Homunculus Diaries Ch. 02

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Our Homunculus heroine hears more than she bargained for.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/29/2016
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Second Excerpt

Daylily opened her eyes to a bright new morning. She got up and walked over to her diary and read the two entries from the day before. She wanted to write more, but realised that there wasn't much to say having just woke up. Closing the diary and putting it back on the desk she started out of the room, then doubled back immediately. She had almost forgotten to use her other set of possessions! Quickly donning the hip hugging briefs and putting her arms through the sleeves of the shirt, she took a few happy twirls before going out of the door.

Entering the kitchen, she made breakfast for herself and Vivian. Just as she was wondering if she should add more for Hoyt, the door opened as the tired looking warlock returned from a night patrol.

"Good morning, Hoyt!" Daylily said brightly. Hoyt perked up a little when faced with Daylily's guileless smile.

"G'mornin Lily..." He mumbled. A cute smile could only do so much it seemed. Daylily portioned out the two shares she had made onto plates and the two sat down to eat. Even in his fatigued state, Hoyt apparently still had the energy to keep glancing Daylily's way. Daylily was more curious about this than yesterday. What did he find so interesting? Just before finishing his meal, Hoyt finally spoke up. "Lily, you know that shirt is supposed to button in the middle."

Surprised, Daylily looked down at herself. The shirt hung open, her nipples just barely covered by the cloth that left most of her chest and midriff exposed. She noticed the buttons on one side and the holes on the other. She was almost done with breakfast and would need to start working soon. Buttoning it all the way up would be silly, since she had to just take it off again in a few minutes, anyway. After thinking for a bit, Daylily compromised by doing up the lower button. Smiling back at Hoyt, she was surprised to see him snort out a laugh as the new configuration exposed her breasts.

"I'm too tired for this... Thanks for breakfast, Lily. I'm going to bed." The Warlock moved off while shaking his head. Daylily sat confused for a bit before consenting that she didn't know enough about clothes wearing etiquette yet to figure out what she had done wrong. It was time to wake up Vivian and get the sleepy alchemist busy earning their daily bread.

Evening 2 Sectem, 515 K.E.

Dear Diary,

Today wasn't very busy, but it was super interesting! I'll start from the beginning so I don't miss anything.

Hoyt went to bed in the morning since he was out on duty all last night. Master said he should have taken a nap yesterday so he wouldn't get so tired. The only time he could have done that is when he was reading to me in my tank. I felt bad because of that, so I wanted to do something nice for him. First, he needed sleep, and Master needed help in the lab.

We cleaned up the instruments since there were no orders today. After taking stock, Master decided we should top off our reactant supply. To do that we needed a vaginal dredge. We didn't need a lot so Master said we should make it together. I think Master just wanted to have some fun.

To do a vaginal dredge we fill up the tank with some basic liquid catalysts. Master always asks me to double check the settings on the restraint locks, and the machinery. I take it very seriously when Master helps. If we get the time settings wrong, then the machine would just keep going and it could hurt Master really bad! After we test the locks, it's time to strap in. First we step into the frame and make sure the lower harnesses are lined up with our privates correctly. The tank is pretty small, so our butts are usually touching when we strap in. We strap our ankles, thighs, waists and chests to the restraint frame so that we can't move anything from the shoulders down. The whole process is automatic, so it's really important that we can't mess anything up when we start thrashing around in pleasure.

The last part is to stick our hands through the manacles and pull the lever that starts the machine. Master always gets really excited at this part, and usually takes a long time to pull her lever. Today, though, she asked me to let her pull the lever first. She wanted me to surprize her with the start. After she pulled her lever, she was breathing really hard and I could feel her trembling in anticipation. When I finally pulled mine to drop us in, she squealed in delight.

As the frame drops into the tank, the dredges push into our vaginas. The dredges are hollow dildos with holes all over that let the solution into our vaginas while they stimulate us. This one isn't as rough on a girl's body, and you can get a lot of reactant in an hour long session. It still feels really good though! We both kept cumming, over and over. We were making so much noise I'm surprised Hoyt managed to get any sleep. Master and I made two batches with a short break in between to refill the tank. That's enough for a whole month! She was calling for Sir Wilkes the whole time. I know Master has been friends with him since they were little, but I didn't know he could help us with alchemy. Maybe I'll ask him to join us sometime, since Master seems too nervous to do it herself.

After Master and I took a bath, she told me to go wake up Hoyt while she made lunch. I went into his room and saw that he didn't even make it under the covers before he fell asleep. He did make it most of the way out of his clothes. His pants were undone but he never finished pulling them off. I went over to wake him up and that's when I learned something new!

Guys are totally different down there! I knew men didn't have breasts, but I didn't know they had something other than a vagina! It was so cute looking! At first it was all floppy, but after I touched it a few times it got long and thick and really hard. It took both hands to grab the whole thing. It was really hot, and I could feel his pulse through it. There was a hairy pouch thing that stayed the same size the whole time. It was really soft, and had two solid things inside. I was so curious about it that I didn't notice Master coming in to see what was taking me so long.

She looked like she was trying to keep herself from laughing when I asked her what it was. She whispered that it was Hoyt's penis. It's for peeing and baby making, she says. I asked Master why it was shaped like a dildo and she told me that I had it backwards. Dildo's are shaped like penises! I learned something new today!

After she explained that, she told me it probably tasted really good, then left the room. Master didn't order me to taste it, but I was really curious. It tasted really salty. The smell was kinda weird too, but once I started licking and smelling it, I couldn't stop. Master calls them instincts, stuff everybody wants to do without knowing it.

Once it was nice and big, I had an idea. If it was shaped like a dildo, then shouldn't it go where a dildo does? I figured that one out all on my own! Before I could see if it worked, though, it exploded! All this white stuff came out! I was so scared that I might have broken it, that I ran out of the room yelling for Master! She wouldn't stop laughing while she tried to calm me down. Later, I learned it's supposed to do that if it gets rubbed enough and that Hoyt would be OK. What a relief!

Hoyt came out of his room and was glaring at Master as she explained what happened. I couldn't stop crying, he was angry because of me, and I still thought I might have hurt him. He came over and patted my head, and told me he wasn't angry at me. He even apologised for scaring me! He's too nice! I told him that I was sorry for touching it without knowing how to use it. I even promised to do better next time! He got really embarrassed and Master started laughing again. He chased master around for a while after that, he even cast a tickling curse on her when he caught her. Even after that, Master didn't stop teasing him about "next time" all afternoon.

When I was getting ready for bed, Master came into my room to talk to me. She asked me if I liked Hoyt, and if I wanted to be with him forever. I told her I didn't know how to want anything yet, so I didn't know. Master nodded, and then told me to think about two things really hard tonight. She told me to consider how I would feel if I stayed with Hoyt for the rest of my life, and how I would feel if I couldn't be with him anymore.

I'm sorry if I got any tears on you while I was writing this, diary. No matter which way I think about it, I start crying. My chest hurts really bad too and I don't know why. Master told me not to worry if I felt happy or sad, but I don't know what's going on and it's scary. Goodnight diary. I'll tell you more when I understand what I'm feeling better.


Daylily woke up to the sound of voices in the kitchen. From the way the shadows fell, she could tell it was later in the day than she was used to waking up. Even though she had slept a long time, she still felt drained from the cascade of emotions she experienced the night before. Moving slowly, she put on her shirt and panties before heading down the hallway. When she reached the kitchen she could hear her master's brother grumbling. Cautiously, she peeked through the slightly open door. Hoyt was getting ready for work as usual. Her master was wearing the same clothes she wore to bed, although she didn't appear to have slept. There were no signs of bad head, and the thong and slip she had on didn't appear to be wrinkled after a night's use.

"I still can't believe you would tell her stuff like that. She'll listen to whatever you tell her to do. How could you take advantage of her like that for a laugh?" He was saying.

"First off, I never told Lily to suck you off. I definitely didn't tell her to try and mount you and pop your ripe cherry once and for all. I simply supplied a suggestion. She figured the rest out for herself." Her master responded. "Secondly, while it was absolutely hilarious, I have a very good reason for making her curious."

"Uh huh." Came a dry response.

"She's forming desires, Hoyt! I heard her crying all night because of what happened. Emotional response always presents before the final creation of an ego. I was up all night updating my creation log with this! " Vivian was getting worked up. Daylily got the impression that this might be something she wasn't supposed to hear. Her new sense of curiosity demanded that she stay for the rest of it.

"Seriously? She's been thinking for only a week now. I would have thought it would take a lot longer." Hoyt said scratching his head.

"It's all subjective. Most homunculi haven't had a boy crushing on them their whole life. She remembers all those hugs and treats you gave her before she became sentient you know." Vivian watched as Hoyt started to squirm. "Oh come on! You like her! You're so adorably smitten with her it's disgusting sometimes! You've always been together, so just... be together already!"

Daylily gasped as she heard the conversation. Hoyt liked her? He was hesitating to admit it, though. He looked angry too. Was he mad at his sister? Or at Daylily? What did it all mean? Why was she crying again?

"I can't. She's like a little sister to me." Hoyt said as if defeated. Daylily felt her heart drop. She didn't understand why every word gave her emotions a ride.

"Well your sister needs a hot dicking!" Vivian said. She had her chest thrust out and her hands on her hips. Her classic "older sister says so" pose.

"Is this a bad time?" Said a deep, yet bashful voice at the door on the opposite side of the kitchen.

"Eep!" Vivian froze as Sir Hedran Wilkes spoke up. Daylily couldn't help but notice how Hedran's eyes roved Vivian's body the same way Hoyt's explored hers. Daylily had never minded Hoyt's visual expeditions across her flesh, but her master seemed to shrink under the same treatment from Hedran. Hoyt seemed to find something funny about Vivian's reaction.

"Oh, just discussing someone else's unrequited crush. What brings you by?" He said.

"I'm going to need you to take a look at something. That highwayman we've been hunting may be using magic to cover their tracks. Come on, we have to go before the trail gets cold." Hedran took one last appraising look at Vivian before turning back for the front door.

"I'll be right out." Hoyt called after him. "Just need to grab my pack." The young warlock made for the door Daylily was behind before she could react. Daylily fell backwards as he swung the door open. "Woah! Sorry, Lily. You okay?"

Daylily looked up at Hoyt, their eyes met, much the same way as they had the day before yesterday. This time, it was Daylily's face that ran through a plethora of emotions. Daylily gave an embarrassed yelp and dashed back down the hallway to her room. What had just happened? She'd looked Hoyt in the eyes a thousand times. After hearing that conversation, the sight of his deep blue eyes seemed to bore through her and set her face on fire. Frustrated, Daylily curled up underneath her covers. She could hear Hoyt and Hedran walking by her window as she cast about for a logical explanation.

"The hell's up with you?" Hedran was asking.

"Lily was scared about something." Hoyt replied. "I've never seen her get scared before. What's up with you, though? You're blushing."

"Have Vi's boobs always been that big?" The big knight said as the two walked out of earshot.

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doinstuffdoinstuffabout 8 years agoAuthor

This one won't be letting me go till I'm satisfied with it. That said, be patient. I don't put any real life aside for these, so my pace varies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

very funny. great writing, more?

doinstuffdoinstuffabout 8 years agoAuthor
I wish it was that clever.

I'd love to take credit for that, but I wrote that part while half asleep. Then I proofread it right after waking up. Also, I very rarely use that word to refer to it in writing for some reason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Other Anonymous, that's the joke. Remember, she's naive.

SynapsisSynapsisabout 8 years ago
Loving this story

There's a wonderful naïveté and light-heartedness to this story that's a breath of fresh air. There's such a lack of good erotic humor on this site, but this story is a wonderful change. Keep up the good work.

doinstuffdoinstuffabout 8 years agoAuthor
So it is.

Edits submitted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Pretty sure it's penis not penus

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