He's Too Young For Me


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"Actually not too much, other than the business. It's keeping me busy."

"Not seeing anyone?"

"Welllllll, not exactly seeing him but I do have a dinner date later this week. I met him out on the jetty. He's from Michigan."

"A tourist?"

"Sure! He seemed nice and a little lonely."

"Okay so this is just a quick shag. I was talking about something a little more substantial. Like a local guy."

I opened my mouth to say something and stopped. "Oh come on! Dish! I know there's someone else," she said laughing.

"Okay okay. There is. Sorta." And I went on to tell her about Jimmy.

"So he's a server and a college student... Meaning he's pretty young?"

"Yeah I don't know, twenty three, twenty four, not sure," I said trying to blow it off.

"Damn, you are the luckiest woman I know. Holy crap, at that age there's no waiting for a recharge," she said and we both laughed. "Seriously Linda, I think it's great. We worry about age way to much."

I tried to take Frannie's advice when I thought about Jimmy. It was all perfect but his age. Or my age. I was really to old for him. He wasn't too young for me.

I pulled the coral sundress out of my closet and slipped it on. I was pretty sure Bill wasn't going to be a shorts sort of guy, so I thought I better up my game as well. I slipped on straw wedge sandals, grabbed the matching clutch and was out the door.

I finally found a place to park and found Bill waiting at the front door, dressed handsomely as I thought. "I should have picked you up, but I didn't want you to think I was an ax murderer down here on vacation."

"We quit allowing them across the border. They are turned away at Georgia," I said and we laughed.

The reserved table was waiting and we whisked up the elevator. The view was spectacular from here. You could see some of the intercoastal waterway as it snaked by, but the jetty and out to the Gulf of Mexico. We would be here for sunset, always a most romantic time to be here, I thought.

"So, are you retired or still working?"

"I have another year before my retirement package kicks in and then I am done. The reason I was in this area was to look around, maybe see if I'd like to retire here."

Not wanting to encourage him, I didn't reply. If I hadn't met Jimmy, and he wasn't on my mind, I probably would have pursued this relationship. It would be most practical. Bill and I could retire together. Travel maybe. Jimmy is just starting his life. I'd be holding him back.

Our drinks arrived and we chatted, never an uncomfortable moment, and it was a terrific evening. I thanked him for the wonderful time and gave him my phone number in case he had any questions about the area. Sadly, I could tell he understood my goodbye.

I grabbed a beer and went out to my patio. I needed to think why I ditched Bill so quickly, and why. Before Jimmy, he was certainly everything I'd like in a guy. I never looked to far into the future, but he would have been fun to date and hang around with. I have no current or future with Jimmy. What the hell was I thinking?!

I needed to get going on a few projects at the office and started early. Much to the delight of Fluffy. She came home with me if I'd be out of the office longer than a day, but that hadn't happened recently. What she didn't like when I decided to reorganize the furniture. Her filing cabinet drawer bed was moved and she was not a happy camper.

I dragged a chair across the office to surprise her with a window perch. She didn't move the rest of the day watching people below. There was a park, and bars and restaurants and lots of shopping so it was a nosy people watchers dream, like Fluffy.

I just dumped all the drawers on top of my desk to reorganize and there was a knock on the door. Fluffy went into guard cat mode and was trying to figure out the quickest way from her perch to the door., but everything was changed.

I was still chuckling at her when I opened the door. "Jimmy."

"It has been days," he said, closing and locking the door behind me. He didn't look happy and that was a first for me.


He walked towards me and I backed up into the desk. Nowhere to go now. He lifted me up and set me on the desk and pushed between my legs. His eyes were intense and his hands were on each side of my face.

"Really. Where have you been?" He was close enough I felt the puffs of air when he spoke.

"Umm. Working."

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Avoiding you? No, not really." I'm just trying to take my mind off of you by practically restructuring my office, transferring all my paperwork to digital, spring cleaning my house top to bottom, basically finding anything I could to keep me busy.

His lips brushed mine. "Did you go on a date at the Pelican's Nest?"


"Well it wasn't actually a date. It was dinner. Just dinner."

Finally he kissed me hard, almost desperate. He led, I followed. It was intense. It was hot. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer, deeper between my legs. He pushed forward but we were at the wrong height and he groaned.

He slid his hands under my ass and lifted me into him. Grinding his hardness into my pussy. There were layers of clothing but the heat... The heat was fierce. I wrapped my legs around him and he turned to sit on the edge of the desk. I could hear all my drawer things tumbling to the floor.

We hadn't stopped kissing and I was and I couldn't stop kissing him, holding him, feeling him against me.

The phone rang.

"JJJimmy, I have, have to get it. It's the business phone," I said, trying to regain my breath.

He lowered me to the floor and I reached around him to find the phone. It was a client needing help and I had to schedule a time slot for her.

He sat in the chair. Fluffy's new perch. Who thought it best to lay half on the top of the chair, and the other half on his shoulder and purr in his ear.

Even my cat loves him, I thought. Love. What. Forget it Linda. You're too old for him. Yes. Yes I am.

The call was enough to cool my jets. I sat at my desk and started pushing things into the open drawers. I know I'd kill myself later for doing it but...

Jimmy sat and watched for a few minutes. "What's going on Lin? I thought we were starting a real relationship here and then you disappear on me. Not only that, you go on a date?!" He looked away for a moment. "Apparently I read you all wrong. I thought we were on the same track."

"You didn't read me wrong. I enjoyed being around you and thought about a relationship, but after I thought about it more, I'm just too old for you, Jimmy."

"What the fuck are you talking about," he yelled so loud Fluffy jumped down and scooted under the desk. "Too old for me..." he said more quietly. "I don't even get that. What does age have to do with it? We like each other. And even... even if it ends up being more than that, we can deal with it dammit!"

Fluffy was still under the desk, cowering on my feet. "I would hold you back. You have your whole life ahead of you. I'm looking at retirement. We're miles apart." His face was grim. I didn't think he'd take it this hard. Would see it my way.

Suddenly he got up and just walked out. No goodbye. Nothing. I sat in shock. Then I cried like a blubbering teenager that just lost her first crush. I got up. Went over and curled up in the chair and bawled my eyes out.

He continued to work for me, but since we didn't need to see each other, we didn't see each other. I quit going to the pancake house completely. I couldn't bring myself to go to the Mexican restaurant and would beg off if asked.

I did hear from Bill in Michigan who said he decided on a place up in Largo instead of here. Everyone was leaving me, I thought, crying again. It's not like I wanted him, why was I crying for cripes sake. Even Fluffy got tired of the waterworks and would jump off my lap at the first sign of them.

I spent my fifty ninth birthday at Pete's bar knocking back a few beers, eating a burger and popcorn. By myself. How pathetic am I.

Six months passed by and finally Jimmy wasn't in my every thought. I was no longer acting like a heartbroken teenager. He was still my employee, but I never had to see or communicate with my drivers unless they fouled up a job.

I ran into the dollar but really five dollar store and ran into Jack, my old buddy from the pancake house.

"Linda, I'm so glad to see you! You disappeared so fast we were all worried something had happened to you," he said with a bit of a frown.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It's just I got busy and...."

"Understand," he said holding his hands up. "Just so you're okay."

"I am, yes, thank you!"

"The servers at the pancake house might not be so forgiving though. I'm sure they don't get tipped as well as when you were there reminding all the oldsters." We laughed.

I did miss seeing the group, but I didn't have the nerve to ask Jack specifically if Jimmy was still there, and I wouldn't take the chance.

Almost exactly one year to the date Jimmy emailed his two week resignation. I accepted and let him go immediately because the other drivers would pick up his work.

In the six months since I'd seen Jack, I dated a bit. All really nice guys, my age or older. Thing is I didn't feel that old and conversation sometimes became awkward.

They talked about their grand kids. I didn't care. They'd ask about my tattoos. They didn't care. I still had my asymmetrical cut with the side shaved and streaks of purple, and none of them knew what to make of that.

One accused me of trying to be younger than my age. Huh? I didn't dye my hair to cover my silver like so many other women. I didn't have face lifts, or botox. I did try to take care of my skin and wear sunblock, but hey, it's Florida and anyone with a brain blocks.

Besides the one younger guy I went out with once. Not as young as Jimmy. Mark was forty five, working man, no wife no kids, and best of all, actually got me. Because of our age difference, we didn't relate to each other as much as understand each other. Which made for a great friendship. We didn't date again after the first time, but we've hung out together and spent time together as friends.

Mark did have one vice. He loved hot rods, going to shows and cruises. I found that those events are old and young blending together with the same interest.

He had an old Corvette sports car that he inherited from his Dad. Elkhart blue with a white convertible top, which was rarely up when we drove it.

A regular hang out for car enthusiasts was Tues evening at the pancake house parking lot. They served coffee and beverages and everyone was happy.

We were just pulling into the parking lot and I spotted Jimmy walking into the building. It was a jolt to see him again. It had been a year and in that time I thought I had put it all behind me. But in that instant it all came flooding back.

"You okay, Linny?" Mark knew something was up.

"Yes yes, I'm fine!" I got out of the Vette and waved at some of the regulars. The cruise in's were a spectacle of blinding chrome and a kaleidoscope of colors. The people were of different backgrounds and wealth. Many of these folks had purchased their cars as rusty ruins and had restored them into showstoppers.

Mark and I walked past the cars, talking with those we knew, admiring cars new to the cruise.

"Linda," I heard before I saw and knew.

I turned around. "Jimmy!" Anything else I might have said caught in my throat.

He looked older, more mature maybe. He had his mop of thick brunette hair tamed into a man's haircut. He had a shadow of a beard, whether on purpose or end of the day, I don't know.

Mark knew the name. I'd told him about Jimmy early on in our friendship. He stuck out his hand, "Hi, I'm Mark," he said and they made their greetings and some small talk. Thankfully. Because I couldn't talk.

I ran into him when I was came back from the ladies room. He was looking at stunning red car with a for sale sign on it. He had filled out from that boy man stage, into a man. His clothing was still casual, but just nicer.

"It's great to see you again, Linda. I've been wanting to stop by the office, but I didn't know what kind of a greeting I'd get. From you or Fluffy," he said smiling.

"I'm working from home mostly and thinking to get rid of the office and just work remote." He nodded.

There didn't seem to be much to say, so we both moved on.

"So that was your ex, eh?" Mark said later.

"Guess you could call him that. I guess. We never really had a relationship. Not really."

"Ah, okay." he said, unconvinced, but dropped it as a good friend would do.

The next few weeks flew by because I had to clear the extra room in my house, then have the office moved. I was able to downsize office furniture so I brought my desk. My plans to keep everything digital had failed miserably and I needed one file cabinet. Fluffy got a window seat with another view and I was done.

Fluffy the guard cat was still working on what to do in her new digs. She could roam the house, but preferred the office, which was a ways from the front door. So when the doorbell rang, she went into arched back fur up mode, but just wasn't sure how to get there.

I was laughing when I opened the door. "Jimmy," I said flatly, no longer laughing.

"Can I come in?" I stepped back, already feeling the rush of emotions and memories. He wore a gray business suit with a creamy yellow tie, and had the air of an executive. "I've been thinking about you since that evening," he said, looking imposing. I leaned back against the door.

"Oh." I just wasn't going there. I'll let him take the lead and try to avoid any land mines.

"You know it wasn't my idea that we stop seeing each other. I wasn't the one that felt you were too old for me, or I was too young for you. Whatever."

"I know. It was my feelings. My decision."

"And who were you to tell me what my feelings are? You had no idea how I felt about you, whether I was bothered by our age difference... Which I wasn't in the least bit, by the way." He took a breath. "You might have killed our relationship, but you know what, you didn't kill my love for you."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Yes, I love you. You never even gave me a chance to tell you. I wonder if you'd have believed me. A young college boy having fun with a self proclaimed old woman."

"I never thought that. You were always a man to me, Jimmy. I never thought of you as a college boy." I shook my head." I sighed. "I just didn't want to ruin your life."

He brushed a hair off my face. "You ruined my life by leaving me, Lin. I tried dating and never got past a first date with any of them. All they talked about was wanting kids, wanting a big house, new cars... most everything I wasn't all that interested in. I found I can't relate to people my age."

I watched his lips as he talked and placed my hand flat on his chest. His heart thumped under my hand, his body was hot. I slipped a finger in between the button just to feel his skin and I heard his breath catch.

He placed a hand on the door on each side of me, trapping me. He leaned closer, his lips a breath away. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. I remembered how overwhelming our kisses could be. A prelude to sex.

His body captured mine against the door and I had my arms around his neck, angling my head, kissing him deeper, more passionately. We both moaned at the same time. He caught my ass and pulled me against his cock, entrapped in his suit trousers.

Any age difference disappeared, we were two people that needed, and loved each other.

"I love you," I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

"I've been dreaming of you saying that to me," he murmured. "I love you too."

I led him to my bedroom. We were both too far gone and our clothes quickly came off. Our naked bodies came together, so hot, every nerve ending tingled. He guided me down to the bed, his leg between mine.

"You feel so good against me Lin. I need you so much."

I needed him too. Now. Right now. I had to have him inside me. "I'm ready." I wrapped my hand around his throbbing cock and ran the head up and down my wet slit.

He groaned and slowly pushed in. The feeling of my cunt adjusting to his cock nearly sent me over the edge. So intrusive, so hot. As close as you can get to another.

I pushed up and ground against him taking his cock as deep as I could. He supported himself on his elbows and we kissed. Tongues dueling, I traced the edge of his teeth with my tongue and he gently nipped.

His mouth on me and cock in me was amazing. The scent of his maleness, the taste of him, the feel of his solid body under my hands, yet trembling with control as he lay in the cradle of my thighs.

His rhythm was slow and unhurried. His cock was perfectly sized for my cunt. He lifted slightly so his cock would rub my clit as he stroked in. I levered with my heels, meeting him. Needing it harder and faster. My nails dented his ass and I hung on.

He groaned, his control broken, we pounded against each other. We were both loud. The gasps, groans and whimpers made lewd sounds that echoed off my bedroom walls. Our volume increased as we both got closer to climax.

Suddenly the world shifted and I rocketed off, my pussy clenching rhythmically, milking his cock. He shouted, drove deep and pumped into me.

My head on his shoulder, now taking the time to admire his body, I trailed my fingers down his smooth chest.

He fell beside me on the bed, holding me against his side. His chest heaved, starved for air.

My head on his shoulder, I had time to admire his body and trailed my fingers across his smooth chest down to his belly. His cock, still semi hard was nestled with tight fat balls. I will have to do a closer inspection later, I thought wickedly.

So the moral of my story is that I'm just old enough to admit sex is so much better when there's love involved. And having a hot young guy helps.

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lwiltonlwilton10 months ago

Great story as always! But I feel you missed a great ending sentence to the next to last paragraph:

"Fluffy came in and curled up against us."


blackknight314blackknight31411 months ago

Didn't like Jimmy for her though. Too much like a stalker... willing to force her if she doesn't want it.

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

StellaDuBoisStellaDuBoisalmost 3 years ago

LInda, silver hair with purple streaks! I love her! What a great character and personality. Loved this story! 5* from me

daytonakrysdaytonakrysabout 3 years ago

I very much enjoyed the recounting of Linda's stream of consciousness. It was jerky-jerky in a few spots, but believable throughout. That was good and strong in your story—it made the story worth it.

You might want to devote a little more space describing things, like the weather, the interior of the Mexican restaurant, and maybe the car show setting, things like that. Linda has depth, and I think Jimmy could gain a little more sympathy. I was thinking a deep conversation between him and Linda might help, where she discovers some personal things in his background, like family history, deep loves, dreams, whatever. She would fall more in love with her studmuffin.

Overall I liked it. Older woman/younger man relationships are hot-hot!

SlipperyKissesSlipperyKissesabout 3 years ago

So. Fucking. Hot. I adore older women...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Entertaining first half but having built the mood it felt rushed in the second half.

There was a longer, more developed storyline needing to be expressed.

Good start but more please - although difficult to see how you can as there is a conclusion

chytownchytownabout 3 years ago

*****Very entertaining love story. What a enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

thank u! I am sexually turned on & also inspi red

petitechasseurpetitechasseurabout 3 years ago

hot stuff I love all ur stories very much I love also very much the

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Do a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved the description of the sex scene. Very hot indeed!

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