I fell unconscious from a painfully long day of vigorous work, with her shit still endlessly being sprayed into my tongue while I slept.


//As always please feel free to tell me what you think, if you would like to see more or if you have any suggestions for me to consider writing in future chapters. Thanks for reading!

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Shimon6185Shimon6185about 1 year ago

An excellent story is waiting for the companies that will make a fart competition, and guess by the fart what she ate, a kick in the balls, guess who kicked. Lick a pad with a period, and tell me every pad belongs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still waiting on part 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Is there ever gonna be a part 4?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really hoping part 4 comes soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Desperate for a part 4 been checking for months

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is great..Hope her Friends came soon and then all use him extreme..Make him force to drink the golden Nectar,Spit and let him sniff,lick on her Turds and feed him the Shit..Thanks for the Story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When can we expect part 4?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Get Hannah a boyfriend! That could be very humiliating for the slave. Or vomit? You’re great!

RickJoeyRickJoeyover 1 year ago

I can't wait to read about her two friends coming over and abusing him also.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe her and her friends can practice vomit games with him!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't wait for part 4!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

10/10 can’t wait for more from this series or something else your writing is spectacular

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Merci beaucoup pour le texte, c'est incroyable

Plus pervers ? Période. Crachez, morve, merde dure à mâcher. Le cire d'oreille mange des ongles. Peau de pied mort, sandwich (bread in shoes when she do her workout, cheese in pussy etc….) creampie eating.full condom

oSo I love your text please continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What could be meaner than this? Make him eat vomit :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is great! I love all the suffering led by femdom specially that full toilet slavery...

Can't wait to read more from you.

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