Hotwife's Hotel Bar Encounter Ch. 06

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Melissa ponders her Hotwife plunge, gives Vic some details.
3.7k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/03/2023
Created 05/24/2023
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CH. 06

Stretching slowly and contently, Melissa woke up. She felt...rested, but not refreshed. Her body felt like she'd worked out nonstop for 24 hours! Her legs were sore, especially her hamstrings. But god, her pussy....her poor little missy, she was tender as could be. She hadn't felt like this ever before, not even on the nights when she and Vic really went at it with their biggest dildo.

Melissa slowly shook her head back and forth, wondering just how she ended up like this. Well, she knew how this had happened. She just couldn't believe it. What had started out just like a bunch of prior nights had ended up so differently! Ever since she had come to terms with Vic's Hotwife fantasy, she had used her business trips to fuel their fires. She had never intended for it to go beyond some shameful flirting. There were plenty of nights when she had flirted wantonly, brazenly, enjoying her out of town anonymity and new-found confidence in herself, fueled by Vic's relentless talk of sharing her, of how hot she was, of how every guy in the room everywhere she went wanted to fuck her.

Melissa laughed under her breath. Vic had been right. She knew she was attractive; she knew that guys liked her, that they did extra things for her. In her single days, she had wielded her beauty and sexiness like a machete, forcing guys to do as she wished. She almost never paid for a drink; often, guys would buy her and her girlfriends' dinners on a girls' night out.

Once she married Vic, though, and had three--yes, three!--kids, she had forgotten about all of that. She had become the classic suburban mom, running the kids to school and sports and birthday parties. Without even realizing it, her life had gotten monotonous, mundane, "vanilla" as Vic liked to say.

But, once Vic told her about the Hotwife Lifestyle, about sharing her, she started to remember just how fun it was to let guys lust for her. It wasn't like she embraced it right away. God, how many years ago was it when Vic had first told her about all this? It had to be at least three or four. For the first year, she absolutely refused to even talk about it, outside of their bedroom play. To be honest, when Vic would fuck her with their various dildos and talk about how sexy she looked riding "his big dick," it was a total turn on. She didn't imagine herself fucking anyone else; she just imagined a faceless big dick pleasing her. And she came like crazy!

But she had made it crystal clear to Vic- it was never moving out of fantasy and into the real world. Vic claimed that he understood, but he never stopped talking about it. When they were out to dinner, he'd ask her how she would have flirted with their cute waiter if she was single. Or, he'd ask her to point out what guys at the gym she thought had big dicks. Eventually, he had her building a list of guys she "might" hook up with--- if she ever did. Melissa had told herself it was just playful fantasy, harmless. If Vic got off on it, she would humor him. But she never intended for anything to happen.

Looking back, Melissa admitted that she knew she was playing with fire. She just hadn't realized how big of a fire it was! As much as she liked to flirt in her single days, she had never been a slut. She was definitely more of a cock tease. She had grown up in an old school Catholic family. Good girls didn't have sex! She had only been with two other guys before Vic; both of them had been long term boyfriends. But, that didn't mean she didn't hook up. Melissa was known for making out with random guys in bars. There was just something she loved about kissing guys --or girls--when she was drunk. Rubbing her hands all over their bodies, while their hands explored hers... but she had always pulled back, even drunk. Sure, she went home with her share of guys, but she never had sex with them. Some of them, she just made out with until they passed out. Others, the guys she really thought were hot, she'd give blowjobs to. God, she thought to herself, she had sucked a LOT of dicks back in the day!

This time, her laugh was a little bit louder. And Vic woke up.

"Hey, baby. What's so funny?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking." She pushed her long blonde hair to the side as she turned to look at her husband. Suddenly, she felt concerned. "Baby, how are you?" She paused and looked into her husband's eyes. "We never talked about the 'day after'."

Vic's eyes widened, almost as if he just remembered the events of the prior day. "I'm good, baby. I'm good. Still shocked, I guess? After all these years, I just figured it was never going to be anything but fantasy. But right now? Right now, I just, like, love you! And I'm proud of you if that makes sense? Like, I want to brag about my sexy little hotwife!"

Vic leaned over and kissed her; closed mouth, since they both still had morning breath.

"Baby, I really don't know what came over me. I wish I did know. I'm kinda scared. I liked it WAY too much, if that makes sense. You know I never fucked any random guys in my life! Holy shit. I have to get an STD test now! Oh my god. What if he has something?"

Vic looked at her with a calm look on his. "Baby. Relax. It's ok. We'll get you to the doctor for a test. And we'll text Andre to check with him. Thank god you never stopped your birth control, though! I can't believe you let him fuck you without a condom! You're crazy!" Vic laughed and kissed her again.

"Oh my god. Don't remind me. I just...I'm not used to doing that! I never even thought of it because you're the only guy I have sex with! Oh my god! He came inside of me, like, tons!" Melissa said, laughing. What else could she do, but laugh? What had happened, happened. There was no taking it back. And, to be honest, she didn't want to. She had always hated using condoms; she hated the feel of the plastic inside of her, hated the barrier it created between her and Vic's dick. So, she stayed on the pill after they decided they were done with having kids.

Melissa rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. Despite it all, despite the risk and the fear she felt looking back, she didn't regret it. Her sex with Andre had been incredible! She had never been fucked like that in her life! It was so raw, so intense.... She tried to think about how many orgasms he had fucked her to but couldn't begin to count. Suffice it to say, there had been a ton! At one point, she had felt like she was just in one long constant orgasm.

Again, she looked over at her husband. And all she felt was love. Her biggest hang up about his fantasy had been about developing feelings for some other man. She loved her man, her Vic. And, because sex had always been so intimate for her, she had feared that sex with another man would cause her to develop feelings for that other man.

But, there was none of that inside of her. Sure, she liked Andre. He had been funny, and charming, and a little silly in how he had flirted with her. And god, he was sexy! Yes, she already missed the full feeling of his big dick inside of her, of his rough hands on her body, of the way he greedily sucked on her tits and more. But, that was it--it was pure animalistic lust and craving.

Vic was her man, and she realized that she loved him even more. This morning, after having had sex with another man, she found an even deeper well of love for her husband. He had given her this; no, he had pushed her to this. He had recognized some unfilled aspect of her, something that needed more, and he had helped her to discover it and fulfill it.

As she acknowledged these thoughts in her head, she reached down to Vic's penis. She wanted to thank him in her own special way, with a morning blowjob. But, Vic pulled away. Melissa looked at her husband, confused. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, baby. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm just, not ready yet. Like, we went at it hard last night, you know?" She could hear the discomfort, the embarrassment, in his voice.

"Ok. I know. I just wanted to do it to say 'thank you,' you know? Like, I never would have done this in a 1000 years! You know that, baby? I never wanted any other guy than you. Ever. But all this talk, all your fantasies and stories..."

"I know, Melissa. And that's one of the reasons why I wanted this for you. Because you didn't know you needed it, and you didn't even want it. But I wanted it, and still want it. I want your pleasure. Your fulfillment. I've told you a ton of times; it's no different that using a toy to get off. Andre is just a living toy."

She laughed and kissed her husband again. Andre was a bit more than "just a toy." He was a sex god! She could feel herself blushing in embarrassment. Her husband noticed right away, of course. But, he also knew not to ask her what she was thinking.

Vic rolled over and got up out of bed. He was stark naked still from their love making the night before. And he looked good. His body was firm, muscular. She was proud of her husband. He was sexy, and she knew her girlfriends and the moms on the sports teams thought he was sexy, too. Sure, Andre was bigger and younger and yes, he fucked better. But she wouldn't trade her man for all the Andres in the world.

"I'm going to grab us some coffees, baby. You relax; find us something funny to watch on Netflix."

Melissa smiled to herself, and let herself relax. Could her life get any better? She gathered some pillows for her and Vic to sit up a bit in bed when he returned and turned on the TV. But she wasn't really looking for anything. She just kept reliving the past 24 hours. Scenes of her debauchery flowed through her mind:

Dropping to her knees in front of Andre

Looking out of the hotel room window as he relentlessly fucked her

Staring at herself in the bathroom mirror with Andre's cum all over her face

Walking through the hotel lobby, her heart in her chest, fearful and hopeful that everyone knew what she had done

Vic returned to the room with a coffee mug in each hand. Her gave her one, put his on his nightstand and sat down. "Hope none of the neighbors were outside walking their dogs, or else they got an eyeful of old man ass." They both laughed.

"I love your old man ass, baby." She kissed him, content.

"So, can we talk about it?" Vic asked, and she heard the uncertainty in his voice.

"Of course, baby. What do you want to know." She felt nervous, too. Was he going to regret what she had done? Would he hate her for it? Would he stop her from doing it again? Fear started to make her heart race.

"I just want to hear more about it, if that's ok. Like, I have so many questions rattling around my head, and so many scenarios and what-ifs and... I don't know. I'm still so turned on by it all, but I, like, don't know what 'it all' even is. You know? Like, can you just start from the beginning, from the restaurant. How did you start flirting with him, and all that?"

Melissa smiled. She recognized the undercurrent of excitement in Vic's voice and was thrilled. Part of her had been a little worried, even while she was in the hotel room, even while she was riding Andre's big dick, that Vic would be mad, upset, jealous, about what she was doing and had done. But she could already tell that he loved it.

So, she settled in, took a sip of her coffee, and started to tell him about her experience.

It had been a long day. It was a good day, the clients were eating out of her hand, but it had been a long day. And then they had all gone to dinner together. The VP, David, had always flirted with her, and Melissa always enjoyed his antics. They were both married, and both professionals, so their flirting was always nuanced, more innuendo than overt. But still. She had been "on" for practically 12 hours, and she needed to unwind.

So, when she got to the hotel at nearly 11:30 that night, she asked at reception how late the bar was open. Happily, they told her it would be open until at least midnight, depending on the crowd. Melissa headed up to her room, #14019, and briefly freshened up. She didn't have the time or the desire to change, though. Checking herself out in the mirror, she hiked her nearly knee-length skirt up so that it was mid-thigh, and she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. She felt better already.

Her heels clicked loudly on the marble floor in the entry to the bar. The place was dark but vibrant, and multiple heads turned when they heard her enter. Playing aloof, she ignored the lusty gazes of the businessmen at the bar. However, there wasn't an open seat at the bar. She was about to turn around and just call it a night.

Suddenly, she felt a touch on her arm and she jumped. The very handsome waiter directed her to a table that had just opened up.

She felt herself warming up to him immediately. He had a great smile and was very handsome. He was fit, too; she could easily tell that he took care of himself in the gym. He was probably a powerlifter, judging by how big his arms were.

When she ordered a drink, she had made a point to grasp his arm at the bicep. It was rock solid. At that point, she knew she was going to have fun flirting with him... and teasing Vic all about it.

Every time he walked by her table, he found an excuse to stop and chat for a bit. Melissa found herself enjoying the attention. At one point, she glanced down at his crotch to confirm what she already knew--and she could see the outline of his dick in his pants! It was impressive, to say the least.

Vic jumped in at that point, barely containing his obvious excitement. "So. Was that it? Was that why you finally did it? Because you knew he had a big dick?!"

"Oh my god, no!" Melissa replied. She confessed that she had found it alluring, and even thought that she would touch herself in her room later, thinking of him. "That was right before you called me, too. Like, literally, one minute I'm thinking about this waiter's dick, and the next, you're calling me!"

"No way! That's too funny, baby. God, when you started telling me about him...I just thought you were teasing me. Hell, part of me thought you were just making it up!" Vic told her.

Looking back, Melissa was still embarrassed by her outburst about not "hooking up with some stranger." Yet, that had been the catalyst. Andre had heard her, and that must have been what made him push forward more aggressively in his conversation with her.

"So, is that when he asked you for your room number?" Vic asked.

"Um, actually..." Could she really tell her husband this? They had talked endlessly about the importance of honesty and transparency. So, Melissa steeled herself and said, "Actually, it was me. I made a crude joke about a hotel room being fun. And then Andre leaned in and told me he would be done working soon. Baby, something about how his eyes looked into mine, just, I don't know. Kindled something. Like, something I didn't know was there." Worriedly, she looked at her husband.

"Jesus, Melissa. I can't tell you how turned on I am right now to hear you say that." Vic confessed. Melissa glanced down and could see that indeed, her husband's dick was hard, tenting the sheet up. Happily, she leaned over and slid her hand down inside the sheet.

"Baby," she said. "You like it? You like that I wanted another man? That he seduced me? I was a little drunk, but I knew what I was doing." She noticed that Vic had closed his eyes and was starting to breath heavily.

"Are you picturing it? How Andre leaned towards me, hungrily, and told me to write down my room number? I got so wet when he said that. I can still hear his voice, so deep. As he walked away, I knew. I knew I wanted him. Do you like that, baby? Do you like that your wife lusted for another man?"

"Fuck yes, Melissa. Keep going. Tell me more" he replied.

"I felt so slutty. What kind of wife invites a man up to her room? But all of our talks kept flooding through my mind. All the times you fucked me with that big dildo and told me how sexy I looked on 'his cock.' And I wanted it, right then. I wanted to look sexy riding Andre's cock. That's when I wrote down my room number."

"And that's the photo you sent me. Oh my god. I fucking love you. Keep going." Vic replied.

"I strutted through the bar and back to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, I started touching myself. I hiked my skirt up so I could rub my little pussy. I was so horny, baby." Melissa's stroke on Vic's dick was slow, deliberate. She noticed he was moving his hips in rhythm with her stroke.

"But when I called you, and we talked, I got so uncertain all over again. I could feel myself slowly chickening out, telling myself I didn't have to do anything with Andre. I could not even open the door. But it was you, Vic. Your encouragement that pushed me back to where I needed to be. A soon-to-be-Hotwife." Now, she increased the speed of her stroke, admiring Vic's dick and how hard it was, how hard it was for her and the story she was recounting. She slid down his body, put her face close to his shaft.

"Baby, I opened the door almost as soon as he knocked, and I just dove in. I started making out with him, grabbing him. His hands were so firm on my ass, squeezing it. After a minute, I pulled away and told him that I needed to take a picture. In the heat of the moment, baby, I was still thinking about you. I wanted you to see what your wife was doing. I took a picture with him and sent it to you, hubby. I took a picture with the man that was going to fuck your wife and sent it to you."

Here, Vic groaned. Melissa blew on the tip of his dick, teasing it. "Then I told him to get out his phone and I gave him your phone number. Andre looked confused, but he wasn't going to question me. As I was taking his pants off, he kicked off his shoes. Then, he talked so dirty, baby. He was asking me what a married girl like me was doing with a strange guy in her hotel room. I told him that I wanted his big dick. I asked him, 'Do you want me to suck it, Andre? Do you want to put your penis in my married little mouth?' And he just smiled and told me that wasn't the only place his dick was going to be that night. I slid to my knees and removed his pants. When his dick came out, it was huge! Bigger even than I had imagined. And it was beautiful, baby. So different from yours.

"Yours is still my favorite, Vic. But his, well, his was something special. I took off his socks and looked up at him. Well, at his dick anyway. It just filled my field of vision, and I wanted it. That's when I told him to take the picture and send it. After he did, he put his phone down as I started licking his big, black dick..." Melissa licked Vic's shaft, from the base to the tip, then swirled her tongue around it. "Just like this, Vic. Only, it took me a little longer to lick the whole thing."

Again, Vic groaned. "I'm going to cum, Melissa. Don't stop."

"Yeah, baby? You going to cum in my mouth? I want you to. I want you to explode in my mouth while you think about me sucking off Andre. God, he made my jaw hurt he was so big...." Melissa sensed Vic's impending orgasm and put his cock in her mouth. She moved her head up and down, quickly, and used her hands to massage his balls. Vic's entire body tensed as he grabbed her head, pinned her mouth on his cock, and came.

After a couple moments, Vic opened his eyes and looked down at his wife. "Holy shit, Melissa. That was hot. God, I love you. Keep going. Tell me more." He implored.

Melissa thought about continuing, then decided against it. She wanted the experience to really last, to draw it out. "Nope!" She smiled. "I'll tell you more later, when you're ready to go again. Oh, we'll do a show and tell; I have lots of pictures you haven't seen yet."

Vic looked at her in surprised disbelief. Melissa laughed again. "I wonder when Andre is going to text me. You better be ready to go again by then..."

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Speechless2025Speechless20253 months ago

We need the next chapter!

lc69hunterlc69hunter3 months ago

Good series. I disagree with the previous commenter about it being racist . I also hate the racist porn shit, but I thought this was handled well. Being black wasn't the point of the story.

dirtyharry6971dirtyharry69716 months ago

Why the recap and not the next weekend fucking Andre while her husband watches and jacks off. He can’t compete with this guy’s big cock and all he gets is his own hand.

1999DTfan1999DTfan10 months ago

Great story. Looking forward for more in this series, I would love it if Melissa could deepthroat Andre. All the cocks she sucked years ago to get out of fucking guys, and she had learned the talent then. but Vic is too short to even deepthroat.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story, keep writing. Funny how all the anonymous comments are negative. They obviously liked it enough to read it but not add their names to the negativity.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I think it is alot Ike the story of my wife and i but my wife sucked and fucked every type of man there was black, asian, Mexican , Filipino, them back to the meat she has now white guy, but after all of them she cummed more with the white guy and made out in a more convincing passionate way with all of them but the white guy, from a far it looked as though they were may in love, she was so soaking wet and came on his coxk so much it turned white and leathery

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Is life all about being selfish?

Ecbert173Ecbert17311 months ago

Great series ! Too hot !

Please continue, next chapter would like to see Andre's point of view. Surely he will want to have this sexy wife more. His fascination with Melissa's wedding ring was also such a hot moment

RocketMan12RocketMan1211 months ago

So she said she wasn’t looking to get laid but later admits she hike her skirt up to mid thigh and open an extra button on her blouse before she when down to the bar. Slut was looking for a BBC and made it sound like it was her husband’s idea. She turned a total cum slut. Hot story about becoming a Hotwife.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikey11 months ago

Fuck that was hot!! I love it when my wife tells me about her play dates. Gets me so hard then mounts me with that used cum filled pussy!

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

sometimes it takes a long time to make it happen

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppy11 months ago

She is on birth control.


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