All Comments on 'How to Know What Women Want Ch. 02'

by sunshine12

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
communications key to a long relationship

I have been married for thirty years, communications is the key to any and all relationships///bar none. No one no matter who are is going to be 100% open with anyone, relationships have to evolve, each person has to give 70% and take 30 % and be willing to understand that the 30% is the soul of a person and it is private. I am getting to go home on christmas day this year i am a contractor working in Africa for the U S goverment, I have not been home in a year, the one thing beside sex that we both want and need is just to sit down hold hands and talk face to face. Your guideance has also inspired me to remember not to rush things and be very intentive of her needs as well as mine thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
hitting it on the head

The two of your stories finally gave the mirror I had been seeking and the measure I needed of how I have so far done. Thank you. I was raised around almost exclusively liberated women such as my 5X married mother who often said, "If you could only know how much I love men." My artist/socialite sister who was always 16, going on 40, my socially firebrand Womens' Lib and politico grandmother. All very beautiful and full of energy. What can one say about a household where everyone walks around naked or in underwear. Since I was 12 or 13 I made it a major study to find out about what women want, the superior talents they have and how they use them, physically, sexually, intellectually, emotionally and psychologically. And when was the last time you ever saw males at a sewing bee?

I read all the great works on women from Asheigh Montague to Anais Nin. My undergrad thesis was the psychology of the American female.

I think more aught to be covered in your dissertaions: Women want a physically and mentally superior male, that they can actually size up desireable genetic traits, want a man to be clean because the male smell which might be OK for a bear, is not OK for human mating, except that men find the female sexual odor attractive; Napolean's letter to Marie Antoinette: "Don't bathe". A huge one is the commitment to loyalty. Women seem to know that while they have very few sexual encounters, the males may have had many before meeting and dating 'Her". They sare really like happy and curr dogs. They want intelligent and gentle men who are ready to share emotions with the right woman. And most women of healthy intelligence and perception can size up their dates or mates within one sitdown dinner. Few men can do that. Women like to kiss and hug and love getting and giving both. Theywant to feel secure with their men, showing this by cuddling or embracing; I've found that a woman can psyche out a man by his hug. They want their men to be with them, take them out, fawn over them, whisper sweet nothings, bring them home 'love gifts' and know their males are very interested in what they are doing and what projects they are in the middle of. Women are voice communicative and mostly want their men to be, especially as it concerns their interests. They want their mates to sitdown and enjoy conversation with them. They don't like drunkeness and domestic brutality. But, mostly they want absolute loyalty; They are on the constant lookout for deviations and can spot indicators in an instant, if they know what to look for. If the wife invariable asks "would you remarry if I died?" He'd better say "Yes." maybe adding "--just for the childrens" sake or some dumb thing like that. The actuality is that probably has a post mortem eye on that blonde 20yr. cheerleader at the wake. Many young women aim specifically for and older man- especially with money. Some want to be 'trophy wives'.

Women already know that men are socially stupid, comparatively unrefined, basic, linear, chock full of testosterone and adrenalin, have needs so basic they can be counted on four fingers of the left hand. (Sorry, you're outgunned, Dadyo. You can only win by losing.) A new F1500 Chevrolet pickup truck would be very nice (The official vehicle of millionaires, it is true. Women want financial and personal security. They also want their temper tantrums to be accepted and soothed. Because women often live in a world of what they perceive as high stress and details, they often seem frustrated. they will go to great lengths to releive the stress by doing yoga, watching Dr. Phil, buying Narada and Winterhill CDs, buy Martha Stewart's magazines and subscribe to Womens' Day and Oprah.

Crocheting, knitting, msaking scrapbooks, playing tennis, swimming and doing Taibo or 'Sweatin' To The Oldies'. Women want Love.

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