Hot Wife


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Susan didn't notice David re-enter the room, she was busy, then she caught his eye. Her heart skipped a beat; she was kissing a man right in front of her husband! As the kiss eventually broke, she looked at David; it was hard to interpret his expression, confusion more than anything, concern definitely.

Diane turned to David, "Oh my God, that is so hot, imagine them together. Look at her, she is flushed and aroused. Just remember Susan loves you and only you."

Concern or not, David didn't intervene when they retook their seats. He was in a total dilemma, Diane and Russell's words were rattling around in his mind. A lot of what they said made sense... to a point. An element of curiosity and Susan's clear intent led to inaction on his part.

Tim kept his arm around Susan, she felt like he had just claimed her and found herself liking that sensation. They chatted more with Tim treating Susan like his date and David on the periphery. The conversation was highly sexual, Tim asking about Susan's sexual experience and preferences, which she skirted around.

Tim was unflustered, "David you are a really lucky guy, Susan is gorgeous. I think you both should be applauded for spicing things up."

A short time later, Marcus arrived and joined the group with a kiss for Diane. They continued chatting and met some of other couples who came over and made introductions.

Later Marcus gave Tim a nod and said, "Ok Gentlemen, would it be ok if we escorted the ladies upstairs?"

Marcus offered his hand to Diane who took it enthusiastically. Tim stood and followed his move. Susan looked at David, frozen.

She hesitated before kissing her husband's cheek and taking Tim's hand, "Thanks for understanding honey, I love you so much."

Tim smiled: "I am absolutely delighted and honoured Susan... shall we."

Both women were led away, swept arm in arm up the staircase. Susan could feel the bulky muscle of Tim's bicep as they linked arms. Then she thought of David watching her disappear with another man, he'd be looking at her still and had to swallow down her nerves.

Rachel approached David, "Are you sure you want to stay, your wife may be some time, you might be better off at home the first time."

He looked at Russell, "How long?"

"An hour, maybe two."

"I need a drink."

"Just relax, it will all be fine, they deserve this. She'll be back with you before you know it... happier and hornier than ever."

"That's not the question, the question is... do I want her back!"

For the first time Russell was a little concerned, "She'll be the same person, it won't change her love for you, other than make it stronger, there is no need to be worried."

Russell was going to offer David the option of going to see the girls in action but thought better of it, he clearly wasn't ready for that yet.


Susan had never been so aroused as Tim kissed and undressed her. He pushed her back onto the bed and immediately began licking and kissing her pussy with gusto, it felt extraordinary. She was aware of his strong hands continuing to explore her body and arched in response, wrapping her stocking clad legs around his head.

Tim moved up her body, kissing as he pushed forward entering her. Steadily but relentlessly feeding more of himself into her. He felt so big and powerful, when he withdrew, Susan experienced a feeling of loss; then he thrust back in! The contrast of being filled was exhilarating, illustrated by her continued moaning.

She was overwhelmed by the new sensations assaulting her body. He took his time, his motions were steady and he penetrated deeply, she felt every inch of him. Her eyes and hands ran over his body, it and he were perfect. She clung to him desperately; enjoying the feel of his strongly muscled shoulders.

Sex had never lasted so long; Tim seemed to be in complete control. Susan's desire peaked, telling Tim to fuck her in edgy desperation. He penetrated her to the maximum depth and stopped moving just as his cock began to gush inside of her. Susan was overtaken with a powerful orgasm and continued to hold him in a vice-like grip with both her arms and legs.

They had sex twice and it was the longest fucking Susan had ever received, she'd experienced multiple orgasms for the first time.

She wanted to stay all night but needed to get back and make sure David was alright. The offer of a third fuck was tempting but it had already been over an hour. She dressed and made sure she looked respectable, kissing Tim goodbye before hurrying down to find David.


She saw Russell first who nodded toward the garden and went that way, David was sitting on a garden wall looking up at the stars.

"Hey Honey, how are you doing?"

"Not great, I need to leave; Russell and Diane can make their own way home!"

It was a statement, not a question. Susan was shocked at how abrupt he was, she tried to hold his hand but he moved by her, straight through the house and out the front door.

As they drove home, Susan was desperately trying to control her breathing and think of what she could say, finally deciding saying nothing at all was the better of two evils.

It was David who broke the silence, "So much for just having a look; that was set up for you to fuck him. Diane is so keen for you to join her little club!"

"I don't think she set it up, it all felt natural to me. You could have stopped things at any time; I waited several times to see if you objected."

David couldn't argue the fact and he still wasn't sure why he hadn't acted, "Yeah but you made it abundantly clear what you wanted to happen, you could hardly take your eyes off him. Was the exclusion and humiliation part of it?"

"I didn't do that, I would never humiliate you."

"What did you think I was doing while you were getting laid?"

"I thought you just be having a drink with Russell as you often do, I am sorry if you were uncomfortable. I didn't realise..."

Susan thought of what it must have been like for him, waiting like that... damn it!

"Thank you for staying, were you making sure I was safe?"

David shrugged in response.

"Was it everything you hoped for?"

"The honest answer is yes, I don't want to hurt you, but it was fulfilling and exciting. I mean that's the point isn't it; and it was exactly what we said, a physical act with no emotions. It wasn't like us, it was sex not making love, but he made me feel completely desired."

Susan cringed at her own words, "What is it that's worrying you, is there anything I can help with?"

"All sorts, it's all very mixed up... it feels wrong. There is immense jealousy, I wonder if I can match up; whether you'll still want me, how it impacts our feelings, why you needed it. There is all sorts of shit going through my mind."

"Honey it is just sex, he is 19 for God's sake, what on earth have you got to be jealous about. You're a man; he is a boy, good at a particular thing. You don't have to 'match up'! I love you regardless and I certainly want you, a lot at the moment. I need you to still want me and love me, not reject me. And as for feelings, I will always love you and only you."

The reply left David with more doubts, did she only want him because she loved him. It was clear Tim was better physically, shit!

Susan continued, "It was an erotic experience to be talking to you as another man's hand was on my knee and kissing me; I want to share this with you and push our boundaries sexually."

"So you want to continue this?"

"Yes I would like to, if we can make it work."

Susan could see the hurt and confusion, there was no way to avoid it but it worried her. She knew he needed time to work things through logically. David didn't say anything as he got into bed and turned his back on her. There was no point in starting another conversation until he was ready. There was very little sleep for her and she suspected it was the same for David.


Susan phoned Diane in a panic, "You said he'd enjoy it, he's barely speaking to me, I've made a terrible mistake!"

"Slow down Susan and we'll work through it; David knew what was happening and didn't fight it. Did you let him reclaim you last night?"

"No he was too angry; I could tell he was just managing to keep his temper in check."

"Shit, we told him you'd give him the best sexual experience of his life when you got back. You need to get him back into your panties as soon as possible and really put out, make it worth his while. Do what you did with Tim; you don't want him to feel like he has lost something."

"I'll try but I am not sure he is interested."

"You wanted this honey, no one forced you; and don't tell me you didn't like getting your brains fucked out. Anyway Tim wants to see you again."

"I can't do that, I am already in purgatory."

"It sounds like he is going through a grief change cycle, and is in the anger phase, he'll try reasoning it out and have a phase of depression as well. You need to reassure him; keep telling him how special a gift he gave you; and you love him more than ever because of that. You never realised he could love you that much."

"That's all true, I can't believe he agreed and he did that for me, even though it went against his instincts."

"Well then, tell him the truth of it with constant reassurance. One thing though, if he gets stuck, you need to help him through the stages. Don't let it fester, do something to move things on and force decisions, one way or the other. He will accept this eventually and then we'll have so much fun together."


Susan did a seduction routine dragging David into bed. She gave him a blow job, getting him hard before mounting him. Her feelings were of relief more than desire, but she utilised some of what she experienced with Tim, being very vocal and riding him with great enthusiasm. Maybe Diane was right, once they reconnected the sex could be better.

For David, it was hardly the event Diane and Russell described. He struggled to get aroused and couldn't help seeing images of his wife with Tim. No doubt she'd be comparing their performances and he'd come off a distant second. She was certainly putting in a lot of effort and had some new tricks, how she had learned them didn't bare thinking about.

Things returned to some semblance of normality, but the same conversations went around for the next few weeks without either of them coming to any firm conclusions.

Susan decided to push the issue to end the stalemate, "Diane mentioned that Tim has asked to see me again."

"And you want to?"

"I love you and we are destined to be together. We support, respect and care for each other, but I would like to explore other things. Live life to the full and have no regrets."

"It's not for me Susan; I still love you, but not the way I did before all of this. That total devotion, being willing to die for you, trusting you completely, that is all fading."

Susan was really hurt by the comment, "I still love you the same and I'd die for you in a heartbeat, but I do want this. We can experience things with other people. Not everything has to be me and you; there can be different parts to our lives. We sleep together every night, wake up together, and spend our whole lives together."

"That's not what we committed to Susan."

"I know it's not what we signed up for, I had no idea at the time but can't we be flexible, allow things to develop?"

"That's it then... decision made, we want different things and it would be better to end things amicably."

The stark statement took Susan by complete surprise, "You can't be serious! Jesus David are you talking about a divorce?

"It might be for the best... for both of us."

Susan couldn't prevent the tears, "That is not what I want, not at all."


Susan kept asking herself if she was doing the right thing and remained restless and full of self-doubt. David hadn't objected at the party and seemed so close to acceptance. Her time with Tim was a revelation, mostly about herself rather than Tim specifically; she had really let go and enjoyed it all.

David felt like a complete failure, the idea of his wife moving on because he was unable to get the job done in the bedroom department was utterly shattering. He informed Susan that he'd filed the online divorce papers, he done so with little enthusiasm, just a sad reluctance.

Susan was sure he'd stop the process sooner or later, it wasn't even as if they had argued or fallen out. Despite that the process trundled on to the point where she had to act.

"I don't want a divorce, I'll drop the whole idea! I wish we hadn't started any of this."

David sat back and took in a lung full of air, "We can't go back Susan, you have opened Pandora's Box and it's clear you want more than I can offer."

"I have choice damn it and I choose you over everything else!"

"But I don't choose you Susan!"

"Don't you even want to fight for us? What Diane said is all true for me; I do love you more than ever. You put yourself through that for me, that's so special, you mean more to me than anything."

"A special gift to you, but the cost was to us. Anyway you'll come to regret what you can't have and blame who is in the way of that."

Susan thought David had a point; she had enjoyed it and wanted more. Diane was begging her to go back to the parties with or without David; she wanted to but had resisted temptation.

"Please don't do this to us, we can sort it all out and still be good together."


Susan went out for dinner with Diane only to find Marcus and Tim there with her. They persuaded her to sit down, so they could talk. Diane was suggesting a night of fun between the four of them. Susan told them all to go to hell and that her marriage was on the brink of destruction. She left furious and frustrated with everything happening in her life.

Nothing had happened, but she couldn't deny feeling aroused by the idea... could she really bury that desire? Tempted or not, she wanted David more than anything else. Despite her best efforts and endless conversations David wouldn't change his mind.

The divorce trundled on, it was all so remarkably cordial, there were no shark lawyers or arguments. It was so amicable that it didn't feel real to either of them. They both offered each other the house and agreed it held to many memories, deciding to sell it. The rest was a simple 50:50 split; they lived as friends until the house was sold. Susan might have been able to push for some spousal maintenance but didn't have the heart to consider it, feeling she'd already done David wrong.

So that was that... their marriage just fizzled away quietly!


Susan was talking to Diane again, bemoaning the fact her divorce was now finalised as they worked steadily through several bottles of wine.

"We need to get you laid girl."

"Oh I know I can get a man, but a husband who is willing to accommodate my needs is a completely different matter. I still want to be married, to David ideally. I want a family and have someone to share my life with, but I don't want monogamy, I've already burned that bridge with the best man I know."

"Nonsense there are a million guys out there who would love a hot wife, especially one who looks like you. You can have it all now babe!"

Susan considered the options: "God, the thought of actually dating again fills me with dread. It's just all too messy and complicated."

A now fairly drunken Diane concluded, "What you need is someone like my Russell, a sensitive compliant guy that accepts all of your needs and can cope with total honesty. So why don't we advertise for exactly what you want on a specialist dating site."

Susan reluctantly agreed, thinking it would at least be a distraction from her divorce. They set up a profile using under 'Susan H Wife' with a description of her, including age, status and 'seeking a husband who appreciates the benefits of having a hot wife.'

She managed to find a photo on the lap top and cropped the background and her face out so she couldn't be identified and uploaded it. The photo showed Susan standing in a blue halter neck dress. After a lot of debate and jokes they posted the profile.


Susan woke up late the next day with an almighty hangover. Aspirin, water and a shower left her feeling only marginally better. She began to tidy up the bottles and glasses from the night before, it was then that she spotted the lap top and hazily recalled the previous night's profile posting. Opening it and logging back in, she was relieved that the photograph still looked pretty anonymous in the light of day, although the dress was quite revealing. Then she noticed a number in the corner increase from 430 to 431. Upon checking, she realised it was the number of likes for her profile; nervously she clicked on some of the comments.

"Absolutely stunning and so classy, you deserved to be looked after by an affluent and accommodating husband. I would divorce my wife if I could have a hot wife like you: John 41."

'"As your husband, I would happily share you; I would love to see you with other men or a regular lover: Richard 30."

Susan was enthralled by the responses, reading more she began to feel better about herself. Maybe Diane was right and this lifestyle was possible after all. Checking some of the profiles linked to the replies showed a mix of men, some were handsome, many looked like professional types. The age range was wide from 20's through to 50's.

She used some of the filter options to reduce the numbers. She ticked for 'working professionals aged 25 to 35; within a 40 mile radius; physical attributes, included 'fit', 'healthy', height over 5ft 10inches. For interests she included, wife share, supportive, looking for long term relationship.

The filter returned 37 matches. A quick run through excluded more on the basis of looks and elements in the profiles she didn't like, that left 11.

She sent a generic reply to those, "Hi, thanks for the response to my profile, I liked yours too. It would be good to chat more and see if we are compatible.'

It wasn't long before there were pings indicating replies coming in. Some were funny, most quite chilled and some a bit odd. Relaxing more she replied to the ones she liked most.

Susan thought 'Simon 36' was literate, fun and engaging. After a couple of days messaging, they switched to some instant chats and found out more about each other. They shared photos, Susan initially still cropping hers to stay anonymous. Then they progressed to some video chats, she was still impressed and as a result agreed to meet up in person.

After the initial greetings they talked comfortably, filling in the details from their previous discussions. Susan was honest about her marriage and the reason for the break up. Simon was single after breaking up from a long term girlfriend in the previous year, they'd had an open relationship and he'd enjoyed seeing her with other men.

Simon took the opportunity to compliment Susan on her figure several times leaving Susan feeling genuinely flattered.

"Well I guess one question we should ask is if you would mind other guys checking out my figure."

Simon chuckled, "That's already happening Susan, you attract a lot of attention and I find it erotic."

"But imagine I was you wife and men were touching me, wouldn't you be jealous?"

"I'd be more proud of you than anything else."

"And what if they took it further and wanted to have sex with me?"

"As long as you always came back to me and treated me respectfully."

"Would you want to have sex too?"

"Absolutely, I can't think of anything hotter."

Susan recognised that Simon was very different to David, persuasion wasn't needed, and he liked what she was offering, "Good, I want that too but at times a date may require primacy and all of my attention."

"I accept that, as long as I am involved and not cut out."