Highland Moon

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A Scottish Werewolf story.
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I wrote a different version of this a long time ago, I didn't really like how I'd written it though and wanted this redo before I put on here. I could have made it longer but I mostly prefer shorter reads, I hope you enjoy. All straight sex, little bit fantasy, all over 18 and all that.

I sat on the plane, staring out of the window with a smile on my face. I had just been back to my homeland of Scotland for the first time in 20 years. I'd been married, it ended pretty badly so to reset my life I booked and paid for a 3-week touring trip to ground myself really. To save money on flights I'd booked well in advance and as fate would have it, I met someone amazing about 4 months before I was due to leave. The trip was pretty expensive, she was very understanding and we had a good chat about me going. Maya, my very new girlfriend, was beautiful. Native American descent with long dark hair, beautiful brown eyes and a wonderful full figure. Being a breast man, I was delighted with her natural 44dd breasts but she had the most wonderful smile to go with her pretty face and despite her always wearing low-cut tops, I was able to concentrate on eye contact when we spoke.

"Marcus, I promise I'll still be here when you get back. You've had this planned for a year, go and sow your Scottish oats in your homeland and come back refreshed and ready to jump my bones again," she said to me after we'd made love one night.

"When I booked this, sex vacation was not on my mind, I promise you. I'll go but I really will miss you," I replied.

My friends teased me about how we'd met but they all liked her. I was looking for some crystals that were meant to heal my slightly broken spirit and she was working at the store to help her Aunt. I was a mess and could barely string a sentence together when I spoke to her but we chatted for over an hour and I asked her out right then. We had so much in common, it was great. Our conversations (after my first, awe-struck one) flowed easily and both being divorcees we didn't play games and were very open and honest with each other. We were close in age too, she was just a year younger than my 35.

"Well, if I didn't have the shop to take care of I would have loved to come with you but please take lots of pictures and we can video chat when you have time," she continued.

"Oh, I'm taking at least 3 memory cards for my Canon. I want a nice picture of the full moon over the Highlands, my guide said there's a castle ruin that is going to be a fantastic foreground for it," I replied.

"Well, I look forward to seeing them when you get home to me."

The flights and the airports were as fun as always but Maya was waiting for me with a huge smile on her face when I finally got through customs. She held me in a tight embrace and kissed me passionately.

"I know it has only been 3 weeks but I've really missed you. Your video calls were wonderful but just not enough," she said, in between kisses.

"I missed you too, Maya. Let's go and get my bags and I'll take you home and ravage you like I promised," I replied with a smile.

My bags were left forgotten at the bottom of her bed, she practically tore my clothes off me and had me on my back, sucking my cock within 10 minutes of us getting home. Her place in the country was much nicer than my low-rent apartment and she asked me to move in with her after the first 3 months of dating. I was happy to do so, our passion was so intense when we were together, I always hated leaving her to drive home.

Once she had me hard, she straddled me and took me inside her, we both groaned in unison and gazed at each other as she fucked me.

"You feel so good, I really did miss you," she said.

"Mmm, I missed you too," I replied, enjoying her tightness as she rode me.

I didn't last very long but long enough for her to climax at least once, I pushed up into her as I exploded, spraying her pussy with my cum. She laid with her head on my chest as we both caught our breath.

"So, what was her name?" she asked, looking at me with a soft smile on her face.

"What?" I replied.

"I told you, you had a pass while you were there as long as you came home to me."

"Maya, I told you I wasn't there for that. Why do you think I had another woman?"

"I.... You messaged me every day, called me every other day but you went quiet when you went to the Highlands. Your last message said you'd found a pretty little cafe with amazing wi-fi and the pretty red-haired owner was so nice but after that, nothing until you got back to Edinburgh. When I asked about your moon picture, you said it must have been cloudy or something."

I was confused, I didn't remember even trying to get my full moon picture. Maya looked concerned as I pulled up my pictures from each of my 4 memory cards. I checked 3 times and I was missing five full days.

"I.... I don't understand, I have pictures every single day then 5 days of nothing. Not even deleted pictures from those days, just a gap. Few daytime shots of the mountains then back to Edinburgh pictures," I said.

"Baby, it's fine, you look so upset. Don't worry about it okay?" said Maya, holding me.

"I don't even remember those days. I swear, if I'd done anything I'd tell you the truth."

"I believe you. Put that away and come back to bed."

I did as she asked, she did an amazing job of distracting me the rest of the night and we made love until we were both exhausted. The next day, Maya had to go to work and I sat at my laptop, uploading and processing the pictures. The 5-day gap was really bugging me. Once I'd copied the pictures, I ran scans on all my cards to check for any sign of tampering and found nothing. I checked my camera, it was fine too. I put it down to clean, Scottish air and let it go then got my cases unpacked and into the laundry. I made dinner for us that night and we chatted as I showed her my favorite pictures from the trip. We ended up back in bed again though and spent a good few hours having "Catch up" sex, as Maya called it. I certainly wasn't complaining. Life mostly plodded along for me, I knew Maya was the one for me and I was definitely deeply in love with her. She always knew when I was looking at her and would smile at me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have found her.

"So, tonight is almost two weeks since you got home from Scotland. It's a full moon tonight and I want you to try and get your picture tonight and maybe a few tasteful nudes of your sexy girlfriend in moonlight too," she said as we held each other.

"Well, that sure sounds like fun," I replied with a grin.

As it got dark, I started feeling sick though. Every bone and muscle in my body felt like it was on fire and my head was killing me. Maya had gone to the kitchen and came back as I collapsed, dropping the glasses of wine she was carrying and ran to me.

"Marcus, are you okay?" she said, holding my head.

"I... I'm burning up," I replied.

She helped me into the bedroom and pulled off my clothes. I was soaked in sweat but Maya got a couple of damp towels and put them on my head. I must have fallen asleep, when I woke up, Maya was asleep beside me wearing just a silk negligée but was facing me. My body still ached all over, I looked up at the window and the moon was bright in the sky. I stood up and opened the blinds and the pain got worse. I felt like I'd been hit by a building. My muscles and bones were on fire, I closed my eyes tight but felt like I was growing somehow. I opened my eyes again and my hands, now covered in hair, were getting bigger. My whole body seemed to swell, I had huge muscles where before I was a little tubby. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and got a fright. I knew it was me. I was some kind of werewolf, I was taller, almost 7 feet, I looked strong and dangerous, my face changed to resemble a wolf more than a man. I looked over to the bed, Maya was sitting up, her eyes wide open and her mouth sitting open too.

"M.. Ma... Marcus? Is.. is it really you?" she stammered, her voice trembling with fear.

"Yes, it's me," I replied, my own voice sounding strange, a deep and rumbling voice.

"Wh... what... what are you?"

"I am Lycan, werewolf, they call us many things."

My vision was clearer too. I could see all corners of her room, even the shadows, like it was daylight. My senses were on fire but I could smell her arousal, her pussy was soaking wet and I could smell it clearly. I felt my cock harden, I was huge! I was considered above-average as a human, maybe 7 inches and pretty thick but my cock grew to around 12 inches and was as thick as Maya's arm. My balls hung menacingly below my engorged cock and Maya was staring at it.

"You want this, don't you?" I said to her.

"Y... yes," she replied.

I gently pulled her to the bottom of the bed and pulled the negligee from her like it was tissue paper. I opened her legs and licked her pussy, she tasted amazing but my saliva did something to her. I licked deep into her with my tongue and her pussy seemed to expand. I licked deep inside her pussy until she came, her eyes rolling back in her head as she gasped in pleasure. I got her up onto all fours and placed the tip of my already leaking cock at her pussy. I reached forward and held her breasts as I pushed into her with ease, her warm, tight pussy feeling amazing. I started fucking her, gently until I had all of my cock inside her then began to thrust. She was moaning loudly as I enjoyed her, she was cumming every second thrust and I knew I'd not last long. I was worried I'd hurt her when I came, I held onto her waist then when I was ready, I pulled my cock out halfway and then roared as I erupted inside her, spraying an almost obscene amount of cum from my cock. When I was spent, I pulled out of her and gently laid her down, she'd blacked out from the intensity of her climaxes. I licked her pussy again, my cum was oozing out of her and making a mess on her bed but she still tasted amazing. Maya woke up and smiled at me as my tongue was still inside her. She opened her legs and just nodded when she saw my cock was getting hard again. I lasted longer the second time, Maya was a mess by the time I was ready. I thrust into her and told her I was going to cum again.

"Cum on my tits, spray your seed on me," she gasped.

I pulled out and then stroked a few times before I erupted a second time, my hot cum splashing all over her chest and stomach. We gazed at each other then the pain came back, I blacked out as I felt myself changing back to human.

"There he is, welcome back my love," said Maya, wiping sweat from my body.

"I remember everything, Maya. I know what happened to me," I replied.

      *     *     *

"Here is your coffee, young man. Are you sure I can't tempt you with some more shortbread?" said the woman with a smile.

"Oh, I'm still enjoying the first piece, thank you. Did you say there's a trail that leads to the old castle?" I replied.

"That's right, it's an easier one but if you're going after it gets dark, and it gets really dark up here, then it's the best one to take."

I was sitting in a cafe I'd found in a small village in the Highlands. I'd taken a few pictures of the views but I'd stupidly left my spare battery in the hotel so was saving what power I had for the full moon that night. The owner of the cafe was beautiful. She was slim with pale skin and bright red hair that she had in a ponytail and bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle. She was wearing a pale blouse that almost struggled to contain her breasts but had a certain grace about her that mesmerized me. I messaged Maya that I'd found a pretty cafe, feeling it wasn't important to mention the red-haired goddess that owned it since I wasn't looking, 'in that way'. I finished my coffee and shortbread then took my cup to the counter.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that, I'd have got it for you," she said, smiling.

"So, is there somewhere I can just relax until it gets dark, I can't drink any more coffee, amazing as it is," I replied.

"We have a small library that is open until 3 but if you tell Mrs. Gillespie that Janice from the White Swan sent you she'll let you stay longer."

"Awesome, thank you."

"I hear your accent returning to its roots but you like those American words, don't you," she said with a laugh.

"Yes, I've been away for 20 years, it has been nice to be back though."

"Well, have a wonderful evening, Mr. Black, it's been nice meeting you."

"How do you know my name?"

"You paid with your credit card, it's on there," she said, grinning.

"Oh, of course."

I walked the short distance to the library; it was pretty small but had a nice selection of old books to look through. I thought I saw Mrs. Gillespie's face sour a little when I told her who sent me but I didn't think anything of it at the time. Around 3.30 I decided I'd encroached on her time enough and returned my book to the counter to thank the lady.

"Are you sure you need to leave, I honestly don't mind staying a wee bit longer," she said to me.

"No, I have taken enough of your time, thank you. The coffee shop lady, Janice? said the trail is easy at night but I wanted to try and get to a good spot before dark," I replied.

"And it's just a picture of the moon you're after?"

"Yes, I hope it'll be amazing with no light pollution and the castle ruins in the foreground."

"You know, I have some pictures like that in a book you could have, save you going up there."

"That's very kind but I really wanted to take my own picture."

"Well, please be careful."

I wandered around the village a little more then as the light began to fade, I made my way to the trail. They weren't kidding when they said it got dark quickly, once the sun had dropped behind the mountain, it was pitch black and I reached for my flashlight. I cussed at myself, it was likely sitting next to my spare camera battery in the hotel as it wasn't in my pocket. I made my way slowly up the trail, my eyes eventually got used to the dark and when the moon started to appear it made things easier. I thought I heard something moving and jumped when I heard what I swore was something running but I put it down to my imagination and just carried on.

I jumped again when I was sure I heard someone run close to the trail but I just laughed and said 'fucking pussy' to myself and carried on.

Then I saw her.

I gasped and sucked in air as I stepped backwards, less than 5 feet in front of me stood, well, something. I assumed she, her long red hair barely covered her huge breasts but she was at least 7 feet tall and her body looked to be pure muscle. She looked strangely familiar; her eyes were bright green and reminded me of the coffee shop lady but this female thing was taller and double her size. She was covered in red hair, her skin pale underneath and her face like that of a wolf. I jumped again when she spoke to me.

"I smell your fear but you want this, don't you," she said, her voice deep but feminine.

"Wh... what are you?" I stammered.

"I am a fantasy, a wolf in human form, a lycan. We are called many things."

"Y... you're very beautiful."

Her eyes seemed so much brighter, I couldn't keep my gaze from them and barely noticed when she was standing right in front of me. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest but her smell, a musky, lavender and jasmine smell, had my cock growing in my pants despite being terrified.

"Drink from me then I can turn you, make you like me and we can run together, mate in the hills together," she said, holding one of her breasts.

My mind was blank. I wasn't sure if it was fear of if I was hypnotized by her but I wanted nothing more and lowered my head to drink from her nipple. A warm liquid flowed into my mouth, it tasted like milk with honey and I hungrily swallowed. I was soon in a state of euphoria. She made me take off my clothes and put them in a pile with my camera then I felt her teeth sink into the bottom of my neck. There wasn't any pain. I felt a little blood run down my chest but she licked the wound she'd caused and the bleeding stopped. My body then felt like it was on fire. Every fiber of me hurt like never before but I was growing. I felt stronger and when I went to talk my voice was deeper, menacing. The female was slightly smaller than me but my instincts told me she was stronger. I could smell her arousal too. She smiled, her sharp teeth showing then she pushed me to the ground and leaned over me.

"If you want me, you have to catch me. I'm not one of your submissive humans, my cunt is earned," she said then took off running.

The moon was higher in the sky but I could see everything. I could smell her too and despite her head start, I was soon catching up to her, my powerful legs making the run seem like nothing. She changed direction and got further ahead again but I closed the distance quickly and when I was close enough, I pounced on her, taking her to the ground with me. We wrestled a little but I soon had her pinned, or so I was led to believe. I had her arms above her head but she opened her legs and wrapped them around my waist. She bit me again but this time it didn't pierce my skin and I growled at her.

"Fuck me, you're big enough now, fill me," she said.

My cock was huge, I suppose, not in proportion to the rest of me but I pushed into her pussy with ease and groaned as I got deep inside her. I let her go as I began to thrust, her sharp claws raked my chest as I pounded into her but she wasn't trying to hurt me and it felt good. I lasted for ages, I pulled her up onto all fours and held on to her waist as I slammed my cock into her. I felt her climax, her pussy tightened and it set me off too, I roared with her as we came together then felt my cock swell as I sprayed seed deep inside her. When I was finally spent, we collapsed together on the heather as we caught our breath. When we'd caught our breath, she held her breast to me again, my mouth was large enough to take most of it in and she told me to drink again. My cock was almost instantly hard again but this time she mounted me, riding my engorged cock as she gazed at me. We must have fucked for hours, when the moon finally went down and the sun started to rise, she ran back to gather my clothes and camera then led me to a small cave. She had some kind of nest in there, it was warm and soft and she pulled me onto it with her. For 3 days I forgot about everything. My new girlfriend, Maya, my whole life back in the US and all we did was make love and sleep. She'd feed me from her breast then we'd fuck, when I woke, she'd feed me again then we'd fuck some more. At night we washed in the stream that wasn't too far away then we'd fuck in the open until the sun came up again. On the 4th day, I woke up to Janice lying next to me in her human form. She was just as beautiful and was completely naked. She stopped me when I went to touch her.

"As much as I enjoy being taken, I much prefer a human inside me when I am human. Come to see me when you change back," she said, touching my face.

"I don't know how," I replied.

"You do my love, focus."

She pulled a bag from a pile of hay and got dressed in the clothes that were in it then she left. It took me a while but I finally changed back to myself. I blacked out from the pain but I found my clothes and got dressed then made my way back to the village. My phone was completely dead, my camera was too but they were both fine. The cafe was closed but a door opened to the apartment above it and Janice pulled me inside. She didn't speak, she led me by the hand to her bedroom and after we undressed, got into the shower with me. She kissed me passionately once we had dried then we made love on her bed as humans, I fondled her beautiful breasts once we'd both climaxed then we fell asleep together, neither of us speaking, just smiling at each other and kissing.