Homelands Pt. 05 Ch. 01


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At least, when Patty was involved.

Because everyone just loved Patty.

It wasn't just her brothers either. Their cousin, and even the damn king of Sexlandia, thought Patty was special. Fucking everyone thought Patty was special.

But Annie? Neither of her brothers had ever started any fights over her, that was for sure. And she wasn't at all sure that there'd be any talk of war or hostage exchanges or any of that if someone had kidnapped her either.

It made her want to cry. Or vomit. Or run away. Or something.

Her mother walked up beside her. In her hand, she held a couple of smooth, flat stones.

Annie glowered at her.

Maybe she was just being a spoiled brat, though. After all, here she was, sulking over the fact that no one cared about her, or even so much as paid attention to her, and her mother was...paying attention to her.

On second thought, she didn't want to go back to being seventeen. She wanted to be grown up. Wanted all the angst that came with being a teenager to just go away. Wanted to be able to decide for herself whether she wanted to withdraw from the court and hide out in a forgotten corner of her family's private island. To have mastered the supernatural talents that were her birthright. To have decades of experience using them. To be able to ensure that no man would ever know her touch without instantly developing an addiction to her.

Wanted to be in control for a damn change.

Instead, she was a slave. To both her mother and her hormones.

"Thanks," she mumbled, taking the rocks from the outstretched hand.

Gently, she gave one a toss. It skipped five times before it finally sank. The expanding ripples distorted the surface of the lake, disrupting the tranquil reflection of the trees that surrounded them.

Much like her eighteen birthday had disrupted her quiet little life.

"So we're really done, huh?" Annie asked, for the manyth time.

Her mother sighed. "I know it must seem like a big letdown."

"It's just that I didn't even know what the Homelands were, or that Summer was more than a time of year, until a couple days ago. And now--"

"I know," her mother said, a bit forcefully.

Annie closed her mouth and looked away again. The next stone plunged straight through the surface of the water.

"I'm sorry," her mother said, taking Annie's hair in her hands. Gently stroking it, she added, "I didn't mean to snap at you."

"I know. I'm sorry too. I'm being a whiny bitch."

"You're a teenager. You're supposed to be-"

Annie raised an eyebrow.

"-whiny. At least most of the time."

"Gee, thanks, Mom."

But at least she hadn't called her a bitch.

Her mother kissed her bare shoulder. "You're also my baby girl. And you always will be." Then, with a wistful tone, she added, "I can't help it if I'm a little overprotective."

"Is that what this is about?"

When her mother didn't reply, Annie followed up by saying, "The Moodys are our family too. Even if they belong to a different house."

The name still didn't sound right. No more than it did to think of herself as a Hardt.

"I know it's hard to understand," her mother said.

What fucking bullshit. Grownups always said that. Only it was usually quite easy to understand, because what they usually meant by that was simply that they were being selfish, and they didn't want to admit it.

They'd had this conversation already, though. Her mother obviously wasn't about to change her mind. All Annie had accomplished with her protests and pouting was to delay their arrival at her grandparents' cabin.

"So Grandma Flori and Grandpa Randy really have secret identities too?" she asked, as if that question hadn't also been answered several times already. "Instead of being old and gross, they're all, like, super-duper-sexy? The way the rest of us are?"

And by rest, she obviously wasn't including herself. Annie had been wearing a mask for seventeen years, the same as the others. Without even realizing it. But when she took it off, she wasn't super-duper-sexy. The real her was better-looking than the girl she'd gotten used to being. But she clearly wasn't on the same level as the rest of her family members.

"It's who we are," her mother said.

"Right," Annie said. "So how come my father's not?"

Her mother gave her hair a sharp tug. "Not what?"

"Super-duper-sexy?" Annie said, rubbing her scalp.

Well, he sort of was. Minus the "duper", at any rate. His sex appeal had as much to do with the way he carried himself as it did his appearance though. He was old. And looked it too, unlike the other old people in this world. Plus there were those scars.

"Your father," her mother started to say. "Hank seems to like the idea of people being revolted by him."

"I don't know that I'd say revolting."

He wasn't the hottest guy Annie had ever laid her eyes on. But he wasn't ugly. And those eyes of his were ridiculously sexy.

Her mother grunted by way of response.

"But Grandma and Grandpa don't look like that?" Annie asked.

She tried to remember what they'd looked like, the last time she'd seen them. It had been a long time, but she had something of a mental picture of them. And neither one of them was what you'd describe as physically attractive. By any fucking stretch of the imagination.

"You'll see."

Holy monosyllabic response, Batman.

If it wasn't clear already, it was now. Hank Fisher was not a topic for conversation.

"Anyway, I'm excited," Annie lied.

"It's not forever," her mother said, her tone softer than it had been a moment ago. "This will blow over eventually."

"Do you suppose we'll see Nick and Veronica again?" Annie asked.

"Oh, sooner than you'd think, if I had to guess."

Annie gave the last stone a toss. "Why do you say that?"

Her mother didn't reply.

Annie turned around stared down at her mother. "What?"

"Eric is set on leading them down a dangerous path. Gabriela won't know when it's time to jump ship, but your brother and sister are smart cookies. Sooner or later, they'll realize what they've gotten themselves into. And they'll come pay us a visit. Mark my words."

"Hope you're right," Annie said.

Fuck, but she'd love to feel her brother's touch one more time.

He'd been standoffish, that one night with Eric. But by the way their mother and Veronica talked about him, looked at him, and obsessed over him, Annie could tell that she must not have seen all that her brother had to offer.

She'd love to figure out what the fuss was all about.

What she'd really like was another go with Eric. But she'd settle for Nick.

Maybe her grandfather would be a good lay. He'd certainly have plenty of experience. Annie still couldn't wrap her head around that though. Picturing he portly old man who used to pinch her cheeks as some kind of stud just wasn't working for her. It wasn't that Annie doubted her mother's claim, of course. But still.

"Whaddaya say, kiddo?" her mother asked. "Ready to get going?"

"Sure," Annie nodded, kicking aimlessly at the water.

"It really won't be so bad," her mother said, going up on her tiptoes so that she could kiss Annie on the forehead. "You'll see."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

as a anon i can only make 1 post per chap... i did not know that or i would have responded to some stuff i wrote a few chaps back

good chapter like where its heading (ominous foreshadowing is what id really call it) but why is it up to the boys to come up with a plan males aren't stronger then females in this world iva ate silas, daph is the real heavyweight so why is it up to eric and nick? whichever the case chivalry or misogyny just doesn't seem like it would exist in the homelands.

also in the conversation between nick and eric someone would ask about erics plan if he is going to be so dismissive of the other plans on the table and abrasive to the people he's dragging into war

jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 12 years agoAuthor

Well said, Einar. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I would gladly trade my left nut for one day with Gabriela.


jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 12 years agoAuthor

I'm deeply honored to have pleased Odin. :P


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Odin is impressed. Loki hates you. No mortal deserves any praise nor glory. BUT:

Odin makes special mention of jdunyer, the mortal who showed the gods what it is to be a legend, and dedicates that day's feast to him:

"And while the rewards of Valhalla await all of Asgard's heroes this day we honor a hero of Midgard. A mortal who sacrificed everything for a land not his own. This day, a human showed the gods what legends are made of. HAIL THE MORTAL, JDNUNYER!"

jdnunyerjdnunyerabout 12 years agoAuthor

Hey AnHoa Rifleman. Thanks, as always, for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

Don't worry, the rest of Part Five will be appearing soon. Should be one chapter a day until they have all appeared. (There are six total.)



AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

JD - I am really glad to see you back and continuing this great story. This chapter has got some superb character development and some sizzling mom-son sex. It is fast paced and exceptionally well written. I am waiting for the next chapter and I hope it doesn't take as long. AnHoa Rifleman

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