Hot Buffalo Conference


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I was in a state of shock. Alvin was a math teacher who also served as Bill's assistant football coach. Lucille was an English teacher who was a nasty bitch. She and I hated each other because of an incident in my second year where I failed her dumb ass son in my chemistry class. The boy was a cheat and a liar, neither skill helpful in conducting chemistry experiments. Archie Campbell was assistant principal of the school and head of the athletic department. Alvin and Archie were good guys, I liked them both, but Lucille was one I wouldn't piss on if she burst into flames in front of me.

"This is news to me. I've never been aware of anything from Davy. I think you guys have got it all wrong. This is the kind of shit that gets around and causes two single guys to have to avoid each other forever to avoid confirming a lie."

Bill patted my leg and stroked the hairs on it.

"I'm guess I'm not surprised you don't know," he said gently. "You're a nice guy, Clive, and I really like you a lot but we all know you are a bit clueless when it comes to people skills."

He reached up and pinched my tit.

"Now don't get all pissed off and on your high horse! It's not like it's a rumor all over the fucking school. Lucille is a tight assed bitch who just needs to be fucked with a donkey cock about a foot long. She hates you over her little Billy. He had to go to summer school to get a science credit because of you in order to graduate with his class the following year. But the old bitch has got sharp eyes. She told me she's seen Davy following you with his eyes when you're not looking. She says he can barely keep his tongue in mouth when you walk away from him and he's looking at your ass."

"That's a goddamned lie!"

Bill snickered. "You know, you're even more cute when you're angry. And, no. It's not a lie. Archie and Alvin have noticed the same kind of thing. Alvin even caught Davy craning his neck to look at your dick when you two were pissing in the faculty lounge toilet."

I put my head in my hands. "I can't believe it."

Bill stroked my neck.

"Believe it, it's true. I could expect that old bitch Lucille to catch it. The same goes for Alvin. But we both know Mr. Administrator Archie barely knows what day it is unless his secretary tells him. Bastard went into administration and his brains went down the shitter. What you need to consider is if Archie picked up on it, then others have also, probably even students."

I just sat stunned. After the most amazing fuck, I could not have felt more attacked if Bill had beat the shit out of me and left me bleeding on the floor.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked no one in particular. It was a rhetorical question. There was not answer, no real solution. The cat was already out of the bag, so to speak, and I could not get him back inside.

Bill lit another cigarette. He lay back against the headboard puffing for a few seconds, thinking about my plight.

"The way I see it, you've got one thing in your favor. Everyone probably knows you've never reciprocated Davy's feelings. You just said you've never seen him outside of school. The kids call you 'Space Cadet', you know. They'll all figure you're clueless about Davy's affection for you. If you suddenly stop associating with Davy people will really start to talk. It'll be like you had a lover's spat. You just gotta play your cards close to your vest. Carry on as usual; just reduce your contact with him. And for fuck's sake, don't play chess with him alone in your classrooms during planning periods."

I felt sick. "We never have. The chess board's in the faculty lounge."

"I'm gonna get you out of lunches with him."

I looked at him amazed. Lunch schedules were staggered so that each hall took lunch in separate forty minute shifts. There were three classroom halls in a square building and the fourth hall contained administration and staff offices along with supply storage rooms and the school auditorium. My room was on the Math/Science hall. It was my academic field and there was no changing that.

"I'd like to know how you're gonna pull that off. You want me to be careful to not create gossip. Move my lunch schedule from everyone else on my hall and you'll cause a shit storm."

Bill puffed his cigarette. "Not so fast, Grasshopper. You're forgetting Davy Harris's degree is in Social Studies and Math. He's only on your hall because in his first year he started out teaching an extra math class during his planning period because Annette Ridge was on maternity leave. By the time she came back that old bastard Roundtree had dropped dead of a heart attack and he left a vacancy in math. She took his classroom instead of her old one because his was nicer. Harris got left on your hall even though he only teaches two Algebra I classes."

Bill continued. "Archie's pissed because that old dyke Ruth Hightower insists he give her Davy's Social Studies classroom for the Special Education department. Ruth claims she needs more room. Archie says it's a fucking lie. She's just trying to move that other little bitch in her department to another hall so she doesn't have to fight with her all the time."

His information was interesting but I didn't really get too involved in school gossip.

"How's this going to help me?"

"Arlene Gwyn's doctor has said she can't come back to work in the fall because of a dangerous pregnancy. Archie wants to take Davy's algebra classes away from him and give him three of Arlene's government classes. There's a budget crisis and the school board's not going to let Archie hire a replacement for Arlene. Her department's gonna catch the slack by each taking a class for her during their normal planning period. Pulling Davy out of math will help cover Arlene. No math classes and Davy's not on your hall anymore. Not on your hall and no longer on your lunch schedule. So he can't get his rocks off watching your ass all during lunch." Bill smirked.

"So what's the problem? Why doesn't Archie just do it? He doesn't usually give a shit if we like a move or not. What part have you got in this?"

I was suddenly suspicious. It sounded like the basic teacher hop scotch scheduling maneuvers administration played every year. Why had Bill said he could make the change happen?

"This is where I come in, my man. You see, bitch Lucille also has a certificate to teach Social Studies that she's never had the occasion to use in our school. She's always been satisfied to teach the gifted English student program. But the state test scores have gone to hell and now her gifted program has been cut in half. She wants to create a gifted program in government studies. That way her day will still be spent teaching only the best students in the entire school. Archie's against it, so is Barbara Hayes. Since student test scores have dropped, Barbara's been on shaky ground as social studies department chairperson. She's certain Lucille's out to take over; and if not the whole department, she'll break it up with her gifted student program. So Archie is gonna put Davy in Social Studies full time to keep Lucille out and I'm taking Davy's algebra classes."

Bill had not taught regular classes in several years. When I first came to the school he was also a math teacher but when he became head football coach he moved to teaching remedial math with a teaching assistant. To be blunt about it, his assistant taught, he stayed in the athletic department, and he got all the credit for both.

"How's that gonna happen? Even Archie's not stupid enough to let you officially be out of a remedial class for the hour to teach algebra. The school would be fucking crucified."

"Because test scores have gotten so bad, administration's required to hire a full time remedial math teacher. Last year there were only three remedial math classes a day. The scores indicate the need for double that. The new guy is going to teach five, I'm going to do one plus the two algebra classes."

I could see the logic at once. Bill would be on my hall two periods a day and would teach in the remedial math lab during the new teacher's planning period. Since Bill was head football coach, his classes would be the first three in the morning and then he would go to the athletic department.

I leaned in to him and kissed his nipple. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Now my only problem will be to keep my own eyes off your sexy ass," Bill giggled.

I bit his nipple. "I can't believe I didn't know about Davy. You know, a couple of years ago, he and I were scheduled to attend a three day math conference together and it fell through. He had to room with a guy from the middle school."

Bill laughed. "I know. He roomed with Levi Grant and I've known Levi since elementary school. He's a super guy and we've always been friends but I've always known his preference for cock over pussy. It isn't common knowledge. I had my suspicions about Davy and when he was placed with Levi I knew that at the very least Levi would suck Davy's dick dry every chance he got."

I raised an eyebrow. "You speak from personal experience?"

Bill squeezed me to him. "Yeah, it's from personal experience but not with me. I caught him sucking my older brother off when Levi and I were thirteen and my brother Stan was sixteen." Bill snickered.

"Shit! That must have been awkward."

Bill gave an evil giggle.

"It gave me power over Stan. He's the favorite son. Mom and Dad dote on him and he's always held up as the example I should follow. After I caught him getting his knob cleaned by Levi he let up on me with his shit."

"And Levi?"

"Oh, periodically Levi begged me to let him suck my cock. I was tempted but I wouldn't let him. I was too afraid."

"What's Stan doing now? Does he still get serviced by Levi?"

Bill giggled again. "Probably. I don't know. Stan's an arrogant prick. I'm sure Levi isn't the only guy that's sucked him. Stan's a sex maniac. He's been divorced twice because he couldn't keep his zipper closed. So he's supporting a kid by each wife plus he's got an illegitimate son by a girl he screwed in high school."

"Sounds like a winner. How could your parents think he's so perfect when he got his high school girl friend knocked up?"

Bill laughed. "Nah, his girl friend split with him over his getting LaShonda pregnant. It wasn't just that he got another girl pregnant. It was more because LaShonda was black. Stan told me he had always wanted to try brown sugar pussy. Well, he did and got her knocked up. He supports the kid but he never sees her. Stan's a shit father. He supports them but never sees them."

"So what's he do?"

"Motherfucker's a lawyer. It fits perfectly because he's a goddamned crook and has been his whole fucking life. But Mom and Dad think he's a saint who's just had a few hard knocks in life."

I could tell Bill truly did not like his brother Stan. I looked over at the clock. An hour before the conference keynote address. I slid down between Bill's legs and took his cock in my mouth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Clive! I've never had my cock sucked as good as you do it!"

He wrapped his hairy thighs around my head and put his feet on my back before beginning to fuck my face. He fucked my mouth hard and his dick pushed against my throat. Suddenly, his thighs gripped my head in a vise as he began to orgasm. His cum was hot and thick, sweeter than most semen I've tasted. I grabbed his nuts and pulled on them as he shot into my mouth. Bill yelped with pain and made one final thrust into my mouth that forced his cock down my throat. He shuddered as if having a minor seizure and then collapsed.

"That was so fucking good, man," he said softly.

I slapped his ass hard.

"Get on your knees, stud. I'm about to fuck your brains out."

Bill got on all fours and presented me with the sexiest site I'd seen in ages, a sexy athletic body and a hairy butt splayed wide open, begging to be fucked. I'd brought some shampoo from the bathroom when I'd pissed in the middle of the night. I reached over, got it from the night stand, and lubed Bill's ass and my penis. I inserted one, two, and then three fingers before opening him up enough to fuck him. Bill was moaning and panting, pressing back against my hand, saying fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, over and over again.

I stood beside the bed and leaned into him, slowly pressing the head of my cock against his asshole. I teased his hole, slapping his ass with my cock, slapping his ass with my hands.

"Unnnnhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhhhhh, fuck my ass, man!"

Bill was pushing back against me and I heard a sucking sound as the mushroom head of my dick popped into his pussy. I could see Bill's spine jerking as my cock entered him and his feet pressed against my thighs, holding me tight against him. Bill pushed back hard against me and impaled his pussy on my cock.

"YYYeeeessssssss!" he screamed. "Please fuck me, please fuck me hard, fuck my pussy with your big cock, Clive. My hairy pussy needs your hard cock to fuck it good, baby."

Bill kept up a litany of sex talk, coaching me on fucking him, begging me to fuck him harder, more, deeper, sexy language I'd never experienced with another sex partner. He turned me on with his vulgar sex talk and my body was flushed and hot. I leaned over his back and kissed his neck. I reached around and grabbed his cock in my hand. Bill groans were like he was crying with emotion, weeping with happiness from being fucked. I couldn't see his face to determine if tears were pouring down his face but his moans made it seem like it.

I kept it up, fucking his ass and grasping his cock in my hand. I didn't have to jack his cock for him. Bill was fucking my hand as he rocked back and forth spearing his man pussy with my cock. I leaned forward and grabbed his head by the hair pulling his face back so I could kiss him. Bill's eyes burned with passion. The man was enjoying being fucked more than any other partner I'd ever had. He was almost completely lost in passion, making animal groans and grunts with the rhythm of our fucking. I twisted his head so my lips could cover his. His tongue pushed into my mouth and we tongue fucked to the same pace of my cock and his ass.

With my other hand, I stroked his chest, pinched his nipples, explored his body. Bill was strong, allowing my body to press against his as he knelt on all fours. I've no doubt he could have held me up had my full weight been on him. As it was, my standing by the bed and fucking his kneeling body gave me the freedom to touch him all over. Bill began to whimper and pant. He was nearing his orgasm. He fucked my hand hard. With each push through my hand, his foreskin would slide as far back as possible, exposing his entire mushroom head. Bill arched his back, threw his head back as far as he could, and moaned loud as his cock erupted, spurting hot cum on the bed, on my hand, and on him. His ass squeezed my cock as each rope of semen ejaculated from his body. I couldn't hold back any longer. I grabbed his hips with my hands and drove my dick into, hard and deep. My cum shot into his man pussy.

We collapsed onto the bed. Bill had his eyes closed and he seemed be drifting off to sleep again. I rose and knelt by the bed. I rolled him over and pushed his legs high in the air. He grabbed them and held them up, exposing his asshole to me. His penis was flaccid, exhausted and resting in his pubes. I kissed his ass, licked his balls, and made love to his crotch. Then my cum began to slide out of his ass pussy. I put my mouth over his hole and sucked my cum from his ass. I held it in my mouth until I could cover his mouth with mine and share the cum with him. We kissed passionately. Suddenly, I looked at the clock. The keynote address had begun a half hour ago. I held his face in my hands and kissed it gently.

"We're late for the keynote address," I whispered.

I hated to break the passion of the moment. Bill hugged me close to him and kissed me on the nose. He gave me that adorable boyish grin.

"Screw the keynote address. The only key I'm interested in right now has just fucked me in the ass."

Bill reached over, grabbed to room phone, and called the front desk. He told them to give us a noon wake up call. Then he turned back to me and enveloped me in his strong arms. He threw a leg over mine.

"We'll go to the afternoon sessions," he chuckled. "That is, unless something more important pops up."

I took his head in my hands and ran my fingers through his thick curly black hair. I kissed his beautiful face. And this was only the first day of the conference. Wow.

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MickyFox0MickyFox05 months ago

Why does it take me ages to find these stories? Love them

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteabout 1 year ago

Hot Hot Hot! I loved it. It may be 12 years ago but it's great sex. Perhaps more extraneous stories than necessary but the negative comments about the story are ridiculous. They don't really subtract from the very hot sex which is the point of stories on this site. Relax and jack off!

If you, perihelion, are still writing, keep up the good work. (I stumbled on this from the "similar stories" buttons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This story is a bizarre mix of awesome and fucking terrible. The characters are great, their interactions are great, the sexual tension and sex scenes are great. But it's all punctuated by a load of nonsense that I couldn't care less about reading. I don't care about his brother's irrelevant divorce, or about the 6 or 7 other teachers who get mentioned in the weird office politics interlude. You could really cut all that out and it'd be a really hot story about a hotel encounter. Honestly the teacher gossip in the middle was a particular turn off, such an odd change of pace.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Loved this story. Would love to see a follow up. Maybe the coach moves out and bunks with his new lover. Maybe Davey leaves the school and both men fucks him? Who knows. Thank you again. Great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hot! Hot! Hot!!

I loved your story. It had enough "story" to make it interesting, and enough really hot, explicit sex to make it a sexually stimulating read. I totally disagree with the negative comments above. I thought everything was quite believable, and the sexual progression was not so fast as to seem unlikely, and not so slow as to make it boring. I hope to run across more stories by you. I had the "hots" for my high school chemistry teacher, so it was easy to put myself into the lives of these two teachers. I would have liked to have been one of their students who learned of their "proclivities" and was able to wrangle them into inviting me to a "study session" over the weekend. That will give me some good JO fantasies for later! Keep up the sexy writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hot, Hot, Hot

So hot, I was expecting the Coach to tell him how he got the hotel reservation intentionally mixed up so they would share the same room with one bed. Really a great love story. When I was in my late 20s I discovered that a close friend had the hots for me, which is sort of funny because I had the hots for me. I never tried anything because I did not want to destroy our great friendship. Turns out we had a great romance and sex to go long with our friend. If I had only we would have started having sex years earlier. I love this story.

illwindillwindover 5 years ago

Did I miss something? I thought he was supposed to be paired up with a female teacher from his school? Why is the football coach suddenly there instead?

Even without that confusion the story is still all over the place. First with this long introduction that was completely unnecessary(seriously, why should I care about his brother's divorces?). You spend a ridiculous amount of time talking about characters who aren't even in the story and about mundane details that have no bearing(a breakdown of how his school's lunch schedule works does not make for a compelling read). Yet you spent almost no time describing what is going on inside the heads of the two characters who actually matter.

The story read like random bits of trivia from a really boring person's life with brief bursts of raunchy gay sex. It was just...weird.

cubscou88cubscou88almost 6 years ago

Wow. I absolutely loved that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
agree with previous comment

No pleasure in reading about such a terrible person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Bill's a real bitch. I prefer stories about likeable people.

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