How About Him?

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Couple's sexual fantasy game becomes reality.
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David, ever the romantic, first suggested a return trip to Hawaii over candlelight during our Valentine's Day dinner. We hadn't been back in years, he reminded me. Money was coming in steadily now, and, frankly, we deserved a little down time. One month later, our bags were packed and we settled in for the six-hour flight from Denver to Honolulu. This was going to be a memorable vacation, David and I kept telling each other—little did I know how special the week would turn out to be.

My husband found the perfect hotel just two blocks in from Waikiki Beach. Spacious, but affordable. King-sized bed, Jacuzzi in the bathtub. Well-stocked mini-bar. Particularly appealing was the balcony overlooking the swimming pool three floors below. We could lounge comfortably in our chairs, catch a little sun, and check out our fellow guests in the pool.

David was not shy about his expectations for the week. "Don't pack too many clothes," he warned, only half-kidding. "Bring that bathing suit I like. Buy some new lingerie to model in the room. Believe me, I have plans for you, Babe."

I knew instantly what he meant. David and I had enjoyed a pretty healthy sexual relationship during our nine-year marriage. He knew how to please me and I have to believe he enjoyed what I had to offer. At the age of 34, I still knew how to look good in a bathing suit with my blonde hair, 36-B sized breasts, and long legs that went forever. Yes, we would check out the beach, sample some great restaurants, definitely pay our respects at Pearl Harbor, but David made it clear that the focus of our trip would be romance and intimacy. He wanted us to reconnect physically. That mattered to me as well and my fantasies were already in high gear as I searched online for lingerie that would drive David crazy.

Our flight was routine and we arrived at the hotel shortly after 6 p.m., exhausted from the travel, but excited to be back in Hawaii. We agreed to keep that first night simple. Fresh scallops and Mai Tais for dinner at Tommy Bahama's and holding hands on a sunset walk on the beach afterwards. Then time to turn in. Get some sleep. Begin our fun in the morning. Poor David was already halfway to dreamland before I could undress and slide under the covers next to him. I was tempted to wake him by stroking his limp penis before taking it full throttle in my mouth, but there was time for that tomorrow. Instead, I rolled over on my back and softly rubbed my clit with my finger, having an orgasm in seconds. Then another. Thinking about David taking me hard and forcefully. I had to stop or I would never get to sleep. I sensed already that this vacation was going to be different.

The next morning unfolded slowly. We ate breakfast at a small café on Kalakaua Avenue before wandering over to the International Market in search of bargain trinkets. I needed to bring gifts back to friends in Denver, but David was clearly in no mood for shopping. His hand kept running up and down my back with the occasional friendly pat on the butt. I could see his cock starting to harden inside his shorts.

"You OK, sailor?" I asked, trying to contain my smile. "Looks like you're excited to see me."

David leaned over and kissed me, his hand brushing against my left breast. "Let's go back to the room," he urged. "Time to play. C'mon, Babe"

Shopping could wait. We held hands as we walked back to the hotel. I couldn't believe how excited my body was beginning to feel. I was already wet in anticipation of what the rest of the morning might bring. David had his hands on my breasts, squeezing tight, as soon as the elevator doors closed, kissing me and sticking his tongue down my throat. The man was on fire. And this was still morning.

David grinned as he fumbled for the passkey at our door. It took three swipes before the door popped open. We both laughed, but the anticipation was palpable, acting like hot teens about to go at it for the first time. That's what I loved about my husband. His passion was real. He never faked his desire for me. I wanted him right then, right there, on the goddamn floor. I started unzipping his shorts.

"Whoa-Whoa-Whoa!" he said. "Time out!"

"Time out?" My mouth dropped open in disbelief. "This was your idea, Mister. Do you want to fuck me, or not?"

"Oh, I do! You bet that sweet ass I do!" David pulled me towards him and kissed me hard, his hands moving all over my body.

I could barely breathe. "Ok, then. Party time!"

David shook his head. "Hold on a second. Let's have some fun. We're on vacation. Let's play 'How About Him?'"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My pussy needed immediate attention and David wanted to play silly fantasy games. But there was no mistaking that naughty look in his eyes.

"You're serious?"

"C'mon," replied David. "We'll make it quick." He walked over to the mini-bar and pulled out two Coronas. "The pool should be packed by now. Let's take a look. Who knows? Your dream guy might be down there."

This was a game David loved to play, imagining me with different men while he watched. It was his favorite fantasy. Harmless fun. So I surrendered. "Whatever." David handed me a Corona and opened the sliding door to the balcony, gesturing for me to follow. "But you better be inside me within the next five minutes or you'll be taking a cold shower."

That made David laugh. We stood on the balcony, nestled against one another, leaning over the railing to check out the action beneath us. The warm sun was already drawing a crowd to the pool. David began his search.

"How about him?" he asked, pointing.


"Yellow swim suit. Dark glasses. Would you fuck him, Babe?"

"Right now, I'd fuck just about anything," I replied. "My husband isn't satisfying me."

"Play the game, Charlotte. Would you fuck him?"

I gave Mr. Yellow Swim Suit a half-look. "No, not really. Bald guys don't turn me on."

"Fair enough," David said. The search continued. "How about that guy climbing out of the pool? Blue trunks. How about him?"

I leaned over closer. Squinting my eyes. "Hmmm. Interesting. I've always wanted to fuck a black man. Would that be OK with you, David?"

David, took a long swig of beer, closing his eyes, probably picturing what that might be like. "Definitely," he finally said, barely a whisper.

"You would let me fuck a black man?"

David's left hand disappeared inside his front pocket as he began rubbing his cock. "Yes. Oh, yes. Fuck him hard."

"I would. Oh, you know I would. But only if you'd watch."

David nodded. He started to speak, but something caught his eye. "Hello. Who is that guy?"

I followed David's gaze to the entry gate at the pool. The man in question was just stepping inside. Open Hawaiian shirt revealing a full chest of hair. Sun glasses. Wavy chestnut hair. Maybe 40 years old. Maybe. Trim body. Walking with confidence towards an empty lounge chair.

"Oh, my," I gasped. "He's gorgeous."

"Would you fuck him? Be honest, Charlotte."

The words came tumbling out of my mouth. "Without hesitation." Did I really say that about another man to my husband?

David took a deep breath. Deciding. This was clearly no longer a fantasy in his mind. "Why...Why don't I go down and talk to him?"

"David!" The concern was evident in my voice. "W-What? What are you going to say to him?'

My husband shrugged. "A little guy talk. That's all. Let's see if he's interested. If he's not? Fine. If he is? Well..." His voice trailed off.

My turn for a deep breath. I confess that my eyes were drawn to the man below us. But the doubt was outweighing the desire. "Can you handle this, David?" I demanded to know. "Can you watch me have sex with another man? A complete stranger?"

I could see the answer in David's eyes. "I want this more than anything. I think you do, too.

He was right. I leaned over and gave David a long, deep, passionate kiss. "OK, Mister." I said. "Go get him."

David pulled me close. His fingernails dug hard into my buttocks. "You're going to enjoy this."

I grabbed David's hand and pulled him back into hotel room. "Wait. I've got an idea. Where's your phone?"

"Right here."

"OK. Snap a couple pics of me. Let's give him a taste of the merchandise."

To be honest, it was difficult to decide which one of us was getting more excited. My tee shirt, bra, shorts and panties peeled away in seconds, leaving me totally naked in front of David. I jumped on the bed, and posed doggie style with my face staring back towards the camera.

Then I flipped over, spread my legs, and smiled as devilishly as I could muster.

"Oh, god, these are so fuckin' hot!" David said, checking the camera. He brought them over for my approval. They looked good. David kissed me one last time.

"Put on something special for us," David instructed. "We'll offer him a Corona when he gets here."

"Go, " I said. "Just go and let's do this before I change my mind."

David left. A man on a mission. I caught myself naked in the dressing mirror with a wave of doubt. My body was pretty damn sharp, but what if this guy passed on our invitation? What if I wasn't what he wanted? Were we wrong to want this at all? I picked my clothes off the floor and stuffed everything in the bottom dresser drawer before slipping on a white hotel bathrobe. Too late to worry.

I edged out on to the balcony and checked out the pool. He was still there, shirt off, lounging comfortably in his chair. As I stared down at him, he was already inside me mentally. I hadn't felt like this in forever. Then I watched as David appeared from inside the hotel. He flipped open the gate, helped himself to a towel, and casually plopped down in the empty chair next to our friend.

I had to turn away, reaching for my Corona and gulping the rest of it down quickly. Going back inside, I took off my bathrobe, sprayed perfume from head to toe, and found my new nightgown, purple bottom with a matching, sheer see-through top. I slipped on the nightgown quickly, checked myself in the mirror, before putting the bathrobe back on.

I dared to peek out the window again. David was showing his phone to the guy. Oh My God. This is happening. I backed away, slipping my finger inside my bathrobe and rubbing my clit, thinking about what might be unfolding. What he would do to me. What I would do to him, in return. And would David be able to restrain himself?

It took a couple minutes. I had to settle down. Get in control. Then I was able to finally check out the window again. I gasped.

Both chairs by the pool were empty. No sign of either one of them.

I froze. Trying to stay calm. Then I heard the pass key in the door. It took two tries before it finally opened. I turned to see David walking in, seeming all serious and purposeful. He wasn't alone. The man from the pool trailed behind him.

Uneasiness filled the room as the three of us stood by the bed. David cleared his throat.

"Eric, I want you to meet my wife, Charlotte. Babe, this is Eric."

"Hi," I said, trying not to be nervous.

"Hi," replied Eric, a bit anxious. "Nice to meet you."

Awkward silence. David broke the ice.

"Eric, would you like a Corona?

Eric nodded, his eyes never leaving me. "Sure. That sounds good, David."

David reached inside the minibar and pulled out a Corona, twisted off the cap, and handed the bottle to Eric. He took a long swig, still staring at me.

"You're quite beautiful, Charlotte," he said. "Truly."

"Thank you."

"What are you wearing under that robe," he wanted to know.

I responded by unfastening the robe and letting it drop to the floor. David motioned with his hand for me to turn around. I did. Nice and slow, letting both men enjoy the view.

"You're a lucky man, David," Eric said. "Are you both sure about this?

David and I exchanged looks. There was no hesitation for either one of us.

"Yes, Eric, " I said, "We're glad you're here. We've both been wanting this experience."

Eric glanced at my husband for confirmation. He nodded.

"OK. Good." Judging by the obvious bulge in his swimming trunks, Eric didn't need further convincing. He took another swig of beer and put the bottle down. Eric definitely wanted me, but he held back, uncertain how to proceed. It was up to David to again orchestrate everything.

"I—I think I'm just going to take a seat," he announced. "Get out of the way. You two, well, you two do whatever." David went over to the corner plush chair and sat down.

The laughter and the sound of children splashing in the swimming pool drifted through the open sliding door. I could feel Eric's eyes all over me as he struggled to remain calm. It wasn't much easier for poor David, his hand already jammed down his shorts, playing with his hardening cock.

I knew what had to be done. I would have to make the first move. Staring directly at Eric, I reached down and lifted the top of my nightgown over my shoulders, dropping it to the floor and exposing my breasts. Eric closed his eyes briefly. I went directly to him, took both his hands and placed them on my breasts.

"Do you like these, Eric?" I asked.

He could barely breath. "Yes. Oh, yes. They're beautiful."

"Well, you're going to have these. And my pussy. And maybe, if you're lucky. I might let you up my ass. Would you like that, Eric?"

"I would. God, I would."

I pulled Eric closer towards me and gave him a hard deep kiss on the lips, thrusting my tongue in as far as it would go. Holding him tight, I whispered in his ear. "There's something I need to do first. Then I'm all yours. You can do whatever you want to me. OK?"

"Yes. OK."

I pushed Eric away and spun around. David was in the chair, clearly enjoying watching me with another man, his hand still moving slowly in his shorts. Imagine the look on his face as I walked directly towards him.

"What-What are you doing, Charlotte?"

I reached the chair, leaned down, and gave my husband a similar deep kiss. Then I looked him directly in the eyes. "Thank you for setting this up, David," I said. "Thank you for encouraging me to try this."

David was too stunned to respond. I reached down and yanked his hand out of his shorts. Before he could complain, I unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, pulling them and the blue underwear down around his ankles. His cock was hard and throbbing. I dropped to my knees and grabbed his cock with both my hands and began sucking furiously, my head moving back and forth.

David moaned loudly, unable to contain himself. I speeded up, my eyes locked on his. He pumped his sperm in my mouth in just over a minute, breathing heavily, drained from the intensity of the moment.

"God damn, babe. That...was...fucking...incredible. Jesus!"

I wiped my mouth with my arm and stood up, looking down at David. "Take my panties off, Mister. Now." David didn't need to be told twice. He reached over with both hands and pulled down the purple underwear. I kicked them away.

"How does my pussy look, David?" I demanded to know.

"It looks great. God, it looks great."

"You don't mind if I share it with Eric, do you? That's OK with you?"

"Yes! Yes, of course. Please!"

I kissed David one last time and turned around to face Eric. He stood at the foot of the king-sized bed, waiting in anticipation, but still seemingly reluctant to take charge. I went to him. "I'm all yours now," I said, removing his Hawaiian shirt, running my fingers playfully down his chest, stopping just above the crotch. "Whatever you want."

Eric stared at me. "Take my swimsuit off," he finally said. I pulled the white drawstring loose and tugged at the suit until it dropped to his feet. Eric's cock was hard and erect, shorter than David's, but much thicker. I made eye contact with Eric as I caressed his cock with my left hand. It felt good. We kissed again and Eric's hands began squeezing my breasts. I pulled my head back, closed my eyes, and began moaning.

"C'mon," I said. "I want you inside me."

I dropped down on the bed, glancing over to check on David, still huddled in the chair, looking spent and satisfied after my little thank you present. Laying on my back, I spread my legs. Eric dropped down on the bed next to me. He put his hand on my stomach, gradually bringing it up and rubbing each of my breasts, in turn. Then he placed his mouth on each of my nipples, licking away and sucking.

I could not stop moaning. I reached out my left hand towards David. He leaned forward and took my hand, holding it tight.

"I love you, David," I said.

"I love you, Charlotte," he whispered.

Yes, part of me knew this was insane. Here I was, in bed with a complete stranger, about to be fucked while holding hands with my husband and telling him that I loved him. But the honest truth was that I was totally enjoying the experience, trying hard not to scream in ecstasy.

Eric started kissing me, dropping his right hand down and sliding his finger inside my increasingly wet pussy. My back arched up in response to his touch and I had my first orgasm in seconds. Followed by another. And another.

I could take no more. "Fuck me, Eric," I yelled. "Fuck me."

His confidence was building. Eric climbed on top of me, but suddenly reached over and snatched my hand away from David's. Before I could say anything, Eric flipped me over on my knees, facing my husband, and had me on all fours. He took his rock-hard cock and rammed it inside my pussy with such unexpected force.

I could not contain myself. "Oh, god. Oh, god. Don't stop! Don't stop."

He didn't. Eric was throttling me back and forth. David and I couldn't help but look at each other in the moment. He was smiling, encouraging, as Eric continued to jam himself inside me. My head rocked from left to right and I panted trying to keep up. Yes, David had always been good in bed, but I had never, ever, experienced such intensity.

Eric pulled out abruptly, flipped me on my back and slid inside me again, pushing deep inside me. I gasped with unbelievable pleasure, but I knew he wouldn't last much longer. Eric closed his eyes, rocking back and forth, faster and faster, breathing heavier. I pulled his head down closer to mine and we locked lips, moving my butt up and down in rhythm with him.

I was right about the timing. Eric groaned loudly as he exploded inside me, unable to hold it back any longer. I wasn't much better, yelling as my final orgasm erupted. How many had that been? Eric and I kissed again before he collapsed, exhausted, on the bed beside me.

Laying there, staring at the ceiling, I tried to process the morning. I had played out a sexual fantasy and I felt more than satisfied. The sex with Eric was amazing, but I also knew that I loved my husband more than ever because of what had just happened. Eric held my right hand as David reached over for my left.

That was the first morning of our Hawaii vacation. David and I spent most of the week hanging out with Eric. In our room. In his room. One night, David graciously even let me have a "date night" with Eric. Our first sexual encounter had been all too brief, but by the final evening, Eric proved to be quite the stallion.

And it turns out that he lives in Los Angeles. Eric's already sent us two plane tickets to come visit. I can't wait for my next vacation.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Just another whore's cuck husband is also her pimp story. Laughable, used up plot.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 5 years ago
re: anon @anon RE: Bullshit

It’s a well known fact that couples who have open marriages have a divorce rate far below the national average. It’s actually close to half of what the average is. So simply making ridiculous statements like you did really only make you look stupid. I hope you looked up you facts before you called someone else ignorant.

One study says that 92 percent of open marriages end in divorce, supporting a common notion that marriage without exclusivity is doomed to fail.

Open marriage at best have a divorce rate of 30 to 40 percent. It is hard to be accurate as people tend to be secretive. Swingers have the lowest divorce rate out of the open marriage type.

Divorce comes from all types of problems, sure but when you add in the mix of trying to fix it by opening your marriage you have sealed your own fate.

gordo12gordo12over 5 years ago
I have to go along with the 0-60 comment

Too fast. Real life is seldom like that. Reluctance, people unsure of themselves etc.

The ending was also too rushed. You could have had an excellent story by drawing it out both the meeting of Eric and the subsequent time spent with him over the week. Instead it's reduced to a couple of lines. 3*

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 5 years ago
Hi OH, I fived it, but you might want to heed the concerns of o to 60 guy.

Less intrusion by the outsider, and more random guys instead. Mix in a wetsuit, and let hubby clearly be the main man.. your sex parts started that way, but your story ended focused on the outsider.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Unfair tease

She told Eric he would be able to do all kinds of things to her, but they fucked for two lines of text and it was over.

Far too rushed ending. You set up a great, protracted sex scene but did not deliver it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
@anon RE: Bullshit

Your ignorance is showing. It’s a well known fact that couples who have open marriages have a divorce rate far below the national average. It’s actually close to half of what the average is. So simply making ridiculous statements like you did really only make you look stupid. And there is a hint of anger in your answer which leads us to speculate that you are speaking more from your own personal experience rather than from facts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Boy, that wife was easy to convince.

Next time, spend some time on character development. You know, personality, motivation, that sort of thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What a great marriage, . . .

for a while. Now its just a matter of time, and other fuck-buddy opportunities. Eric is just the beginning. For the dumb shit hubby, its the beginning of the end. Serves the stupid cuck right. Write that part of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Any time a couple has sex outside the marriage it leads to divorce sooner or later! She will always compare the husband to the others and most times he doesn’t get a fair deal!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
0-60 in 3.4 seconds

While I like the idea, it felt too fast. It was a good game, but had always been a hypothetical fantasy. All of a sudden, day 1 of the holiday and they are sharing with a stranger.

Day 1 play the game in the room

Day 2 play by the pool, seeing Eric again

Day 3 play again and see Eric again and strike up a conversation, then go from there. It would have seemed more natural.

I didn't like the power play by Eric either, would have preferred David take charge at that point and not played with Eric again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Laughably bad!

Just what any husband wants to do. Go on a romantic vacation with his wife and watch her fuck another man. Yeah. That makes sense - NOT! I wonder if she's pregnant with another mans' child or if she has several nasty diseases since condoms weren't used. Can you say "Stupid"? A sexual fantasy? More like a real nightmare.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Royal Grove hotel, (it was pink) two blocks of Waikiki, we stayed there for 3 months during what is the off season. Man, talk about opportunities for both of us. Young ladies on vacation abounded, single guys and some married ones, there was one 50 year old glorious housewife type that was amazing, her hubby wanted to watch and invited me up for a roll, so why not? My record was two in one day, hers was three. The wife and I opened up things until we got back to the mainland, now we keep it just us. Got it all out of our system, great memories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

That was very nice. A husband and wife who enjoy playing together will have a long and happy life. I liked the little game they played on the balcony. I am sure other couples can use that as well. Thank you for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
great story

Makes me want to write about my wife and I's adventures

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great fun!

Good story! We play the same game but have not taken the final step.

joanymikejoanymikeover 5 years ago

Now this story sounds so true,thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Can we hope the

Plane crashes as it heads into LAX and accidently hits Eric's house with Both you and David onboard? That will fix the story from everyon's point of view, especially if Eric is home.

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