How I won Back My Wife Ch. 07-08


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Cathy blushed. Her smile caught Derry's attention as his face contorted. I saw his hand squeezing into a fist.

"Well, Cathy... do you mind if your husband and I spend some time together? You know... like the good old days," I said.

"Well, that will be great. So I will call you boys once I have laid down the food."

Derry walked towards us and grabbing Cathy by the waist, kissed her. "Thank you, honey."

"Oh my. This is something unusual," Cathy remarked as she smiled nervously.

I smiled to myself. This unusual act of Derry revealed his insecurity. I had observed him with my scrutinizing eyes, and I had come to the conclusion that his behaviour was predictable. At the back of my mind, I knew it would be difficult to manipulate him, even though the ball was in my court. I had to plan my next move carefully.

I eased myself on the couch and spread my arms, resting it on the crest rail. I saw Derry approaching with a stern face.

"A beer will be good," I said.

The very command put an end to his movement, as he froze and stared at me. I looked back at him without any emotion or response. He turned back and went to the kitchen. Was I thirsty? No. But the pleasure of commanding him was satisfying.

Derry approached me with two beer bottles. Handing me one, he sat on the couch and sipped his beer. I looked at him the whole time and let my mind do the talking. Bringing to my memory every possible curse word, I was abusing him in silence. He looked back at me as if he was trying to read what would be my next move.

"So is this your revenge, for what happened between you and your wife?" Derry asked.

"You can put it that way." I sipped the cold beer.

"You are planning to ruin our marriage, aren't you?"

"I don't want to. And I don't want to hold you responsible for wrecking our marriage," I replied, trying to maintain my calm.

"Then what do you want?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"I want to know why Kate cheated on me," I blurted out.

There was a long silence. Derry looked down, as if to study the patterns on the rug, while I studied his facial features. I sipped my beer and breathed a sigh of relaxation.

I couldn't bear the awkwardness created by his silence. "So tell me about Kate and you. How are you two related? Don't you dare play dumb with me! I want some factual answers," I demanded.

Derry closed his eyes and sighed. "Kate and I were high school lovers. We fell in love with each other. I had promised her that I would marry her in the future. It was on our college farewell that Kate realised I was cheating on her."

"You cheated on Kate?" I asked.

"It was just one time. After that, she was mad at me. It was during that time, that she met you." He paused, sipped his beer and continued, "And the rest is history."

Again, the awkward silence took over the room. Having had the big picture in mind, I was trying to decipher my role in their 'romantic story.'

"So Kate married me to get back at you?" I asked.

"Maybe. I don't know. Are you still in touch with her?"

"That is none of your business!" I replied sternly.

"Look here. Just because your marriage was a failure, you have no right to wreck mine," Derry said.

One of the weaknesses Derry had: His intentions were crystal clear. At first, it was his presence in my life, then his image, then his voice and now his request of not wrecking his marriage. His request fired up my ego. I grabbed my beer and gulped it down my throat. Standing up, I left the bottle on the table and walked towards the kitchen.

"Oh, you are right on time. Would you mind lending me a hand?" Cathy said as I approached her.

"Sure," I said picking up the dishes to carry them to the dining table.

Derry joined us in arranging the table and, in a few minutes, we had a spread before us.

"I must say, you have a beautiful pool," I remarked as I helped myself to some gravy.

"Why... Thank you. You are more than welcome to take a dip," Cathy replied.

"Oh. I would love to. But I would love some company," I said looking at Cathy.

"I am here, buddy," Derry interjected. "Maybe a bottle of beer as we relax by the pool?"

"It would be a pity if we are not joined by this pretty lady here," I said trying to stick to my role.

"Oh. Maybe I will join you boys," Cathy replied as she sipped her wine.


As I took off my t-shirt, I became aware of Derry studying my body. I could sense some amount of jealousy in his eyes as he saw me stripping down to my boxers. I became conscious of my well-sculpted physique. Not that I am a very muscular man, but I sure am someone an ordinary man would envy. Once again, the vigorous training with Bella had done its job.

As I stepped into the pool, I became conscious of the coolness of the water rising up as I went deeper. Finally, when I was chest deep in the water, I dived and swam a lap. It was then that I saw Cathy in her pink bikini and her black sunglasses. She came out and sat on the chaise lounge beside the pool.

I swam to the edge of the pool, towards Cathy, and said, "Come on. The water is fine."

"Need to apply the lotion," Cathy replied. Turning towards Derry she said, "Honey, will you please?"

"You don't need to ask, dear. I will rub you," Derry replied as he walked towards her.

As I looked at Derry, I chuckled. Cathy, without wasting a moment, said, "What was that?"

"What was what?" I replied smiling at her.

"You laughed."

"Yes. Looking at you two, I remembered massaging my girlfriend back in college."

"Oh. So you do massage, huh?"

"Ask your hubby. He knows how I used to treat my girl."

At the mention of his name, Derry was startled. "Yes, Honey. He treated his girl fine," Derry replied supporting my statement.

"Maybe I can massage your back. You can see for yourself how good I am," I replied confidently.

"Hmmm... Okay. I can give it a try. Babe, do you mind if he massages me today?"

Derry was stunned. He couldn't believe I was going to massage his wife's semi-naked body. As I stepped out of the pool I saw his face flush with anger.

"Wow. You have an awesome physique," Cathy commented.

"Why, thank you. I get that a lot. So shall we get started?" I said as I approached Cathy. Turning towards Derry I said, "Derry! Mind if I use your towel?"

Without uttering a word, Derry handed me a towel which he intended to use. I wiped my hair and dried my wet self, and threw the towel on a wooden chair near the chaise lounge. Cathy handed me the lotion and lay down on the chaise lounge, expecting me to begin exhibiting my skill.

"Your back, dear. I want to massage your back," I asserted.

Cathy snorted and turned around and lay down on her belly, giving me a view of her back and her covered ass. I squirted a generous amount of lotion on my hand and began to study her back intently. Setting the bottle down, I rubbed my hands together letting the lotion spread on the palm of my hand. Sitting on a chair beside her, I gently placed my palms on her back and moved them down her waist to her hip.

"The trick is, to be gentle at the beginning," I whispered as I brought myself closer to her body.

I gently massaged her nape and moved on to her shoulder. I could feel her muscles relaxing as I pressed her shoulder blades with my firm fingers. I continued stroking them till I heard her moan softly.

"Honey, are you all right?" Derry enquired with concern in his voice.

"Uh huh. I'm fine," Cathy replied, with her eyes closed.

I glanced at Derry, who appeared to be alarmed at the fact that his wife was enjoying my touch. My mind took me back to two years ago when I first saw Derry giving me a proud look as he fucked my wife. The very memory of Derry with Kate made my blood boil. But I had to be careful not to let my emotions get the better of me.

I was enjoying the sensation of feeling Cathy's skin and, at the same time, I was enjoying the look on Derry's face. Let's take this a notch higher.

"Cathy, do you mind if I unhook your bra?" I whispered.

"No," she whispered back.

I smiled and unhooked her bra and began to work on her bare back. Moving my fingers to her side, I managed to touch the sides of her breasts. Soft moans escaped Cathy's lips. There was no objection so I moved down to her waist. I gently pressed my thumb on her spine and continued this action of pressing it until I reached her ass.

I stood up and said, "There you go. She's all relaxed."

"Did you finish? Oh dear. I was having a lovely time," Cathy said making her disappointment clear.

"Honey, I will message you," Derry interjected.

"Oh, Derry. Not that you are bad, but Noel is gifted. I wish I could get more of it," Cathy answered.

"How about tomorrow?" I enquired.

Derry and Cathy looked at me simultaneously. The only difference between the two was, Derry looked at me in horror while Cathy looked at me with a smiling face.

"I'd love to. It's been a long time since I felt anything like this."

"Well, how about tomorrow evening? I can drop by after work," I suggested.

"Please! I would love to. I am a bit stressed out, so I need to relax a bit after my work too," Cathy replied.

"I like hanging out with you two. You seem like a lovely couple."

"Thank you, Noel. Thank you for offering your service. But won't it interfere with your routine?" Derry interjected.

I shot a look at him and said, "It's not like I have a wife and a child to look after. I don't mind spending time with you folks."

Derry's eyes widened at my sarcastic response. I made it clear that it was I who was in charge. Even though I told him, I didn't blame him; he knew that I held him responsible for my misery.

"So then, I will see you two again tomorrow at eight," I confirmed making my way into the house.


My mom had been supportive ever since I broke the news about Kate and Sarah. Her dream of being a grandmother had been shattered. Despite that, she kept things to herself and went about with her daily routine. Whenever Bella brought Kevin along, her motherly affection kicked in, and she began to show the same affection towards Kevin.

The evening meals were usually silent. The clattering of the plates and normal conversation were all I had with my mom. She had never enquired or asked about my future plans. But today, it was different.

"Noel, how are things at work, dear?" my mom spoke breaking the silence at the dinner table.

"It's fine, Mom. Did you go for your monthly checkup?" I answered, attempting to maintain the conversation.

"You don't have to worry about me. I am fine. Dr Boyle is a wonderful man. I have my diabetes under control."

"That's nice, Mom."

Again, there was a long uncomfortable silence. Assuming she had something to tell me, I asked her again. "Something bothering you, Mom?"

"It's nothing. I am only concerned about you, dear. I can't bear to see my son all alone and gloomy."

I took a deep breath and putting my spoon and fork down, said, "You don't have to worry about me, Mom. I am fine. I am happy with my work. I have wonderful friends, and I have a wonderful mom too. I am sure things will be just fine."

"I don't mean to interfere in your personal life, dear. But I miss being a grandma..."

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I am sure I will meet a wonderful girl and I will give you a grandchild."

"What about Bella? She seems like a nice lady. Kevin, her son, is a cheerful lad."

I paused for a while, trying to formulate answers in my mind. "She prefers to stay alone, Mom. She is used to that lifestyle."

"Oh, is it her sickness? I'm sure it's her sickness."

All of a sudden, Mom's words caught my attention. "What sickness?" I enquired.

"I don't know. The other day she was talking about her medical check-up. I suggested she visit Dr Boyle."

"Maybe it's some minor problem. I'll speak to her and see what we can do."

I got up and carried my plate to the wash basin. I returned to take my mom's plate and other dishes. Her eyes were fixed on me as if she was not satisfied, and wanted to tell me something more.

"Something's still on your mind, Mom," I replied as I picked up her plate.

After a long thought, she blurted out, "You know what day it is tomorrow, right?"

I froze. After a brief pause, I replied, "Yes." I continued picking up the dishes and took them to the basin.

As I washed the dishes, my thoughts were centered on Sarah. It was her birthday tomorrow and I had been giving it serious thought. My paternal instinct still longed to see her once again and talk to her. The fond memories came to my mind as I felt a pang within. I sighed and continued washing the dishes.

Having made up my mind, I went to my room and grabbed the phone and called Cathy.

"Hey, Beautiful. How about we meet in the afternoon?"


The following day, I was standing in front of Cathy's house. I rang the bell and waited for a response. It was Derry who opened the door. The disgusted look fanned the ego within me. I pushed him aside and barged in, leaving him confused and angry.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Derry asked angrily.

Without stopping to reply I moved towards the living room. I made myself comfortable on the couch and spread my hands wide, resting them on the crest rail.

"Where is Cathy?" I asked without looking at Derry.

"She is at work. So get out," Derry replied as a vein popped out in his neck.

"She is not home? Well... she will be back."

"How do you know?" Derry asked with suspicion in his voice.

I turned to look at Derry, giving him a short smile. With a crimson face, he came and stood in front of me. One could easily read his emotion through his facial expression.

My phone buzzed. I reached into the pocket of my trousers and removing the phone, checked for updates. It was Cathy, indicating to me that she was back home. I turned the phone to show the message displayed. Derry was stunned. He did not expect Cathy to respond to me so quickly after yesterday's encounter.

"I have my ways, Derry. You have no idea what I can do to get what I want," I replied, maintaining my poker face.

As we were speaking, I heard the door open and close, and footsteps approaching the room. Moments later, Cathy appeared in front of us and gave us a big and excited smile.

"Glad you are here, Noel." Looking at Derry she said, "Honey, I took the liberty of calling Noel early. God! I loved his massage."

"You got in touch with him, honey?" Derry asked politely, putting on his 'good husband' act.

Cathy moved walked towards the kitchen and filled a glass of water. Sipping some of it, she came to the living room. "Well, your friend here is quite famous. Looks like his company and ours have a mutual connection. It didn't take long to dig out information about him. I must say, I'm impressed by him."

"Cathy, you can relax for some time," I said.

"No, Noel. I have to go back to work," Cathy replied as she took her coat off and placed it on the table.

"Well, I guess we better hurry up," I said looking at Derry.

"Let's go to the bedroom." Turning to Derry she said, "Honey, you can order something Italian. I am hungry, but before that, I want to relax."

"Su... Sure, honey." Derry replied.

"Come on, Noel. Let's go," Cathy commanded.

As I followed Cathy, I tried to make sense of what had just happened. Cathy walked in - commanded Derry, her husband, to order some food - She commanded me to give her a massage. The question that popped up in my mind was, Are they really married?

Once we were in the bedroom, Cathy began to unbutton her top. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Picking it up, she threw it on the chair. This sudden change in behaviour made me wonder if she was the same person.

"Is this for real?" I asked as I rolled up my sleeves.

Climbing on the bed, she adjusted herself and lay on her stomach, letting me get a good view of her ass. Relaxing her cheek on her hand, she said, "What?"

I frowned, "'Nothing."

With that, I got on the bed and kneeling beside her, I began to caress her bare back. I unhooked her bra and began to press her skin between my fingers. I placed my palm on her shoulder blade and gently rubbed it.

"Feels good?" I asked as I moved my hands lower to her waist.

"Mmm... yes. It does," Cathy replied with her eyes closed in pleasure.

I grabbed her waist and squeezed it between my fingers. A soft moan escaped her mouth.

I smiled to myself as I gently moved my hands into her panties. I slowly slid them down her legs and repositioned myself to get a better grasp of her ass. Slowly, I began to knead her soft ass, grabbing both her curves in my hand and cupping them.

I moved my hand down to her pussy and gently rubbed her labia. There was no resistance. It was a sign that she didn't mind me exploring her even more. I continued the sensual invasion by letting my fingers run softly on her swollen lips. Once I found her clit, I pulled back the hood covering it and began to rub it gently. This action resulted in a moan escaping her lips. With that, I began my attack.

I rubbed her clit gradually at first and moved on to rub it faster. I could feel her getting moist. She clenched her fist and gasped for breath. She was close.

"Should I stop?" I asked teasingly.

"Please... Don't stop. Don't stop!" she shouted.

She spread her legs allowing me to reach her further. I smiled and gently inserted my fingers inside her slippery folds, while my other hand continued to play with her clit. I could feel she was enjoying my two-hand invasion, as her moans grew louder.

"So tell me, am I good?" I asked mockingly as I continued to finger her.

"Yes! You are goood," she replied as she gasped for breath.

"Am I better than Derry?" I asked.

"Don't ask that... I won't answer!" she shouted as she clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

"I take that as yes," I said.

I knew Derry's ears would not fail to hear our voices. I moved my fingers rapidly between her folds, which I bet sent her into ecstasy.

I felt her body convulsing which indicated that she was close. I maintained my pace and continued to finger her as cum filled her pussy. I grabbed a towel and began to clean her as she slowly caught her breath.

As I stood up, I looked at her lying still and relaxed. Her body rose up as she inhaled deeply and slowly. I took my time to observe her curvy body, which gave me an immediate hard-on. But I had to control my animalistic side. I knew Cathy wouldn't mind if I slept with her. All the drama we enacted was to give Derry a taste of his own medicine.

I leaned closer to her face and kissed her forehead. She smiled with her eyes closed as I made my way out of the room.


I drove to the gift and toy store to pick up a Barbie doll for Sarah. It had been more than a year since I spoke to her last. I parked the car in the parking lot which was on the other side of the road.

As I stood at the crosswalk I saw a familiar figure running out of the store.

"Daddy!" Sarah shouted from the other side of the road.

"Baby. Stay there!" I shouted back at her from the other side.

"Daddy. Wait for me," she said and attempted to cross the road all by herself.

"Sarah, stop!" Kate shouted. I saw her dropping her bags and running towards Sarah.

Before I could say anything, I saw Sarah running towards me, disregarding the oncoming traffic. A sharp screech of taxi brakes caught my attention. The vehicle hit Sarah and knocked her down.

I ran towards Sarah, who lay motionless on the road. The people passing by gathered around her and I pushed my way into the crowd. Kneeling down beside her, I took her into my arms and held her tight.

"Don't leave me, Daddy," she managed to say before she fell unconscious.

(To be continued)

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RodzzzRodzzz2 months ago

It's not bad. In all actuality, given a chance, it might even be good. But how would I know after giving up so abruptly.

NicealloverNicealloverover 1 year ago

The story is a bit disjointed. There are abrupt delays and shifts between the characters who show no signs of character development as if life is suspended for every other character except Noel. It makes it hard to imagine where this is headed.

norcal62norcal62almost 3 years ago

Absolute garbage! Are Brits really so stuffy and prissy? Weak and trembling. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This WAS a Pleasurable...

Tale until Sarah got hit by the car. Now I'm afraid, not so much. Derry may have been

the sperm-donor for Sarah, but Noel was/is her daddy


Another twist in an already twisted tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

And if you're going to take all the previous chapters to get to this half asses revenge of giving a massage to the wife of the man who appears to have ducked his own wife multiple times, I can only say that I couldn't be happier that I didn't waste my time on this ridiculous piece of shit.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 4 years ago
This story drags on like a dead marriage

Hurry up and put it and us readers out of our misery.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This story is a complete train wreck

Sometimes I'm not sure it's the same story or characters. The dialogue is disjointed and unrealistic. You need to end this and start something new. This was simply badly done on every level.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

First......I'm not knowingly eating another man's cum out of any woman.

Second.....All that sonofabitch would've heard when he was fucking my wife on my anniversary was me chambering a 40 cal round just behind his ear right before I beat him a little with my paraordnance.

Third........ That bitch would've known my rage by the time I had left my house.

Fourth........I'd have fucked his wife instead of giving her a pissant back rub

Fifth.........Finish the fucking story

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Need a little real revenge on both cheaters. Hope the injured child dodge doesn't lead to reconciliation with Kate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

next he will take the slut and her daughter back he should be having sex with cathy in front of derry instead he is just giving her a massage rubbish get on with the revenge how long are you going to hang this slow story out

LostYouthLostYouthover 4 years ago
Comments - Undesirable

Don't Let Anonymous' hinder a great story you have going. Everyone has an view, and so far this is a great piece of writing. Can't wait to read more, I do hope that Sarah is fine and Noel and his EX stays friends and he, continues to play with Derry and lets Kate know the low life that Derry is. Again, outstanding writing.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 4 years ago
Cold hearted

How can you raise a child for years, and the turn your back on her, she's innocent in all of this, She may not be his blood, but he is "the only Father/ Daddy" she knows. This character needs to be improved. The story is sliding further down the scale, 3- stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is like several unrelated stories

Printed out cut up then pasted together in no specific order. The dialogue is weirdly bad. The emotions are fake and don’t work. Every character seems too controlled.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 4 years ago
This is simply childish

This is NOT real revenge. It in no way matches the things Derry did with his now ex-wife. A little teasing massage. The whole thing is stupid and childish. Then, he admits to still loving his ex-wife, The slut that treated him like crap and walked all over him... and he LET HER DO IT! In fact, he bent over backwards to help her cuck him. This is just so unbelievable as to be ridiculous.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 4 years ago

i do hope the little girl ends up okay

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