How High a Price: Long Ending


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The other three people around the table exchanged glances and then stood up to leave.

"How long before we have something?" Early asked the retreating group.

Stopping at the doorway Sam turned and replied "Depends, but I would think we can have a first pass dossier by noon tomorrow. We can decide then if we need to go further."

Making no reply but nodding his thanks to Sam, Early returned to the task of preparing for his new position. Alone for the first time since the announcement of his promotion Early allowed himself to relax and embrace the excitement and thrill of the moment. "I am a Vice President of Intertech!" The realization of the achievement was intoxicating! After all the hard work and long hours he had at last arrived at one of his major goals in life. "I can't wait to tell Susan, she will be so thrilled!" At the thought of Susan he was jerked out of his euphoria and reminded of the reality of his tenuous marriage. With that lingering thought he began the task of preparing his new work plan.

Waiting until after Early had left before getting out of bed Susan began planning what she was going to do. She just hadn't had the energy to face him this morning In fact she was considering calling in to work and taking the day off.. Reluctantly she decided that after missing Thursday and Friday of the previous week it wouldn't do to miss another day. Suddenly she was dreading facing John Stickner. She would have to tell John about Early discovering their "week-end" together. What if Early's assessment of John's attitude was correct? How would she deal with him if he indicated he wanted more? Would he really think he had some kind of claim on her?

"This should be one of the happiest days of my life" Susan thought sadly "I'm about to become a partner in one the most prestigious law firms in the Northwest, a goal I have strived for all of my adult life, yet I am the most miserable I have ever been."

Arriving several hours late Susan went directly to her office giving the receptionist as cheery a "good morning" as she could muster. The return greeting seemed less than friendly but Susan didn't dwell on it. As she went into her office her assistant Jennifer greeted her in an oddly formal manner advising her of the days schedule and the waiting work on her desk. Her tone definitely did not exhibit her usual upbeat personality. Susan felt a chill in the exchange and after setting for a moment at her desk she asked Jennifer to come into her office. Susan and Jennifer had become friends over the years she had been with the firm and had even socialized outside of the office occasionally with their husbands. Something was definitely not right.

"Yes Mrs. Conroy, is there something I can help you with?"

"Please sit down Jennifer" Susan answered as friendly as she could, Jennifer certainly was acting strangely and it gave her an uneasy feeling.

Jennifer sat Obviously selecting the chair directly in front of Susan's desk she replied, "Yes Mrs. Conroy?" Normally she would have sat at one off to the side when they were exchanging information, pleasantries or just having a "girl talk."

"What is going on Jennifer? You haven't called me Mrs. Conroy since the first week I came to work here and you were just a young girl fresh out of secretarial school."

Looking directly at Susan, Jennifer answered calmly "I have requested a transfer to another office and other duties"

Stunned for a moment, Susan sat staring at the other woman in astonished silence.

"God Jennifer, what on earth for?"

With a look that bordered on open dislike Jennifer replied in a direct and firm voice "Several reasons really, but put simply, I don't want to work with you any more."

This answer shocked Susan more than Jennifer's original announcement. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, Jennifer had always been great to work with and her loyalty was unquestioned. What on earth had happened to cause this?

"Why Jennifer, why don't you want to work with me? We have been friends and worked together for a long time. What have I done to make you want to quit?"

"Because I have always looked up to you and admired you as someone I wanted to be like. You're intelligent, you care about people, you're great to work with and up to recently you have been as honest as an attorney could possibly be. But working on the Melrose account has changed all of that and I don't want to be a part of it"

"How did the Melrose account change anything between us, what changed? There's nothing changed!" Susan was on the verge of openly weeping. First her marriage to Early was on the brink of destruction and now this. Susan didn't think she could deal with any more.

"Yes the Melrose account changed everything. We all worked our asses off getting that mess fixed but the only one that got any credit for it was that egotistical asshole John Stickner. He didn't even give you credit for doing the real work and saving the account. With you not here for the staff meeting this morning I was asked to sit in for you and go over the current status of our outstanding clients and workload. He gave a glowing account of his hard work and contributions, mentioned that you had made a worthwhile contribution and failed to pass on that the rest of the staff did anything."

"This can't be, John told me that I would get the credit for this as the lead and that the staff would get bonuses for their hard work." Susan replied in disbelief. "This is my chance at becoming a Partner, John said he talked to Mr. Jensen! Jennifer you know if I get moved up to Mahogany Row you go with me. Mr. Jensen practically promised me the position!"

"I wouldn't be counting on any promotions after what John Strickner said in the meeting this morning."

"There must be some kind of mistake, John wouldn't do that to me"

"The mistake was you believing the shit that Stickner was feeding you., Also, you might as well know, he has already leaked out that you and he had an "interesting interlude" on the days you were both out of the office last week. The office is quite abuzz with the rumors.

Shocked into silence Susan tried to come to grips with the implications of what Jennifer had just said. In just a few short days her life had gone from being on top of the world to coming unraveled at an ever-accelerating rate.

"What kind of rumors? What are people saying?"

"Basically that you have become a corporate climber without regard to the cost to the people around you. That you will do anything to make it to the top. I think the term "sleeping your way to the top" has been used."

"No, no I'm not like that, it can't be!! Susan replied emphatically, but looking at the expression on the younger woman's face told her that she was wrong.

"Then is Stickner telling lies? If so why would he do that? It could only lead to serious trouble for him even if he is an established partner in the firm." Jennifer's tone softened "Susan, what you do in your personal life is your business but please tell me these rumors he has started are not true. Please tell me you didn't sleep with that jerk."

Susan tried to respond to the other woman's question but she could only blink back the tears as she searched for a response.

"I see your answer is yes," Jennifer said in a softened voice and a look that bordered on pity. "I don't understand you Susan, why would you compromise yourself and your marriage for a promotion? What if Early were to find out?"

At Jennifer's question Susan burst into tears.

"Don't tell me! Early found out!" Jennifer blurted out in surprise.

" Oh dear God what am I going to do! This isn't the way it was supposed to be!" Susan was nearly in hysterics now and looked pleadingly at Jennifer.

"Well Susan, I do feel sorry for you. But I cannot respect what you have done. Frankly I think you are out of your mind to trade your marriage to Early for Stickner and a partnership in this firm. Careers aren't everything but a man and a marriage like you have is hard to find. You have changed since you took on the Melrose account and I don't want to be involved any longer."

"Jennifer you are my friend, please help me," Susan begged.

"No Susan, I'm not going t to get involved and I'm not going to help you cheat on Early, especially with a shithead like Stickner."

"I'm not trying to cheat on Early, I'm trying to get him back. The thing with John was a mistake in judgment on my part, a huge mistake. I don't care about the promotion; I just don't want to loose Early. Please don't do this to me Jennifer, I can't deal with any more right now and I am going to need your support if I am going to survive this mess and set things right."

After a long pause as if considering what had just been asked Jennifer replied in a deliberate voice, "OK Susan, because we are friends I will do what I can to help you. You need to understand though that I am doing this as much for Early as I am for you and at the first sign that you are playing "patty cake" with Stickner I am out of here."

Regaining her composure as much as possible she and her secretary continued talking asshe checked her make-up and fixed the damage caused by her tears. By the time Jennifer had returned to her desk Susan was calm and more determined than ever to straighten out the mess she had created of her life.

"Hey there good looking, we missed you at the staff meeting this morning." Susan heard John Stickner say as he was coming through the door.

"John, what are you doing here?" Susan replied in a wary voice.

"I work here remember?" John replied in mock surprise. "And how is the rising star of Jensen, Sharone and Anderson today?"

"Oh stop it John, I already know about your "report" on the Melrose account at the staff meeting this morning! Funny I don't remember you doing it all by yourself! You promised bonuses for the staff and that I would get credit for the save. Now I understand that there will be no bonuses and that my participation was described as giving efficient support to you! What are you trying to do John?"

Susan's pointed comments caught Stickner by surprise and for a second his friendly expression evaporated before he replied in a decidedly less friendly tone. "Why should the firm hand out bonuses to staff members for doing the jobs they were hired to do. Although bonuses may have been mentioned early on in the recovery process they were never promised and frankly I don't think their contribution was all that special"

Stunned at Stickner's declaration, Susan tried to respond but only managed to open and close her mouth in wordless protest.

"Don't look so surprised Susan, this is a competitive business we're in and things don't always turn out like in the movies. Besides, your stock went up with the Senior Partners, just not as high as you expected. I'm sure after you have worked "under" me a few more times that promotion you expected will materialize."

Stickner's innuendo was not lost on Susan and her face turned red in embarrassment as she groped for something to say in return to John. "I don't think we will be working together again, John" was all she could get out.

Looking at Susan in silence for a moment Stickner replied in a mocking voice "I think you are wrong about that Susan, you are way too ambitious to let anything get in the way of your career and I am your best chance of a fast track to the top in this firm. Besides, now that you have learned the ropes why would you want to jeopardize the gains you have already made?"

Horrified at what Stickner was saying Susan replied in indignation "I am not like that at all! I have worked my tail off to get to where I am. I'm a really good attorney and I care about the people I work with!"

"Yes Susan you are a good attorney, but your advantage over the other good attorneys is that you can work your tail in more ways than one, quite satisfactorily I might add."

"Get out! Get out of my office right now!" Susan screamed loud enough that Jennifer came to the door to see if anything was wrong.

With a smirk Stickner gave Susan one last knowing look and turning, left her office, nearly running over Jennifer in his departure.

"You should have told the son-of-bitch off Susan. That guy is a real snake-in-the-grass!"

"How could a man change so much in so short a time" Susan wondered aloud struggling to regain her composure. "He was always so helpful and friendly. What possibly could have happened to make such a change?"

"He didn't change Susan, you have. He has always been an arrogant asshole to everyone else. As sharp as you are in dealing with people I don't know how you missed that. Of course I'm sure the two-faced SOB was quite charming when he was trying to get into your pants."

Susan visibly flinched at Jennifer's comments "I can't believe I had never heard anything like this about John in the 6 years I have worked here. I would never have been so open and trusting with him had I known he was all those things you say."

The two women continued talking until the phone on Susan's desk rang, after a few words Susan hung up the phone and with a somber face announced "Mr. Anderson wants to see me in his office"

Without speaking further she checked her suit to make sure it was straight, reviewed her makeup and picking up her day-timer she left the office.

The trip to the executive level offices were seemed a lifetime to Susan. This was a trip she had looked forward to for years, visualizing being asked to come to the office of one of the Senior Partners and being offered a partnership. Making it to "Mahogany Row" had been her professional focus since she graduated law school. Now this short journey was filled with dread. "What does Anderson want?" " If what Jennifer told me this morning is accurate it certainly is not to offer me a partnership More likely I am about to be unemployed. How could I have been such a fool" she thought "and how did I not recognize John for what he is. Poor Early, what have I put him through!"

Anderson's secretary gave Susan a curt nod as she entered "Mr. Anderson is expecting you, go right in."

As she entered Anderson's private office he looked up with an expression of mixed regret and pity. Susan had always been a little in awe of this man, at seventy years old he was still physically fit, had a full head of hair and exhibited the energy and exuberance of a 35-year-old. He had a reputation of being ferocious in the courtroom but a person who cared about his subordinates. What had always held her attention were his eyes, they were always smiling but with a hard edge to them like steel behind a gossamer curtain. Today for the first time they reminded her of Early.

"Please, sit down Susan" Anderson said pleasantly as he indicated a chair at the side table in his office. "Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?"

"No thank you I am fine." Susan replied in as calm a voice as she could muster.

"You weren't at the staff meeting this morning, is there a problem?" Anderson asked matter-of-factly while stirring sugar into his fresh cup of coffee.

"No I wasn't and I apologize for that."

"Susan, is there something wrong? Something you want to tell me about?"

Sitting quietly for a moment Susan considered what she should say and then looking directly at Anderson she answered in a subdued voice, "I am tendering my resignation effective immediately. I am sorry if I am causing the firm any problems with this short notice but it is best that I leave now. I will clear out my things as soon as I return to my office and will settle up any financial matters on the phone."

Anderson waited for a moment as if absorbing the full implication of what Susan had just said before speaking "Would you like to share with me the reason for this sudden decision? I was under the impression that you liked it here and intended to make your career with us."

"Some things have happened here and in my personal life due to my extremely poor personal judgment. I need to come to grips with these things and I cannot do so as long as I am in this office. I truly wish it weren't so but it is. This is not a reflection in any way on the firm or how I have been treated here but is solely my responsibility."

Leaning forward in his chair and in a fatherly voice he asked, "Susan, does this have anything to do with our Mr. Stickner and the rumors floating through the office that I am sure are based on comments attributed to him?"

No longer able to keep her composure Susan started to cry softly, fighting the urge to crawl under the table and slink away into a dark closet somewhere.


"Your private life is your business and I can respect that but I would like to know specifically what has motivated you to resign and hear it from you in your own words. Also although I am keenly interested in the welfare of all of the people who work here from the president down to the mail room person, you need to know that I am going to defend the firms reputation. That includes taking into consideration the activities of employees outside of business hours that might reflect back on the firm, good or bad. So, Susan, please tell me what this is all about." And with that he leaned back, took a sip of his coffee and waited.

Taking a deep breath Susan began her story.

She explained how excited she had been when she came to work for Jenson, Sharone and Anderson as her career goals had always been to be associated with a top notch legal firm. She had worked hard to prove herself and when she was offered the lead on the Melrose account she was ecstatic, "After all my effort I saw this as my big chance to prove I was ready for a promotion, even a partnership."

"Yes Susan, we have been watching your work closely and felt this would be a good test of your abilities and value to the firm."

"As I worked on the Melrose account it became clear that whoever came before me had made a mess of it. Frankly I couldn't imagine someone making the mistakes I was finding which in turn required a lot of long hours and weekends to get completed in time. As you suggested I asked John for his input and he was most helpful, he had a great deal of knowledge about the account history and was able to provide me with insights that were invaluable."

Susan went on to describe the details of the effort the team put into saving the Melrose account, and her own personal effort and input. She also gave a very abridged version of the story of her relationship with John Stickner and the culmination of that relationship. She also described her understanding of the possibility of a bonus for the staff and the possibility of a partnership for herself based on his comments and on information from Stickner. Last she described the scene with Stickner in her office that morning and her reaction to hearing of his report on the conclusion of the Melrose account in this morning's staff meeting.

"So you see Mr. Anderson, I can't stay here. I have let my ambition blind me to who I am and what I really want. It has led me to make the most terrible decision of my life and I can't stay here and be reminded of it every day. I feel like an absolute fool and the thought of seeing John Stickner even one more time is more than I can deal with."

"Susan, after hearing your story I can appreciate your decision and I will support that decision as much as I can. I admit that, knowing you, I am a little surprised at your episode with John. I would not have thought you would be vulnerable to John although he can be very persuasive and charming when he wants to be. There are things you need to know about him. One that you have already found out for yourself is that he is a climber. He is an excellent attorney under most circumstances but he is not above bending the rules of good taste and morality if it will further his personal goals. This character flaw occasionally leads to poor decisions and judgment calls and creates messes. One of them was the Melrose account. They were originally his clients but his penchant for short cuts and bending the rules left the mess you described. I thought you knew the Melrose mess was his doing."
