Hoff and Hols, a Romance Ch. 14

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Pixie at the centre of the storm.
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Part 14 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/05/2021
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Walking back across the Quad, I felt myself begin to shake. I pulled myself together. Emma needed me to be strong. I needed to be strong for us both.

As I opened the door, I saw she was in tears.

"Are you okay darling, what happened?"

Hugging her, I told her.

I sat with her. We prayed. I was just about to give her a ring when my phone went and Footy's number came up.

"Did you see my piece, Pixie?"

"Not yet, but you need to know what just happened here!"

I told her, and after cursing loudly she said:

"Get her back to North Parade, I am on my way!"

Emma and I left her staircase, but there was still a mob outside the College, and, as we walked back, I was horrified to see there were people milling around the house. None of them tried to stop us getting in, but I dialled the police when I got in.

Lady F was kindness itself, and AK told me that there had been people outside for the last half an hour. I told them both what had happened. Emma dissolved into tears, and I took her up to my bedroom.

"How is she?" AK asked with concern.

"Not good!" I told her and Lady F more about what had happened in college. Footy arrived a few minutes later and went straight to see Emma. Soon after that, the police arrived, and the crowd dispersed.

After what seemed an age, Footy came down.

"She needs something to help her sleep, Pixie. This can't go on!"

Footy was right about the former, but wrong about the latter.

Emma slept in the following morning. Lady F had ordered a full set of newspapers, and we were in most of them.

The ghastly Sun ran a picture of a weeping Emma with a caption:

"The turning of the Dyke!"

Even as we were digesting that, Footy's phone went.

"It's the BBC, Pixie, they would like you or Emma to be on Newsnight tonight."

We talked about it. Newsnight was the BBC's main discussion programme. It meant that the issue was becoming "real" news. But, as I told Footy, there was no way Emma was in a fit state. Indeed, bless her, she had already asked a doctor friend of hers to come round to look at Emma.

Lady F agreed. But, as Footy said, they would go ahead anyway, and someone from "our side" had to speak.

"But that's the problem, Footy, it is all about taking 'sides'."

"I know, Pixie, but the fact is there are sides. Emma can't do it. It's either you, or some spokesperson from the LGB Christian group. Which is it?"

I was uneasy about being forced into it and asked if we could respond after I had talked with Emma. They gave us a period of grace.

I went up to the bedroom to see Emma, but even as I did Footy said the Dean's Secretary was on the line and wanted to talk to her.

A tearful Emma dried her eyes and took the phone from Footy. We left her to it.

"This doesn't bode well, Footy."

"Bloody cowards are probably disowning the two of you - makes my blood boil."

I had hoped she was wrong, but from the state of Emma's face as she ended the call, I could see Footy had been right.

"She says," Emma sobbed, "that in view of the publicity they are going to suspend services at the College until further notice. It gets worse. They are withdrawing their approval of our relationship."

At that point she broke down.

Footy was incandescent with rage.

"Backbone of jelly!"

She was right, but it did not help Emma. Just as we had calmed her down, her phone rang. Footy answered it.

"It's the Bishop!"

Emma was already white; I thought she was going to be sick.

All we could catch was Emma saying "Yes," a lot, and a lot of talk from the bishop. She put the phone down and looked like death.

"No going on Newsnight, they are putting up a church spokesperson. They are also going to ask me whether our relationship is sexual. The hint was clear. If I say that in future it isn't, they will ignore what happened before this."

My heart sank like the proverbial.

They had gone there. They were putting Emma on the spot.

Footy exploded once more.

"I swear I have seen more spine on a jellyfish!"

Hugging Emma, I said:

"Darling, I have always said I will never get in the way of your vocation, and I meant it."

She looked at me, tears in her eyes.

"I don't know what to do Pix. I love you."

I hugged her. I could see Footy's eyes were tearful.

"There is nothing to do, my love. I am doing it. I love you enough not to have you sacrifice your vocation."

At that, Emma burst into tears anew.

AK came in, wondering what was going on. When Footy told her, she, too was angry.

She hugged us both.

"Pix, this is ridiculous!"

Smiling sadly and indicating she should calm down because it was upsetting Emma more, I just said:

"It is what it is. This is Emma's vocation, and I am not prepared to be the cause of its destruction."

Emma was in such a state that we put her to bed.

"You are going to have to do the programme, Pixie. You have no choice."

Just as Footy said that the BBC rang back.

I nodded. Footy was right, as we discussed after the call ended. This was "news" and if I did not give our side of it, it would be assumed that was because there was nothing to be said.

AK was wonderful. She hugged me - I needed it.

The adrenaline rush was fading, and I felt shaky. AK did us all some lunch and we discussed tactics. Footy said she had managed to get out of the BBC who else would be there; they would send a car for me. She was, she said, coming, either to "hold your hand" or "kick their arses" depending on her mood. That cheered me up.

Lady F was wonderfully helpful with advice about how to conduct myself. Her husband had done a lot of television. It all helped me feel less nervous.

"Right, Squirt, best little black dress. They will do hair and make-up - but let me make you up now so they get the idea."

Being useless with make-up, I let AK "doll me up" as she put it.

"I am so grateful Footy," I said, "you are a rock."

"I have hardly begun darling Pixie. What you did for Emma was the act of a saint. I know how much you love her."

"Enough not to ruin her life, Footy!"

The drive from Oxford to London took less time than we had thought. Footy briefed me on the way.

Her news was that the Church would have a Bishop on who would repeat the usual line and try to calm things. The critics would be represented to no-one's surprise by Bartlett, and there would be a person from the LGBTI+ to help make the foursome. We ran through what I might say or do. I was glad to have her there.

At the studio I was taken straight to make-up and thence to the "green room" where we had to wait. Bartlett was there already. He looked at me. I said "hello;" he did not have the grace to respond. The Bishop of Kensington joined us. I had seen John Davies on television before; he was an accomplished performer. Just before we were called, we were joined by the LGBTI+ representative who introduced herself as Judy Jensen.

Under the lights I felt uncomfortable; the brightness I had expected; the heat less so. Then, before I could count to ten, we were on. The Presenter outlined the 'controversy', as he put it, then turned Bartlett who ably put the case, but could not resist adding that the whole thing showed that "lesbian predators were treated more lightly than their male equivalents."

That brought an angry Judy in, who accused him of hypocrisy, quoting adverse comments he had made about gay men. He interrupted her, shouting loudly, and the interviewer switched to the Bishop who, with elegance, outlined the position of the Church, which was that while it recognised that according to the law of the land, gay marriages were legal, they were not acceptable to the Church, and priests and deacons could not be in same-sex relationships. That brought the angry Judy back in, accusing the Church of being "medieval", which in turn allowed Bartlett back in to say that was where this sort of "crap" led - infidelity. What, I wondered, was the point?

"So, Miss Hoff, as one of the two women at the heart of this story, what's your take?"

At that point Bartlett butted in, pointing out that the Bible forbade gay sex. I sighed.

"Mr Bartlett, if you want to turn this into a monologue, go ahead."

He seemed to realise he had overstepped, and motioned to allow me back in.

"Thank you. The Bible does indeed, in places, condemn same sex relationships, just as it bans shell-fish and suggests eating pork is wrong."

"But tradition..." Bartlett intervened.

There was a silence as I sighed.

The interviewer signalled for me to go on.

"Until recently, tradition said women could not be priests or bishops. It still does in some churches. The one you and I belong to allows it."

He looked angry.

"Not all of us agree."

"Indeed, but you are still in the Church. What the Bible condemns are certain types of same-sex acts in the context of temple prostitution...."


Bartlett exploded.

The Bishop looked suitably shocked.

I pulled from my bag a list:

"Here are five eminent scholars who support what I have said. The fact," I said to Bartlett's face, "is that you cite texts out of context."

"Bullshit! I quote Scripture!"

"You quote out of context. Tell me, how many times did Jesus condemn same-sex relationships?"

"That's irrelevant!"

"How many?"

"The Bible condemns them!"

"Jesus says God is love. He does not say that God condemns those who love each other. You say that. The hate is with you, not God!"

I felt I had driven a point home.

"Well," Bartlett shot back, "all I can say is that your actions have done nothing to help the woman you are sleeping with. You are having sex with her, aren't you?"

One could have heard a pin drop.

"Pure homophobia!" Judy declared.

"Do you have to personalise everything, Mr Bartlett?" The Bishop asked.

"It's okay, he has as much right to ask that as I do to ask whether he is sleeping with any of his students."

"That's outrageous, I am not answering that!"

It seemed that, accidentally, I had hit a nerve.

"Well, I commend to you, Mr Bartlett, St Luke 2, verses 2-8."

"That," the Bishop added helpfully, "is where Our Lord refused to answer a set of hypocrites in authority until they answered him."

"I will just say this," I added, "I have, as Jesus said we should, "prayed for you. Have you prayed for me?"

Bartlett was struck dumb.

"On that note," the interviewer said, "we will end this discussion. No doubt it will run."

Once the cameras were off us, Bartlett ripped his mic off and demanded his car back to Oxford. He left without saying a word.

The Bishop was nicer.

"He really is the ghastliest man. I hope you and Ms Don can work this through, Miss Hoff."

"Thank you, your Grace, but I fear that after this, there is nothing left to work through. Be sure to tell the Bishop of Oxford."

"I am sorry."

He seemed genuine.

Judy was gracious.

"You did so well. Can I call you Pixie?"

"Yes, and thanks for being here."

"Sorry I got angry. I don't know how you put up with these shits!"

As I said to Footy on the way home, nor did I.

Footy said I had more than held my own, a view confirmed when we saw the morning papers. I particularly liked The Sun's headline above a picture of me talking to Bartlett: "Baby Dyke fights back!" But to be frank, I was more worried about Emma, who was not at North Parade when I got back, and did not turn up for breakfast.

I phoned her, but she did not answer. I texted but got no reply. AK suggested I go to the College.

As I walked in, I was aware of fingers pointing at me. The Porters were, as ever, nice.

"Saw you on telly last night, Miss Hoff, you did well."

"Thanks George, is Emma in?"

"I have not seen her this morning, but I'd assume so."

I went to her staircase and walked up. I knocked. There was no reply.

George said he had not seen her but phoned the Dean for me.

"There is a note for you in the post, here, let me pull it out and give it to you now."

Trembling, I took it and went to the nearest coffee shop.

Almost frightened to open it, I forced myself to:

"Dearest Pixie,

I am more grateful, and hurt more than I can say, for two things: your love; and your self-sacrifice. The Bishop has advised me to take time at a retreat and I am taking it. If I saw you, I could not go. I feel a coward writing and not saying to your face. But if I see you, my courage will fail me.

I love you, Pixie. I am sorry we can't be together. I will miss you more than I can say. I love you - always will.


Emma xxx "

I broke down in tears.

I read it again and again as I walked back to North Parade.

AK could see at once that something was not right. I showed her the letter.

"Oh, Squirt!"

She hugged me to her capacious bosom. I just sobbed until, finally, she had to go to take care of Issy.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face. As I looked into the mirror, I hardly recognised myself.

But I had no time to feel sorry for myself.

One of the mid-market newspapers commissioned a piece from me on the controversy, which I managed in record time; to my delight they paid me £1000 for it. Other journalists wanted to talk to me, and by the time Footy arrived with some food, I was about talked out.

I showed her the letter too.

"Pixie, I am so, so sorry. But as your friend and tutor can I speak frankly?"

"Can you ever speak any other way, Footy?"

She gave one of her great bellowing laughs.

"Touché! But seriously Pixie, this needs thought. You have suddenly become notorious. I am sorry about the situation with Emma, but if you two want her to have a career in the Church, it is the only way. But it is you that worries me."

"How so, Footy?"

"Look Pixie, until now everything was set. You will get your starred first, and your DPhil money, but like it or not you are a marked woman. The Evangelicals will be out to get you, and most of the Church people will do what the Bishop has done, so forget the Church; you are not going to have a career there!"

My face fell, and she lifted my chin.

"But on the other hand, Pixie, you are already making waves in the world you want to. I have had the editor of one of the leading journals in our field ask me to ask you if you could write an article on Junia. If you can get published there while you are an undergraduate, the sky's the limit."

And so it was that, from that July day, all rivers ran in a fresh direction.

Lady F and AK (with the invaluable help of Issy) kept me sane at home; but the aching void left by Emma was a torment to me. I would reach out in the night, and I would think she was there, only to wake up, alone. I wanted to write, but apart from thanking her for her letter, I wrote no more. The pain was too great.

Writing the article, which was accepted, took up much of August, and I was glad of it. It may have been in the night that I missed Emma most, but the days were pretty ghastly too.

Gradually the media fuss died down, and the circus moved on. But as we began to gear up for the new academic year, it was clear to me that Footy had been correct. I noticed in the Bodleian that some people would point me out to others. In the Theological Faculty Library, the same thing would happen. Occasionally someone, usually a woman, would come up to me and say thank you. There would be the odd man who would give me a dirty look, but no one said anything.

To say that the final year's work was hard would be an understatement. I still had to produce an essay every other week for one of the modules, and Footy's Special Subject took up every hour I could give it. My relaxation was Issy, and I loved it when Keith was home on leave and he and AK played with her; it felt like the home I had never had. It also reminded me, as my birthday approached, that I needed to contact my mother. But it was too much. Surely, I reasoned, she would get in touch with me? So, I left it.

My birthday came and went. Lady F and AK made a fuss, and Footy turned one of our regular Friday soirées into a party for me.

Unusually for me, I drank more than a glass. It was partly because my article had just been accepted, which was, indeed a cause for celebration. I think I had hoped fora card or something from Emma; but there was nothing.

As the evening came to an end, I could see AK was sad, so asked her why?

"It's you, Squirt. You seem so alone sometimes. Footy tells me you are going great guns on the academic front, but I know you well enough to see below the surface. When was the last time you came?"

As we had both had a bit to drink, that was the sort of question that seemed quite normal at that time of the night, so I answered.

"About a week before the crap blew up!"

"Sod it Squirt, come here!"

AK pulled me to her. I not only put up zero resistance, I leapt on her.

Giggling, we went back to her room, with her whispering we should be careful not to wake Issy.

As she pulled my dress up and off, I felt myself flood. I wanted her so badly.

I opened her blouse and helped her off with it, unclasping her bra so I could feast greedily on her tits. They were bigger than they had been last time I sucked there. My hands massaged them, with of course, the inevitable result, as I got a mouthful of sweet breast milk.

"Oh Squirt, yes, that feels so fucking good!"

Encouraged, I went for it, suckling harder, loving the taste - and the effect on AK.

My hand pulled her knickers down, and as they fell to the floor, she stepped out of them. I cupped her pussy, pressing her lips into her clit.

"Fuck! Squirt!"

"Shush!" I giggled.

She turned down the volume, but not the gyrations, pressing herself onto my hand as I sucked hard. As I got into my stride, she pushed herself onto my hand in time with my sucking. The scent from her pussy was filling the air, and I was loving the taste of her milk, but even more, the effects it was having on her body. She moaned, low and long, falling back on the bed and letting me do as I wanted.

It was so long since I had been with her, and suddenly that, the heartache of missing Emma, and my neediness, came together as I devoured her. I wanted every last drop of her nectar and pushed my face into her almost without regard. My nose found her clit and pushed it, as my fingers parted her lips so I could lick her inner wetness; I pushed my tongue in. AK pushed herself on me, arching her back and wriggling as my tongue delved in and out. How she did not wake Issy, goodness knows, that baby slept soundly.

My hands on her arse, I pulled her to me, slowing down my eager licking and making her groan softly.

"Squirt, oh yes, yes, I missed that tongue!"

I gave her what she had missed. Sliding my tongue upwards, slowly, I stopped just short of her clit. At the same time, I slid a finger across her perineum, scooping some of her juices to tease her arsehole. She groaned and, unable to wait, pressed herself down onto my invading finger, so it pushed in deeper. I felt her clench there.

At that point, I moved my tongue up to push her clit, flicking it, before sucking on it, as I knew she loved. She was now beyond recall; I knew the signs of old. Sucking harder, I let my teeth scratch her.

"Bite me!"

So I did. Somehow her orgasm failed to wake Issy, but she coated my face with her cream. As I licked, she came a second time, a smaller, but intense orgasm which gave me more of her essence. I felt her hands in my hair. She pulled me up.

"Nice to have you back, Squirt. I love you!"

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PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much Aoife, and the saga is not yet run it’s course xxxxx

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsterover 1 year ago

Hoff and Hols together again. So sad about Emma. I can only hope that the tides shifts.


PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Franziska, your warm heart is much appreciated xxxxx

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Intense .... Xoming back to my comment from the last chapter we should try "make love not war" in the meaning "war what is he good for, absolutely nothing sy it again" ..... But as we see even the christians , im mean people which praying to the same god, starting fighting and killing themself for theyr simple minds focus ..... This is human and so im sorry to be part of this race ...... Back to your story lady Pixiehoff, your hands must be burned from the hottest iron you have been wielding or hopefully you use good gloves to protect yourself ..... Its sad to say so, but extremely intense wonderful chapter

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Wiz. As you will see this stage of the relationship with AK is the beginning of some questioning for Pixie about what it and is not right. Keith, rest assured, is comfortable with it. Chapter 15 is up tomorrow, and 16 the day after, by 17, I hope some of the great questions you have raised will be answered xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, darling MamaS. You know I appreciate your comments. Chapter 15 is due tomorrow, and 16 and 17 are in a queue - they may cheer you up xxxxx

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 2 years ago

Just full of hypocrites - religion of all variations!

You would be better without it; you can still be the same person with the same beliefs and “rules”, but not be judged by those who have no right to judge!!

I’m not sure jumping into bed with AK was the best course of action, even if the sex was super hot! Would Kieth allow this tryst if he knew about it? Has AK just committed adultery (or at least infidelity) with Pixie? Answer to both is “unlikely” and “yes” to each question!!

Your writing quality is not in question and this is a super series that asks many questions on society and morality, and shows that people who live a life style that differs from what some see as “normal” or “immoral” have just as much right as everyone else and should be accepted for who they are and the choices they make for themselves.

SerradaCSerradaCover 2 years ago

PixieHoff writes some of the most powerful and insightful material on Lit. But, sometimes, those of us who read it should refrain from commenting until our emotions calm. I am one.

This chapter and all those that preceded it have brought out some powerful emotions in me. Pixie’s writing and her approach to storytelling from the intimate encounters to the loving interactions of the lives of those who have seen much like Lady F, through the innocent acceptance and love of Issy, and finally the strength of those who do not share the desires of the principles, but who understand they have a role in the lives and defense of others just as Footy does.

I never find Pixie’s characters trite or predictable, and I am always left wanting more and hungry for the next chapter. She always seems to make me think, certainly feel, and this whole story is the best of her work so far. So I am looking, with great trepidation and hope, to the following chapters, as long as I can get a case of tissues before they post and a cup of tea and a long walk before I comment.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

My darling Bobbi, thank you. Chapters 15, 16 and 17 are all backed up in "pending" and will, I hope, help matters. Thank you for your love and support xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you MamaS. The problem Emma faced is one her real-life counterparts face every day. The Church of England does not, in England, recognise gay marriages, and does not permit gay relationships for its clergy. Of course, as I know well, "don't ask, don't tell" works; but that is why one would dread any revelation!

ArkingArkingover 2 years ago

Getting hot and flustered here babe. Can I say this before I forget. I love Issy, so silent with all the conversations around her, yet it seems like in an instant she can end a conversation without say a word.

You do have this knack of being able to seek a solution in a situation when none appears to be there. Facts are facts, you can't change them, you can ignore them, twist them to suit your own narrative, but you can't change them. The facts are my dear friend, you are one hell of a great writer.

I am no theologian and no lover of the church, any church, but it seems to me that there appears to be more people who disbelieve, who show more signs of faith, than those who do believe.

SerradaCSerradaCover 2 years ago

Although I don't condone them, the 'invertebrates' in the churches are at the mercy of their customers. They should lead, agreed, but what good is a leader if no one is following? They can not just lead, but teach, and there are those who have ears to hear, then teach and lead them, the rest will do as they wish anyway.

I once heard a joke about a man marooned alone on an island. Years later when rescued he was asked about the buildings...

"That one is my house, that one is my storage, that one is my work shop, and that one is my church."

Looking around, they notice another building much like the church he had previously mentioned. "So what is that?" They asked.

"Oh," he responded, "That is my old church. I fought with the pastor and left."

With church attendance declining, many professional managers with 'dog collars' are terrified to strike out and say something controversial. Those that do sometimes thrive, many don't, and those who are invested in the system are afraid to rock the boat.

They forget that Jesus was a shit-stirrer; he did not politely ask the money changers to leave; he kicked ass. If he had been a 'go along/get along' kind of guy, the Romans would have left him alone. But, he was not, they did not, and the rest is history.

I don't know whether Emma should stir some shit, but I know those quiet people who go along seldom create change, and change is needed in this case. Perhaps she will succeed, maybe she will fail, but the truth is, the way of the Lord is seldom easy, and we must each take up our crosses and start walking.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Migbird, and as you see, there are echoes of another way this one worked itself out for me. I am glad that you feel it worked. xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Anonymous, and I am glad to have your perspective, as it shows the portrayal of Hoff and Hols is working. They have more to go through, but there is light at the end of the tunnel - and it is not the oncoming train xxxxx

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

Commented a couple of chapters ago on how well you craft endings to many/most chapters: You bring closure while opening possibilities. Well, the end of the previous chapter foreordained this follow up — no closure. You depict perfectly the chaotically escalating scene surrounding Emma and Pixie. Pixie finds herself rising to the occasion in a very uncomfortable situation — surprising no one, including herself (in the end), which is actually quite satisfying. The BBC panel “discussion” reminds me of how well Pixie handled the interview with Ruth and Milly in Chapter 8 of Guilt and Redemption; she is confident, adroit, and in the BBC panel throws down a gauntlet rather than being satisfied with a bit of touché (Milly and Ruth interview). And once again, a highly erotic scene is linked beautifully/poignantly with the storyline. Enjoy commenting on your creativity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love the recurring theme of Hoff and Hols being there for each other when one of them is in any sort of need. Both seem to be regularly losing important people in their lives, and the one comforting constant is that Hoff and Hols have always been there for each other. It's heartening that the support group has expanded beyond just the two of them to include Footy, Lady F, and others, but there is a special bond only Pixie and AK share that has been forged over time. Oddly enough, I find Pixie's loss of Emma to be more traumatic than AK's loss of Cris; mainly because Cris was lost to an accident, while Emma was lost due to a heinous bigoted attack by hypocritical elements within the Christian faith. I'm still seething about Bartlett's words and actions, and about the cowardice demonstrated by the church in failing to fully support one of their finest members. PixieHoff has evoked powerful feelings and reactions with the events in this chapter, which speaks to her talent as a writer / storyteller. Excellent work. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, my darling Amadeus. The darkness comes from within us, and it has never ceased to amaze me that Christians, who believe we are a fallen race, think that retreating into that darkness by treating others as they would hate to be treated themselves, is any solution to anything, I am glad you spotted the symbolism of the mother's milk - it presages a brighter dawn xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, darling Maonaigh. Alas, yes, backbone is so often wanting - and it is among less exalted people, the Footys of the world, where you find love and support xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, OneAuthor - life poses these awful dilemmas, and the situation is one of which, well shall we just say, I have knowledge of. AK is there as always xxx

OneAuthorOneAuthorover 2 years ago
Very emotional

It's so sad that Emma and Pixie cannot be together without sacrificing Emma's vocation. Pixie did handle herself well in the interview, and it was good that she got published... but it's a shame she suffered the heartache of losing Emma. At least AK knew how to lift her spirits... among other things.

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