Housekeeper's Son Ch. 01

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She wants her housekeeper’s son.
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/16/2022
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Author's Note : The characters involved in sexual activities are over the age of 18

Charlotte sighs as she strolls through the corridor. She is being stared at by a lot of guys again. Or more specifically, her perfect ass is being stared at by the guys. Granted, every part of her body is perfect. She is a 6 feet 2 blonde goddess with a very beautiful face, dirty blonde hair and huge tits. Her stomach, arms and thighs are all muscular from sports activities, especially baseball. But her ass is easily her hottest feature. All the guys in her year say that she has the best ass in the school. Charlotte's ass is the biggest and roundest one there is. It is perfectly shaped, made of both fat and muscles.

She used to soak up in the attention it gets her but this is a bit boring now. It has been a long time already since they first started leering. Not that she can blame them with the tight booty shorts she always wears. There's only one guy whose attention she really wants and he is too oblivious to pick up her hints. She could have any guy but wants only Ken, her housekeeper Denise's son. He is not a jock like those many guys who dare to ask Charlotte out again and again many times after she has already rejected them. In fact, Ken is a dork, but she finds him adorable and wants him as her boyfriend.

Before she could get to homeroom, two boys approach her. They are Zach and Frank, members of the football team. It irritates her as she has already told the two of them no before, yet here they are again, still here to pester her for dates. "What the fuck do you want with me?" she asks. She has considered telling all the people here that she is in love with her maid's son, but the thought of them knowing she has feelings for someone who is in public school of all places is a horrifying one to her. She is a rich girl in one of Manhattan's most prestigious schools. She can't let them know who her heart wants.

Zach is the one who starts first, being a bit more confidence than his teammate who is standing next to him. "Well, I'm thinking about how good it would be if you and I were to go out on a date," he says to Charlotte with a charming smile on his face. It is this smile that made a lot of cheerleaders drop their panties for him. Charlotte doesn't feel anything from it at all though. Her expression is clearly telling him she isn't impressed by it and he flinches, surprised that his usual charm is now failing him when he needs it the most. "Oh come on. Would you please just consider it?" Zach begs her.

Frank pushes him aside and steps up to Charlotte. Now he tries his smile which is equally ineffective. Charlotte's just in love with Ken already. Nothing and no one can ever change that. "Forget this jackass," he says to her, gesturing at the other boy who is glaring at the back of his head. "I can show you a really good time." Charlotte just sighs and shakes her head, making them feel dejected. It is a well known fact that she is always considered the hottest girl in the school and they really want to bang her, but she has never let anyone into her pants before, saving it for Ken and Ken alone.

"Thanks for your offers, boys, but I am not interested," she tells them before she walks past them to the library. Her best friends will be waiting for her right there. She actually uses it for studying while they usually drag their boyfriends over there to make out. One of them's even raped her boyfriend in the library once, because he didn't want to try out a little public sex. Charlotte shudders as she thinks about how honey they are before realizing that she can't judge the two of them, not with how she herself fantasizes about raping Ken one day. Hopefully one day soon. He's begging for it with how cute he is.

She finds Tracey and Lara right where she expected, sitting in a corner of the library with their sports bags next to them. Tracey's face has some cum left on it. "Did you suck Jerry's cock before coming to school?" Charlotte asks her as she sits down opposite her and Lara. Lara snickers, amused at how that's the first thing Charlotte asks upon arrival. It is also the first thing Lara noticed as Tracey arrived half an hour earlier. "You can't keep your mouth of his dick at all, can you Tracey?" Charlotte goes in asking her friend as she gets some of her stuff out of her bag, checking to see that she packed everything.

"I didn't do it before coming to school," Tracey protests. "I did it when we were already at school." Charlotte raises her eyebrows. Tracey immediately blushes as she realizes what she just said. "He was a bit reluctant at first and said that I can't suck his dick when we are in a public place, but then I threatened to send his nudes to everyone, so he let me give him a blowjob in the changing room." Lara chuckles at this, giving her a compliment for being able to coerce her boyfriend into letting her give him a public blowjob. "Thanks," Tracey says to Lara then asks Charlotte "So what about you and Ken?"

Now Charlotte is the one who blushes a little. She could feel her cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "I have not fucked him yet, but I think that I'll do it soon," she says to her two companions. "He is just so cute and sweet! I don't think I'll wait much longer than this. I'll ask him out when I get home tonight and he'll say yes, and we'll have sex tomorrow night. It should be pretty easy since we live under the same roof." Lara gives her a high five and encourages her with a grin, with Tracey also doing the same thing. "Thanks. Trace, I think you need to wipe that cum from your face before class."

"Knowing her, she'll go into class with Jerry's cum covering her face," Lara is now saying, making Tracey nod. Lara then asks "But Charlotte, what the hell will you do if he isn't ready for sex so soon?" That's the question Charlotte's been avoiding thinking about. She has been so confident in her looks and wit that the thought of her love refusing to bone her never crossed her mind before Lara raised it. "You said that you really want sex now but knowing him, he'd be at least a little nervous." Lara has been to Charlotte's house and knows the boy well enough.

"If he says no, then I'll force him to fuck me," Charlotte says, her full confidence now back. "Don't forget that his mom is my family's housekeeper. I will tell him that if he doesn't fuck me, I will tell my parents to fire her. He will be sticking his dick in my snatch and filling me up with his cum soon enough. He'll do anything to protect his mom." Tracey and Lara look both impressed and scared by the way she is so casual about sexual coercion, which is basically blackmailing the boy she loves into fucking her. She's talking about raping him like it's no big deal at all when it is a pretty big deal. Or it will be if she does it.

She spends the rest of her day with her friends. It is a good school day since no more guys pester her for dates and she doesn't have to mete out rejections to anyone again. Not after the two huge footballers. The classes she has today aren't too boring for her either. She gets through the day just fine, thinking about Ken all the time. Her sweet, innocent Ken, who doesn't even know that he is hers yet. She wants him and that's all that matters. The nerdy boy doesn't have any choice. Charlotte wants him and that makes him hers. Her thong is getting extremely wet from thinking about him as she sits in class.

At the end of the day, she goes home in the limousine her dad sent to pick her up. During the ride home, she looks at all the pictures she took of Ken. She stuck small hidden cameras in his bedroom to photograph him and record videos of him masturbating without his knowledge. As a result, she has a lot of material to finger herself too. Watching the love of her life jerking off to a picture of her is very delightful and he does that often, almost every night. She was so happy the first time she saw that and seeing it today still makes her feel very happy, more happy than anyone can imagine. She is practically obsessed with her housekeeper's son right now and not ashamed to admit it at all.

When the car parks, she exits. She walks up to the huge mansion, entering with a bright smile on her face. Ken would be home a bit later than her, giving her some time to plan what to say to him when he's back. She knows he is a submissive and she will have to be assertive in her approach. That will give her the best chance of wrapping him around her little finger. She already knows that he at least has some feelings for her, based on the way he's behaved around her. Maybe he isn't as smitten with her as she is with him, but she can work with that. She has a more than good fighting chance to pussywhip him.

"Hey, Denise!" she greets the housekeeper when she sees her. Denise smiles back. She is a kind, portly woman. Charlotte might have decided she will threaten Ken with firing Denise, but it will only be a bluff. She loves Denise. Denise is like a second mother to her, one who helped her mom and dad raise her. She puts her bag down on the couch and heads to the kitchen, where Denise has already set a bowl of Caesar salad for her. Charlotte always eat very healthy food in order to maintain her phenomenal figure. She grabs a spoon and fork, and goes to the table to start eating it. "By the way, I'm thinking of asking Ken out. What do you think of that?" she asks.

Denise smiles. "Oh Ms. Charlotte, I'm sure he'd say yes," she says "He likes you a lot, you know?" Charlotte already knew this but still smiles brightly after hearing it from the boy's mom's mouth. "But are you sure your parents will be okay with this?" Denise suddenly asks, looking a bit worried about this. As wonderfully as they treat her, Charlotte's parents Claire and Josh are still her boss. She's worried that if Charlotte and Ken start dating, it could upset Charlotte's mom and dad off. They could get angry and Denise doesn't want that at all. She doesn't want to upset them after how good they have been to you over the past years.

Charlotte frowns slightly before smiling. She hugs Denise. "Don't worry about that," she says to her housekeeper. "They'll probably be chill with this. Even if they get angry, I won't let them take it out on you. It's all going to be just fine, okay?" Her reassurance makes Denise relax as she slowly nods, believing her young charge's words. Yes, Charlotte's parents are reasonable. She shouldn't have panicked even before speaking to them about this. She freaked out way too early. It is going to be just fine, like Charlotte said. They will understand her feelings for Ken and his for her.

After that, Charlotte goes upstairs to take a quick shower. She combs her hair and applies makeup, waiting for Ken to come back from the public school he goes to, really excited about how they'll get together.


Claire is in the fitness room. The sexy doctor had an intense workout session earlier and is now mopping up her sweat with a clean towel. For a middle aged woman, she is in remarkably good shape, being nearly as stunning as her daughter. Nearly, as Charlotte still retains a good edge due to her youth. The blonde woman then leaves the fitness room with her tight spandex shorts clinging to her ass. It is pretty good too, like the rest of her. Yes hers is not as wonderful as Charlotte's thick, heart shaped ass, but it is in great shape for her age, like every other part of her is as well. She's worked hard to maintain her figure.

She heads to her husband's study where he is sitting at his desk. "Hey, honey," she tells him, sitting down on his lap. Claire smirks when she feels her handsome husband's cock rising up and pressing against her huge ass. "Wanna take your dick out and stuff my hot ass with it?" she asks Josh sultrily. She and him first got together when they were in university. For her, it was love at first sight. She just went after the cute guy right away. He was very reserved and unprepared for the spitfire of a woman that she was when she first approached him. Josh tried to take things slow, up until the point where she cornered him and dragged him back to her dorm room, raping him till morning.

Even now she still takes him mostly whenever she wants. Today she is feeling nice though and is giving him a chance to say no, if he isn't in the mood. "Later tonight, baby," Josh tells his wife as he organises some paperwork on his desk. "By the way, did you notice something weird about our daughter lately? She's been looking at Ken in this strange way. Whenever he's around she has this look on her face. I feel like it's very similar to the way you look at me." He turns to look at Claire, who's now thinking about something else other than having her husband's cock in her ass. "Do you think something is going on between them?"

"Honey, it took you this long to figure that out?" she chuckles. Her husband raises his eyebrows slightly. "She's been in love with him for a long time now. I think now she's finally ready to tell him that and ask him out. Maybe even bang his brains out as hard as I did to you on our first date. Remember what our first date was like? I just groped you and took you to bed, and you've been mine ever since." Claire then pecks him on the cheek gently and hops off his lap, knowing that if she feels his dick against her for any second longer, she wouldn't be able to hold back and would end up fucking him right here, right now.

"Wow," Josh exhales. "I had no idea at all." He really didn't think Charlotte's actually in love with the housekeeper's son. Yes, he did have his suspicions. But he didn't think she's actually in love with the boy and so it comes as a surprise to hear his wife say this of their daughter. He knows his wife is never wrong when it comes to romantic affairs like this, so he can trust her insight and take her word for it. "Well, he's a pretty good boy. She can do a lot worse on him. I guess we'll just talk to her and tell her that we're okay with her dating him?" Claire nods to this, smiling at her husband happily.

At that same moment, Charlotte walks into the room. Her expression says it all. She's heard what her parents were saying earlier. Charlotte quickly hugs her father. "Thank you, dad," she says to him as he hugs her back. Having his and her mom's approval on this means a lot to her. She was worried that they might not take it well, even though she told Denise she didn't think that'd be the case. Now she is fully relieved to see that she really didn't have a reason to worry about her parents' approval. "I am really serious about going out with Ken. Thanks for being okay with this."

"It's alright, sweetie," Claire now tells her daughter. Charlotte hugs her too as her dad gently pats her on the back. "I know how much he means to you. You better treat him nicely though. He is a very nice boy and I don't want you to abuse your power over him. Treat him as your equal. Don't expect him to bend over, just because we are his mother's boss." Charlotte nods, promising that she'll be respectful to Ken, with about zero intention of keeping her word. He will be hers completely and she will do whatever the hell she wants with him, no matter what he says.

Her mom gives her some more advice before Charlotte heads out to the living room to wait. She quickly switches on her phone, messaging Ken to ask him if he's nearly back yet. Thankfully for her, the boy says he will be back home soon enough. She can't wait to tell him that she loves and wants to go out with him. He will definitely say yes to her. That much she knows for certain. It is just so obvious he digs her from the way that he looks at her like she is the special one for him. She will make him tell her how much she means to him every day and never get bored or tired of it at all.

Soon he is back from school. Charlotte smiles at him as he enters the house. It makes the room brighten a lot when he comes into the room and she grins at him like a Cheshire Cat. "Hey!" she just says to the shy boy. Ken shyly says it to her too as he sets his school bag down in a small corner of the room. The nerd is a bit shorter than her and way, way thinner, having no muscles to boot at all, unlike Charlotte who is ripped. "So how was school for you today Ken?" she now asks him with great interest. "Did you finally make any friends like your mom wants you to?"

Ken blushes. She has always teased him about his social awkwardness and failures to make friends with others his age. He's 18 like her but she is far more confident, being a beautiful athlete who every girl wants to be like. And a damn good athlete too, one who's hit a home run so many times over the past couple of years. Whenever rival schools' teams see her with a bat in her hands, they all know to panic. She has insane strength and speed, almost superhuman. "Well, I did talk to the librarian and help her arrange some books that people left all over the place. That can count as me making friends with someone, right?"

"Oh come on!" Charlotte cries out in a fair bit of frustration. Ken arches his eyebrows in surprise at how she reacts, confused. "No, that doesn't count at all. You need to be able to handle talking to someone our own age. That's why me and your mom want you to make some friends, since you'll be needing a lot of social skills soon enough." Now he is a lot more confused by where Charlotte's taking this conversation. His heart was hammering in his chest from seeing her but now everything's stopped and he is more confused than anything about why she is so interested in seeing him have some friends.

Now he frowns at her as he asks "What did you mean by that?" He stares at her inquisitively, wondering why she would think that he'd need social skills soon. It doesn't really make any sense to the boy that he would, since he isn't really counting on making friends, regardless of what he's been telling everybody in the house. Even Charlotte's dad, who's concerned about him and cares for the boy a lot. "I mean, I could talk to others well enough, you know? I could hold a polite conversation about the weather and stuff. It's just the going to lunch in a group or playing sports with them part that makes me feel a bit nervous."

"Because you are going to become my boyfriend and as my boyfriend you will have to hang out with my friends and be friends with them too," she says in a simple tone. He stares at Charlotte in a good deal of shock as she rolls her eyes at him. "Oh come on. I put cameras in your room. I know that you jerk off to my pictures." Now the boy is goggling even more. "Don't be ashamed about it. You only used photos that I've already made public on my Instagram account. I used videos that I secretly recorded of you. So what do you say you let me take you out to dinner tonight, baby boy?"

He finally gets over his shock and nods eagerly. "Yes! Of course!" Ken says to her. The nerd is smiling brightly now, in a far better mood than she has ever seen him in before. Charlotte is really pleased to be the reason of him being so happy. The idea that getting a date with her just brought such a smile to his cute face delights her. "So where are we going?" He isn't a picky eater at all but still wants to know because it will be his first date ever and he just wants to prepare himself for it. He doesn't have expensive clothes but could still tidy himself up a little bit more.

She quickly tells him about a nice sushi restaurant not too far away from home. He quickly agrees. Charlotte then leans in to kiss him on the tip of his nose and he blushes. "You better get used to that real quick," she informs him, giggling. It is such a beautiful, infectious sound. He feels his heart racing from hearing it as she walks to the huge bathroom, swaying her massive ass. "Stare at it all you want, because you can never stare at another girl's ass. If you do, I'll beat you up." He blushes as she looks back at him over her shoulder with a smirk on her gorgeous face.