High Life: Yielding to Ophelia


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He looked up, locking eyes with his wife as he came powerfully inside the woman beneath him. Alice shuddered, teetering on her high heels as if assaulted by the force of his climax, connected in a way she couldn't understand to her husband's raging orgasm. She was holding her breath, her body taut like wire, as if on the verge of a sympathetic climax herself, but the relief never came. Her lips curled in frustrated anguish as she watched her husband flop down onto the woman under him, sated at last. The room went quiet.

At last, Fee tapped James on the shoulder.

"You're going to need to move, big guy. I need to breathe," she said.

James obliged, rolling off to the side, flopping onto his back. His softening manhood glistened in the light. The two naked figures lay side by side, panting, their bodies slick with the sweat of their exertions.

"Ma'am, may I help?"

Willow's request broke the silence, and Fee looked over to her. She beckoned Willow over with a wave of her hand. Barton was grinning, his shirt buttons loosened, and his bowtie undone.

"Was it good for you, darling?" he asked his wife.

"Babe, that was awesome."

"You seemed to enjoy yourself."

Fee laughed, as if relieved. Willow went around the bed, kneeling on the mattress next to James. Alice watched her movements closely.

Willow leaned over James, taking his manhood into her mouth and suckling. Fee ran a hand gently through her hair.

"Good girl," she murmured.

For a while the only sound in the bedroom was the soft slopping noise of Willow cleaning the combined juices of James and Fee off his cock. She pulled off him with a popping noise and moved across to Fee's crotch, dipping down to worm her tongue into Fee's slit.


Willow froze in position, looking up at Fee, but Fee was staring at Alice. She didn't say anything, but there was a question that needed answering. Alice's stomach churned as she realised what she was being asked.

It was a step that she hadn't known she would be able to take, a surrender deeper even than watching helplessly as Fee took her husband. She balled her fists tightly, feeling them shaking. Fee looked up from the bed at the naked woman she had just humiliated, offering one final humbling degradation. As if in a dream, Alice found herself placing one foot in front of the other, drawing inexorably closer to the bed. It was like gravity, pulling her to the glistening space between Fee's legs, where the younger woman's arousal had mixed with the milky seed of Alice's husband.

Alice got onto the bed and Willow gave way, leaving Alice to stare down at Fee's crotch. Without thinking, as if her thoughts and free will had been overridden by some automatic programme, Alice bent her face to Fee's pussy and began to eat her out.

Her skin prickled, as if buzzing everywhere with a thousand static shocks, her head swimming as the taste and the scent of her husband's lovemaking overwhelmed her senses. She didn't know how long she spent nestled in the younger woman's folds, plunging her tongue as deeply as she could inside Fee's body until she had swallowed all the seed her husband had deposited there. There was a touch on the top of her head, gentle yet insistent, and finally she broke off.

Fee was looking down at her with a little half smile. Alice stared up at her, cheeks flushed with her deep shame and her overpowering arousal, slick with the other woman's moisture.

"Good girl. That'll do."

She shifted back, sitting up. Alice discovered that James was staring at her, and she was suddenly self-conscious, deeply aware of that he had just witnessed Alice's complete submission to the younger blonde woman.

"James," Fee said, "You have a choice now, like we spoke about. What do you want to do, now you've seen her do this? I'm sure she wants nothing more than for you to take her home and fuck her senseless. Or, she thinks she does."

Alice remained silent, unsure of the direction the conversation was taking. Fee had seen deep inside her, she knew the burning need in Alice's core to be taken by her husband. She craved it like breathing, her mind still reeling from what she'd done. Alice stared at James, her eyes pleading. James smiled at his desperate wife and Alice felt her heart soar with love for him.

"I think you should keep her for the night," he said.

Alice gasped, her mind going blank as she tried to process her husband's words.

"Okay. We'll keep her," Fee stated. "Barton, could you get the key?"

"What... the key?" Alice stammered, pulling back in confusion.

Barton rolled over to a drawer and opened it. He extracted a sliver chain, on which dangled a tiny key. Alice stared at it in horror. Barton wheeled himself over to the bed and passed the chain to his wife.

"You're absolutely awful," he told her.

"I know," she grinned back.

"What are you... what's the key for?" Alice asked. "James, what are they going to do to me?"

James took her face in his hands and gave her a long, passionate kiss. Then, he swung off the bed and began to dress himself.

"James, what's happening?" she asked again.

"What you want to happen, Alice. I'll see you in the morning."

James buckled his belt and put his shoes on.

"James, wait."

James buttoned up his shirt and retrieved his tuxedo jacket from the chair, slinging it over his shoulder. He looked back to his wife, kneeling naked on the bed with Fee and Willow.

"Have fun," he said.

Alice watched him leave, suddenly bereft. As the door closed behind him, she realised he wasn't going to take her home and make love to her. She was on her own.

Silently, Fee slid the key into the lock of Willow's chastity belt, releasing it with a little click. It fell away from Willow's crotch, exposing her glistening pussy.

"You've been enjoying this too, I see," Fee said to Willow.

"Very much, Ma'am."

"What are you going to do?" Alice asked with trepidation.

In reply, Fee brushed a thumb up and down Alice's slit. She reached out and ran her other thumb over Willow's too.

"Seems like I've got my hands full, babe," she said to her husband.

"Who'd have thought?" Barton replied.

"Who indeed? They're both such good girls."

Alice's brain was struggling to cope with the onslaught of sensations and emotions. She was simply allowing another woman to stroke her pussy, powerless now to protest or intervene, her body craving the gentle brush of Fee's thumb over her. Fee pressed her palms against each woman.

"Both so very ready."

Fee smiled at Willow and then at Alice.

"I have an idea."

Alice's tummy flipped, seeing the little smirk on Fee's face.

"Please," she gasped.

"Oh, Alice," Fee pouted delectably, "It's please, Ma'am, tonight."

Fee took the discarded chastity belt and pressed it against Alice's aching pussy.

"No, please... please... Ma'am," Alice gasped.

The frustration was too much. She felt the moisture welling up in her eyes.

"Ssh, Alice. Good girls don't cry."

Alice could do nothing as Fee wrapped the belt around her waist. She felt the steel close around her body, sealing off access to her needy clit. She wanted to protest, to pull away, but something about Fee's calm control held her motionless in position, letting herself be belted and locked. Fee turned the key and there was a click.

"Willow, would you be able to get my husband ready for bed?"

"Yes Ma'am."

Alice was dimly aware of Willow getting off the bed and going over to Barton, beginning to undress him. Her attention was fixed on Fee's expression, taking in every line of her face as the younger woman revelled in her triumph over Alice.

"New slaves start at the bottom," Fee murmured softly, and the sound of her voice sent a thrill deep into Alice's core.

Fee had Alice completely under her control now, locked up and unable to do anything but obey. It felt like the turning of the key locking the chastity belt had simultaneously unlocked something in Alice's mind: a glorious, exciting new freedom.

"Yes, Ma'am," Alice said to the woman who had moments before simply been her friend, now turned into something much more profound.

"Good girl Alice. Get up."

The women got up off the bed together, facing each other. Fee brushed Alice's hair back from her face, running a finger down her jawline.

"You see, there's a hierarchy. The alpha is on top, then her subordinates are ranked beneath her. When you walked into the bedroom, Willow was the bottom of the hierarchy, but now it's you. I hope you understand. I hope you enjoy your new position."

Alice stared at her new mistress mutely. Willow had stripped Barton naked and was helping him into bed. Once he was arranged, she bent over his crotch, her lips around his manhood, sucking. Fee led Alice to the side of the bed and opened the long drawer again. Without comment, she pressed Alice down.

Alice watched herself as if from afar, climbing into the long drawer. It was padded, with a little cushion to rest her head, and she shuffled until she was comfortable. The drawer was deep, giving a surprising amount of space. She allowed Fee to tighten the straps around her ankles and then her wrists, binding her in place. Once Fee was satisfied that Alice was secured, she bent over and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"You see Alice, we can all have what we want in the end."

Fee kissed her again, a soft caress of her lips that made Alice's imprisoned clit throb. She struggled against her straps. Fee laughed.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere tonight. But you won't be alone. I'm going to let Willow pull rank."

"What does that...?"

Her words were cut off by another kiss, then Fee caressed her bound friend's cheek.

"Ssh, or do I need to gag you? That would be a shame."

Alice baulked at the casual way Fee has said it, like gagging Alice was simply a necessary step in the process. Alice needed to ask what Fee had planned, but she pressed her lips together instead, bound to silence. Fee pulled back and stood. Willow appeared by her side.

"Goodnight Alice," Fee said, looking down at the restrained woman in the drawer. She looked up to Willow.

"Goodnight Willow. Enjoy."

Alice's pulse hammered in her throat, and Willow climbed into the drawer too, pressing her body against Alice. Alice looked up at her friend, but Fee just smiled enigmatically.

"Keep it quiet," Fee said, then slid the drawer back under the bed.

Alice found herself in the dark, frozen in shock. Willow's body was warm against hers, her breathing soft in Alice's ear. There was enough space for the both of them, but it was snug. Above her, the bed creaked as Fee climbed onto it. Alice strained her ears, trying to detect the slightest noise, convinced that she would hear the bedroom door open and her husband come in, then Barton's laugh and then feel the drawer sliding open again. James would be there, smiling down at her, in on the joke.

But as the minutes passed, Alice began to understand that she wasn't going to be rescued. She was naked and bound helpless under Fee's mattress with another woman's body pressed up against hers in the dark. A regular creaking sound began above her head and it filtered into her awareness that Fee was riding her husband to her second climax of the night, powered by the knowledge of having two women under her control, trapped in the base of the bed she was lying on.

As the sounds from above became more ardent, it all seemed to mingle together for Alice: the abandonment by her husband to her fate, the sounds of fucking just above her, the endless ache in her imprisoned pussy, the unbearable denial of her needs, and then the warmth of the girl against her. Without realising it, she moved her head in the dark until her lips touched Willow's lips.

Willow came alive, responding in kind, her tongue darting into Alice's mouth. Alice's mind struggled with the unfamiliarity of it all, but she surrendered at last, allowing Willow's hands to explore her body, brushing her breasts, lips discovering Alice's nipples and suckling gently until Alice was leaking freely into the merciless steel plate locked over her pussy. Bound ruthlessly in place by the straps, Alice was helpless in the face of Willow's ministrations.

Willow shifted her body, pressing her unencumbered slit against Alice's thigh and Alice knew what was coming next. She surrendered to it, giving herself away as a thing to be used for another's pleasure. Willow ground herself against Alice's thigh, releasing months of forced denial, seeking her reward at last. Her breath was hot and fierce in the confined dark against Alice's cheek, as Willow built absolutely silently to orgasm, as her mistress had ordered.

Above them, the mattress creaked, Fee's voice soaring into a high mewling sound that far surpassed anything Alice had ever heard from her. Willow gasped, shuddering against Alice's side, cresting her orgasm in synchrony with her owner above. She held Alice in a vice-like grip, her crotch grinding over and over until her body locked rigid, riding the tidal wave that she'd been denied for months.

Afterwards, all sounds ceased. Willow's breathing became slow and regular, leaving Alice on her own, confined in the quiet darkness. Her body burned for release, but the straps held her firm: Willow hadn't untied her. She groaned in frustration.

Alice thought back, all the way back to the beginning, to a couch she'd needed to get rid of. If she had never taken that picture with James in it, none of this would have happened. She'd wanted to make a little change in their décor, but instead had changed their entire lives. The envy and the doubt that had tormented Alice for her entire married life, warding off the bimbos and star-fuckers who clustered around professional athletes like James, had come home to roost. She had been forced to watch her husband fucking other women, enduring her own impotence but inexplicably thrilling to the pleasure of seeing the man she loved satisfying strangers.

It should have torn them apart. It should have destroyed their marriage and their lives. Instead, they had discovered new things, seeing each other's hidden needs. The vision of how powerfully James had erupted inside Fee tonight when he looked his wife in the eyes, the bond of love between them, had been unforgettable.

Yes, Alice had made a change. It had been absolutely a change for the better.


[Okay, definitely the end of Wonderland now, for real this time. Follow me for updates to this and my other stories. If you like what you read, please leave a comment or a star rating. Constructive feedback is always welcome. If you want further adventures, or to check out my other stories, my story page is here]

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It's not love it be acts against what she says. The days of mind reader men who can do what they want despite what the woman says SHOULD be over. Very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I know this is fiction but I'm going to say this regardless.

Willow is acknowledged as a victim and survivor of abuse and is then victimised. To say she can choose to walk away is to completely misunderstand trauma.

Alice and James are both victims too who stood together until now where he betrays her.

I felt this was a really engaging story with clear morals; Alice has a kink does that mean she deserves to be deserted? Does James not love her anymore?

How does not being able to touch herself or be touched help her to feel cared for it loved? It all works short term but where's the after care? How can James to from such obvious desire to this?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A man who knows that when a woman says no she really means yes; oh the joys of misogyny.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just read the last comment and building.

A few minutes went by, Alice found her mind drifting back over last events. She thought of how much she'd sacrificed to keep her family safe. Yes she'd been turned on but did she want to live it?

She found herself pushing last Willow and out from beneath the bed.

"Key." she growled at the drowsy couple, " Now. "

The next morning, Alice arrived home. She silently swept passed her husband into the back garden.

"Boys... I need to talk to you." her sons scampered towards her like the pups they were.

"Where were you last night mum?" The eldest, who favoured his father in looks, asked curiously. James grinned and raised his coffee cup to his lips.

" I was in a drawer. " his mother replied whilst his father splattered coffee everywhere.

"Daddy doesn't love me anymore; he loves a younger, prettier woman and so yesterday he let her lock me up and kept me away from you."

" What...no... " James tried to interject.

"So mummy and daddy won't be living together any more." Alice continued. " daddy will live with this woman and I won't. So I'm asking you who you would prefer to live with. "

Both boys looked in abject horror at their father.

"I'm not living with someone who puts people in drawers!" Squealed the younger boy.

" no-one 's prettier than you mom. " her older boy stated, looking at his father with disgust.

James's brother, who had been helping in the garden, strode round the corner.I

"Time to go." He said dragging James by the arm, he glanced at his sister in laws and where bruising was growing increasingly evident. "Anything you need Alice...anything...just call. See you next week boys"

Alice watched her former husband being manhandled into his brother's car and let out a sigh of relief.

"You can still see dad all the time and he still loves you but I hope you both can understand why I really needed to make a change." Alice said with a smile.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I love that you suggest donating to cancer research but already on it. I loved your story premise and the nine parts. I was concerned that Alice was going to be betrayed by Fee and James but you wrote it differently and I loved it.

Alice and James wanted to protect their family; Alice was endlessly strong while recognising a kink and submissive leaning but she was never second best and certainly not to James. You might argue beta doesn't mean second best but putting her in a drawer does and ignoring her pleas definitely does. So Fee is the alpha who gets to enjoy James.

And the children? The family they both fought for? Sorry but most mums are alphas- watch how they fight for their kids, decorum be damned.

So I'm thinking Alice wakes up cold, sweaty and feeling a bit sick. Punches Fee in the face and retrieves the key (did she end up locked? I was too irritated to read properly) Goes home, shows James the door and files for divorce.

I feel so much better knowing she stood up for herself.

Oh then Mr Alice gets fed up with the shagging so castrates James and divorces Alice (who is devastated by the turn of events and horrified to discover she has many, many STDs) oh Willow meets Buffy so that's all good too. Yay!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sorry I'm wildly claustrophobic so this totally triggered me.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Why did you ruin this brilliant series? Why would James suddenly be ok with hurting her? He drugged her so she would understand it felt good but this was just really, really creepy. Shame.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Total cop out. All solved without unlocking the photos or anything else. James goes from loving hubby to betrayer. Fee reverts to type, manipulative bitch. But Alice loves it really...yeah right.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was HORRIBLE. She's been utterly betrayed by her husband who seemed to love her. I really wish I hadn't read on. Loved the series but this is just grim.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Brilliant you have to have more of fee and alice

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