Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father Ch. 10


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"You still have not told me the good part, Fred."

"I am going to go away for a week or two in May. I will go to Yale and Harvard. I will pick out my new assistant. The Best Part is I will be doing this on 'Company Time, using Company Money.' You see, I may not have played this game before, but I have watched everyone else play it. Now, Sharon and I are going to enjoy following your dictates. Thank you so much, Mister Attorney General, for helping me to understand that there is more to life than serving you, this office, and work."

"Michael, what has happened to my assistant? I should never have told him to buy a new car. This is my fault. I cannot wait to meet his fiancée and her daughters. Why don't you bring your wife and your two girls, also? It should make for a very interesting Friday evening."

"When and where Clark, I would not miss this for the world."

"My home, 6 PM, dinner will be served at 7 PM."

"Excellent! I need a word with you in your office, if you have a moment."

"Fred, you can go to work now. All the jokes are now completed. You may work until 8 o'clock tonight. Guards will come and kick your butt out at 8:01 PM."

"Thank you for that warning, Clark."

"That is 'Sir' to you sonny!"

"Sorry about that 'dad.'"


"What is it Michael; what is on your mind?"

"I don't think it's him. It has to be him, but I don't think so. He has had every opportunity to go for the safe, and he doesn't even look at the dam wall. It's not like he's trying to avoid it, because there are no tells. He comes in here, he does his job, and he's gone. He's like a fucking machine. I'm beginning to wonder if there is another camera in here, keeping tabs on the room. However, Stephano specifically said they were paying a person 'a ton of money' and he was so close to you, he could wipe your ass.' The only person that has that opportunity is Fred. I think someone is feeding us a 'Red Herring.' It can't be, Stephano, because it happened shortly after the first trial, and the Dons were exuberant at that time. His father is turning state's evidence, and Stephano is going to testify, also. That is another reason for him not to lie to us. Who is this mystery man? Who else comes into this room that you know so well. Hell, I am only in this room once or twice a month, and I'm not going to wipe your ass anytime soon."

Clark laughed, "Michael, I was just going to bend over for you, and you've ruined my day. Could Fred have seen the cameras or the recorders?"

"No, he never looks for anything. As I said before, he brings your paperwork in, places it up on your desk, brings anything you have finished out of the office, and continues doing his work. If he had accepted your offer and quit, you would need 3 people to replace him."

"Don't tell him that, he will want two assistants. Let me know how the vetting process goes on Sharon Williams. I hope there is nothing in her background that causes Fred to have to make a decision on leaving her or leaving here. Either way, he will be devastated."

"It should take about 2 weeks to look into it. I won't give you any promises, but from what you told me about her, I don't think there will be any problems."

Fred knocked on the door, and asked to come into the room. He was carrying an armload of papers for the Attorney General's approval and signature.

"God dammit Fred, my desk was looking good for a few minutes."

"I know, Sir, I left these in my vault over the weekend. They were supposed to be on your desk Monday, but I shirked my responsibility, and took my first personal day off in 9 years. I felt honor bound to give them to you immediately. Also, your desk is exactly the way I left it on Friday. You did not get any work done yesterday, which means you have some catching up to do."

"Fred, what color shorts am I wearing?"

"It is Tuesday Sir; they would be white with the blue pinstripe."

"How would you know that?"

"Every time you take off your jacket Sir, you pull your shirt out the back of your pants, and display the top of your underwear. You could avoid this by spending more money on your shirts, and less money on your suits."

The director of the FBI couldn't control himself. "When you fire him, send him to me. I could use an agent as observant as he is."

"Fire him, HELL, I am going to get someone from the CIA, and hide him in one of those prison camps overseas for the rest of his natural life."

"Can Sharon come with me, sir?"

"I cannot believe you are not gay. For the longest time, the entire office was sure you were."

"It was the only way I knew I could save money. I watched my dad run his garment factory for years. One year it was boom, and the next, it was bust. Everyone assumed he was wealthy, because he owned business, but he was barely squeaking by. That is how I learned my lesson. You save every penny you can, because you never know when you are going to need it."

Michael Free asked Fred, "If I checked into your finances, how much money would I find you had?"

"Sir, if you are asking permission to look into my finances, you have it. I have a little more than $200,000 in savings, and my IRA. You have my permission to look into my tax returns, if you want. I have nothing to hide. My job is too important to me to do anything stupid. I would never do anything to besmirch the reputation of this office, and the man who leads it."

"Thank you Fred, I will have the IRS send you the appropriate forms. It will help in Sharon's vetting process."

"Mister Free, there is no need to go through the IRS. I can pull the form off their website. I can have it for you in two or three minutes."

"Do it Fred, and I will wait here with the General."

As soon as Fred closed the door to the office, the director of the FBI said, "It is not him. I will stake my reputation on it. Everything we ask of him, he does instantly and without reservation. He is so devoted to you; he would take a bullet for you, rather than see you hurt."

"Let's hope that never comes to pass."

Fred knocked on the door a few moments later, and handed a signed IRS form to the Director and a copy of it to his boss. He also handed both men a letter he drafted giving the FBI complete access to his financial information, with bank account and IRA numbers. He had even had it notarized by a secretary, in the office.

Fred said, "If we are finished, I have a ton of paperwork to go through, and only until 8 PM to do it."

Clark Atwater said to his protégé, "8 PM Fred, not 8:01 PM, I want you rested for tomorrow."

"Yes, sir, I will follow your orders to a 'T.'"

Michael Free said to the General, "I should just tear these two pieces of paper up. We will find nothing out of order here. He will be as clean as new snow."

35. Contrition

Stephano looked at his lists, and wondered why Patricia had put up with him this long. When he looked at the things he thought he had done for her, he had actually done them for himself trying to bring her closer to him. Everything he did for him had the same result. When he put down the reasons he wanted to marry her, they were all superficial. None had anything to do with her intelligence. Only once did he say to her that they would set up a business, where they could be together all the time. It was actually a ploy so he could keep an eye on her all the time. He would be the one to do all the communications with people, and she would be doing all the computer programming in the background. When he listed the reasons she would want to marry him. He only came up with one, "She loved him." When he looks over the lists he said, "If I was Patty, I would still be running away." He picked up his cell phone and called her.

"Patricia, can we meet on neutral territory; I would like to talk to you for a while."

"I guess you made your lists?"

"Yes, I did."

"Come to Susan's house, we can talk in the barn."

"I will be there shortly."

Patricia told Alan and Susan, that Stephano was coming, and she was going to talk to him outside. Alan asked her if she wanted his gun, and she said no. Susan put her rifle on the table, just in case.

Patricia laughed. "Susan, we are only going to talk."

"Patty, if I hear screaming, I am not going out there unarmed. If he is hurting you, he is going down."

"Please do not hit any important parts. Our relationship may be salvageable. You and Alan yell at each other all the time, and there has been no gunplay in this house."

"You take a lot of fun out of shooting a man, Patty."

"I do want to get laid this century, and with all my heart, I hope it is him."

"You have it bad for that bastard; even after all he has done to you."

"Susan, look at the prize you have. He died on you, and you still love him. In all recorded history, only one other man has died and been resurrected from the dead. They started a new religion for him, because of him."

"Are you saying that I am going to have to genuflect in front of Alan?"

"No, that would not be enough for him. He would want you to strip naked, and lay face up on the floor to honor him."

Alan said, "Do you see how well women know me. What she forgot to tell you, was only women under forty would be allowed in my religion. They would have to keep their pubic area completely shaved, at all times, because I love eating bagels."

Patricia snarled at him, "Alan, you are so gross."

He replied, "I left out the cream cheese and sour cream, didn't I?"

Susan said, "Patty, don't humor him, he will drive you crazy, and I am almost there."

Alan heard car tires crunching on the gravel roadway and told Patricia that Stephano had arrived. He wished her luck, and told her not to give in, because she loved him. Be stern and make him earn her love, and respect.

She walked towards the barn and called out to Stephano, who turned and saw her.

"I thought you would be inside waiting for me."

"I guess my waiting days are over, Stephano. Let's go inside, I want to hear what you have to say."

She entered the barn and turned on the lights. She pointed to a bale of hay for him to sit on, and she picked one far enough away from him, and sat on it. She did not say a word.

Stephano was used to her starting their conversations, and when she didn't, he began tripping over his tongue.

She said, "Stop. You can do better than that. Collect yourself, and begin again."

He looked at her and said, "You are going to be a bitch about this, aren't you?"

"You can leave now. You have started on the wrong foot, and it is not going to get any better." She stood up and began walking out of the barn, when he asked her if she would please stop."

Patricia turned and asked him why she should stay with him, if she was such a bitch?

He put his head down for one second, and when he brought it up, and looked into her eyes, he said, "Because I love you."

She laughed, and it hurt him to his core.

"When did this occur to you, Stephano? When you cried to your mother? When you made up your lists, and found out that you gave me nothing and took everything for granted? When did this bolt of lightning strike, you?"


"Honesty is a very good place to start, and an excellent place to end."

"It was when you kissed Felix."

Patricia laughed, and Stephano saw red. "It was a last second decision by Sergeant. He called his friend and told him to do it. He knew it would get your blood boiling and he was right."

"I don't know about my blood boiling, but I am very glad he was the one with the gun. I was out of my mind with jealousy. Then you dismissed me from the store, and had him show me out. You were all I could think about, until I started walking back to the hotel. Then, as I calmed down, I focused on what you said about the suits, and my behavior. I spoke to your father, and my mother, and did a lot of thinking. As I worked on the computer, I realized what an ass I was. I looked at both sides of the ledger, and I could not believe my eyes. What I did for me was nearly a page long. What I thought I did for you had one item. When I did the reasons why I wanted to marry you, I had a list of items, but none of them had anything to do with how smart and talented you were. When I tried to figure out why you would want to marry me, there was only one item, and you kept repeating it over and over again: You Love Me. I could not think of any other reason you would want to marry me. I did not do anything to make you happy. You are afraid of my hands. I treated you like shit in public. Why would you want to be with me? After going over everything in my mind, I determined, if I were you, I would still be running away from me."

Before Patricia could answer him, Alan screamed from the house that he needed help with Susan. Patricia and Stephano ran to find Susan on the floor, with blood between her thighs.

Stephano asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know. I was in the other room, when she screamed. I found her here. I cannot pick her up. I have to get her to the hospital, now."

Patricia said, "Alan, give me the keys to the Dodge. I will back it up to the front door, and we will put her in the back cabin. Stephano, get blankets, and pillows; they are upstairs. Alan, you stay with Susan."

Everyone did their job quickly, and they were ready to move Susan into the back of the Dodge moments later. Alan wanted to help, but he was too weak. Stephano and Patricia lifted Susan up carefully, carried her out the front door, and placed her on the blankets that were on the back lift-gate. Stephano got in, and pulled Susan all the way into the front of the cabin.

Patricia yelled, "Alan, you are shotgun, strap yourself in. Stephano, you stay with Susan, and hold her tight. I am driving."

He replied, "Oh shit!"

She screamed, "I will get you for that."

Patricia jumped into the front seat, and punched the accelerator of the Dodge to the floor. The huge Hemi-Engine roared down the road towards 89A like a stallion given its head for the first time.

Alan used his cell phone to call the Verde Valley Hospital to let them know they were on their way, and Susan was bleeding vaginally. A police car saw the Dodge flyby at 105 miles an hour and took off after it.

Elmore was sitting at Sergeant's desk, and heard the call. He recognized the license plate number, and told the officer in pursuit to assist the car, not to stop it.

He knew Sergeant and Cassandra were packing for their trek into the Grand Canyon, but he assumed something was wrong. He called them on his cell.

"Elmore, I am on vacation, you handle it."

"Sergeant, I just wanted to tell you that Alan's truck was seen doing over 100 miles an hour heading for the hospital. I don't know what is wrong, but it has to be something important."

Sergeant closed his phone, and said, "Fuck, its Susan."

Cassandra looked up and said, "What is it?"

Sergeant grabbed her hand and said, "Come with me, I think Susan is having the baby."

Cassandra replied, "It's too soon; it's much too soon."

"Tell that to the fucking baby."

Sergeant got into his truck with Cassandra, and headed for the hospital. As soon as he turned onto Main Street, he had a police escort, and they were flying.

As Patricia turned into the emergency bays, a triage team was already waiting. As gently as they could they pulled Susan from the back of the truck and put her on a gurney. They saw the blood on the sheets and blankets and called the blood bank for five units of blood. Susan's obstetrician had been called and was on her way. The Neonatal team was called, because Susan was only in her twenty-ninth week of pregnancy.

They did not take Susan into the emergency room. They brought her up to the surgery pre-op area, as a precaution. They prepared her for a C-section, as well as a vaginal delivery. Monitors replaced on her stomach to check on the health of the baby, as well as its position.

After an Ultra-sound of her abdomen they knew Susan's placenta had ruptured from the wall of her uterus. Her doctor would have a tenuous decision to make. The baby was viable, but just barely. They could chance continuing the pregnancy as long as Susan maintained complete bed rest. However, she could go into severe shock, due to extreme blood loss. Both patient and baby could die instantly. Susan was in a category of extreme risk because of her age, as well as this being her first child.

Alan and Stephano had no idea what was going on. Patricia, on the other hand, had commandeered a white lab coat and a computer. In less than three minutes, she knew more than she wanted to know."

She joined the men outside the preop area, and Alan asked her where she got the coat. She said she was cold and one of the security men gave it to her.

Alan reminded her that he worked for the FBI and could tell a liar from a tire in a second or less.

Patricia said, "If you know I'm lying, why did you ask me?"

"I want the answer about my wife, before I have to beat it out of you."

A voice he knew too well yelled, "Robbins, what are you doing in my hospital?"

"I came here to bust your balls Callalily."

"That's very nice of you Robbins. Why did my superiors send me here to hold your hand?"

"They probably knew you were turning into an iceberg, and wanted me to heat you up."

"That is very nice of you Alan. It was either that, or you are constipated, and you needed a hand with your enemas, again."

"You keep your hands away from my ass, Callaway. I just got finished ridding myself of the frostbite."

"How is Susan doing Alan?"

"I was hoping you could tell me, Callaway."

"I will be right out; don't get your tits in a ringer."

"Callaway, let's not talk about tits, right now."

"It's nice to have you back Robbins. I haven't had a good argument in weeks."

Stephano asked, "What is it with you people? Do you argue all the time?"

Patricia said, "Stephano, you are as blind as a bat. They are not arguing with each other, they are baiting one another. They are friends, believe it or not, and this is how they get a rise of one another. You would not believe some of the things that go on between them. It helps release the tension of everyday life, and it brings fun into it. You should have been in the room with them the day he got her so angry she hit the surgeon that saved his life. It was the funniest thing I ever heard about."

Alan said, "Thanks Patricia, I just remembered I owe her a favor. I will remind her when she comes out."

Callaway came out as pre-op with a face that did not make Alan fill with confidence. "What is going on, Callaway. What is wrong, with my Susan?"

"Alan, I will not lie to you, she is in trouble, and so is the baby. Her placenta has pulled away completely from her uterus. They are transfusion her, but the bleeding has not stopped. Her doctor has just shown up, but the anesthesiologist is not here yet. There are nurses in there that have assisted him many times, but they have never done it alone. If he is not here soon, we could lose both of them."

"Callaway, you bring me whatever the paperwork I need to sign to have those nurses do whatever they have to do, to save my wife. If they can save the child, fine, but don't let anything happen to Susan."

"I will tell them to start, and bring you the paperwork, afterwards."

Callaway ran into the preop area, and told them to begin the procedure. She grabbed the paperwork and brought it out to Alan. He signed each page, and Callaway ran back into the OR and showed the documents to the doctor.

Before Susan was completely under the anesthetic, the doctor made the first incision. Her first command was for suction to clear the area of blood, and there was a great deal of it. The next incision was very tenuous, because the placenta was completely wrapped around the baby. Very gently, she used the forceps to pull it away from the baby's head and made a small incision. There was more blood inside, which had to be suctioned out. The doctor completed the incision, pulled the two-pound infant from Susan's body. Thankfully, the umbilical cord was still attached. She tied it off, and sliced it between the knots. She cleared the baby's mouth and nose, and shook it, to get it to cry. It did not. She handed the little boy to the Neonatal nurses for them to do their job.