Hubby Asked


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"Marines ma'am," Mikey answered.

"Ah, my son was in the Marines. It almost killed his dad. My Juan is an army man.

We all laughed.

Maria showed us to our table and we had a pleasant dinner. Our conversation revolved around his training, my job, and Greg's work. While we were inhaling our sopasillas, I asked "so Mikey, how's your love life? Leaving any girls at home to pine away for you?"

He blushed. "No, no one special sis. I've dated a few girls, but haven't really clicked with anyone yet. I guess I lack a bit of confidence there."

I sipped my margarita. "Lacking confidence? How can that be Mikey? You're a Marine for chrissakes."

Mikey blushed again. "I don't know Chels. I mean, I'd jump on a grenade to protect my buddies and I'm sure that I can conquer my fear of functioning under fire, but with women, it's different. I don't know how to talk to them. I start a conversation, then feel like a fool."

I reached over and clasped his hand and brought it up to my lips and kissed it. "You have nothing to fear Mikey. You're a great guy. You're really handsome, even sexy." He blushed again! "When the right girl comes along, you'll find that you won't have any problems holding up your end of the conversation. And that's a good thing. If you haven't clicked with anyone, that just means that she's still out there waiting for you."

Mikey excused himself to the restroom while I paid our check. It was still early and the cantina next door had a band. I thought, maybe I'll take Mikey dancing. I really didn't think that I could acquiesce to Greg's request, but at least, with a slow dance or two, I could see if Mikey was even attracted to me. Not only did I not really want to have sex with anyone else, but deep down, I also feared that Mikey might reject me. I shook my head at myself and thought 'Jeezus girl, are you actually considering going through with this aren't you?' To be honest, I was a little aroused.

Mikey and I went to the cantina and I ordered a beer with a shot of Don Julio Anejo and a diet coke for Mike. Mikey was only 19 and couldn't drink, so I knew I could have a few and not worry about driving. I downed the shot and joined Mike at the table he picked out.

The band was really good. They were playing some really nice Tejano music...that's one of the many the cool things about living in the Austin area, there's so much good music!

Mikey, like Greg, is a good dancer. Believe it or not, the military boarding school they attended required courses on etiquette, manners, and social dancing.

We ripped through a few fast numbers when the band went into Tish Hinojosa's "Closer Still." I love that song. I pulled Mikey close and rested my head on his broad shoulder.

As we danced, I listened to the young singer's brilliant rendition of Hinojosa's beautiful song. I pondered the title wondering if I went through with Greg's request would our lives change? Would our fire still be "burnin' without end?" Could Greg handle the knowledge that I gave myself to his brother? Would I regret my choice? Would I resent Greg for his request? Would he resent me? Or would it be possible to come out of this strange situation stronger and "closer still?"

The song ended and the band started playing an original with Spanish lyrics. It was soft and romantic. I didn't understand most of the words, but it was clearly a love song.

I let my body mold itself to Mikey's and was surprised to feel a rather hard bump against my mound. I knew that he was aroused.

Mikey pulled back from me and started to apologize.

"Shhhh honey" I replied as I put my index finger to his lips to silence him. "It's natural. I understand." I smiled and looked into his eyes and said "it's good to know the old girl's still got it!"

He laughed and said, "of course you have it Chels. You've always had it. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met." Then he blushed.

I pulled him close and melted against his body and kissed his cheek.

I was on fire.

We danced a few more fast numbers and returned to the table. I downed the rest of my beer. I thought about just ordering one more for courage and just taking Mikey home and banging his brains out. But I knew I wasn't ready to take that big step. There were so many thorns on this vine. I had to think about the question some more. I couldn't afford to make a mistake here. It could cost me my marriage to the most wonderful man in the world.

"Let's head home Mikey. It's getting late. I want to have a full fun day with you tomorrow" I said.

Mikey nodded in agreement.

We drove home comfortably chatting about anything and everything. Since we weren't in public, I offered him a beer and we had a couple while we talked. Mikey started to yawn around eleven, so I thought it was time to get him settled in for the night.

We'd fixed up Mikey's old room as a guest room, so he knew his way. I'd replaced the toiletries in the en suite and put fresh towels in the closet earlier in the week.

Mikey and I walked together toward his room, our master suite was only one door down the hallway. When we got to his door I hugged him tight and wished him goodnight. I gave him a soft, closed lip kiss on his mouth and gently pushed him through the doorway.

I made my way to our bedroom and undressed. I usually sleep in the nude, but tonight I pulled on the t-shirt Greg had left on top of the hamper after his shower this morning. I needed him in the worst way and it felt so wonderful to have something he wore so close to my skin. I could still smell his scent.

I could also smell the scent of my pussy. Greg's strange request, the tequila, the close dancing, and the memory of Mikey's hard cock pressing against my mound while we danced had me horny as hell.

My right hand seemed to move down to my pussy on its own accord. I imagined what it would have been like if I opened my lips when I kissed Mikey goodnight. If he had pushed his tongue into my mouth, his strong hands exploring my body. I came in a manner of seconds. When I was done I had a strange feeling of both elation and shame. I wondered if was a whore to be turned on by Greg's strange request. Would I get hit with the Martian Slut Ray if I slept with Mikey. Yeah, Greg and I are reading way too much on Literotica!

I fell asleep, but it was a fitful night.

Every hour on the hour I found myself waking up after just dosing off. Wondering if I could actually fuck my brother-in-law. Gawd, he was young, sexy, and so manly. If I wasn't married, I know that I'd have been attracted to Mikey. Could I cheat on Greg? Was even thinking about all of this cheating? Was I a slut? Eventually, around 3:30 a. m. I dozed off for a few consecutive hours.

Next morning I woke to a little ray of sunshine peeking through my window. It was 7:00. I wanted to fix Mikey a good breakfast before he woke up, but when I got downstairs I found him already in the kitchen pounding a Gatorade.

"You're up early!" I observed.

"Yeah sis, I'm up before dawn everyday now. Your door was closed and I didn't want to wake you, so I did my calisthenics on the patio and then went for a run."

He was shirtless and sweaty. OMG! He was one fine piece of manflesh!

I didn't want him to catch me staring, why? I can't tell you. I mean how weird is that? I didn't want him to see me checking him out, yet, I was seriously considering giving him my pussy!

"Ok, finish cooling down and go get a shower. I'm going to cook us some breakfast and then we're going out and about for the day after I shower and get dressed."

Mikey went upstairs to shower and my phone buzzed. It was Greg.

I went out back and closed the sliding door to take his call.

"Hi baby! How's Phoenix?" I asked.

"Ugh, it's still Phoenix" he replied. "Hot, dry, but at least the food is fantastic."

"Is the hotel ok? Did you sleep well?"

"The hotel is like every other Hilton I guess, nice and comfy" he answered. "I didn't sleep much though. I was mostly praying that you'd agree to do what I asked you to do with Mikey."

"He can't even say it" I thought to myself. What a minefield!

"Have you thought about it baby?" He asked softly.

"Greg, it's about all I've been thinking about. I know how important this is to you and I want to grant your wish, but I'm terrified that things will change between us. Have you thought this all through? Will you be jealous or angry? If I do this, will you hate me? I can't bear the thought of this ruining our marriage."

"Chels, Chels, slow down" my husband pleaded. "Yes. I've thought about this carefully, at least for the last six weeks when we planned Mikey's visit. Of course I'll be a little jealous, but I can deal with that. I assure you that I won't put any blame on you or resent you if you do this. I love you and I know this is hard for you to consider. But babe, if anything changes, it only be that I love you even more if you give me this gift."

I decided to test the waters. "It wouldn't be just a gift to you babe. Mikey is one sexy man. I got wet last night just dancing with him."

There was a pause.

"Ouch! I guess I asked for that" Greg said. "But in a way Chels, although knowing you are attracted to Mikey is tough for me, it actually makes me feel better about the whole thing."

"How can that be? I asked, thoroughly perplexed.

"Well, I mean, gosh, I don't know what I's like, it's like I'd feel much worse if you had to hold your nose and do it or do it with some dude you found unattractive or disliked if you can understand what I mean." I could almost see my husband's thoughtful face in my mind as he explained himself.

"I'll do it."

"You will!"


"I mean, I've decided. I still don't know if I'll be able to go through with it when the time comes, but I'm going to try."

"I love you Chelsea. Thank you, thank you." I could hear Greg sniffling and understood that he was crying on the other end of the line.

"I love you too Greg. I'm doing this for you. Please be true to your word and don't hold this against me." I teared up as I spoke.

"I swear I won't Chelsea" Greg explained. "I know what I'm asking and how hard this is for you, for us both, really. But I just can't bear the thought of Mikey heading into the unknown without having experienced something so special."

He was sobbing.

"I'm going to do my best babe, but what if Mikey rejects me?"

I could hear Greg chuckling through his sobs.

"Babe, there isn't a man in the world that would ever turn you down."

"Think Greg." I told him. "Mikey loves you. He's not going to want to fuck your wife. I'm also worried that he's going to think that I'm a cheating slut."

"I'll talk to him. Is he there? Can you put him on the phone?"

"No" I answered, "he's in the shower. I'm going to do this tonight. Don't tell him now, he'll be thinking about it all day. I'll seduce him this evening."

"How about if I write a long text explaining that I want this and that this is my idea. I'll ask/beg him to do it for me." Greg responded. I could hear the wheels in his head turning. "You text me right before you make your move and I'll text him with my request."

"That might work" I mused. I'll make a move and see how he reacts. I'll have a text to you ready and will push "send" if he balks.

"Ok, good plan" he said.

"Greg you better not leave me or hate me for this" I said with a bit of menace in my voice.

"Chelsea, I love you more than anything" Greg assured me "I promise that I won't hold anything against you. I can't say that I won't be jealous, and I'll be walking on eggshells all night, but I can deal with all of that. If I find it hard to overcome, I'll get some counselling or something. I love you honey. I'll love you forever."

"Two more things Greg," I paused for a moment. If I can go through with it, I'll tell you that the mission was accomplished, but I'm not going to share any details with you or get into comparisons between the both of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course. I can't say I won't wonder about it, but I really don't think I could take the details even if you wanted to share them with me" he answered. "What's the other thing?"

"If I am going to do this for you and Mikey, you need to understand, that I'm going to do this right. I'm going to give myself to him tonight. I'm going to sleep in his bed. I'm going to be there in the morning also if he wants some more before you come home. I don't want to do anything half assed or have inhibitions that might make this seem phony or artificial to him. I won't hold myself back either. If he's going to have this experience with me, it will be 'our' time. I'll give myself to Michael completely until you return and when you do, I'll be all yours again. And" I paused "I'm sure that I'll enjoy it. Can you handle that babe?" I waited nervously for his answer.

Greg sighed. "Of course. I want Mikey to have a complete experience. I don't want you to just lay there and pop his cherry. Go for it! Have fun! Let yourself loose. I hope that you enjoy it, that would mean it was not a chore for you."

Where did this amazing man come from?

"Ok, that's it then. I'm going to do it. I'm sorry it took all night for me to make up my mind baby, but this is such a big deal" I explained. "I'll do my damnedest not to chicken out and let you down."

"Don't apologize sweetie" Greg said "I know what it is I'm asking you to do. I'd have been a bit taken aback if you just said 'hell yeah I'll fuck the little stud.'" He laughed warmly.

"One final thing babe" I interjected.

"What's that?" He asked nervously.

"My ass is only for you."

I blushed, told him I loved him, and signed off.

Walking into the kitchen to start breakfast, I began planning my seduction of Mikey. With any other guy, I knew that I would be successful. It's not just that Greg constantly tells me how beautiful and hot I am, it's that I'm an objective person and can clearly see what stares back at me in the mirror--the rich honey blonde hair, my bright green eyes, perfect 34b's, flat tummy, my 'spectacular ass' as Greg always likes to say. I'm a ten ok. As that old guy in the western reruns used to say "No brag, just fact!" Before Greg, I landed any guy I wanted, and of course, I got the grand prize with Greg, the greatest man in the world. Not only that, men have hit on me all of my life. Work would probably be hell, but when I first started with the company, there was one guy that simply wouldn't take no for an answer. When I got fed up with his advances, I told him that my husband collected guns and extremely jealous. He not only got the picture and backed off, but rumors of Greg, who in reality wouldn't harm a fly and hates guns, flew around the office. No one has messed with me since. The fact that Greg is such a physical specimen and comes to all of my work events only adds to the legend. Men!

There's a reason that the saying goes "the way into a man's heart is through his stomach." It's true. Well partially true. It doesn't hurt to have looks, a sense of humor, and a great personality!

But I knew Mikey would be a challenge. His love for Greg has always been so strong. And, like Greg, he has such a strong moral compass. Greg's text would probably take care of any doubt, but I felt that I needed to go full on seductress to get the job done.

I'd already sort of started looking to attract Mike's attention when I came down the stairs this morning. I had on a tight spaghetti strap tank top that stopped just above my cute little belly button and a pair of Daisy Dukes. My toned body and tanned legs could wake the dead. Oh yeah, I ditched the bra, so my prominent nipples could certainly get noticed.

To start the food part of my strategy, I cracked three eggs into individual ramekins and put a pot of water and another double boiler on the stove and lit the gas. I separated two more eggs and reserved the yokes and sliced a lemon in half. I lightly sauteed three pieces of Canadian bacon and set them aside as I halved three English muffins and put them in the oven to toast. I put some butter in a small sauce pan to melt. When the water began to simmer, I started the Hollandaise sauce. I added the egg yolks, a squeeze of lemon juice, and some cayenne pepper to the pan and began vigorously whisking as I drizzled the butter in slowly. Soon the delicious emulsion came together. I turned the heat down to just enough to keep it warm and whisked it occasionally as I poached the eggs. It's a simple task, get the water to a simmer, add a little white vinegar, and swirl a slotted spoon around to make a whirlpool as you carefully drop the eggs into the poaching liquid. Mikey came down from his shower just as I plated the perfect eggs benedict--two for Mike, one for me.

"Oh man!" Mikey exclaimed as he walked over to the breakfast bar. "My favorite! Thanks Sis!"

"Let's eat up Mikey, I have a big day planned for us!" I beamed at my unsuspecting conquest, the little brother I never had, and the one who's uncertain future had my husband and me tied up in knots.

I was pretty hungry and I scarfed mine down quickly, but not as fast as a hungry Marine. We finished our benedicts at about the same time. Mikey, gentleman that he is, stacked the dishwasher while I washed the pots and pans.

"So what's on the agenda Sis?"

"I'll tell you when we head out. I need a shower first" I answered as I bounded up the stairs.

Jumping under the jets I had to admit to myself that I was excited. Mikey was such a sexy man. Few red blooded women could resist him. I had never even been tempted though over the years since I had Greg, but now, well, things were different at least for the next twenty-four hours or so. I was wet inside and out.

I slipped on my favorite white linen sleeveless dress over a skimpy white lacy bra and panties and did up my make up. I don't like to overdo the makeup as I have a lovely peaches and cream complexion, so that didn't take up much time. A quick blow dry and my hair was perfect. All I needed were a few accessories. I picked out a nice turquoise pendant and silver and turquoise bracelet set that Greg had given me a few years ago. A quick check in the mirror told me that my choices were perfect! Hmmmm, perfume. Today called for Chanel! I slipped on a pair of silver lame and turquoise sandals to top off the look and plopped my floppy Navy blue sun hat on. My Ray Ban aviators completed the look.

When I came down the stairs, Mikey gave me a wolf whistle. "You look amazing Sis!" Are you sure these khaki pants and polo are appropriate? Should I change into a dress shirt?"

"What and deprive the ladies of Austin the pleasure of seeing those spectacular guns, pecs, and six pack that go with it? Not a chance babe. With Greg in Phoenix, I want to make sure all those bitches see that I'm with the most handsome man in Texas today!"

Mikey blushed.

I grabbed him and gave him a quick peck on the lips and we walked hand in hand to my Malibu.

We went for a drive around the Hill Country and admired the beautiful wildflowers that graced the area thanks to an effort by First Lady Ladybird Johnson in the 1960s. Since it was the first Saturday of the month I headed to the hills for Wimberley Days. We had a great time walking around and enjoying the booths and admiring the arts and crafts. There was a little festival down in San Marcos, so we stopped for a bit and listed to a wonderful little band that was playing at a stage set up by the courthouse square.

We headed back to Austin for lunch at the Austin Club. We shared the chilled seafood appetizer. I had a lovely chopped salad and Mikey had the Green Chili cheeseburger. I nursed a nice glass of rose and Mike sipped an iced tea.

After lunch we shopped a bit, really just looking around and enjoying each other's company. I wanted a margarita from the Chili Parlor Bar, but I new that Mikey couldn't enjoy one without a fake id, so we passed. On the way home we stopped at Whole Foods and picked up the makings for dinner. I got six Wellfleet oysters in the shell, a duck breast, some blood oranges, and a an assortment of fresh summer veggies.