Humiliated at the Park


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She didn't seem like she was going for it so I gathered all my courage and tried one last time, for Josh, I said to her "So, um... are you going to pull my strap then?"

She looked at me astonished with a smile and laughed. She looked at me for a second obviously trying to figgure something out. Finally she asked with a surprised voice "You actually want someone to pull your top off dont you!? You want people to see you running around toppless!"

I didn't know what to say, I was blushing red and shaking, so I eventually just shrugged my shoulders.

She just laughed hard and said "You are not right in the head girl, no I will not pull your top off for you. But I think I may do something else."

She pulled the band of my skirt and let it flop loosely back into place and said "Yeah, I can work with this, since you are so desperate for attention I will give you something to look forward to."

She pulled off the hairband on her wrist and slipped it in the loop of her little pink water bottle. Then she began pulling at my waisteband again, she almost made me trip once from yanking on it. Finally I heard a rip from her tearing a small hole just below my waisteband on my back left side.

At this point I got a little worried about what she was doing to my skirt.

She pushed the hair-tie through the hole, out the top of my skirt and around her water bottle, looping the bottle to my waisteband. She let the bottle hang there pulling the back left of my skirt half way down my left butt cheek.

The bottle bounced around against the bottom of my left butt cheek and when my left foot touched down again the whole side of my skirt slid down a bit more! It slipped like this every time my foot fell.

The woman laughed and said "now if you were telling the truth about your rules then this bottle will keep pulling on your skirt while you jog, as I see it is already doing, sooner or later it should pull your skirt off completely."

I was horrified, I stammered out something like "But... I thought... My top... The strap... Please..." I caught myself, I could not ask her to remove it. My skirt had sliped down a little more and I felt completely helpless to prevent it.

She laughed again and said "You really are not going to remove it? You are just going to let it pull your skirt down?"

I looked at her hopelessly as my skirt slid down a little more on the left, and said "I told you, I can't!"

She said "We'll see, I'll keep an eye out for you, who knows maybe you are telling the truth." Then she ran off glancing back at me as she left.

I didn't know what to do, I kept jogging but with every step my skirt was slipping a little more. It was holding up on the right side for the most part, clinginging desperately to my hip. The left side was now stretched so far that just about my entire left cheek was visible and left side of my crotch was in danger of coming into view.

I passed a couple runners who gave me very bizzare looks, I heard a runner come up behind me but hold pace back there and not pass me. Josh was watching with a renewed smile on my face.

People passed going the other direction giving me varying odd looks as my skirt got lower and lower. I heard people coming up behind me but no one passed me besides one older woman who gave me a digusted look.

After a little while Jenni came back and laughed saying "Wow, I like the modifications to your skirt! You have a few people behind you getting a nice view, trying to figgure out what you are doing."

By this time most of my butt was exposed and the whole left side of my crotch, as well as the top of my thigh, was visible, my vagina was just barely conceiled. I was holding my right hip up trying desperately to keep that side of my skirt up, making me look like I was jogging with a limp. This had caused the downward motion of my skirt to slow but it was still slipping slowly.

I replied to Jenni desperately with watery eyes "Can't you fix this, some woman did this, all I was trying to do was get her the pull the strap for Josh, but she did this instead! Now my skirt is falling off."

Jenni looked at Josh and looked back at me and said "I would fix your skirt for you but your husband seems to really be enjoying it, I think he would want to see the bottle stay on. But if you really want it removed I will do it for you." She actually looked concerned.

I looked at Jenni and then I looked at Josh and gave up. As much as I hated to agree with Jenni Josh looked really excited, this was going to happen, I told Josh I would do anything for him and this was definately covered under "anything".

I turned to Jenni and said in a defeated voice "I know, I will continue for him."

Jenni said something in the way of complementing me but my mind was elsewhere. My skirt had finally reached the apex of my butt on the right side and was now starting to slide down faster. I tried my best to hold my right hip up but it was still slipping little by little.

Jenni must have noticed the strain on my face because she suddenly asked excitedly "Is it falling!? Perfect, right in front of those nerds playing cards. Ooh, I'm gonna back up to see what the peoples reactions are!"

With that Jenni slipped back to leave me to my humiliation. I saw the group playing cards, I heard the small group behind me chattering and laughing, and I.could see various people up ahead. All the while my skirt slipped further and further, it was speeding up a little with each slip. I was terrefied! I looked over at Josh as a tear slipped down my cheek. He was smiling at me, and I must admit that made me feel a tiny bit better.

Then the moment I had been dreading, the right side of my skirt that was desperately hanging on finally slid down an inch or so and with the next foot fall my whole skirt dropped to the ground and my hands went instinctively to my crotch for cover.

I stopped as soon as I felt the skirt fall to make sure I didn't trip, but after it hit the ground I just stood there for a moment with my hands over my crotch. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. Behind me, people were whistling, hooting, laughing or shouting crude comments. I didn't want to stay but I didn't want to leave my skirt behind either. I looked at Josh and he gave me a signal that told me I should be running.

With fear and humiliation hammering in my brain as well as laughter and jokes burning in my ears, finally I lifted up my foot and stepped out of my fallen skirt. I forced my legs to start moving again, my left hand still covering my crotch, my right wiping the tears from my eyes.

Once I was on the move again I noticed Josh waving at me. He made a motion of removing my hands from my crotch. I gave him a pleading look and he just gave me one right back. I whimpered a little and moved my arms like I normally would when I run, completely exposing my crotch to view.

All around me people were stopping what they were doing to watch me slowly jog by, everyone staring at my shaved crotch and bare butt. Sometimes people would laugh, sometimes they would call me names and one or two actually yelled at me.

Suddenly I was startled by a bell ring from a bike to my back left and there was a fourty something year old man on his bike.

He rode beside me and asked "Miss, are you ok? Do you need help?"

This made me even more embarrassed, he was talking to me slow and loud like I was a mental patient or something. I blushed bright red and studdered "I am o-ok, I d-don't need help"

He looked at me with a very odd look and said "You do know you are not wearing any pants right? I saw the card behind your back, is that intentional?"

I was far to ashamed to worry about my lie about a lot bet so I just said "y-yes, I know I am r-running bottomless, and it is inten-intentional."

He just looked at me with a mixture of sympathy and confusion, gave my crotch one last look and rode on.

Behind me I heard a couple of girls and one guy arguing in hushed tones over who was "going to do it?" When finally I heard another male voice break through and say "Fine I'll do it!"

I heard someone run right up behind me and I tensed for what I knew was coming! He pulled my strap quickly and my top fluttered for a moment and then fell to the ground. My first instinct again was to cover my breasts with my hands but I stopped myself. There was a cheer and another roar of laughter, a man running towards me actually tripped and fell while staring at me.

I was so humiliated, I whiped a couple more tears from my eyes tried my best to just keep one foot in front of the other. I was very tempted to abandon this "adventure" and run away.

A shaggy looking man ran up beside me and quickly said "Wow you're hot, and naked! So are you looking to get laid? Cause if you are I could..."

Just then Jenni ran up between us and interupted him saying "Sorry, this ass is spoken for!" Slapping my butt as she said "ass".

I jumped and shot a surprised look at Jenni as the man ran off, looking back at me the whole time.

Jenni looked at me and said "Don't worry I wont let anyone bugg you. He was right though, you are hott, not that I swing that way but you look really good naked!"

I blushed bright red again and just stared at her silently.

Then I heard Josh call Jenni over to him.

She ran over there and he talked to her for a moment. Then she came running back next to me.

She said to me with a little dissapointment in her voice "Josh says you can be done for the day, all you have to do is turn around and wave goodbye to the people behind you. You can run right down that path there to get to your car, and you can go as fast as you want."

I looked and saw Josh already heading in that direction, smiling and waving me over.

I was so excited to be done! I turned around and waved goodbye to the people behind me and said, "Um, bye everyone."

This earned me a a few aww, and one person said something to me, but I had already turned and was running quickly back to the car.

As I caught up to Josh he held out a sun dress for me from the little bag he had. I grabbed it and flung it over my head running beside Josh with Jenni catching up behind.

All three of us got to the car and Josh shook Jenni's hand saying "Thank you very much for everything today! We will have to meet again sometime."

Jenni looked at us both and said "About that, I was wondering if maybe you guys could come to a party I am planning. And maybe Kelly(not my real name) could could be involved in some of the entertainment... Or you guys could just come normally, I just want you guys to be there."

Josh said "Oh I am sure we will be there, just send us the info since you have our number now, and me and my wife will talk about the "entertainment" ok?"

Jenni gave a little cheer and gave me a huge hug saying "I can not wait to see you again. I really think you are the most real person I know, and I know it might feel wierd but if you ever want to talk, or do normal stuff, like shopping, togather I woild be all for it!"

I smiled at this not sure why but I actually liked her too, despite the humiliation I had felt at her hands, but I was still not sure so I said "We'll see, I will call and let you know if I can get past the wierdness ok?"

She did another little cheer and we all waved goodbye and Josh and I got into our car and Josh gave me one of those passionate kisses I had been looking forward to.

We took our short drive to the same hotel we stayed in on our first adventure, on our way Josh was running his hand up my thigh and getting me excited for what was to come. Not that I needed much help, I knew what was coming in the hotel and I couldn't wait, it was my turn to get what I wanted and Josh would make sure I got it!

Again we stayed there the whole afternoon and evening and left in the morning. On yhe long trip back we talked about the park and Jenni's proposal. I learned that Jenni actually helped out more than I knew. For one, I guess a lot of people on the path were actually friends of Jenni's, and the whole water bottle fiasco, Jenni set that all up. Though I was curious to note that the good sumaitain who skirt early on was not with Jenni, he was just a nice guy. There were other people at the park too of course but a lot of the key players were friends of Jenni.

She was even involved in the idea for my outfit and stood up for me when Josh's ideas may have made the "adventure" even more difficult. She had to remind him that I wasn't going to know it was set up so I would be very scared as it was.

The one part that was totally unplanned was my top, Josh wanted to see someone pull it of their own dessign and not have it planned. They both assumed it would happen much earlier, definately before the skirt event. I guess people are mire timid, or moral than they game them credit for.

Josh told me how he really liked all the planning Jenni did for this, I guess she spent weeks planning the details. She even had plans to get me out of any number of bad situations that could have occured. This made the whole thing seem much safer for me in his eyes.

I agreed but still found it hard to believe how many people she knew, or how much planning she must have had to go through! I must admit I had to give credit to Jenny for looking out for me, and my safety.

We also spoke about Jenni's upcomming party and weather or not I was going to be playing a major role in it or not. Of course Josh was very excited about the possibilites, and we both agreed that having an event with Jenni, after her success at the park, would be safe and unique (as well as terrefying!).

So needless to say we will be attending Jenni's party and I will be fullfiling some humiating roles in front of all her guests. Also after thinking more about it, I think I will take Jenni up on her offer for some girl time.

Thats my newes adventure please let us know what you thought of it. I tried a new style, including actual quotes for people when they said something. While I know my memory is not perfect, thequotes should be close, and I thought id added to show peoples personalities more. So please let me know if this style is beter or worse than my last works? Thank you

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Nothing like a sicko trying to be a writer, and spreading her sickness to the masses. Well, as they say, different strokes for different folks. Undoubtedly some readers will find this shit exciting. You need to take a few writing lessons, though, and dream up more believable scenarios. They don't provide a negative star rating here. If they did I'd give it a negative two.

Jessy69Jessy69about 3 years ago

Cette histoire est vraiment superbe et cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas lu un récit aussi excitant ... Dans un style différent, je vous adore tous les trois ...

Vite, recommencez ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
decent .......

it's first time reading ur story, altho i don't know whether it is true events or not, i find it pretty good to be honest. expression in writing could be better but overall its good. however i am sitting here wanting to read of adventure where your husband does something as incredible as you did. if he would be open to that sort of arrangement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Jesus Christ. Use a spell check.

It was unbearable to even try to get through. The spelling was awful. There was obviously no proof read before this was posted. Terrible. Try again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

If you are really okay with this, then that's okay. But you should never get to a point where you are crying. Just push the envelope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Your husband must hate you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I've really enjoyed your adventures and thank you for sharing, he really does love you for doing this for him but not nearly as much as you love him. Humiliation is very erotic and having a partner share ones fantasy is hard to find.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

there is no love for you from hubby

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
very sexy

I am just like your husband, my gf and I do these games as well. Boring people will never understand, it's a fetish and you love him. That's all that matters, some guys like Bjs, some like u to be naked in front of strangers. As long as it's okay with you, that you will go through with it, it's all good. But, if he crosses the line, put him in check, he has to respect your boundaries as much as you respect his kinky side.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

i agree he is not loving u as he said so this will escalate to where he want to watch u get fucked by 5 black men or worse u haven't post for 4 years what happen u got divorced because u did not keep him happy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
i feel sorry for you

your husband is a dick! you have tears and he is getting off, thats not love!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good Start but Quickly totally unrealistic

I realize these are just stories, but a certain level of believability - even just a little bit is nice. This starts with good descriptions then quickly totally unreal. Shame.

SexyDaemonSexyDaemonabout 9 years ago

Sorry, but this sounds exactly like a story I read on here. I can't find it, but it's the exact same set up. Revealing clothes, tearing a hole in a skirt and placing a water bottle in it, random passerbys on bikes and walking. Either you read that and got an idea, or you faked this. The coincidences are too similar.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Absolutely love these stories. And cant wait to hear bout the party. This sounds like so much fun and is a big turn on

safari99safari99about 10 years ago
Love your humiliation

Very fun and sexy story.

Love to see woman humiliated in public.

Hope you and hubby will continue.

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