How I caught My Wife Cheating


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It got dirty, malicious and unfair but I didn't care.

I didn't file for divorce but WINZ called us into a mediated meeting to see if there was any way to get a settlement. It was laid out in no uncertain terms that they didn't believe my successful business had overnight turned into a failing enterprise. They also explained the punishment if they caught me hiding money to escape paying spousal support.

Through the meeting Laney tried to explain that she didn't want us to live separately, she wanted me home. The mediator a woman was definitely on her side and she had formed her opinion of me straight away, I was just another recalcitrant father trying to get away from paying child support and bloody Laney was a saint trying to help out at risk children.

She became very upset when I blurted out. "I'm not looking after the kids of the guy my wife fucked."

She went bright red before growling. "That sort of language is not acceptable in this forum, if you refuse to cooperate with us things will get very difficult for you. We are going to start by placing an automatic weekly deduction from your business account for $1000 starting immediately. We will assess that as time passes. If it isn't enough we may increase it."

I shrugged. "Good luck with that, it doesn't even make that much."

She waved a handful of documents in my face. "These show that your business has been turning over nearly $5,000 a week, so we think this is fair."

I left seething, the fury overwhelming, to make it worse Laney had a big smirk painted on her face.

I went straight to see my accountant and he gave me the bad news, they could take that money even if it wasn't there and it would become a debt against me, the account would just go into overdraft to cover it. I asked if I could stop the withdrawal by refusing to accept an overdraft?

He laughed. "Sorry mate, you can't hide from the IRS."

"So what's my options?"

"Well what say you just pay the money, the grand a week is chicken feed to what that business usually brings in."

"No fuck that, I'm not giving her a cent."

"Then your only option is to close the business down altogether, go bankrupt."

"Then do it, my bills are all paid, I have no creditors except for the insurance and rates."

So that's what I did I closed the business. Man did that create a furore I was called back to WINZ to explain. I told them simply that the business wasn't viable and I was closing it down.

She asked me if I was going to go on the dole? I laughed, "No I'll get by without that."

What a shit fight. Assessors came and checked out the workshop, checked my inventory to see what they could sell, but I had run everything down, I didn't even have tyres.

They left unhappy but empty handed.

I got by on cash jobs organised by word of mouth, making just enough to get by. My mantra was, 'She ain't getting a damn cent.'

I bumped into Sienna in the supermarket one evening and of course we chatted, she asked how things were going and I explained that I was now separated from my wife. She gave me a quick hug and offered her sympathy and an invitation for dinner that night.

I was surprised when I got there, her place looked incredible, the gardens were done and the place looked really good.

When I quizzed her she simply said that the work I did gave her the impetus to get the gardens done and having the lawnmower working made all the difference.

We had a lovely dinner and little Katie was a treat keeping us both amused with made up fairy tales. It just reinforced how much I missed my own family.

When she was in bed Sienna and I sat out on the patio enjoying the evening. "So Luke, what are you going to do?"

"Not sure yet, I guess time will tell."

"Is there no chance for your wife and you?"

Shrugging my shoulders I mumbled, "I can't answer that because I don't know, honestly not at the moment, the pain is too raw."

She gave me a hug. "I'm sorry Luke, I hate to see marriages fail, you must miss the kids?"

Nodding my head I agreed. "Yep I miss them like crazy, I hate being separated from them, I see them every weekend, and as much as I can, but it's not the same."

I left with a warm feeling, she was a sweetheart, warm and caring, everything Laney used to be.

Having the kids at the weekends was difficult, I didn't really have anywhere for them to sleep, so I only had them for the days, no sleepovers. Going to soccer games was hard, Laney refused to talk to me, I picked the kids up from the gate and a wide chasm opened between us.

It was surprising then when she burst into the workshop one evening fuming, tears streaming down her face. "Luke you fucking arsehole we're going to lose everything the house, the business, everything."

This wasn't news to me, I had already had meetings with the bank and they had warned me, that if they were forced into foreclosure they would take the business first.

Hunching my shoulders tight I muttered. "Yes Laney I know, I have spoken to the bank."

"Jesus all this fucking drama for nothing. You sacked Eddy and Mike, now they're struggling, don't you care about anyone?"

"I could ask you the same thing, you didn't care about me."

She flopped on the desk beside me. "Luke can't we put all this shit behind us? We all miss you. I never wanted you to leave in the first place."

Gritting my teeth I asked. "You sure as hell went about it in a strange way?"

Grimacing through gritted teeth she snarled. "Bloody hell babe, we couldn't leave them to the wolves, they are innocent. They didn't do anything to deserve what happened, they're homeless, with no family... What the hell was I supposed to do? All I want is my family back."

She picked up my hand twirling my wedding band around my finger. "Don't you feel any guilt about what happened?"

"Yes of course I do, when I rang the police that day I didn't know how big his operation was, all I wanted was for him to get in trouble not go to prison."

"So by looking after the girls we are making some amends for your actions. Luke I have never stopped loving you, I want you back."

"My actions? What about yours? You caused this Laney, I might have overreacted but this is your fault."

Her head fell and she stared at the ground. I mumbled, "The only reason you want me back is because you need the money, it's been months why wait till now?"

"Because I couldn't bring myself to talk to you, for the last few months I have hated you for putting us through this. We're going to lose everything, don't you understand, the business, the house where the hell are we supposed to live?"

"Look Laney, I didn't want to leave, but you made it impossible for me to stay."

"What does it matter, I am sick of fighting with you, the kids are sad, they miss you as much as I do. I know things have been screwed up but I want our old life back. Fuck look around Luke you have run this place into the ground, you used to be so proud of it, you loved this place look what you've done...and for what to save paying me a few measly dollars, the business was doing so well, we could afford it, but no you had to humiliate me, make me go to WINZ and beg for help."

"It wasn't about the money, it was the principle, he did the wrong thing and what...I'm supposed to suck it up and just pay? That's not right, that's why I did all of this."

"Principle my arse, it's just some twisted male pride thing, all this pain and suffering just because I had sex with another man. Jesus it didn't change the way I see you, or the way I feel about you, I still love you, and I miss being with you."

"If you were happy why would you look elsewhere? All this talk of love is bullshit, obviously you weren't happy or you wouldn't have gone there and don't tell me it was just because you were stoned, that's a cop out. You accepted his advances because you wanted to."

"Yeah OK I like sex, you know that, shit we talked about swinging, we talked about having sex with other people, I don't see where the problem is, why all this bullshit."

We sat in silence as we both tried to get some traction, we were just going around in circles. In the end I blurted out. "I'll put some money in the account, enough to stave of the bank for a while so we can figure shit out."

"Fuck!" She snarled, "Babe I don't care about the house, I want you back. You can't tell me you enjoy living here, fuck you can't even cook proper meals here."

"I won't go home and find the same shit is happening, I don't trust you, what happens when some other bloke offers you some weed? Are you going to just give it up to him? Jesus I don't know who you've been banging."

"I'm not a fucking slut, I haven't had sex with anyone other than my dildo since you left. Luke I promise you that I will never cheat on you again, I agree what we did was wrong and I give you my solemn oath it will never happen again."

She fluttered her big green eyes, drew her hands up as if praying. "I am pleading with you, come home."

"No Laney, I can't do it, you're right, I'm not happy but I don't see any other way."

"Fuck you Luke, just fuck you, you're not just hurting me, it's the kids as well, you're punishing everybody."

I fought the bank off, releasing just enough money to buy some time.

I got the shock of my life when I heard that Corey was being released early on bail due to overcrowding. He would however be on home detention for the remainder of his sentence.

Corrections found him a small two bedroom flat only a few streets away from our place so Belle could stay in the same school. He was locked by his ankle bracelet, he couldn't even leave to take the kids to school. He was totally reliant on friends to do his shopping.

I heard through friends that he was back to selling drugs, but now he couldn't grow weed, his place was checked daily by police, so now he was dealing in harder drugs. All going to jail did was introduce him to new contacts. I felt sorry for the kids, he was probably using himself.

Sienna came into the workshop with her car not running very well. When she climbed out she had a smile. "Don't worry this time I can pay."

I chuckled along with her, "So what's the problem?"

She looked around, "Wow what happened here? It looks like a closing down sale."

I laughed, "Yeah it's a bit like that. So what happened to the car?"

Shrugging her shoulders she smiled. "Not sure, it is hard to start and is running really rough."

On inspection it was a blown head gasket and it was going to be expensive. I glanced at her as she sat in the office, picking up a rag I wiped my hands and walked in. "There's good news and bad news.... The good news is that it's just the head gasket. The bad news is it will still be expensive."

I saw her flinch, "Expensive... How much are we talking about?"

"Well it will need machining and unfortunately I can't do that here, the gasket won't be much, it'll be mostly the machining and that's going to be about four hundred."

Frowning she mumbled, "Ouch, what about your work?"

"That won't be much the whole thing might be about five hundred."

Her shoulders sagged and the frown deepened. "Can I still use it like it is?"

Frowning I mumbled, "It'll run for a while but it will get rougher and eventually crap out, plus it might do more harm."

"Guess I better get used to walking then. I could use the exercise anyway."

"Leave it with me, how much can you afford?"

"Maybe three hundred."

Nodding I made a cuppa and we sat for a chat. Katie had started school so the car was important to her. We talked about general stuff, she asked about Laney and I shrugged, "I think we are done."

I drove her home with the warning she was going to be without it for a few days.

When I got the head off, it was cracked, I may have been able to get it welded, but I chose to hunt around and found a good reconditioned one for five hundred bucks from a car wrecker, but it would take at least a couple of days to get here. Instead of ringing her I went around after work, that way I could drive her to the supermarket if needed.

On the way Katie jumped all over me and Sienna planted a big kiss on my cheek.

Friday night I delivered Sienna's car. As I expected she tried to pay me for it but I refused. She hugged me so tight I thought she would break a rib and Katie seeing her mother's excitement jumped on board. "Luke I can pay two hundred dollars."

"I said I won't take your money and I mean it, just a gift, from one friend to another. I have to pay for all those dinners you cooked for me."

She grimaced, "But you said you had to get it machined or something, you must have had to pay for it."

"He owed me a favour, honestly it was nothing."

The days drifted by interrupted only by Sienna who brought in something nice for lunch most days, and we always ended up chatting and laughing. She was quickly becoming my best friend.

Laney on the other hand was becoming more difficult to deal with, surprisingly she stopped asking for money and the bank had stopped complaining, it seemed Laney was making the house payment, so they were happy all I had to do was put in enough to pay for the business. It made me nervous where she found the money, couple that with her hyperactive ditzy behaviour and all it did was make me fearful.

Now she didn't have Corey's kids I was expecting her to put pressure on for me to move back home but it never came. Her cold attitude if anything got worse. Now when I picked up the kids she didn't even bother to come to the door.

It was a couple of weeks later when Sienna appeared at the workshop. "Luke could you do me a favour?"

As if I could say no. "Yeah no worries, what is it this time?"

Embarrassed she whispered. "It's nothing like that, but I just brought a second hand trampoline for Katie from a lady around the street and it won't fit in my car. If it's too much trouble I can find another way."

I realised I had insulted her, "I'm sorry Sienna, I didn't mean it to sound like that, I was trying to make a joke. I actually have some time now, I'm waiting for a bloke to bring his car in, is now OK?"

She laughed, "Now would be perfect actually."

I hooked on the trailer and as we drove she sighed, "Luke I am so grateful for everything you've done for me and Katie, but you don't have to, I got the impression back at the workshop you might be getting sick of helping me out all the time."

I patted her hand which rested on her knee. "I was trying to be funny, Sienna you're always the highlight of my day and I love being able to help out."

Her thank you was a bright beamy smile. She directed me to the street Corey lived on and I was surprised to see Laney's car parked outside. I slowed right down as a cold shiver snaked its way up and down my spine my whole body trembled.

As I came to a stop Sienna asked, "Are you OK? You look like somebody walked over your grave."

I shook my head trying to encourage some blood flow. "In a way that's exactly what happened. That's my wife's car, parked where it shouldn't be."

"Oh shit, are you OK Luke" Should we go... We can get the tramp later."

Her use of the word tramp made me snigger. "It's OK no we'll do it now."

As we got out of the car Sienna raced around and hugged me. "It might be innocent, she might be able to explain."

I nodded, "Yeah maybe." We loaded up the tramp onto the trailer and as she went to pay the lady I quickly intercepted her and paid her. Sienna growled but I pushed aside her complaint. "Sienna you may have done me the biggest favour ever today, I am happy to pay."

She kissed me, and unlike every other time it was on the lips and they tasted as sweet as she smelt, oh the kiss it was amazing, I had to push her away. "Stop Sienna, please I can't do that."

She nodded, "Thanks Luke."

As we pulled out onto the road I inched slowly up the road, we had been there over an hour and as we pulled up to Corey's place Lainey's car was still parked there."

We delivered the tramp and I went back to work. I tried to get my head around everything, was she seeing the bastard again?

Over the next few days I borrowed customers cars and drove over to Corey's place and every day Laney's car was there, but I noticed a couple of times Laney loading packages into her car. What concerned me as I followed her was she dropped off smaller parcels around different addresses. She was delivering bloody drugs for him. "FUCK." I screamed.

Jesus my brain was in overdrive, she was seeing the prick again and dealing drugs for the bastard.

Shit I wondered if she had the shit at home? Were the kids in danger, were these dickheads hanging around our place as well, fucking miscreants and hoods. What the hell was she thinking?

I decided to confront her. I saw the look of shock on her face when she opened the door, "Luke... baby it's so good to see you."

Her eyes were bulging and she looked anxious fidgeting and moving from foot to foot.

"Laney I'm just here to get some info. Are you seeing Corey again?

Shocked at my direct approach she became defensive, "Why do you care? You haven't even talked to me for months."

"I want to know? Just answer the question, are you seeing him?"

Sighing she murmured, "Luke what do you want? Why are you here, is it just simple jealousy?' She giggled, "Is that it, you don't want me but you don't want him to have me either"

"Actually I'm worried about the kid's if you're hanging around with him and doing drug's they are going to be exposed to it and I don't want them harmed."

She pushed me hard in the chest, "Get out you bastard fuck off and stay out of our lives."

Two days later I heard the sirens and I knew what was going on. Sure enough later that day I got a call from Laney at the police station, "Luke I need your help I have been arrested."

Playing dumb I asked, "What for?"

"We can talk about that later, I'm being released but I need a ride, I've got to get the kids home."

When I didn't answer she rasped, "Luke you have to help, they have the kids, and I need to pick them up."

The only reason they were even prepared to release her was because she was a mother with one child under five that's all that saved her.

I decided to intervene, she had her chance and fucked that up so now I had to step up.

I did go down to the police station mostly to find out what was going to happen and what rights I had. I was taken into an office and a counsellor and police support officer came in and laid out my options. Their preference was not to release the kids into Laney's care but nowadays they tried to keep families together. We agreed that if I could find somewhere to live the kids would be released into my custody in the interim at least.

She had been charged with dealing class A drugs, yes she was being released on bail but she would have very strict bail conditions regarding association.

I was a bit stumped, Laney was going to be staying at home so we couldn't go there, most of my friends had stopped hanging around when it was made public knowledge that I shopped Corey, my only real friend now was Sienna. She answered on the first ring, "Hey Luke, how's things?"

I explained the situation before springing it on her, "Sienna, could we stay at your place for a few days until I can sort something else out?"

She didn't hesitate, "Of course you can, stay as long as you like."

As I was led back into the main office Laney saw me and came running over, "Oh thank god you're here, I was getting worried."

"Laney, I can give you a ride home but I only came down to sort out the kids."

She looked confused, "What the hell are you talking about Luke?"

"Laney I am taking the kids, they're not safe with you."

"Like fuck!" She screamed hysterically, "You're not taking my kids you fucking prick."

The cop who had escorted her out intervened, "Lady if you don't settle down you'll be going straight back inside."