Hinn Ch. 60-62


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A fourth and final option played out at the same time. In this, at some imprecise point in time the connection between realms was severed. Sometimes this happened before the smaller realm was absorbed, other times after the attacking realm connected. As long as the connection continued, the emotions surrounding it soured - clearly, closing the join between the realms was best done quickly, but there were also interesting new feelings grown from the fertile soil of the small realm's joining with Ray's home. Just cutting the newcomer free was clearly not the ideal solution to this dilemma.

It was immediately evident that the resolution was crucially important to his reality. On the other hand, Ray knew without a doubt it was not the reason there were Oracles. He didn't know why he was so certain, but even so, if this threat were not resolved 'appropriately' the Oracles would never be able to reach the reason for their existence.

Without understanding how, Ray knew the other living Oracle had just received the same warning. This was something big, bigger than individuals, but it had to start somewhere and Oracles were among those troublemakers who did such things.

Looking around, he found himself in the Oracle's dreamland, but also felt other warnings strike his perceptions. He couldn't capture their essence, their message, as the vision of the realm's predation demanded the whole of his awareness, regardless of the rest of the warnings' urgency.

Looking around, Ray saw about the number of black, historical Oracles he was used to seeing. He was shocked, however, that there were so few white Oracles, and every last one of them was hazy, translucent at the least if not barely visible. The future was very much in flux, and there were no certainties at this point. This, even more than the overriding vision, decided Ray.

Seeking through the crowd, Ray found the only other silver Oracle, and brought himself before his current peer. "We have much to do," Ray shared.

"Yes. I will gather the elder races, those that persist, and bind them into a weapon we may use to defend our reality. Defend yourself as you will, but do not assault them at this time - we will need them. You will also need to find this realm merging with ours. It will be where we must fight."

"While you do so, see what they know of shattering these ties. The longer the latter realm stays connected, the worse the ramifications, but the precursor world seems to be beneficial."

"We will meet again, soon," St. Yves informed him. "We may even need to meet in person, depending on the junction of realities."

Sharing his understanding and agreement, Ray pulled himself from the Oracle's realm and back into his reality. His home.

The night had passed, and Ray felt physically rested but emotionally spent. He shared as much of the urgency and dire ramifications of his dream with his Hinn as he could. That Hinn dealt so poorly with the oddities that were the crux of Oracles' communications was a challenge, but the four of them managed to work through, getting the meaning across.

"There have almost always been Oracles, even back when there were just the Hinn. There are also others who perceive time and action differently. Some of these may be of assistance. Coincidentally, one of them is associated near Ousha's sister, sharing the same island and the same challenges."

"Is it a coincidence? Are you certain of that, Dhakira? Because I think the forces we're dancing at the edges of would have little to no difficulty causing such events."

Pausing for a moment, Dhakira reluctantly acknowledged Ray's point. "A possibility. It seems some Hinn have encountered such forces before, to varying degrees. Most have ignored them, but over the scope of Hinn's function, it became apparent that you are likely correct. There are likely one or more intelligent beings guiding some of the seemingly random occurrences in our lives."

"Add it to the conspiracy folder, Dhakira. We'll have to consider it more, but for now, we just have to deal with the results. What does Hinn know of the joining of realms?"

"That was the strength of the Timm, the third of mortals formed by the angelics. They embodied distance or space as their core essence, and they spoke of such actions with Hinn at various points. Of the stories they told, angelics tended to gather around such events in unmatched densities compared to any others of their experience. One tale told repeatedly by various Timm involved both fallen and unfallen angelics cooperating against outsiders coming from such mergings. Others claimed the angelics came from such a merging before the creation of Hinn, drawn here by a creator for reasons unknown. Still others posit that the strength of rwh is drawn in part from such interactions, as the ripples of these events were believed by some who studied such things to strengthen or condense rwh into something 'better.'

"Very little of this is confirmed, however. Most is the work of only a few mortals, and there are often conflicts between some of those mortals' findings. The angelics swarming towards such events is confirmed, as have multiple Timms shared the tale of cooperation repeatedly. The truth of the tale was contested, however, as it appeared there was additional evidence of angelics battling at such sites."

"As you can, at a low priority, compare those scenarios, please. See what commonalities and differences may be found, eventually - but for now, tell me more of this other being on the island with the other Defender of the Hinn."

"It appears as a plant, a large shrub or bush. Its location occasionally changes when not directly observed, so it cannot be guaranteed to be easily found when desired, nor is its method of mobility known. It is able to communicate with touch, but that is also its preferred method of gathering nutrients. Only after it touches a mortal does that mortal become aware if it is attacking or sharing, although some had taken to driving nonsentient life through it before attempting to communicate. This only reduced the chance of attack, it did not prevent it.

"It appears to perceive all of time as its present, from the Hinn who successfully communicated with it. The plants' perceptions are also significantly different from most mortals, as they appear to be blind and deaf but very conscious of chemicals in their surroundings - a superior version of scent or taste, perhaps. These challenges have made the communications with this being quite difficult, to the point where most who knew of it never bothered to attempt to communicate with it more than once or twice.

"Interestingly, Ti'amtum is one of the few who communed with the being repeatedly, and the details of her sessions with this sentient are not within Hinn. This may have been due to the memories being so far outside the norm that some of the repairs various others attempted over time may have treated the memories as damaged, or perhaps Ti'amtum never submitted them into Hinn."

"Ousha, please get with Betty, El, and whoever else you need to. Jessica's folks, probably, and Tomas as well - we'll be heading to Micronesia. Let's plan on next Wednesday, to give time for additional meetings after the Asatru weekend if need be."

"Will do, Ray. I will suggest that we work outside the norm, as well - there may be alternate methods of transport that may work better than planes for this."

"I trust you, Ousha, do whatever we need to do to make it work as best as practical. If possible, look into an additional loop up to Japan on the way home, see if we can't meet up with Dhakira's suggestion and see if they'd be willing to work with us. If not practical, that's fine - we'll get there eventually."

"OK, Ray"

"Dhakira, first off, who and what are you suggesting we work with?"

"They were the head chef for the Illuminated Spirit, a secret society founded in early 1800s Japan around the belief that outside forces would shatter their nation. As such, they attempted to hide what they believed to be the core of their civilization so it could be reborn later. They had some foretelling of Commodore Perry's forceful opening of trade with Japan in the 1850s, as well as the Japanese Emperor's forced surrender at the end of World War 2. Originally a consortium of merchants, several had mystic ties and associations that unexpectedly merged and became the greatest driving force of their association within years of their formation, rather than the original mercantile goals.

"It appears that a famous chef of the time, noted for his innovation with sushi, died at the same time this being was first known to exist. Some speculated that the chef may have been sacrificed or subsumed into the resultant mortal outsider. This being was able to create loyalty and mutual trust somehow via their food. They were also exceptionally gifted at managing the myriad servants for both the central location and the business interests that led to their continued growth.

"Unfortunately, they appear to have drawn the attention of the Jinn in 1974. For whatever reason, the society was shattered by Jinn saboteurs over three nights. The leading families had intermarried by that time, leaving a single bloodline that the leaders were drawn from. Some new members were also brought into the society by marriage into this bloodline.

"Hanaya Kazue was ordered by the fifth in line to the head of the society on the sunset of the third night to escape and hide on the 'West Island,' until the society came for him. At that time, there were two islands with that name, and Hanaya-san headed to the one without a population, further from the main Japanese isles. The Jinn finished the defeat of the leading bloodline that night and the dismantling of the organization. The next night, the island he fled to, Nishi-no-shima, had a volcanic eruption. It seems likely the Jinn had tracked him down, but he was able to hold his own against their assault. The island has had another volcanic episode from 2013 through 2015, but it is not clear if there was a mortal cause for this additional eruption.

"Hanaya-san still lives there today as a hermit, avoiding the few humans who travel the more than 500 miles from the home islands to visit. He has no electronic presence I am aware of, nor economic since he fled in the seventies."

"Interesting. How do you know so much about this Hanaya?" Ray asked.

"One of the ongoing techniques I told you about when we first met, Ray, involves tracking outsiders," Tauriz interjected. "It is still active, and it is one of the first things I consulted once you freed me from the sheathe - as soon as I was reasonably confident there were no immediate threats to your existence, that is. This technique has been in use well before the great battle caused by the first capture of genie. While it had been updated repeatedly since that time, it has still remained unchanged for more than a hundred million years. As such, it does not notice at least some types of outsider, such as those we encountered at the Academic Center. However, Hanaya-san seems to be well-located by this technique, and appears to be something vaguely akin to what you might call a 'changeling.' That is, an outsider brought into this realm to replace someone born here, outwardly similar to the mortal being replaced."

"The technique Tauriz refers to does more than just track them, it also describes what they have done," Dhakira explained further. "It is not as perceptive as the average Hinn, but it is about as accurate in its own way as the modern surveillance technologies you are familiar with, Ray. In conjunction with other techniques left behind by various Hinn, the Great Hinn had significantly greater capabilities available, and all fed into Hinn. As such, had they desired it, they might have created a surveillance state beyond the greatest hopes and fears of modern humanity. They never saw the need for such, however."

"I need to understand this difference between human and Hinn at some point. Humans given a tool generally find ways to use that tool for their own betterment, often without concern for the cost of others. Hinn seem to have a different take on things, and while interesting, I don't think it's currently anywhere near as important as the rest of our conversation. Next question - are any of the active techniques capable of locating Timm, genie derived from Timm, or the effects of the Timm's unique essence?"

"Timm are difficult for us to locate as their essence has them in all places and times. Similarly their effects are usually quite difficult to track for similar reasons. We have a few instances - less than a thousand over the whole of Hinn - where we are certain the effect was of the Timm without knowing of the Timm themselves being present. Of those, only one is relatively recent, although over a century old."

"And what was this event?"

"Tunguska involved a blatant effect from the Timm, Ray."

"Wait. The meteor that blew up over Siberia?"

"The meteor itself and its detonation were both apparently natural, but the Timm brought their masafa into it somehow. It is not clear how they effected it, but they were involved as clearly as if you brought raw samum into existence."

"Masafa is their essence?"

"Yes, Ray, it is what they prefered to call it in general. As you can recall, it has evolved significantly from 'there' to 'the way there' to 'distance' and 'measurement' and eventually even 'spatio-temporality.' They were known for their incredible focus on precision, to the point a human might well consider the majority of Timm obsessive and compulsive."

"So, they set off a signal flare that had no clear effect, even as the most destructive strike from space in millennia occurs. Are there weird things going on there, either now or historically?"

"Nothing outside the normal amount humans perceive and describe. The Siberian mythos is effectively shamanistic, with multiple linked realities much like the Asatru - distinctly different realities bound together by a tree that exists in all. There's a creator who was betrayed by one of his creations, a human who eventually comes to be the gatherer of the wicked and the keeper of the dead, and even a great flood. Shamans can gain great power, even becoming able to affect the gods."

"So nothing unique to their culture, aspects found in its surrounding mythoi. No weather deities?"

"Nothing on par with Thor, Indra, or Zeus, more of a naturalistic viewpoint. Weather happens, and everyone from the deities on down just deal with it."

Chuckling at the image, Ray nodded. "How busy is Hinn ingesting what I've wished thus far, Dhakira?"

"Not very, Ray. It is capable of handling everything every Hinn experiences, dreams, thinks of. It is barely working at all."

"If I were to wish that the whole of human knowledge were to become available to Hinn immediately, would there be problems? And if so, what can we do to mitigate those problems?"

"We are uncertain. We will look into your question, Ray - we suspect we will have an answer for you within a day or so."

"Good. This is taking too long. There's too much information we're not taking into account here that we should be."

Chapter 62

Ray's alarm sounded, rousing them from their comfortable nest and uncomfortable discussions to attend the day. A pleasant three-person shower occurred. Everyone cooperated to ensure everything was efficiently and pleasantly washed, and the physical Hinn dried and dressed.

"Seems like Amber and Monica's mom decided to take a nap once she got here, as we weren't disturbed."

"Apparently. That will likely be an interesting discussion. If need be, Ousha and I will hold down the morning meeting while you talk with her, or vice versa."

"Works for me," Ray concurred as the three stepped out into the hallway, all but colliding with the three women. "Amber, Monica, good morning. I assume this is your mother, then?"

"Yes, Ray, and good morning, morning ladies," Amber replied. "Professor Raymond Helms, Tauriz Aoud, and Ousha Nair, please meet our mother, godi Helen Velasquez. Godi Helen, Ray, Tauriz and Ousha."

"Welcome to our home, godi Helen."

"Thank you for your welcoming. While I am here, I shall be your guest, but I feel compelled I must warn you - those I follow are very interested in you and your actions and are concerned that you hold slaves."

"I do," Ray confirmed. "However!" he continued, interrupting her incoming interruption, "It was not something I was aware would occur, nor is it something I am comfortable with. It is one of the most urgent tasks I have set myself to correct. Let's go grab some breakfast, and I'll tell you what I understand of what occurred, what's going on, and what I am trying to accomplish if that's acceptable?"

Visibly upset, Helen nodded and followed as Ray led the way to the kitchen and dining area. Harry was pottering around in the kitchen and had a pair of quiches sliced and plated along with a mixed fruit salad and various beverages. Nodding his thanks, Ray snagged a plate and a fork before scooping some fruit onto the plate as well. A large mug of coffee later, he stood aside and waited for the other five to finish their preparations.

"Now, I understand you wanted to talk to us individually, godi Helen. I have nothing new to tell these two, and there's usually a working breakfast where everyone gets caught up with each other. If you want to talk privately, we can do so, or if you prefer Tauriz can join us. Your call."

"If you and the ladies don't mind, I'd prefer to talk to each of you individually?"

"Not a problem for me, but I won't require Tauriz or Ousha do so - they are welcome to do so if they wish."

"That's fine. We can talk after your other meeting, Tauriz? Ousha?"

"That would be fine, thank you, Helen," Ousha replied, as Tauriz nodded in agreement.

Ray walked over to a long couch with a coffee table, settling into one end of it. Helen took a chair to one side, facing the end of the same table. "Thank you for this, Ray. I appreciate your honesty and forthrightness in this."

Smiling gently, Ray nodded. "You're most welcome, Helen. Do you mind me calling you Helen? Personally I find 'professor' tends to get in the way, but I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand the term 'godi.' Priest, perhaps?"

"Yes, a godi is a religious leader authorized to perform religious services for the Asatru, much like a priest or a minister. I don't mind, in this context, but during ceremonies it's appropriate to use it."

"Then if I attend a ceremony you're presiding over, I'll be sure to use the term. Thanks for the clarification."

"Thanks for asking - too many people just assume!"

"Can't argue with you there - a couple months ago, I was teaching undergraduates!" After a brief chuckle, Ray turned serious. "If you don't mind, I'd like to walk you through my last week and hit some of the highlights."

"We're listening," Helen replied.

"Hrm. And welcome to my home, those who Helen has allowed to listen, whoever you may be."

Without a disruption, two more people were sitting in a loveseat, across the table from Ray and to Helen's left. "Thank you for your welcome, Ray, and skillfully worded." The woman was healthy-looking, pretty but not an awe-inspiring beauty. She wore her long brown hair braided and thrown over her left shoulder. Her eyes were kind, warm and caring, and altogether too bright to be natural. The man was shorter, stocky, with short brown hair and a heavy beard with short brown hair. His eyes were sharp as well, glittering things watching the world as it passed by, waiting patiently for his moment to act. They were both garbed in what seemed to Ray to be traditional Nordic homespun tunics and leggings with leather belts and boots and various golden jewelry. "I'm known as Idunn, and this is my husband, Bragi."