His Girls are Sluts

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A Daughter returns home to surprising secrets.
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His Girls are Sluts.

Disclaimer: All explicit sex acts in this story are done by character 18 years or older.

Chapter 1:

Morgan Gravely stared out the plane's window as her flight crossed the Atlantic. The plane departed from Europe a few hours ago, so she had to keep herself entertained for at least the next four hours or so.

Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but her mind was having a hard time focusing on anything in particular at the moment.

She was returning home after being on a tour of charity events in Europe. It was a fun experience, as well as the longest time she had been away from her family.


Morgan Gravely was a young singer. Not a well-known one quiet yet, but she entertained those who would listen.

The story behind her talent is mundane. She has always had a love of music, ever since she was a small child. And singing happened to be the part she did best, so her father entered her into classes to foster her skills. From here she would entertain her family whenever the mood struck her, then she entered talent shows, played in local musicals, and eventually started singing on TikTok.

It was on social media that she caught the attention of a small event organizer.

And when a singer who had already signed up for the charity tour had to back out for personal reasons, they gave her a call.

It was a huge opportunity for someone who hadn't even been discovered. The events weren't high profile, but they funded good causes, and it was a great life experience.

She was a little scared at first, being the least outgoing of her sisters, but her father encouraged her. Making sure the organizer was legit, helping Morgan quell her fears.


Morgan was looking forward to seeing her dad and sisters so much. The tour was fun, she saw so many great places, and met so many interesting people, but after all of it, she just wanted to get home, and her homecoming being so close made it hard to focus on anything else. But there were other things on her mind.

Morgan took out her phone. With the planes Wi-Fi, she had all the entertainment of the internet at her finger types and couldn't think of a thing that would hold her attention.

Instead, she opened her photos on the phone. She had a whole Album file from her trip, but she went to her family pictures, they weren't anything special, except they were of her family.

Oswald Gravely, or Ozzie as his friends called him or just Dad to his daughters. 6ft 1 in height, jet black hair, and soft blue eyes. Same as hers.

Beatrix, her older sister 5ft 10in, same black hair, and blue eyes.

Gemma, her younger sister, is a bit of an outlier in their family. She was the shortest at 4ft 4in. Though her hair and eyes where the same color as the rest of them, her hair was big and curly. While and Beatrix's laid flat, and Morgan's just needing a little styling to be a good halfway between the two.

In terms of appearance, Morgan, and Beatrix where the most similar. Morgan was just a few inches shorter than her big sister at 5ft 4in. Their facial features very close too, Morgan's cheek bones being the only real difference.

But it was looking at her father that had the most effect on her.

He was going to pick her up at the airport when she landed, and she was so looking forward to being alone with him again.

Being away from him was the hardest part of this trip, but unlike her sisters assumed, it wasn't just that she was a sheltered Daddy's girl, at least not in the way they thought.

An aura of frustration washed over Morgan. Her heart quickened, her free hand clutched at the armrest of her isle seat, and a familiar sensation of wetness started between her legs.

Trying to catch her breath, she put her phone away.

Her Dad, Oswald, Ozzie, Daddy. It was a secret between the two of them, A love that went beyond what was appropriate, but she stopped caring about that a while ago, she just didn't like seeming like a horny slut in public...That was reserved for when she was able to sneak off to her father's bedroom. Which thankfully was not too hard at home. She shared a bedroom with Beatrix at home, but she was fortunately the only early bird in a family of nighthawks, and Gemma would be too engrossed in her most recent project or hyper fixation to notice Morgan sneaking down the hall to the master bedroom.

Morgan and her father's secret relationship was hot and heavy behind closed doors.

"Do you need anything Miss?" A flight attendant asked Morgan, momentarily taking her mind off her incestuous thoughts.

"N...no" she answered.

Ok Ma'am, but if you need anything, the help button is right there." He said indicating the little button with an attendant's silhouette on it and walked away.

After the well-mannered attendant walked off, Morgan's sex drive took over again. 'Really...anything?' she thought. She thought about his good looks as her mind turned over to the cliché scenario. Should she call him back, wait until he was alone and get out of her seat and approach him. He was very handsome, and older than her, she would probably get away with calling him 'Daddy' to try and scratch that particular itch. How did one go about propositioning a stranger? She never actually did...

Morgan shook her head, taking her out of her fantasy. Over the past summer, she traveled from event to event, usually with other performers about her age. Parties, drinks, things happened...hot and heavy things. The experience was fun but had left her libido a bit over stimulated. She was mainly regretting not getting one last fuck in before the performers went their separate ways.

Morgan took a few deep breaths, she knew what she had to do. She reached for her carryon bag under her seat and began digging in one of the side pockets. She was hoping not to need it but ended up glad she didn't put in her other luggage.

Hiding it by holding it up her coat sleeve, she unbuckled her seat and headed for the nearby bathroom.

After locking the door, she hung her coat on a wall hook. She unbuckled her belt and pulled her leggings and thong down, bunching them around her boots.

In her hand was a small, but powerful vibrator, a little silver bullet.

She powered it on and moved it to her wet pussy lips.

As the vibrations hit her outer lips, she called on her most erotic memories. Her first time with her father.


Morgan was always the Daddy's girl of her sisters. Beatrix and Gemma simply had more independent and outgoing personalities, and Morgan just felt so safe and happy spending time with their dad.

That part of their relationship grew even more when her mother died in a shooting at a grocery store. All three of them where young, in reality, Gemma was actually too young to remember her mother, and to her credit, Beatrix stepped up to help with her sisters when she had to, a real model eldest sibling, but Morgan was the one who took it the worst, it was a long journey, one that lead to episodes of depression in her teen years.

Her father was her main source of emotional support by then, and Morgan found her feelings for him growing in ways she knew they should not be, but she couldn't help herself, not knowing what to do, but trusting her dad the most, she simply admitted her feelings to him. He believed it was just a phase she would grow out of and tried his best to encourage her dating boys her age to help, but whenever she thought about trying to find love with anyone else, she just got more depressed.

Morgan accepted she simply wanted her father as a lover and set her sights on making it so.

She flirted with him, dressed in less clothes around the house, she even managed to talk him into dating her. Taking her to locations out of town where no one would know them and acting like a couple.

Oswald knew it was wrong and tried to stop it, but after three dates she wanted to cross a point of no return.

She tried to seduce him, and he was tempted, but when he summoned the will to resist for a moment, it sent her into a spiral.

She was in his bedroom after their third date, and tried kissing him, and getting him to touch her breasts, but when he pulled away, she burst into tears.

Falling onto his bed, she said no one deserved love like he did, especially not from her.

And seeing the pain in his daughter's tear-filled eyes, his resolve slipped.

They locked eyes, and he let her kiss him deeply.

She sat on his bed again, and unbuttoned her blouse, and he unzipped his pants.

Soon they were both naked, Oswald laying over his virginal daughter, they locked eyes. He lowered himself, expertly lining his erect member with her wet opening.

She clutched at his back as he tore her hymen.

They made love, his experience allowing him to bring her to several orgasms before he came.

After he was done, Oswald sat on his knees and looked down on the daughter he had just committed incest with.

Her naked body sprawled out on his bed, her pale skin with a pink tinge from the sex, her once untouched pussy gaped from his size, his cum and her blood leaking out and clinging to her trimmed pubic hair or dripping past her ample ass cheeks on to his bed sheets.

He wasn't worried about pregnancy, as he had each of his daughters get on the pill as soon as their periods started. But a sense of post nut regret was creeping up on him. He did something he could not undo. This was a permanent change to his relationship with his daughter. What if her feelings for him really did pass? He may have ruined 18 years of parenting over a moment of weakness.

Her senses returning, Morgan saw the regret in his eyes, she stood up and kissed him. Trying to assure him she would never regret it.


Morgan ran her vibrator over her clit, the memories of her giving her virginity to her father allowing her the fastest path to an orgasm.

Her shirt bunched up and held in her mouth to keep her from making any unnecessary noise and allowing her free hand to play with her nipples.

"neeehhhhh" She let out a muffled cry as her bullet brought her to climax.

After catching her breath, and resetting her clothes, she ran water over the vibrator, and dried it with a wipe.

She flushed to toilet to keep up appearances, and headed back to her seat, thinking she could go for some snacks and a blanket to get through the next few hours, even thinking of a few YouTube videos she could watch.


Morgan walked into baggage claim, heading for the belt where her suitcases where set to arrive.

Her heart skipped when she spotted her father already there. His back was to her while he checked flight information over the claim belt.

She walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around and was happy to see her but was just as surprised when Morgan threw her arms over his shoulders and gave him a deep, passionate kiss, even giving him some smaller pecks after breaking the kiss.

"I...I'm happy to see you again too, Sweety." Oswald said. Their relationship being a secret, PDF were rare, only happening when they knew they were only around strangers. Which they were.

"Oh, happy doesn't begin to describe it...Daddy." Morgan lovingly said.

Oswald almost winced. Even if no one knew they were real father and daughter, he still didn't want people to think he was the kind of man who dated younger women and had them call him 'Daddy.'

She held hands with him and nuzzled up to his side while they waited for her baggage.

After collecting her suitcases, they made their way to the family car. Even seeing the red economy class car her dad drove made Morgan feel more at home.

"We just need to stop at Benito's on the way home. Beatrix figured you would love pizza your first night home, and Gemma backed her up. Not that I put up much of a fight." Oswald said.

"Uh yes, glad you didn't." Morgan said, the idea of pizza from her family's favor place almost made her stomach growl on the spot.

"So how long have Beatrix and Gemma been home again?" Morgan asked, her sisters being students at different colleges. The idea of her father being alone at home being a big reason for her reluctance to go on the tour. On top of wanting to act like a real couple around the house without her sisters getting suspicious, she was worried about her dad getting lonely.

"They've both been home for a few weeks. You know Gemma, she knows how to rack up credit at school, so she finished up her projects and got home early. And Beatrix's classes wrapped up fast."

Beatrix went to school for Political science, she wanted to get into politics and try to make a difference. Head strong, and sharp tongued from debate club, and inclined towards teamwork and leadership through her sports, and her sisters, her councilors felt it was a good career path for her.

Gemma had a similar goal, just with science instead of politics, though her minor was in social sciences. None of them knew how Gemma managed all her academic projects, on top of her hobbies. She was neurodivergent in a way that let her focus on a lot of things at once, Oswald once saw her divide her attention between three different screens, and still complete her AP homework without making a single mistake.

Morgan wasn't interested in college but was finding her singing might make for a good career path.

As they drove on, Oswald and Morgan caught up. He followed her tour online and got up dates through phone calls and text messages, so they mostly just talked about her trip home.

"So yeah, transatlantic flights aren't bad, just boring, fortunately I found ways to... entertain myself." Morgan said, thinking of her little session in the plane bathroom. This led Morgan's mind back to her lustful thoughts.

Since giving her flower to her dad, masturbation stopped being enough, it was like his big cock permanently changed her pussy to need the real thing to keep it happy.

She looked over at her father. He was a handsome man, tall and slim, a strong jawline, and combed back hair gave him a strong, but non-threatening appearance. That's how everyone else saw him, but Morgan saw that AND the sexiest man she knew.

She thought back to him convincing her to go. What surprised her the most was him encouraging her to 'fool around' with boys abroad. Apparently, her father was into promiscuous women. This revelation was huge to Morgan, she felt like she saw a whole new side to her father. But it just made her love him more. It meant he was so sure of her feelings for him, he wasn't afraid of anyone else stealing her away from him. And he thought she was so sexy he wanted to know she was never wanting for pleasure.

But they were together again. Months of boys was fun, but Morgan wanted her Man again.

Morgan reached her hand over and ran her hand down his arm. "I followed your advice, Dad. I had a lot of fun, but there's one thing I need to tell you. No matter who I was with, I never stopped thinking about you.

"I can have fun on the side, but I need you for that real feeling of love."

Morgan reached down and unzipped her father's fly and began fishing for the slit in his boxers.

Oswald knew what she was doing. "Ah, Morgan, I know you missed me, but i...is now the right time.?" Oswald knew his middle daughter could get frisky when the mood struck, but he was hoping letting her be with other men would help her not be so needy with him. But all it managed to do was make her even more over sexed, what little was left of her sexual innocence had been chipped away by his encouragement of her indulging in her lust.

Morgan got a hold of his soft member. Pulling it out, she jerked it, causing blood to begin to flow into it, causing it to grow.

Oswald saw no point in fighting her, giving into his own lust in spite of himself, he just focused on keeping the car straight.

As her father's cock grew bigger and harder. Growing to its full size of 7.5 inches long and four inches thick. Looking at it, Morgan licked her lips. If she had any short coming in bed before, it was her 'head game.' Her father was used to taking the lead, so all she had to learn was to suppress her gag reflex. And though she loved it when her dad laid her on her back, supported her neck with his hand, and fucked her mouth and throat like a flesh-light, she wanted to prove she knew how to take the lead. Her ability to please her father was a big part of their new dynamic.

"I learned a few tricks over in Europe that I think you might like." Morgan said and moved her head down towards his lap, taking his hard dick into her waiting mouth.

Right away she took it as far back as she could, her lips going into the open fly and touching his crouch. Then she ran her tongue around his shaft, licking every inch she could, then she sucked as hard as she could, causing her cheeks to seal on either side of his dick. Then she pulled her head up until just the tip was left between her lips, where she ran her tongue over the most sensitive part of his member.

"Oh...ooooh." Was all Oswald could manage, this was the best blow job he had had since his wife died, and he was getting it from his daughter on his way to pick up some pizza.

Morgan continued her oral assault, letting out muffled moans, and letting the vibrations stimulate her dad more.

Oswald didn't want to get pulled over like this, so he had to focus on keeping the car straight and trying to cum as fast as possible.

Morgan was all too happy when she heard her dad moan and was rewarded with a few fresh shots of warm jizz into her mouth.

Her father's breathing returning to normal, and his member softening, Morgan let it flop out of her lips, careful not to spill a drop.

She swallowed her father's load, then politely tucked his penis back into place in his underwear and zipped up his pants.

Smacking her lips, Morgan just said, "Didn't want you to wait any longer Dad, I barely kept my hands off you, and I've had other lovers to help me out, I can't imagine what you must feel like.

"Hope you have enough left for later tonight, after Beatrix goes to sleep." She said with a wink.

Oswald didn't know what to say. She was more brazen than he had ever seen her. And she seemed to assume he hadn't had sex since she'd been away.

He was feeling nervous, he never liked keeping secrets, and keeping his relationship with his middle daughter secret was bad enough, but now he had even more secrets to keep.

He hoped that wouldn't be the case for too much longer, as he neared the pizza place to pick up his family's order.


Gemma laid on the couch in her family's living room, playing on their switch.

Beatrix walked out of the kitchen, and said "Uh, have you heard anything from dad, I just got back from my run, and wanting to save space for that meat lovers is the only thing keeping me from raiding the fridge." The two sisters were trying to kill time until their father returned with their middle sister, and her welcome home meal. Beatrix used the time to keep up with her exercise, while Gemma was more content to enjoy her free time indoors.

"Oh, dad texted me. He picked up Morgen, and was just loading her luggage into the car, should be on his way." Gemma lazily answered.

"Any word on the food?" Beatrix asked.

"Not yet, but even if he doesn't send an update, I doubt he would forget the pizza. It's already paid for, and you and him share an appetite." Gemma answered.

Sitting on the recliner, Beatrix asked. "What're you playing?"

"D.O.A." Gemma answered.

"Hope you didn't touch my saves?"

"Wouldn't dream of it, big sis."

"Don't you have a custom build PC just upstairs? Thought you would wanna use that rig to its fullest, considering what you went through to get it?" Beatrix finished her question with a knowing smirk at her sister.

"I was feeling a little nostalgic, and I relax better when laying on my back. And my friends helped me pay for that computer, it wasn't a transactional exchange. We are all about sharing between each other."