Holy Order of Revisionist Saints Ch. 04

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Will joins COCK to fight WHORS.
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Sex only if they are 18 & over

Incest is there but I tried to keep it secondary to the story.

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I write because I like writing stories.


Chapter 17

I was really enjoying my kiss with Sabrina as she rubbed herself against my erection. The muscles in her backside were pleasantly rippling under my palms in sync with her movements. I again felt something taking control of my actions as I bent slightly without disengaging our lips. With my right arm behind her knees and left arm behind her back I lifted her, cradling her to me. She made a surprised squealing sound in the back of her mouth as her feet left the ground, but she didn't try to release the kiss. Carrying my new prize to the bedroom I overheard three women giving a huge wistful sigh and a comment from Marion.

"Isn't that just so beautiful to see."

Not sure who spoke next, "Oh, I wish that were me he was taking away like that. So romantic."

Reaching the bedroom without Sabrina kicking anything or getting a concussion I gently placed her on the bed. We still hadn't parted our lips and I joined her in lying down. Her arms went around me as though making sure I stayed with her. Not sure why but I was almost disappointed she had not fought me. Still the naive almost-virgin in the ways of sexual, and personal, relationships I could only go by my instinct. In these circumstances this was the inner creature that controlled things, I went along for the ride. Although I doubt I had any choice in the matter.

Sabrina soon lost her shirt and pants, and surprisingly had no underwear, I was helped in removing my clothing by a woman who was close to hyperventilating. She was now impatient for me to become her lover and I found myself pushed onto my back. I closed my eyes to enjoy the mouth that had slid over my erection, but as soon as I relaxed with it she pulled off. It seemed that her patience ran out as she quickly sat on me and with some manoeuvring inserted me into her vagina. Letting out a huge breath she demonstrated how much she liked my cock inside her with an orgasm. My inner beast became impatient itself at her just sitting still on me and I grabbed her to roll over. I had slipped out in the move but quickly grabbed and raised her knees giving my cock easy access to her vagina. Another squeal from Sabrina as I slid in and pumped her hard and full from the start.

Our eyes were now open and we stared at each other. I could see her wince each time I pushed in and pout with each withdrawal. I could see from her far-off expression and heavy breathing that she was approaching her next climax. I was able to hold my climax off until she peaked. With my semen gushing, her climax rose to a new level and her scream reverberated around the room. As the room turned silent I released her legs and dropped down on top of her.


"That was so beautiful, do we all look like that?

"Quick move him so we can share the bounty."

I overheard the talking between my lovers, although who said what was beyond my powers. I was pushed aside by them and my cock was quickly encased in a hot mouth. Sabrina let out another squeal, I could only guess someone was trying to suck or lick my juices from her. I would have looked except my face was pressed into another crotch forcing me to lick and suck a very wet female bit. Things got a little confusing after that, but I tried to piece activities together. The mouth that had covered my cock moved off to be replaced with a vagina. Sabrina gave another squeal then moaned telling me her crotch was again getting attention. Meanwhile there was little movement over the top of me, but I could just make out two women moaning and what sounded like kissing. I thought that the pair on top of me were possibly swapping my cum, something I had seen in a porn video.

The body over my head eventually moved and the three female family members shifted to new positions. I guess to share out the semen from Sabrina's vagina. I could now see although I was held in position by Marion who had impaled herself on my cock. Tamsyn had slipped down to be the third to clean out Sabrina while Florence was sharing her rewards directly with Sabrina. All four women were getting more turned on by the minute and I was being pulled along for the ride. A little while later we all reached our peaks with Marion getting my next load. She held still as I filled her up.

By the time we were finished our session I had pumped out five loads, two into my newest lover. We were then too worn out to leave the bed and relaxed in a jumble of bodies. Every now and again a woman would move causing a shuffle of bodies, which had me perplexed as to why. The latest move resulted in another squeal from Sabrina. I followed the next, and third, time it happened to see that each woman was repositioning herself to clean out my semen from one of the other women. Somehow they knew who had and who hadn't been attended to. My cock returned to its state of hardness as I watched, to be mounted by Florence as she cuddled me, satisfied to just have me inside.

Chapter 18

The sex was non-stop for at least 24 hours, and I found myself finally feeling fatigue and my cock was a little tender. I smiled at the women as they very tentatively moved around the house. I was sitting at the kitchen table with Marion and Tamsyn as the other two prepared dinner. It was going to be a large meal and we were taking it in turns to make it. No-one could stand still or move around for long before needing a rest. The women even found it difficult to sit down with such tender crotches. In the bathroom as we had showers and cleaned up after our marathon session, we had fun rubbing creams into the tender areas. It would have easily become another sexual time except for the rawness of our bits and pieces.

We were finishing the meal when Florence brought up something we needed to discuss, "Will, what are we going to do now that we are free of the church? Do you think we can keep hidden forever from the WHORS and stay safe?"

Marion added her thoughts, "Having known Will's mother for a few years I doubt she would rest until Will was back in her clutches. She's very possessive about her children, I had her overseeing everything that went on in our home. Not just ours, but Will's brothers and sisters as well. I can see what she was like much clearer now, Harriet had an obsession to control all around her. I was possibly the only one in her family not working for her, and I think I only got away with it because I worked for my own mother."

Tamsyn asked, "So you doubt she will just forgive and forget?"

I had followed and answered, "No, she won't. If she thinks the committee might try something against her, will only push her further to fix the problem, me."

We were silent for a while, lost in our thoughts until Sabrina asked, "Do you think you should join COCK so you can prevent future problems with the WHORS?"

The women went silent and watched me intently as I considered the various paths, and answered with a cautious voice, "I think there is little choice in the matter. Mother and the WHORS are not going to let us be in peace if past history is any guide. So far Sabrina and her group, COCK, has shown they are prepared to help us, so I think it only fair we help them," I let my eyes go from one woman to another in silent question before placing a hand in the centre of the table, saying, "If you are in agreement let's all be joined."

They understood my meaning by each placing a right hand over mine on the table. It was a surprise the a total of five hands made the stack on the table. I think we got carried away with the togetherness at that time. The emotion following the decision and how we sat quietly looking at each other for a while added some tension. Three actually groaned as we all stood at the same time and they followed me to the bedroom. We tried to keep the single hand hold, but that became impossible, we made do by grabbing whichever hand was closest. That night may not have been as energetic or last as long as our long session, but it more than made up with emotion. I felt like we had become a single organism. We also fell asleep early and awoke the next morning refreshed, if a bit sticky.

Two hours after Sabrina told Harry of our decision he joined us to go over some details we needed to know. They let us have access to a compound they owned outside of town. It was in a secluded place ensuring peace and quiet, and security. An old seaside tourist attraction and accommodation complex to which they had added security and renovated for living. Apparently a group of women lived here with their children and a husband. They had since moved to another location to have a change of scenery, apparently.

Harry told us, "The place was originally a tourist complex and had to close down during an economic downturn. It was empty for a number of years until this guy with his own harem bought, renovated and lived there. The unusual arrangement of a single man with at least a dozen wives got our attention. We investigated and found he was just a guy with a health problem. Seems he needed all those women for his ongoing treatment. We left them alone but kept a lazy watch on them in case it changed. Just as well as we think it could be a good place for you and your friends to live until things get sorted out."

Another SUV was also delivered for our use. I noticed its windows were all blackened so dark as to be like mirrors during the day. Brian then took us to a nearby gymnasium where we met instructors for fitness and self defence. Over the next two month we were put through a rigorous program so we would have a chance to take care of ourselves. I was surprised when Brian took us to a private gun range where we spent time learning the safe use and upkeep of various firearms, and practised their use. When we weren't exercising, hitting and throwing each other, or shooting we managed to spend time at the compound. Here we set things up as a place for us to eventually reside, and somewhere for the people we saved and converted away from the church influence. In the meantime we lived in the safe house we had initially been taken to.

Nine weeks after the fateful night I had changed and taken my first lovers from the church, Harry called us together to tell us we were ready. We talked about many things relating to what we should do and make plans and strategies. I wanted to just rush in quickly so I could convert them away from the church. My idea of home invasions was vetoed by the others being too rash and prone to being caught or someone being hurt. I eventually caved in to going gung-ho, but stuck to my need to help our families first.

I was adamant, "I have two brothers an two sisters, all married with children. Tam has her two children and husband. Those kids are all young and we have a great chance to give them a real life. I can only hope we can somehow change the adults like I have already done. I know my three are family and we do some things together that would be frowned upon by others. I don't necessarily want to do this to my female family members, but I will if needs be. I have no gay tendencies so I hope there is another way, maybe if the saved wives can have sex with their respective husbands it will be enough. We also need to do something about Florence's husband and my own father as well. Father and Julienne have lived their entire lives under the church rule, but surely we can save them as well. At least so that they don't live the rest of their lives as subservient to others."

My three lovers had teary eyes as I said this and each reached out a hand to grip my own tightly. I gave them as best of a reassuring look that we will do this.

Harry thought for a minute and agreed, "Yes Will, that may be as good a place to start as any. I might suggest that we get Tamsyn's family first. We have been keeping watch on them and it looks like after being questioned they have been allowed stay at their home. We noted an increase in vehicles driving randomly in the streets which suggests they have more security patrols.

"There was also some activity at the homes with various tradesmen coming and going. We guess they have fitted added home security and surveillance. On the plus side is that Brian's IT team has been able to tap into the house security system that the church uses. We can now look in and check who is inside each house and divert any video screening going on. It should delay any security team from being dispatched if a problem occurs.

"Brian will be here for a couple of days with some of his team and a member of that will reside here with you. This will allow you to plan things and coordinate better."

Chapter 19

It became busier in the house as we prepared for our first rescue. We still went out for our training sessions and I noticed that our bodies were toning up quite bit. My three women had always been curvy in shape and although this remained so, their curves took on a tighter appearance. They were replacing the small amount of body fats with muscle. It showed in how their abdomens were tighter and flatter, butts were firmer and had less wiggle, and breasts sat higher on their chests thanks to muscle strengthening. I was lucky that they hadn't lost any size in the chest department as any fat content was more than compensated with muscle and uplift.

Sabrina had always been a slimmer, more athletic version of a woman. Her muscles were toned when I first met her and she had maintained her fitness. Her figure was a more straight line than my other three, although she in no way was just a stick. Her hips still sat wider then her waist, and her breasts were larger than you would expect on any athlete. Sitting out like torpedoes, the boobs appeared much larger naked than covered within bras. Seems that torpedo breasts shoot out a long way but lack volume, so bras pull them in and spread them out. The first night we got intimate I hadn't taken much notice of her naked body with my attention on the act of us having sex, further complicated by the other women having their turns as well. Over time I found my cock reacting to her as much and as easily as the others.

Getting sidetracked was always easy for me whenever we got together to discuss anything. Sometimes we even managed to finish the topic before our hormones took over. One such topic was Sabrina's ability to 'see' what the real person is like. She had gathered that information about me before doing the kiss thing in college. It was a bit disappointing when she advised this wasn't always reliable or even possible as some individuals were unreadable.

Most of the HORS members she had managed to get close to were difficult to read. I was the odd one out due mostly to my strong inner personality that had only been imprisoned, not subjugated by their teachings and control methods. Her tests on my three women had only been after I had changed them, so she had little to guide her. In the past she had tried reading one of the central WHORS but became severely nauseous as soon as she connected. It will take a trial and error approach, but she was sure she could help determine potential problems and possible converts.

The computer boffins had tapped into the security systems installed in the houses. So far it was only to the camera systems, but this helped. They hope to eventually crack into the main computer system the church uses and we'll then know more about the main compound. The first thing we asked to see was Tamsyn's house. Georgina, our in-house geek, did her thing and we were presented a view of Tamsyn's children having lesson time, even if just preschool curriculum. Overseen by her husband and a woman we assumed was from the church. All education of children had to be done by females sanctioned by the church committee. Men acted like teacher's aids with the setting out and clearing up. Girls were taught and the boys normally got to sit quietly and watch their sisters. I was one of the odd males to get a real education as I was shown to be have some ability early on. Although not taught directly if a boy shows interest and aptitude he might be included in the schooling. This happened to me.

Tamsyn broke down and cried at seeing her children for the first time in months. In our previous lives, except for the kids' education, women took little notice, and definitely never invested any emotion or care towards their offspring. Even though we had all gone through such a huge change in our lives it was strange to see a woman mourn for her family. We hugged the devastated woman and tried to give her as much support as possible. I could see it was working as she soon settled to just enjoy the comfort from us. Afterwards I noted this was about the first time a group hug hadn't devolved into an orgy.

On separating we sat back to continue discussing what our first move should be, when Tamsyn quickly dropped to her knees in front of me. She had a look imploring me to agree before putting her forehead onto the floor.

"Please Tam, what is the problem. You don't need to do this just to get my attention. Speak to me, please."

Tamsyn sat up with her legs folded beneath her and her hands held on her lap, "Master, I humbly ask that we save my children as soon as possible. Seeing that woman with them, in my home, is hard for me to bear. I never gave them a thought in the past, but now I can only think of how I need them to be with me. I must be the one who cares about how their life should proceed, and give them the chance to choose for themselves when they are old enough."

She was soon joined on the floor by her mother and sister as they added their backing to her plea. I had already thought they would be first and was about to let her know this when Sabrina knelt beside them on the floor. I had wondered if I had changed her as she had become a permanent fixture with us during the days and at night in our bed. I though she had an attraction to me and to my lovers, which had her join us. This was perhaps the first time she set herself with them in supplication to me, without it being a prelude to one of our sex games. Sabrina had never been a member of a cult, and definitely never of our church. Yet I now seemed to have had a similar effect on her.

From the corner of my vision I could see Georgina look in surprise at her, then give me a look of concern and frown. I had a terrible feeling she might be thinking I was setting up a cult for myself. The last thing I actually wanted was to be the centre of one, or even a member of another cult. Growing up in a cult was more than enough for me for all of my lifetime. I put this thought aside to concentrate on the immediate concerns.

"Tamsyn, of course we can free your daughter Faye and son Peta."

I had barely completed her son's name when they rushed me thanking me over and over again. The kids were possibly the best ages of three and two years old to get them away from the cult's influence. They are almost too young to have been too deeply indoctrinated, especially Peta who was still just a toddler. The brain is a funny thing as a stray thought went through it that we should start calling him the more male name Peter or simply Pete. I enjoyed being the centre of attention of my four lovers, what man wouldn't enjoy the hugs and kisses. Again I noted we didn't automatically become sexual as we parted.

Over the next few days we worked on learning the patterns of the lives of Marion's family members. I also had Georgina add my family to her close watch for later use. The woman at Tamsyn's house only stayed for the mornings on weekdays. This gave us a window of afternoons and nights to free them. From our experiences of living in the cult weekends are devoted to attending various services, assemblies and meetings to show devotion, prayer and the various working groups in any community. Attendance is strictly monitored and late arrivals are soon checked by the security teams.