Honey B


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He stopped at the courthouse and was able to get in to see the special prosecutor despite not having an appointment. He explained why he was there, and the prosecutor quickly assured him that there was no reason to pursue any action against Honey. The whole file had been turned over to the administrator. He assured Adam that he would have his staff sent a letter to that effect to Honey, using Adam's mailing address.

He stopped at the office where the administrator was located, actually not too far from the small shopping centre where he had his own office. His discussion with the administrator took much longer. He was having trouble accounting for all the money obtained, spent, and stolen by Baker. It turned out that there had been around thirty million dollars invested with Baker. Of course some, about twenty percent, had been returned to investors as 'dividends'. Someone had led him to an account in the Cayman Islands where they found about nine million dollars. The rest was, apparently squandered by Baker. He still had more work to do, to determine which investors received how much as dividends. The money to be returned to them would be dictated by how much they had already received.

Adam left the administrator's office with unofficial assurances that Honey was in the clear. There was absolutely no evidence that she had profited from Baker's actions, and in fact had probably been hurt by them, at least indirectly. The administrator said that he expected that it would be almost a year before the whole thing was cleared up.

Adam made one more stop then went to his office. He did the work he needed to do for his client in Maryville, worked on a couple of other enquires from clients, then prepared to lock up. He decided to phone Sheila from the office instead of home.

"Hi Sis. Howar yuh?"

"Adam, we were just talking about you. What's up? How's Honey?" he could tell his sister was curious that he was phoning from the office and not home.

"Just wanted to touch base. Honey is fine. She's working on all that stuff you gave her. Says it's like having homework for school. I talked to the prosecutor. He's going to send a letter to Honey pretty much exonerating her. The administrator says it'll take about a year, but he thinks Honey's in the clear. He hasn't found anything where she benefited from what Baker did."

"Well that's good news. I'm happy things are starting to go her way. How are you two getting on? Are you getting it on?" Sheila giggled at the dual meaning.

"Well, we're good, but we're not 'getting it on' as you say. She's still healing and I don't want to push it. Hell, we just kissed for the first time a couple of nights ago in Maryville."

"You took her to Maryville?"

"Yeah, I had to go do some work for a client. Took me the better part of a whole day. We were there two nights. She didn't feel comfortable by herself for that long, even with the ferocious Teddy here, so we all went."

"And?" curiosity was killing Sheila.

"And nothing. We slept together, just snuggling and sleeping. We're just beginning to understand that we have feelings for each other. I just hope she doesn't feel that way just for what I've supposedly done. I'd hate that. That's not why I, we, helped her." Adam was trying not to sound worried.

"Adam, don't worry about that. I don't think her mind works that way. Remember, I talked with her for a long time. The feelings she has for you are completely separated from her gratitude for helping her out. She sees you as her knight in shining armour, her protector. Don't blow it by worrying about it. Just trust your gut." She knew that sometimes Adam had a tendency to over think a situation instead of going with his instincts.

"You sure about all this?" Adam did sound worried, and maybe a bit scared.

"Listen little brother. She's probably very unsure of herself. You have to make the first move if you want this relationship to go ahead. Remember, she's been knocked down for so long, she doesn't know what 'up' feels like. You're probably the best thing that's happened to her in a long, long time."

"Okay sis, I'll take your word for it. This time. I hope you're right."

"I am. Remember, I do this for a living. I know how to read people."

"Uh huh. I remember. I just hope you're right, I don't want to scare her off."

"Just talk to her, for heaven's sake. She won't break. I already told her that if she needs help I'm on speed dial. I gotta go. It's almost supper time. Go home and talk to her." With that, Sheila ended the call before Adam could say anymore.

While Adam was busy running his errands in town, Honey was also busy preparing dinner for the two of them, and of course Teddy. She found a good sized chicken in the freezer; almost the size of a small turkey. She made some stuffing and put it in the oven. To go with her stuffed chicken she decided on diced fried potatoes, fresh veggies and a garden salad. Humming happily to herself she continued to work, not knowing what was transpiring in town.

Teddy didn't move far from Honey, sensing somehow that this particular member of his pack needed his protection more than Adam. He lay in the doorway of the kitchen, out of her way, but keeping an eye on her. Something smelled really good, and he wanted to be ready for any handouts. Honey noticed his ears perk up before she was aware that Adam's truck had just arrived. Teddy just stayed where he was, wagging his tail. His pack was now complete; everyone was home.

Adam stopped outside to look up at the sky. It seemed like you could almost reach up and grab a star they were so bright. He loved nights like this, even if the air was quite cool. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he went inside the house.

"Wow, something smells good. You've been busy," he called out as he closed the door behind him.

"Well, I thought it only fair I cook dinner since you've been working. And anyway, it gave me something to do beside homework for Sheila," she giggled.

"That I can believe," he laughed. "Look, get your coat or a heavy jacket and come outside. You've got to see this sky." She pulled on her boots and wrapped herself in a ski jacket off of a hook near the door.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod," cried Honey as her eyes adapted to the darkness. "You can almost touch them. It's so beautiful. Too bad it's too cold to eat outside." She continued to let her gaze wander across the heavens. She had never seen, or at least noticed, anything like it. She shivered in the cold evening air. Adam put his arm around her and held her close like it was the most natural thing in the world. She made no attempt to move away; if anything she tried to get a bit closer.

Together they went back inside. The baking chicken did smell good. The meal was ready as soon as it finished baking; Honey estimated about 20 minutes. "Adam, do you want a drink or a glass of wine before dinner? The chicken isn't quite ready yet."

"Wine would be good. I'll get it. Do you want some, or are you allowed?" He got a nice Pinot Gris out of the fridge.

"I can have one glass. Sheila said it shouldn't affect my meds too much, but I don't want to take a chance." He poured the wine and handed her a glass. They moved into the living room and sat in companionable silence.

Honey broke the silence first, "You know Adam, I just can't figure you out. Why...?"

"...haven't I dragged you into bed and had my way with you? Why didn't I try something when we slept together? Is that the 'whys'?" She nodded. "It's two things, trust and respect. When we shared the bed in the motel, I admit I wanted so badly to make love with you, to you, but you weren't ready. You just wanted to be held. Remember, I know your background, what happened to you. I don't want to hurt you and you trusted me not to. When you moved in here I was hoping beyond hope that maybe somewhere down the line we'd develop a relationship, but I just didn't know. For all I knew, after what he'd done to you, you'd turn into a man-hating feminist."

She giggled at the thought and couldn't picture it. She just didn't fit the mould. "That had never occurred to me. I knew there was at least one good man out there; the one who looked after me, took me in, protected me. Between you and Sheila I've become a whole person again. I want so much to love the man who did all that. It's you, Adam. I know I told you I just wanted to be held those nights in the motel, but if you had wanted to make love, I wouldn't have pushed you away."

He responded, "It's called trust. I gave you my word and when I do, I keep it. It's also respect. Respect for you as a person. You probably haven't been respected as a person for years. You need to feel that again. Let me tell you a story about how my mind works. I don't know if it will scare you off or not." She nodded for him to continue. "In my business I deal with all kinds of people, but they all have one thing in common; they are my customers, my clients. Every business I deal with has a contract, but that's not why I deal with them the way I do. The contracts are just for lawyers and insurance agents. Every one of those deals was sealed with a handshake and my word and I keep my word. That's why I'll drop everything if one of my customers' out of town needs something done urgently, like this last trip to Maryville. My client needed help right away. I had given my word when I first took them, him, on as a client. It's as simple as that."

Honey leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder, "All that, what you just said, is what Sheila told me too. Yes, before you ask, we talked about you. I didn't know if your feelings for me mirrored my feelings for you. Sheila said they did but you'd be slow to act on them. She didn't tell me glacial," she giggled. "Now enough of this. Dinner is ready, let's eat." They got up from the sofa and she took his hand to lead him into the kitchen for dinner.


Honey did move, eventually, but not out of the house. She moved into the master suite with Adam. He proposed to her down near the creek where they first met and were married there almost a year to the day he had first seen her.

He waited another year before telling her about her bank account in the Cayman Islands. Since it was money stolen by Baker she didn't want it. She and Adam discussed what should be done, since as far as the administrator was concerned, the matter was closed. She decided to open a safe home for battered women. The money would be used to run it and support the women in need until it ran out.

Honey continues to do photography, secure in the knowledge that she has the love and support of not only Adam, but friends and acquaintances as well. She has held several shows and is becoming more well known for her work. Adam continues with his computer consulting business. He expands slowly, choosing his clients with care. He doesn't want to expand to the point where he has to have someone else look after his customers.

Teddy died at age 12, a good long life for a mutt. He is buried near one of his favourite trees that he would sleep and dream under while guarding the property. Adam and Honey knew his health was failing and adopted 2 mutts from the SPCA to replace him. Adam and Honey are almost positive that Teddy trained them before he passed; they took over and share his duties which, of course, mean taking care of their family.

Sheila and her family visit every year. Even Honey's family from back east have come a couple of times. At first they thought the sun rose and set on John Baker, and it was only after his death that they found how wrong they were and what Honey had endured. She has forgiven them.

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oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

As much as I liked it, the plot, character descriptions I just felt that you didn’t quite pull it off, maybe the lack of sex? Maybe it’s the way you wrote it but it just misses being one of my favourite things

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Too many holes in the storyline.

1. Why didn’t the police arrest Baker after his secretary reported him for assault and battery?

2. Why did Adam tell Honey about his stealing the investors money from Baker’s Cayman bank account just before she is interviewed by the police financial auditors? Honey would have spilled the beans under police questioning.

3. Adam thinks that it is ok to steal the investors money and give it to Honey because her husband beat her. This money was not earned by Baker. He took it from the investors.

4. Baker knew that Adam was a computer wizard because Adam gave him his card for contact information after Adam brought Baker his suit. Baker phoned Adam at his home looking for Honey. So why didn’t the smart Baker put two and two together

Buddy1945Buddy1945almost 7 years ago
A very good story

A brutal but loving story in the end. He just could not seem to pick the right woman but in the end he did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago





is there a sequel in the future for Honey and Adam. If not you should consider working on one.

RON TEXAS cowboyridecc@yahoo.com

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This writer is decent, but having read his other postings, I find he has many many plot holes, and unresolved issues within the story framework.

This detracts from the tale. I won't rehash what others have found, but suffice to say this writer needs at the least a beta reader or editor to assist with continuity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

She wasn't entitled to the one million. That was stolen from the investors.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 9 years ago

A most enjoyable story to read. To the author, please keep up the good work with well crafted stories that are balanced and do not go overboard or to extremes.

chytownchytownover 9 years ago
Very Enjoyable Read*****

Very entertaining story. Thanks for sharing.

bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Pleasurable Read

Honey was still talking as if she was living with him because he was very protective at the end and not as if she felt love for him.. What happened to children?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
good story

yes what happened to yhe 200k?? I really enjoyed the story with a very good ending.

do you have a follow up story on adam and Honey if so what is it called.\\

Ron in Texas cowboyridecc@yahoo.com

avidreader123avidreader123over 9 years ago
One point

Did the story mention Baker being found with the $200k from the safe? Since it didn't mention it I thought an investor had killed him. He seemed too arrogant to commit suicide.

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 9 years ago
An enjoyable read

A pleasant romance where the Mounties ride to the rescue, bad guy gets his comeuppance and the good guy gets the girl. What's not to like?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
quite mechanical, nothing very stimulating

with lots of unresolved issues.

what happened to the million dollars posted to get Baker out of jail?

certificates in the safety deposit box? how much were they worth?

why was the wine an issue at home when it was not even mentioned a few nights earlier at the resort?

and . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Interesting Plot but...

I found this to be dry. I made it to page 4 and had to stop reading because it was just so "This happened then this happened then this happened." I felt zero attachment to any of the characters because there was no emotional backing to any of them, and I would've appreciated way more substance than just "dude realizes chick is in awful relationship so he saves her." It also raised the question of: how does Honey feel about all of this? Besides hysterical cries and looking helpless, I'm sure she had more emotional responses than that and I would've liked to see them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good Romance Story

In response to the other anonymous, the test for this of sort of story is whether it enables one to suspend disbelief. You know, if you think dispassionately about it that it is unlikely, but it carries you along so you accept it and enjoy the story. This story was very well written so I had no problem in suspending disbelief and enjoying it for what it was. Well done.

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