Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 09


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Cassie and Sheriff were lying in bed the day before the wedding, and she asked him what he was going to wear. He calmly said, "My dress uniform, of course."

"What is the punishment in this state for killing an idiot? You will wear the pink dress, before you will wear that uniform."

"The only suit I have is fifteen years old, and I don't think it will fit me anymore."

"Our wedding is not until 2 in the afternoon. You can be at that men's store, in Prescott at 10 o'clock in the morning. Get yourself two suits, four shirts, and eight ties. No, wait one minute." Cassie picked up the telephone and called Amanda.

"Hello, little girl, you finished screwing Joe's brains out yet?"

"Are you keeping tabs on my sex life again, Cassandra. Is Sergeant not filling you up anymore?"

"No, he is still keeping me full. I have a favor to ask of you for tomorrow morning. Would you accompany Sergeant to Prescott? He needs two suits, shirts, ties, the whole shebang. If I left it up to him, he would come back with plaids and stripes. I need someone with taste to go with him, and Susan, has her hands full with her idiot."

"I am committed for tomorrow morning, but Susan does have a houseguest. Patricia does have good sense, when it comes to men. Sergeant also wanted her to meet Felix. It could kill two birds with one stone. I will set it up for 9 AM, if you want me to."

"Set it up Amanda, he will be at Susan's at 8:30 AM for breakfast. It means I can get beauty sleep for my wedding."

"You get any prettier lady, and someone is going to steal you away from the man of your dreams."

"Yeah, like my former husband."


At 8:30 a.m., Alan was cursing at his treadmill, because the doctors had upped his speed again.

Patricia was helping Susan make breakfast, when Sergeant walked in the door. He said, "Cousin, if you are trying to keep him a secret, you had better soundproof this house. I could hear you cussing at him, when I was turning off the highway."

"I will get a bridle for him, and put a bit in his mouth. That should shut him up."

"I wasn't talking about him cousin, I was talking about you."

"Watch your mouth Sergeant, or you will never get fed in this house again."

Alan yelled, "Way to go, Sergeant!"

"Shut up Alan, I will have Callalily come here with your enemas."

"I thought you said you could handle me better than she could?"

Susan took the steak out of the frying pan, turned off the burner, grabbed a potholder, and turned towards the living room, where Alan was walking on the treadmill.

Patricia yelled, "Susan, don't do it!"

Alan saw her coming, but continued running on his treadmill. He said, "Just think Susan, the baby has to grow up knowing the mother killed the father, and the mother has to spend the rest of her life in jail because of it. What a stigma that is to live with all your life."

"I am not going to hit you in your head Robbin's, that would be useless. I am going to hit you where your brains are." She reared back and smacked him on his ass.

Alan had to grab onto the side rails, so he did not fall off the treadmill. "You bitch; I will get you for that. Sergeant, are you absolutely sure you want to get married, look what she has turned into."

"Unfortunately, Alan, I am as hooked as you are. Terrible, isn't it?"

Patricia listened to both men talking about the two women they idolized and loved. She had already seen how Alan didn't want to live without Susan, and even though they had these cat and dog fights, every day, they always had each other's best interest at heart.

When she was in the car with Sheriff, and she asked him about his relationship with Cassandra, and she was blown away. Here was a man, as strong in mind, and in body, as any she had ever met, yet, all his life, he was afraid to approach this one woman, for fear of rejection. He could face danger coming at him from the barrel of a gun, but rejection from one female was too much for him to risk. She had to order him to come to her house before he would go. Patricia found it amazing. All her life, men had pursued her. They were always stronger, and more persistent. She watched all her female friends get gobbled up by stronger male personalities. Some were able to grow into their own, because of their intellect. Even those showed signs of being subservient to their husbands in public. Was there something different out here in the West that made strong men like stronger women? Maybe she would do a study on it. She remembered listening to a professor, when she was in college, say that the West was not won by the likes of Wyatt Earp, and Buffalo Bill Cody, it was won by wagon trains bringing women and children to the West. It was the women and children that forced changes in attitudes towards lawbreakers. Bank robbers and train thieves were no longer admired and their days were numbered, because the money in those banks belonged to the men, women, and children, who lived in those new towns that were growing in the West.

She scolded herself, "Patricia, you are not out to solve everyone's problem, you have to solve your own first. After you do that, maybe you can help someone else."

Sheriff noted that Patricia had become quiet. "What is the matter, Patty?"

"You are, Alan is, Joe is, and I don't understand it. Three of the bravest, strongest, biggest men I have ever known, and women rule your lives. Well, not really rule, but they are your equals and you do not push them around like they are clay in your hands. Joe could squish Amanda like a bug, yet he protects her like Fort Knox. Alan doesn't want to live without Susan, and he told her so. You put yourself in front of machine gun fire, but you would not talk to Cassandra, because you were afraid she would reject you. I meet a man and I fall desperately in love with him. He treats me like a goddess in private. In public, he wants me to be seen and not heard. It is the reason I am not married today. He does not respect me, like the three of you respect your women. If you could tell me why, I would not have a problem."

"You are not going to like my answer, Patty, but it is the truth. Joe and I are very simple people. We live very simple lives. We love our neighbors and most of them are friends. Most of us grew up together, and that makes our lives very easy. As far as Cassie and me, I already told you, our story. It is the story of Joe and Amanda that would really set your panties on fire. He was the laughing stock of the city for the entire year, she let him chase her. She was a mink, and he was a skunk trying to get rid of his white stripe. She wanted him, but she was not going to let him know it. She would drop a hint that her house had a broken floorboard on her deck and she was going to hire someone to repair it. She would go home at night, and have a brand-new deck. He would get fined because he didn't pull a permit. She kept dropping hints about things that were wrong at her house, and he kept fixing them. By the time they got married her house was completely fixed up. She put it on the market, got top dollar for it. She moved in with him, and had him start repairing his house. You could hear his screaming all the way in downtown. She did not talk to him for weeks. He could not stand the silence. He served her with divorce papers, thinking she would break down and stop the nonsense. She signed them immediately. He broke down, instead. He cried like a baby when she signed those papers, and he has not yelled at her since."

"What about Alan, Sergeant? He was a city boy. College graduate, worked undercover for the FBI, twice divorced, been through the mill the hard way, even went through the bottom of the bottle. How do you explain his relationship with Susan?"

"Do you believe in love and first sight, Patricia?"

"Love; or lust at first sight, Sheriff?"

"One or the other, Patricia, because both are needed for a relationship."

"Tell me more Sheriff; I'd like to hear about this."

"From what I am told, you started the dominoes falling, Patricia."

"Me! What did I do?"

"You blew up Alan's computer."

"Oh my Lord, it was him; that is really funny."

"I will give you the abridged version. You blew up Alan's computer. He brought it in to get fixed, which was not possible. Our computer person told him to get some riding lessons, and sent him to Susan's ranch. Susan talked Alan into some riding lessons that did not include horses. They were married a few months later, after she told him she was pregnant. They were both thrilled, because it was a first for both of them. She got him out of the bottom of the bottle and into a new life. She had been married once before, and he turned out to be a real bastard. She swore she would never marry again, until Alan knocked her heels over her head."

"Did they get married because of the baby?"

"No, he asked her, before they knew she was pregnant. However, he would not let her answer, until this thing with your fiancé in the cave was completed. No one knew what the final act would be, so he wanted to wait. Once he found out she was pregnant, they got married that weekend to make sure she was protected by the government for insurance and everything else. He never inquired about how much money she had. He didn't care; he only wanted Susan."

"I have got to get Stephano out here to talk to you men. He has been surrounded by the wrong type of people all his life. Gangsters do not make good role models. I wonder if he would come and stay out here for a while. He has to hide, why not hide here. Do you need an unpaid deputy?"

"I could always use someone extra on the midnight shift."

"Would you like to make a phone call to my fiancé and tell him he missed a 'Courting Date' in Cottonwood. When he finishes tripping over his tongue, you can give me the phone."


"May I speak to Stephano Valentino please?"

"Whom may I ask is calling?"

"This is Sergeant Sherwood of the Cottonwood police."

"This is Stephano, Sergeant, how may assist you?"

"Mr. Valentino, you missed a 'Courting Date,' in Cottonwood, two days ago, and your presence is required at the Public Safety building, within five business days. Will you be there, or do we have to put out a Bench Warrant for your arrest?"

"Sergeant Sherwood, although I admit being in the area of Cottonwood, I have no idea what I could have been doing that would have been grounds for an arrest. What are the charges against me?"

Patricia took the phone from Sergeant, and said, "Mental Cruelty, and Physical Torture. Are you going to be there or not?"

"It all depends, are you going to show up this time or not?"

"I will be there, surrounded by armed guards."

"Why would you need to be protected from me?"

"According to my father, your last words were when I get my hands around her throat..."

"I didn't mean that Patty, and you know it."

"I will believe it when you are in chains, again."

"Why are we meeting if this is going to be your attitude?"

"I love you, you ignorant bastard; that is my problem. I am trying to figure out a way for you to change your ways, without my interfering with your growth process. I believe I have found it, but you have to be here to listen and understand what is going on. If you are in, fine. If you are out, we are done. At least I will know I will have to begin looking for a new life, and so will you. There are no guarantees that this will work. There are no guarantees in life. We will not be living together. We may not even see each other. We will talk over the phone. The judge will be our go-between and our arbiter. I am told that she is fair, honest, and as hard as nails. Neither one of us should expect a break from her. I want this to work. I want us to work, but I have to be treated as an equal, not like arm candy."

Stephano said, "I will rent a car, and be in Cottonwood, in an hour. I will check out of my hotel, and look for a place to stay up there."

"Don't expect to stay at a hotel for more than one or two days. Your housing arrangements will be taken care of after that. Where are you now?"

"I am having breakfast in the restaurant of my hotel in Prescott. I have come to like the climate here."

"What is the name of the hotel?"

"It's the Spring Hill Suites Hotel."

Sergeant overheard the name of the hotel and flashed three fingers.

Patricia said, "A police car will be outside your hotel in four minutes to pick you up; be outside, and don't forget to pay your bill." She hung up the phone before he could respond.

Sergeant said, "I told you three minutes, not four."

"I know, but I wanted to check my makeup first. Pull over for a moment please."

Sergeant looked out the window of the car and said, "God bless you women; you cannot live without them, (Patty joined Sergeant at this point) and you cannot kill them all." They looked at each other and laughed.

Her makeup now perfect, Patricia gave Sergeant the go-ahead to continue.

Sergeant picked up his police radio microphone and turned to the local channel. "Felix, are you working today?"

"So help me, Sergeant, if you are asking me for another favor. I am going to take my shotgun off the shelf and double load it."

"Would I do that to you on my wedding day? You are going to be on time, right?"

"Absolutely nothing could keep me away from your wedding Sergeant."

"I have a young woman with me, who is not my intended bride. I want you to meet me at that men's shop on Crossroads. Cassie would not let me get married in my uniform, so I have to get suits, and everything. This young lady is to make sure I buy something that has style and good taste."

"Thank God Cassie has good sense, Sergeant, because you have no taste at all."

"I am marrying Cassandra!"

"She had to hit you with a Mack truck to get the message across."

"Back to the reason I'm speaking to you, friend. I want you to give the young woman I am with a real Latin welcome. Do you understand me, Felix, the whole nine yards? The young man who is going to be with us is her former fiancé. He has a few marbles loose when it comes to how to treat a woman. I want to start his education today. You, my friend, get to be the letter 'A.'"

"Will she be prepared for it?"

"You come in the door and scream 'Patricia' and go for broke. She will be ready."

"Okay, Sergeant, you have made my day, and I hope to make hers."

"See you soon my friend."

"Patricia, when Felix walks into the store and screams your name, scream his name, and run to him. Be prepared to get your head swallowed, because his lips will be all over yours."

"How am I supposed to explain that to Stephano?"

"Felix is an old and dear friend."

"Felix is an old and dear friend who has just made me cum in my pants. Is that what you want Stephano to think?"

"Can you think of a better way to get his mind focused on the task at hand?"

"No, but I don't want him to start out by being angry either."

"Patricia, hold your ground. You are not asking for more than fifty percent. However, you will not take less than fifty percent, either. There he is; let's get this show on the road."

Patricia exited her side of the car and kissed Stephano lightly. She told him to sit in front because there was more legroom and he was much taller than she was. She got into the back, and that ended their discussion. Two minutes later they were at a clothing store, and Patricia said to Stephano, "Sergeant needs two very good suits. The cost is not a problem. The style, fit, and cut are. You have always dressed well; make yourself useful, and help him on his wedding day.

Stephano looked at her when she said those last three words, because she accentuated them. She also looked him straight in his eyes when she said them. As if scripted for a movie, from behind her, Felix yelled, "Patricia!"

She turned around and saw a police officer standing there. It could have been anyone, because she did not know Felix from a hole in the ground. She yelled, "Felix!" She ran to him, and jumped into his arms. Felix delivered as promised, and Patricia was not immune to his assault. This man was an accomplished lover, and she was not the first woman he had ever kissed. When they came up for air, Patricia whispered in his ear, "Do all Latin men kiss as well as you do?"

"We have a kissing contest in this town every year. I came in third this year."

"I hope the girl who kissed the winner wasn't wearing panties. They would have been so wet; they would have fallen down to her ankles."

"You do know how to flatter a man Patricia. How do we know each other?"

"You lived in Glens Falls, New York, that's all he needs to know." Patricia took his hand and led him over to Stephano, and Sergeant.

"Sergeant, you have a death wish. You told me someone in Prescott, knew me, but didn't tell me who or from where. Cassie was nearly a widow before she got married. You cannot do that to a girl, not with a friend like Felix. She turned and kissed Felix on the mouth heartily one more time."

Stephano's blood pressure was setting record heights on both ends of the scale, and he had not yet been introduced.

Patricia asked Felix how long he and Sergeant had known each other. He responded that they had been really good friends for three years, before that Sergeant was just a pain in the ass.

The talking went back and forth for about fifteen minutes, without Stephano being invited to join the conversation. Finally, Stephano said, "Sergeant, you are here to buy suits for your wedding this afternoon. If they have to be tailored we have to get moving, very soon."

Felix said, "You and Sergeant do your thing; while Patricia and I catch up on our lost years."

They sat on couches, centrally located in the suit department. They watched what Stephano was picking out, for Sergeant to wear. The associate was staying out of Stephano's way, because he was in fear of his life. Stephano was discarding suits like yesterday's laundry. Finally, Patricia stood up, walked behind him, and asked, "How did you like it?"

Stephano wheeled around to face her, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"How did you like being ignored, while you were in a group of people having a conversation? How did it make you feel, not being allowed to add your point of view?"

"Is this what I do when I am with you?"

"You, not only do it with me, you do it with any woman. You do it with your mother. You do with women in restaurants, on airplanes; you even did it when you were warning the women at my school about the dangers of being kidnapped. How you managed to belittle women, while warning them about the dangers to their lives absolutely startled me. I thought I was reading you wrong. I thought I was hearing your words and putting them in the wrong context. I had been accused of doing that many times, during my school years. I was so far ahead of everyone else; they thought I was being condescending. I never meant to be insulting, but it came across that way, because I could not understand why a concept that was so easy for me to see was so hard for them to grasp. I don't know if that is your problem, part of your problem, or not your problem. I am not a psychologist. All I can tell you is, from what I saw this last fifteen minutes, you reacted the same way I did when I sat down at the computer trying to figure out if I wanted to get married to you or not. The way you handled those suits, were the same answers I put down on the paper. I wanted no part of a life with you; because of the way you were going to treat me. Now I want to know what you are willing to do about it."

"Who is Felix?"

"None of your business."

"You never kissed me like that."
