Home To Stay


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"I wonder if something mom told me about guys is true" I heard her say.

I looked quizzically at her and asked, "What did she say baby?"

"She told me that if I ever wanted to get a man like you I should do this." She leaned forward and slowly ran her tongue down the side of my neck and then across the top of my shoulder. Half way across where the muscle stuck up the most she stopped and bit. I gave a long, loud moan and threw my head back once again. She laughed and bit once again. Her mother had told her right. That was how she got me that fateful day at the family reunion, the day that had brought my wonderful Amanda to life.

My arms tightened around her waist and I pushed her back on the bed. I slid my hands up under her shirt and started pulling and rolling her nipples. She arched her back and reached down to slide her panties to her knees. I looked down and saw the sandy hair covering her pussy. It was so light and fine it almost appeared to not be there at all. I couldn't help it, I stopped to just stare. Gina had two fat outer labia that completely hid her ruby red inner lips until she spread her legs, but Mandy had a pair of inner lips that protruded from her labia majora by nearly three quarters of an inch, dusky red and starting to glisten with moisture.

While I was admiring her cunt, she slid off her shirt baring her soft breasts to my gaze. I slid my hand up the inside of her thigh then cupped her cunt in the palm of my hand. I gave a gently squeeze and my palm was soon wet with her juices. I raised my hand up to sniff then flicked my tongue out to taste. She had a scent and taste that was reminiscent of Gina, but was distinctly her own.

She slid her hand down and spread her pussy, coating her fingers with moisture, then reached over and started to run her hand up and down my hard cock. I looked down and could see precum starting to bead up at the tip, ready to run down my shaft at any moment. I moaned as she flicked her fingers across the sensitive tip then scooted around on the bed so I faced her feet. She turned onto her side facing me and before I knew it my cock was right where it had been when this whole thing began, slowly sliding into her mouth, her tongue rasping over the tip. Unlike the first time though, I didn't stop her. Instead, my tongue reached out as if drawn by a powerful magnet and began to flick her clit.

I licked her hard little nub for a few moments then slid my tongue down through her lips until I could stick my tongue in her pussy. I fucked my tongue in and out a few times as I felt her mouth slide almost to the base of my cock. Her fingers wrapped around the base and she slowly drew her mouth back up to the tip. Her tongue went back to work on the tip and I slid back to her clitoris. I ran my forefinger down between her pussy lips then slowly inserted it into her body. She gave a moan which sent shivers through my cock head and started sliding her hand up and down my shaft, her cool delicate fingers manipulating my manhood as she sucked me closer and closer to orgasm.

I could feel her muscles grasping at my fingers as I started to slide it in and out and I started licking faster and faster on her button as I felt my orgasm draw closer. Before I knew it it was on me and I started to shoot my load deep in her mouth. That seemed to trigger hers because she started to moan and I felt her cunt squeezing my fingers in the age old rhythm of orgasm. I was grunting with every pulse of my cock and my wild thrashing caused my cock to slip out of her mouth. I looked down my body just in time to see the last pulse of my cum land on her lower lip and chin. I felt a few last weak pulses deep in her pussy, then we both fell back on the bed, panting and enjoying the after effects of strong orgasms.

I watched as Mandy shifted on the bed and sat up. As she did, the stand of my cum that was resting on her chin dripped down on to the upper slope of her left breast, near her nipple. She looked down and cupped her breast in her left hand, then raised it up while tipping her head down. Her warm pink tongue darted out and licked from the middle of her breast all the way to the tip of her nipple, efficiently cleaning up my goo. I stared in amazement as she swallowed it, then smiled at me, her dark eyes sparkling, a mixture of lust, satiation, and desire for more. I felt my face flush, thinking of what i had just done with my own daughter. I sat up and swung my feet off of the side of my bed. I shakily stood up and waved at Mandy to lay back down as I staggered across the room and down the hallway to the living room. The whole time I was walking away from Mandy, my lust was railing at me to turn around and go back to her. I finally made my way to the living room and dropped down on the couch, a graceless maneuver that end with a muffled thud and a rush of air escaping the cushion foam.

I tilted my head back and contemplated what I had just done. I had just had oral sex with my own daughter, an action considered by many to be the pinnacle of sin. An act that was thought repugnant in cultures across the world no matter how advanced or primitive. I sat and wondered how I could have let it happen, and I cursed myself for wanting more of it. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair, vigorously scratching my scalp with my nails. I have no idea how long I sat there, fighting with myself over how wrong I had been to do such a thing, and how right it had felt. After a while, I dozed off, my mind conjuring dreams of sex with Gina, which became sex with Mandy which became Gina, over and over until I couldn't separate one from the other.

"Daddy... wake up." I felt Mandy shake my arm. I looked up and she was once again wearing her old shirt and panties. "Are you okay," she asked, a worried expression twisting her face.

"Yeah baby, I'm okay. But... I'm sorry Mandy... I shouldn't have done that to you." I let my face drop into my hands, afraid to look her in the eye.

I felt her hand start to rub the back of my head, then my neck, then she cleared her throat a couple of times, searching for the right words I was sure, the ones that would scold me for what I had done, only to find out I was wrong.

"Um... Dad? You didn't DO anything TO me ya know. We... I... that is... I did things too you know? We did things together. It was what we both wanted at the time. I know you've been trying not to notice I grew up.. but... I did.. and you did notice it.. I felt you staring at me .. mmm.. worse.. I WANTED you to stare. God knows all my life i've wanted a guy like you.. and.. I never found one. Somewhere along the line... I don't know why... i.. I realized that there was only one guy like you.. and I wanted that one guy. I told Mama that, when I finally couldn't take it any more, and that's when she told me the thing.. about shoulder biting. She said that's how she got you. She said you seemed to be irresistible to women in our family... I don't think she ever expected me to really..." Mandy trailed off, a sound that was half sob and half laugh escaping from her mouth, her shoulders and breasts shaking, whether from laughter or crying I'm not sure.

I sighed. "Oh Mandy... no... I don't think she ever expected you to use it.. but then again.. who knows with your mother. Gina was always full of surprises. I don't know.. I just.. ah forget it baby.. I'm rambling here and not making any sense. I'm being torn in two directions here."

"Hmmm? What directions Daddy?" Mandy looked deep in my eyes as she asked her question. I looked back into her dark eyes and took a deep breath, trying to put the right words together.

"One is kicking myself for doing anything like this with my daughter; the other is wanting to do more with you." I looked down at my hands, clenched into fists that rested on the tops of my thighs.Oh Gina... what am I thinking? She's our daughter...

Mandy squatted down in front of me, her delicate fingers resting on my wrists, her shirt clinging once more to her soft breasts. "More? Like what?" her eyes probed mine, and I knew that it would be useless to lie to her. I knew she could read my like a book. I think at that moment she had tapped in to a skill her mother had always had. No book ever printed was more open to my wife than I was, and now it felt like my daughter had that same ability.

"I... shit... more like spank your ass? No.. well yes that too... but.. shit... how do I... goddamn it, I guess I'll just have to say it won't it? More, like, what we did a while ago. More, like, ah..." my face was flushed, a furious red that could be seen through my windows I was sure.

"Like what Dad?" Mandy's gaze became more intense, studying every line of my face and probing deep into my very soul.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself to say the words. "Like, fuck you. There... I said it... I... I..."

Mandy slipped her hands up to my face and pulled my lips to hers. I felt her tongue flick out and dart between my lips. A deep moan escaped from somewhere deep inside of me, a moan that swept away all the lingering doubts and fears and disgust I had about myself and what had happened with Mandy, what would happen with her now.I'm sorry Gina, no... that's a lie ain't it sweetheart. I'm not sorry, not now. Did you know what would happen when you told her how to get a guy like me? Did you?

I stood up and reached down taking Mandy's hands in mine and gently tugged her up. Her arms then slipped around my neck, and min went around her waist. I buried my nose in her sandy hair for just a moment, then our faces came together in and urgent kiss. The first one was urgent, or so I thought, but the ones that followed built in intensity, each more desperate than the last, our tongues locked in a fierce struggle, each seeking to take possession of the other's mouth. Her lips were hot and soft and wet, and my tongue caressed every last curve of lip, the slick feel of teeth. Her tongue invaded my mouth and I sucked it in, taking it gently between my teeth, flicking the tip of my tongue across hers. She shoved her stomach tight to mine, and I felt the warmth of her crotch pressed hard against my cock. I hadn't noticed with the flood of hormones coursing through my body, but my shaft was hard and throbbing, and the warmth of her pressed against it's length was almost enough to send me over the edge once again.

My hands slid under her shirt and caressed her back. She slowly started to grind her crotch against my cock, tiny back and forth thrusts that put pressure on the sensitive glans, making my erection ache and throb, ready to pump it's load into the nearest female flesh... female flesh that was young and soft and warm, and agreeable to my needs. Mandy moaned and started to tug up her shirt. I reached down and slipped it up over her head and then off her arms. Her nipples were hard and her breasts swayed gently in their new freedom. I reached up with my right hand and cupped her left breast. I leaned down and sucked it between my lips and took the nipple between my teeth, just as I had done with her tongue. Then, as I had also done to her tongue, I flicked the tip of my tongue across her nipple, eliciting a deep sigh of contentment from Mandy.

My hands slid down her back, and into her panties, squeezing her muscular buttocks. Her hands slid up to my face, caressing me as her tongue flicked in and out between my lips. I pushed her panties down a little to give my hands more freedom to fondle and squeeze her behind. Her hands started to slide urgently down my chest, until she hooked her fingers into the waistband of my boxers, pushing them down my thighs. The elastic caught on the tip of my hard shaft, and she reached into the front of my boxers, using the palm of her hand to push my cock back against my belly. This freed my boxers which fell down my legs. I stepped out of them and kicked them across the room, while she wrapped her cool fingers around my manhood.

I pushed her panties off of her wide hips and she wiggled sexily until they slid to the ground. My hands traveled down the back of her thighs then I curved my fingers inward, sliding back up till I felt my fingers slide into the crack of her ass.

Mandy leaned forward and flicked her tongue across the left side of my neck. I couldn't stand any more and looked deep into her eyes. I saw the same look of need in hers that I knew she could see in mine. It was now or never for both of us, and for me, at that moment in time, neverwasn'tan option.

"Now Dad... now.. I can't wait any more" she said. She slid down out of my arms and lay on the soft carpet covering the floor, her legs spread wide and knees bent upward, offering the warmest of embraces.

"Oh God baby..." I answered, stretching myself on top of her warm body. My cock nudged her clit, her wetness covering the head. I raised my self on my knees and took hold of the shaft, then commenced to rub it up and down her wet slit. When she started to softly moan, I placed the underside of my cock squarely against her little button and started to rub up and down, going a little farther down every few strokes then bumping her clit hard with the engorged tip of my shaft.

"Now... now... pleeeeeeeease..." she moaned, her voice trailing off into a whimper of need. She then reached down and took my cock in her hand and slid it down between her lips until it was at her entrance. I closed my eyes tight for just a moment, asking myself if this is really what I wanted, but when she wiggled her hips and the head of my cock popped into her cunt, I gave up the debate for the final time. It was what I wanted, it was what she wanted. I pulled out for just a second, teasing her, then I finally did what I had thought I would never do... I slid my cock as deep into Mandy as I possibly could.

"Uhhhhhh... yeah... fuck me.. please..." she begged, her hands on my chest, looking deep into my eyes.

I started to stroke in and out, slowly, a groan escaping my lips, caused by the exquisite feel of her pussy wrapped tightly around my manhood. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the feelings coming from the head of my dick. I knew if I didn't find some way to block it out for even a few minutes I would loose my load before either of us was ready.

Closing my eyes didn't help much. I was able to ignore the look on her face that way, but the feeling of her thighs rubbing against my ribs as she pulled me in for a kiss was impossible to ignore. Nor was it possible to ignore the way she was humping her groin against mine, putting as much pressure on her swollen clitoris as she possibly could.

"Damn it Mandy. I don't think I can hold out much longer.... it's been way too long.. uh.. and.. uh... I want it to be.. mmm.. good.. good.. for you too."

"Shh... it's okay Daddy.. just be still." She winked at me then pushed me far enough back to slide a hand between our sweaty bodies. In just a couple of seconds I felt her fingers start rubbing up and down between her legs, rubbing her swollen nub.

I looked at the pleasure on her face, and tried hard to ignore the ripples caused when her pussy would clamp down on my shaft. I leaned forward and bit the skin where her neck joined her shoulder, then slid my tongue down to lap her hard nipples, licking the salty sweat from her breasts.

After a few minutes of rubbing herself, I felt her fingers slow down for a few seconds, and her thighs gripped me tighter. Her eyes flew open and a low animal moan shot from her mouth. "Now.. fuck me now.. hard.. Daddy... hard.. uh uh uh.."

I felt her cunt grip my cock with the rhythmic spasms of orgasm. I started to thrust my cock in and out, my stomach bumping her fingers which still covered her clit. I wanted to call her name, tell her how much I loved her.. how special she was, but words were beyond my ability to form. All I could do was thrust, moan, groan, or grunt. The flush on Mandy's face and breasts and the incomprehensible sounds coming from her mouth were more than adequate to let me know that she was in the same state.

"OH FUCK!" she shouted, as another orgasm spread from her clit and deep into her body. The friction caused by her contractions on my thick, hard shaft finally pushed me to the limit. Just as the last spasms were fading for her, I felt the rising tingle in my balls that signaled my own orgasm. I shoved my cock into her pussy as far as it would go, just as my own orgasm exploded through my body. I felt the hot spurts of cum rise up my shaft and squirt deep into my wonderful Mandy. My body was frozen, the only part of me able to move was my cock jerking deep inside my wonderful little girl.

Finally, it came to and end and all I could do was collapse on top of her. Her hands rubbed my neck and back and we whispered all the little things lovers whisper after such times. I raised my head up off her chest for a moment and looked into her face, and knew somewhere deep inside, that this wasn't the only time we would show our love this way. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have had such great women in my life. I whispered "I love you" to Mandy, then a silentI love you and miss youto Gina.

I stood up and helped Mandy up, and as I did, I noticed the sky outside was growing lighter. Morning had arrived with too little sleep during the night. We wandered hand and hand to bed and curled up together for a long nap.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Very hot

I Loved the story. I have a lot of fantasy like that about my step-daughter which is really HOT as her mother also.

TheBeckFactorTheBeckFactorover 13 years ago
I am awestruck.

Such a nice piece!

madusanmadusanalmost 14 years ago
incredible story!

WOW! Incredible!

BlueEyedKittenBlueEyedKittenover 17 years ago

Wonderful and loving.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very touching .....

I was taken by the consideration they showed for one another . A lovely warm touching story of love .

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Mmm.. long, sexy, and hot.. just what I needed. One would be a fool to not like such an amazing story ;)

AmyfriendAmyfriendover 17 years ago
Beautifully written...

with lots of very yummy and sexy scenes...thanks

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