Human Resources

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The HR woman has a fun side.
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With a flutter of my eyelids, the world comes back to life. Everything perfectly where I left it the night before. Even the cats are in the same position they were in when I went to bed. What a great morning. I finally feel rested, happy, and it is nice and sunny. Wait, it is sunny out! I reach for my phone knocking over the glass of water. Push the home button like 30 times and nothing. The stupid charging cord isn't in it. I search for the cable and hurry to plug in my phone. Come on. Hurry up and turn back on! Finally the screen lights up and my fear is realized, it is 9:13. I run to the closet, grab the first thing my hand touches and rush to get ready. I was only supposed to be at work a little over an hour ago.

Run down the stairs, got my keys, my phone is on my shit list but got that jerk too, lock the door, and get to my truck. It comes to life with a single turn, at least this is going my way. I drive like a bat out of hell to get to the office. The whole time I'm wondering if I can play it off like I was there the whole time. If I'm going to get wrote up. Did anyone bother to see if I was there? Please don't let anyone know I wasn't there. I park, speed walk to the building, and hurry to sit at my desk. Nothing seems to be out of place. No one is really looking. I might have had the luckiest break in history of my job here. Minus getting hired that is.

The day continues to go by like nothing happened. The clear and happy feeling begin to play with my mind. Not sure if it is good or bad that no one noticed. Oh well at least I get to keep my job for a little while longer. I go to lunch, nothing. It is almost the end of the day. Still nothing. What a great day. I will just tell them I forgot to clock in if anyone asks. Midway through my thought and I get the email I didn't want to see. HR wants me to come to her office first thing tomorrow. Fuck! I am so screwed. I wonder if I can play it off or if I am going to have to beg for my job. I am not above begging. I clock out, get in my truck, and start on my way home. The whole drive home thinking of what I am going to say. Do I lie and risk it, or tell the truth and kiss so much ass I need a breath mint? All night I toss and turn. What am I going to do? This sucks.

I wake up to my alarm blaring and I want to give it the finger. You are the reason I'm in this spot to being with you jerk. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I get out the razor, shave my neck and head, and hop in the shower. If I'm going to get my butt chewed, it might as well be clean. Maybe worse comes to worse I can shamelessly flirt with the HR lady. What woman doesn't like a little flattery and flirting? I put on my nice khaki pants, brown belt, brown shoes, my nicest watch, and a soft silky style black button up shirt. I want to look my best. Maybe she will take it easy on me. Who knows? I haven't really talked to her before, but again, who doesn't like a little work flirt.

I get to the office and grudgingly walk in. I'm in no real hurry to get fired today. I put my things down at my desk and slowly make my way to the Human Resource ladies office. I pass the windows and see her working at her desk. I stop by the door, gather my thoughts, take a deep breath and knock on the already open door. She looks up from her computer and invites me into her office. Her office is kind of plain. A blue couch that looks like it is from the 70's, a very large wooden desk, and 2 very uncomfortable looking chairs are the only furniture in it. She looks nice today though. Brown hair, white sweater, black shirt or dress, I can't really tell since she is sitting down, and her trademark glasses.

She instructs me to shut the door and take a seat. My heart is racing. This is going to hurt. "Derek, I know you have only been here a month or two, but it was brought to our attention that yesterday you were two hours late. Since you are still in probation, and this isn't your first offense, we are going to have to ask you to clean out your desk and leave. I am really sorry to see you go since I was the one to bring you on." only a few moments pass but the silence is deafening. "Do you have any questions about what I just said?" My head starts to spin. I stand up, walk over to her, "Please don't do this. I like it here and would really prefer to stay. Isn't there anything I can do?"

"I'm sorry but no."

I drop my head like a beaten dog and walk over to the door. I grab the door knob and begin to turn when I think, nope. I'm not got going down like this. I let go of the knob and I close the blinds instead. I'm already being fired. Why not throw a hail Mary? She looks at me concerned but curious. Her hand is on the phone, just in case. I move closer to her, slowly, but with a bit of confidence. I don't know if she is going to call security, punch me in the face, or scream. No clue. I walk behind her and close those blinds as well. I turn to face her and say thank you for the opportunity. My hand sticks out and I can see she has no clue what is going on, but reaches out for it anyways. She stands and we shake. I pull her in close and give her a hug.

I guess I never really noticed just how much smaller she was than me. Her arms barley fit around me and I have to bend over a bit for her to even get to my neck. I feel her melt into my chest. Odd. Not what I was expecting. I guess she needed a hug. After way too long to be a normal hug we end the embrace. She doesn't move and neither do I. Her eyes are locked on mine. My hand reaches for the side of her face slowly. She accepts me and leans into my palm. Without anything to lose I wrap my free arm around her waist and pull her into me again. Our lips connect and the sparks fly. Eagerly she moves closer, our bodies now locked, and continues to kiss. Her lips are perfect. Somehow they are soft but firm. She has the perfect mouth for kissing. Magic.

I pull away but can tell she was not ready for it to be over. I put my lips to her ear, whisper "Sam, I have wanted to do that since you interviewed me." I really never gave it much thought but I wanted her to feel special. She really is attractive though. "Sam, I will do anything to keep my job. Please."

I force her head to the side with mine and start to kiss her neck. Her hands have no idea what to do. She stands there and squirms as I playful enjoy her. "There is something I have always wanted to do. I want you to do it for me Derek." She moves her chair to the side of her desk and sits down. "I want you on your hands and knees under my desk like a good boy." To keep my job I will do about anything. I take my place under her desk just as she asked. She wheels up slowly to her desk. I can see how nervous she is, but she is owning it all the same. It is pretty hot to be honest. I put my hands on her calves and give them a little squeeze. I pull her in until there is nowhere for me to go. I am trapped under her giant wooden desk.

She orders me to separate her thighs. I pull her to the edge of her seat. "I want you to lift my sexy black dress." She can't tell, but a huge smile comes across my face as I stare at her black panties. My thumb begins to slowly roll over her panties, trying to find her clit. I can see just how excited she is. I can feel just how wet she is already getting. The second I find her clit, she rolls back and lets out the cutest little noise. I keep her chair in place so she cant get away. Slowly moving my thumb up and down on her happy button. Her underwear are basically ruined at this point. They are soaked all the way through. My thumb goes up again but this time hooking the fabric blocking me from what I want, and slides it to the right. My smile deepens.

"That's what I want. I want you to eat me. Make me cum." I move in closer. My warm breath on her swollen mound. Her hips begin to move slightly towards me, and I dive in. I lick her from bottom to top. Enjoying her sweet potion. Again, like everything else so far, it is pure magic. I reach up, grab her hand and place it on the back of my head. Her other hand immediately goes to my head as she pulls me into her harder. I Love it. My tongue moves slowly across her clit. Over and over. Slow but firm. Enjoying all she has. My hands reach around and try to grab her ass. Keeping her tightly pressed to my mouth. She has to be loving this. The noises she is making, her hands holding me in place, and her hips are moving like she is trying to squash something in the chair with her ass. I can feel her getting close when we both hear, KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.

Her legs try to close and she tries to move away, but she doesn't move an inch. Her ass is in my hands and my head is between her thighs. I stop only for a moment. "You will not make a sound. Lick me if you understand." My tongue probes inside her sweet box. She leaves one hand on my head but the other goes to her mouse. I assume.

"Come in." Nothing happens for a few seconds but my tongue goes back to work. The door opens and I can feel how tight she is. The rush of this has to be amazing for her. It is amazing for me and I have nothing to lose at this point. The interrupter opened the door. It was Karen. She always asks the dumbest questions. How does this dumb cow get to keep her job but I'm being let go? She asked a stupid policy question that everyone including myself knew the answer to. I start to pick up speed making little circles on her clit with my tongue. She is doing her best to sound like nothing is up. I want her to make a noise or something. Nothing. She is stone. I pick up a little more speed and press a little harder. Still nothing. I move my hand closer to her thigh. Move her legs more open, and slide my finger in her tight wet center. Boom. I felt her whole body shudder. "Karen you need to read the policy. Please close the door on your way out."

A few seconds pass and the door clicks. Both her hands go back to my head and she starts to fuck my face with passion and desire. I look up and see her head back, her stomach is tight, a little noise escapes her lips, and I feel it. Sploosh! She squirted all down my face. My shirt and beard are soaked, just like her panties were. She collapses in her chair. Basically a wet noodle. I push her chair back, escape my tiny prison, and walk to the door. Her face looks worried but her body is still limp. I lock the door, walk back, unzip my pants and take my member out.

Her hands wrap around and start to jerk. The feeling of her small hands are amazing. I lean down and kiss her. Her hands working me fast and hard. It is so hot that she is kissing me. She is sweet and I can tell she enjoys the way she tastes also. I cradle her face with both hands, stand up straight, and say "mouth". No hesitation as she swallows my head. Those lips have some power. I knew she was going to be good but not this good. "Look up here while you do that." Her eyes meet mine and it makes it more intimate. I never really noticed how beautiful her eyes are. Even through the glasses, they are stunning. Her hands grab my ass as she works me. Only gags a couple times, but it is kind of hot. I'm not ready to finish, but she is really good. "Stand up." Her ass raises up, but her mouth continues to work me. Everything about this is hot. She is really into this. I pull her head away from mine, and kiss her hard. The passion level seems to be about 100% or so.

I put my hands on her hips, turn her around, and bend her over her desk. I flip up the dress, pull her panties to the side, and rub my head on her sweetness. She is still soaking wet. Inch by inch I begin to enter her. She is trying her hardest to not make any noises. I'm doing the same. She is tight though making it more and more difficult to be silent. She feels perfect. Like she was made for me. Every inch of me fits every inch of her perfectly. Back and forth. I slide back as far as I'm willing and go as deep as I can. The only noise is muffled pleasure and my balls slapping against her. Smack, smack, smack. She begins to tighten again. I won't be surprised this time. I know what's coming. Her. I'm in her as deep as I can be, slap her ass hard, and start to rub her clit. Making sure I stay in as deep as I can. The noise I fear I am going to become addicted to escapes her throat again, I pull out, and rub hard and fast. Not near as much this time as last, but still hot. Before she can turn to a noodle, I walk her to the couch. I sit down and instruct her to get on. Her knee on the couch, other leg flies over to my other side, hand on my chest and the other is guiding me back into her pleasure box. She takes all of me. Deep.

I take her little sweater off, slide the straps of the dress down to the side, pull her bra down, and expose her huge round tits to me for the first time. How is it they are perfect? My mouth goes after her nipple. Her head goes back and her hips start to rock back and forth. My hands fill with the bubble butt I was playing with a min ago. Guiding her amazing body. Back and forth she goes. Faster and harder with each thrust. She is so tight, it almost hurts, but in the best kind of way. I let her swollen nipple free, pull her close, and we make out like high schoolers. It is too much. My body is getting tight. I try to hold off so she can get one more. It is too much. I can't hold it back anymore. I start to say her name rapidly, Sam, Sam, Sam, I'm close. She smiles, in one smooth motion she slides down me, and I'm back in her mouth. Her lips are heaven. Her eyes are begging me to finish. Her mouth wins. I put my hand over my mouth as I begin to fill hers. Her cheeks expand a little. She slows as I become more and more sensitive. One last long slurp to make sure she didn't miss anything. Her lips close, she looks up at me with my cum still in her mouth, winks at me, and swallows.

If I had anything left I would have cum again right there. Sam is something special. She sits next to me, puts her head on my chest and we stay there on her couch, which I am now always going to call her Love Seat, totally spent and happy.

"Go home and come back tomorrow. We will say it was a misunderstanding. Don't be late again." I kiss her forehead. "Yes ma'am." I go to the door as she goes to her chair. As she sits, she tells me "You ruined my cloths. You are going to have to be punished for that some time very soon. I'm going to send you the bill for my dry cleaning too." I feel my dick start to stiffen again, smile at her, and leave her office. For the next few months I seem to do nothing but get in trouble. I almost live in the HR office. I'm sure people are catching on, but what are they gonna do? Report it to the HR lady? I think she is going to be too busy to take their report. After all, she is going to be taking all of me.

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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Story of the day.

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