Home On The Range Ch. 05


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Mom tried her best to sound enthused as she congratulated me on my horse and getting a rifle to shoot varmints. She warned me to be careful with the gun. I assured her that grandpa gave me safety instructions before he let me fire his rifle and would probable give me more instructions.

I told her we were going to go into the city and grandpa was going to buy some cell phones so we could send her pictures of me when I get dressed up in my new country girl or cowgirl clothes with my boots and spurs on.

Again, we could hear the strain in mom's voice as she told me she couldn't wait to see pictures of me all dressed up. She said she would show the other ladies on the block my pictures when she got them.

Then I said, "Mom, the real reason I called you is to ask you a question about passing out during sex. I told her about enjoying sex with grandpa and ... well ... I don't remember much about what happened. Can I give grandpa the phone and let him explain it to you?"

Suddenly there was concern in mom's voice as she said, "Yes, honey, let me talk to my father and find out what happened."

I handed the phone to grandpa and he said, "Hello Brenda."

Mom was real pleasant as she asked, "What happened to Britt dad?"

"I know you know more about this stuff than I do, that's why I told Britt to call you so you can explain it to her. This morning I was giving her oral and she got really excited and apparently worked up a major orgasm to the point she squirted all over me and the bed before she passed out or blacked out or fainted. I don't know which. All I know was she was riding high and then nothing. She was out or non-responsive for almost ten minutes. I was holding her and calling her name, but nothing happened until she finally fluttered her eyes and asking what happened to her. She says she doesn't remember anything other than things started spinning and everything went black."

"Damn dad, you never gave me an orgasm like that. What were you doing before you started licking her pussy?"

"Well, the best I can remember, I told her she had a cute little ass and then one thing led to another and I ended up spanking her cute little ass, not hard mind you, but enough to leave some red handprints on her cheeks. Then I flipped her over and went face first into her pussy and attacked like ... well ... like I really love her and wanted to pleasure her the best way I know how. Things were going along nicely, and she was humping my tongue and then she squirted all over me, then just stopped moving. I thought her orgasm was over and she was resting because she was still breathing ok, fast and irregular but ok. But after a minute or so, I called her name and she didn't respond so I got up on the bed and saw her eyes were open, but nobody was home."

I picked her up and cradled her in my arms and started calling her name and the longer she didn't respond to me the louder I got. Snake was downstairs and rushed up to see what was wrong and both of us patted her hand and called her name. But when she was ready, her eyes fluttered, and she slowly came to. I mean my heart was in my throat because I've never seen a girl or woman do that before. I mean she was out of it."

"But when she came to, the first words out of her mouth was she had to pee. I carried her in the bathroom and she really did have to pee. Then I carried her downstairs and laid her on the couch, but she had to sit up and drink some coffee with us. Within a half hour we were putting on our boots and headed for the barn. Just like you were, she's a stubborn girl and insisted she had to go to the barn and help with chores. I stayed here this morning and did some of the chores so all she did was feed the animals."

"Like I said, I've heard of that stuff happening, but it's never happened to your ma, so I didn't know what exactly happened to her. But that's all the information about it. I hope you can explain it to her, so we'll know if it ever happens again. Britt told me in confidence that you and she have a no secret thing between you two. I hope I'm not violating that."

"No dad, you aren't violating anything. I'm so glad you told her to call me. I know you won't let anything happen to her and if I know you, you're probably stricter on her than I would be now that she's eighteen and out of school. Actually, I saw one of her friends the other day and she's going to have a baby and when I asked her if the father of her baby was going to marry her, she confided in me that she participated in a gangbang with ten guys so she has no idea who the baby's father is. All I can say is if Britt gets pregnant, she won't have to worry about who the father is, right dad?"

I snapped to attention as did grandpa and no one said a word which gave mom a chance to put one and one together before she said, "I hope you have the son you've always wanted dad."

Grandpa looked at me and I motioned for him to give me the phone. When he handed it to me, I said, "Mom, I'm back. How can you possibly come up with that conclusion when you are all the way out there in Cleveland and I'm a couple thousand miles away from you?"

"I'm your mother Britt. The way my father described what happened to you this morning and the love I clearly heard in his voice as he talked gave me a hint that he is in love with you. Then when he paused when I asked that question, I knew you are going to try to give him the son he's always wanted. I want you both to know that as hard as it's going to be to accept it, I give you my blessings and I look forward to enjoying my grandson when he arrives. The only thing I ask of you is that you keep me in the loop when you find out your pregnant. Have you thought about how illegal it is?"

"Yes, mom we have and because I was raised in the city where many of the girls in school dropped their panties for any guy and almost every guy, and one of them got her pregnant, I'm not going to have that problem."

"I will positively know who the father is, even if I won't be able to list him on the birth certificate. Yes, we've talked about all this and at first, he fought me all the way until I told him about not listing him on the birth certificate and that was legal because so many girls back home bragged about having fatherless babies, at school."

"We also discussed the fact that when our son gets old enough, we will explain our love for each other, and I do love him with all my heart mom, and why there isn't a father's name on his birth certificate."

"The best part is Dr. Lipstein told us about the HIPAA rules and since she is the only doctor and a midwife in the area, she will be the one to birth our child here in our home. No one but us will know except you, me, grandpa, snake and Dr. Lipstein."

"I see you have thought a lot about this haven't you Britt?"

"Yes, mom, I have. I love this man and I'm going to give him the son he's always wanted and maybe a daughter so the two of them can grow up together. Both you and I know what it's like to grow up as the only child, don't we mom?"

"Honey, did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

Grandpa signaled me to pass him the phone and when I did, he said, "Honey. Brenda, did I ever tell you how much I loved you and I still do with all my heart. I'm not trying to replace your mother because I've already told Britt that Maggie will always remain as my number one girl. If she wants me like she has professed, she'll have to accept being my number two girl."

When we heard mom's voice again, she was crying as she said, "Dad, I've always loved you and I love Britt just as equally. Dad, you have my blessing to go forward and try for your son and make me a grandmother while I am still young like you and mom were for Britt. I'm so sorry now for taking your granddaughter away from you and mom by being selfish and moving to the city far away from you. Will you ever forgive me dad?"

Grandpa had tears running down his cheeks and he choked up, but he was able to say, "Yes, Brenda. No matter where you are or how old you are, you will always be my baby girl. I am so damn proud of you being the person you are. You gave me a granddaughter just as strong willed as you were at her age, but she is the opposite of you. Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful grandchild."

"Brenda, when it's time for Britt to give birth to our baby, I want you to be here with us to celebrate his birth. I want you to know your grandson."

"I will dad, I promise. I wouldn't miss that for the world. Both of you mean so much to me."

"Here talk to Britt again."

"I took the phone and said, "MOM, I love you so much."

"Britt, I'm so full of emotions now, my mind is ..."

I interrupted her saying, "I know mom, I feel the same way. I'm so far away from you, I wish you were here now so I could hug you and console you. But you know mom, you'd be hugging the naked me. I've stopped wearing clothes unless we have to go to town, or someone is coming over that we don't know."

"I am here for you Britt. Anytime you want to talk to me, please call me. You are my only baby and I love you as I'm positive your grandpa loves you. He is a very good man Britt, take care of him."

"I will mom. I love him with all my heart."

"Honey, I'm not going to say anything to your father about this conversation and I don't want you to either. When the time comes, we will welcome our grandchild into this world and celebrate the birth. If the question ever comes up, I'll handle your father. I need to get going sweetheart, your father will be home soon, and I need to get changed so we can get dinner."

"Mom, I love you and I appreciate you accepting my choice of my man. Goodbye mom, love you."

"Britt, I love you too, goodnight, love you."

I turned off the portable phone and looked at grandpa and snake. Grandpa stared at me and said, "How the hell did she do that?"

I was confused how mom came to her conclusion just like the other two sitting on the porch. All I could say was, "She's your daughter grandpa."

"The best part out of that whole conversation is when she blessed our relationship and she wants a healthy and happy baby from us. I agree totally. Oh, I just remembered, she never did tell you why you passed out this morning. Gheeeeezzzz, that girl ..."

"So now we can calm down and watch the sunset and enjoy the peacefulness of the ranch, unlike my mom."

There was silence for a while and as I moved back and forth in the swing l said, "One thing I'm not going to miss is the hustle and bustle of Cleveland. People move way to fast in the city and I've determined that I prefer this kind of life. It may be harder, but it is way better. That is if some son-of-a-bitch will turn the thermostat down."

Out of nowhere the guys started asking me more about my childhood. I gave them the best description I could of all the things I did through the years. Then they bombarded me with more questions. I had absolute fun telling them about the girl who was now naked, sitting on the porch of a Texas ranch with two older guys. That night we laughed at even the smallest things, while our friendship grew by leaps and bounds.

Grandpa reminded me that Bart Smith and his crew of girls would be coming out tomorrow to start the fireplace. I told him I remember and that wasn't going to change the way I dressed in the morning to do my chores. I told both my guys when Bart walked into the barn in the morning, he was not only going to see my small titties, but he was going to see my bald pussy as well. I told them I wasn't going to wear my shorts in an attempt to persuade the girls to work topless or naked out by the pond. I told grandpa and snake I wanted to finish my chores early but not to early so I could walk out to the pond and take a dip. I sat there and said, "If I go out there and go swimming, maybe the girls will join me, and I can convince them to invite their father into the water too."

"While I'm out there, I think I'll talk to Bart and see if he wants to bring his camper out to the pond for a few days and camp while he's building the fireplace. Do either of you know where we can find someone who has made picnic tables or would make a couple and bring them here."

"There is a carpenter in town." grandpa said, "I'm not sure if he makes picnic tables or not but I could call him."

"Would it be improper to call him now?" I asked.

"Not really," grandpa said, "If you want to get me the phone book, I'll look up his number and call him."

I went into the house and got the phone book out of his office and took it out to grandpa. I handed it to him, and he set the phone down and looked up the guy's number. He called him a few minutes later and told him who he was and asked if he could make a couple of picnic tables. The guy must have said yes because grandpa asked me, "How long do you think they should be."

I looked at snake who thought about it for a few seconds before he said, "Frank, I think they should be at least eight-foot-long for a tabletop and at least four foot wide. That way you can put the food down the middle of the table and have room on each side for people to put their drink and plate down."

Grandpa relayed the dimensions of the tables to the carpenter and he said, he could have them done tomorrow afternoon because he wasn't that busy presently. He said if we wanted them painted, it would be an extra day. He gave grandpa a final cost unpainted and painted so grandpa took the painted ones. The guy asked what color we wanted them painted and grandpa asked snake and me what color should the tables be painted. We decided on barnboard red or close to the color of a barn. Grandpa once again relayed the message and then thanked the carpenter. He told him to bring them out to the ranch when he had them finished. They said their goodbyes and grandpa disconnected the call.

I continued to swing slowly in the swing and both my guys were alternating between looking at the sunset and at my naked body. I loved being part of the evening scenery. But then I got an idea and said, "Hey, let's take a walk down the driveway."

Both guys looked at me but, in the end, they stood up and I stood up and away we went, with me in the middle, holding hands with my guys. We didn't go far, maybe we walked about fifteen minutes and then turned around and headed back to the house. As we neared the house, I stopped and hugged both of my guys at the same time. I filled my hands with an ass cheek from each of my men and I kissed one and them then the other, alternated back and forth. Each one of them massaged my ass cheeks while we stood together. I looked up at them and said, "Thank you for humoring me and taking a walk. I love both of you guys. We kissed a little more before we stepped apart.

Snake said it was time for him to head off to bed and dream about me, so the three of us walked until we were even with the porch before snake turned and kissed me again and said good night to both of us. Grandpa and I stood where we were and watched snake walk around the shed and disappear, before we turned and walked up on the porch. I collected the beer bottles and left the shorts on the porch. Grandpa picked up the phone and phone book and we walked into the house. I did what I normally do when I have beer bottles in my hand and when I walked back into the living room there was grandpa standing at the bottom of the stairs.

I stopped and reached my arms around his neck and said, "Kiss me lover boy, I need your love."

We stood there and kissed for a couple of minutes before I turned and headed up the stairs with grandpa close behind me. We made it to the bathroom where we took care of our business and brushed our teeth before we walked hand in hand into our bedroom. We got up on the bed and moved together for more kissing and wandering hands. I loved the feel of grandpa's calloused hands roaming all over my soft skin. His hands let me know I had a hard-working man in my arms, and not only did I feel loved, I felt safe. No boy my age could ever take the place of my man.

We made love, tender love to each other on this night and I was so overwhelmed with the love and caring my man showed to me. He made bells ring with the combination scintillation of nerve ends as both of us were luxuriating in every thrill. He was slow, he was gentle, he made me feel like a complete woman as I acquiesced his love for me. I knew immediately our love would be never-ending.

We slept soundly in each other's arms that night ...


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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Author's work contnues to be above average. The only loss of plot content was the failure of the mother to explain what happen when Britt passed out. Every chapter has been rated 5 stars.

KingKong2020KingKong2020almost 3 years ago

Fantastic narration so far with twist of confessing to mom

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 3 years ago

I liked the chapter but not as much as the previous ones. This was one of those informational chapters all series have. Four stars.

blackknight314blackknight314over 4 years ago
I'm enjoying the story...

... but I feel sorry for Snake. He gets a knob job with a hand job as accompanyment. It would be nice if there might be a woman that could take the 'snake' and enjoy it. Hmmm, maybe the gal at the general store needs her bell rung.

Thanks for sharing with us pervs.

USMC S/SGT E-6, 70 -76. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE AS WELL. Wish you weren't so negatively affected by yours.

Pope1944Pope1944over 4 years ago

SO glad you are up to writing again. As usual the story continues to amaze me. I sit here wondering how you can do so many details. And the contrast between the modern day jet setting Morrisons and the ranch life in rural Texas is superb. Keep up the great work.

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