Humiliated by the British


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The servant walked over to my wife, reached his fingers in between the cheeks of her bottom, and pulled out the ginger finger and threw it on the ground.

"Avanthika, we are done. Do you promise to be a good girl for me?" Lord Richard addressed my wife.

"Yes, my lord."

"Now, thank me for taking the time to spank your bottom."

The whipping had broken her. There was no hesitation.

"Thank you, my lord, for taking the time to spank my bottom."

"You're welcome. Now let's get you dressed."

Lord Richard, took her petticoat that was on the ground, and pulled it up her legs and tied the string around her hips, covering up her nudity.

He then unlocked the handcuffs and around her wrists and freed her.

"Put on your sari, so we can go back inside," he said pointing to her sari that was lying nearby.

With trembling hands, my wife put on her sari once again.

"Sir Reginald, let it be noted that we have behaved entirely properly and decorously. We have only exposed so much as was necessary for Avanthika's proper punishment. Furthermore, we have not touched or even exposed any of her feminine parts," Lord Richard proclaimed.

Sir Reginald nodded. He was assenting that this abuse of my wife was all above board!

The servant pulled out a whistle from the bag, and blew it loudly. A few moments later, the other three servants came running.

"Uncuff him and accompany us back to the house," Lord Richard ordered.

I thought for a second of attacking Lord Richard, but the presence of the now four large servants dissuaded me.

As we walked back, he turned to Sir Reginald.

"I think we should have our meal as soon as we get back. I worked up quite a bit of an appetite with my exertion."

"Of course, Lord Richard."

As we walked into the house, everyone looked at us quizzically.

"No big deal, everyone. I just had to introduce Avanthika to some proper English discipline. Everything is good now."

We gathered at the large table in the dining room and sat down. I sat across from my wife, and Lord Richard sat next to her. I noticed my wife winced as she sat down in the wooden chair.

"Eat, my dear. You need to recharge your energy. You have had a busy morning," Lord Richard admonished her.

Whether from fear or hunger, my wife ate. Despite myself, I also ate. The food was actually good.

During the meal, I saw Lord Richard lean over and whisper for some time in my wife's ear. I saw her blush, and she hesitated and looked at him pleadingly, shaking her head.

Lord Richard, casually reached under his chair, and took out his riding crop.

"There seems to be a fly buzzing around here," he remarked, and brought the crop down on the table top with a snap.

Everyone started, especially my wife. Her eyes went wide with fear, and she looked at Lord Richard and nodded vigorously.

"Damn, it escaped. My apologies for startling everyone," Lord Richard said as he placed the riding crop back under his chair.

As we continued eating, Lord Richard began to regale everyone of adventure. He told stories of various campaigns his father had been, and of his own adventures in university, and how he had met Ronald.

I hated to admit, he was naturally a gifted speaker and everyone was enthralled with his stories.

While sitting there I wondered what Lord Richard had whispered in my wife's ear.

After dinner, we all once again retired to the courtyard, where it was cooler. I noticed Lord Richard's goons shadowed me wherever I went.

I also noticed that Lord Richard was still carrying his riding crop.

Once everyone was in the courtyard, he looked over at my wife and nodded.

I saw my wife look at everyone, and then specifically at the riding crop. She swallowed a few times.

"Ronald, you are indeed a great artist. Your work is amazing."

"Thank you Avanthika," he blushed.

"Your portrait of me is amazing. I was wondering, if you would allow me to be your muse and model for this afternoon?"

"Sure. You are the loveliest woman, I have ever seen. It would be my pleasure," he stammered.

The painting supplies were still in the courtyard from the earlier portrait.

"We can try a standing pose. Can you stand right here?" me motioned.

Avantika walked over to where he was pointing. As she was walking, I saw Lord Richard's servant walk over and whisper in Ronald's ear. Ronald, seemed giddy with excitement, upon hearing those words.

"Avanthika, um, would you mind taking down your pallu?' Ronald asked nervously.

My wife took a deep breath.

"Not at all Ronald. You are the artist. Whatever you think would be good," she said sweetly.

She blushed as she took down her pallu. Her breasts, encased in the blouse, but showing a lot of cleavage were on display now. Also, her flat tummy and navel were exposed.

I wanted to intervene, but at that instant, I felt the hand of one of Lord Richard's goons upon my shoulder. It was a warning that I had no chance.

"Avanthika, would you like us to leave, and give you some privacy," Sir Reginald asked gallantly.

My wife quickly looked at Lord Richard with his riding crop, and then took a breath.

"Thank you sir, but that is not necessary. Art is not something to be ashamed of. Besides, I am sure that everyone would be severely disappointed to miss out on seeing a master artist at work."

She looked back at Lord Richard. He nodded and smiled.

So, with her blessing, everyone felt comfortable staring at my wife. I burned with jealousy seeing how my wife was exposed in front of all these men. But a lot more was to come.

Ronald finished the painting. It was marvelous. It was so realistic.

"What do you think, Avanthika?"

She came over and looked at the painting.

"Marvelous!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you, Avanthika," he said.

Then he looked shyly at the floor.

"Would you be offended, if I asked to paint you unclothed?"

Again, my wife looked at Lord Richard's crop.

"Not at all. You are the artist. Just tell me what you want."

Even though I knew my wife was being forced to respond the way she was, I was still burning up inside. There was nothing, however, I could do.

"There is an unused storage room over there," he said pointing to the room at the end of the courtyard, with a curtain across the doorway.

"You can go in there so you have some privacy while you disrobe."

My wife hesitated for a second.

"What do you want me to take off?"

"You can leave your jewelry on, but otherwise, disrobe completely."

My wife walked to the room, and pulled the curtain behind her.

We all watched in anticipation, knowing that she was getting naked behind that curtain.

A few minutes later, the curtain opened, and my wife stepped out.

She was blushing all over. She had her left hand across her breasts, covering her nipples, and her right hand covering her pubes.

The glittering golden earrings, necklace, arm bands, waist chain, and anklets, all sparkled and glimmered in the light, contrasting against her skin.

Her hands still had the mehendi bridal designs on them.

She looked stunning, yet so vulnerable.

Her brown areolas peaked out around her left hand and arm. Around her right hand, some pubic hairs had escaped the confinement of her hand and were visible.

"Hold that pose!" Ronald instructed her.

My wife stopped just outside the curtain.


Ronald began to paint quickly for the next 30 minutes. By the end, he had captured her beauty, exposure, and shyness.

He turned the easel around to show my wife the painting.

"Amazing!" she complimented.

I could not tell if she was really impressed, or was just fearful of Lord Richard.

Ronald seemed to gain confidence.

"Now turn around, and look back at me over your shoulder," he ordered.

This exposed my wife's bottom to everyone in the room.

I noticed, though that the redness from the riding crop had mostly faded to just a light shade of pink.

"Her bottom is a little pink from where I punished it with the riding crop," Lord Richard noted.

"I hope it does not interfere with your art," he continued.

"No problem, Richard. The pink blush actually makes her bottom stand out more," Ronald observed.

My wife's face on hearing this seemed like it turned a darker shade of pink than her bottom.

Ronald started painting in earnest.

When he was about half-way done, Lord Richard piped up.

"I think it is time for some tea."

He then turned to his servant.

"Can you call the tea boy to come in here and take our orders?"

I could see my wife instantly tense up.

"He is coming my lord," the servant announced.

My wife's legs twitched, as it seemed she was preparing to flee behind the curtain.

"Stay where you are, Avanthika, and hold your pose. You don't want to mess up Ronald's masterpiece," Lord Richard warned sternly.

My wife blushed even deeper. Up until now, she had only been exposed to these British men, and she had kind of come to terms with it, out of necessity. But now, she would be exposed to an Indian servant boy, someone from her own society, yet someone socially inferior to her. That increased her shame.

The servant boy walked into the room. He was around 19 years old, and was wearing a white shirt and shorts. He started when he saw my nude wife. He stared at her for a few seconds. Then, he resumed his demeanor, and went around politely asking everyone if they wanted tea.

He even came to my wife.

"Would madam want some tea?" he asked politely, while ogling her naked bottom.

"No thanks," my wife replied.

I could see my wife relax, as soon as he left.

Ronald finished the painting. Again, a very excellent painting.

"Now, Avantika, I want you to come into the middle of the room," he ordered.

My wife turned around and, still covering herself with her hands, walked into the middle of the room.

"Good, now I want you to stand up straight."


"Now put your hands together in a namaste pose," Ronald ordered, demonstrating how she was to hold her hands together in front of her.

My wife hesitated. To do that pose, she would end up fully exposing her breasts and bush.

Ronald noticed. "Sorry Avanthika. I got focused on my art, and didn't think if it would be too embarrassing for you. You don't have to do it if you don't want to," Ronald said apologetically.

I heard a slapping sound, and looked over to see Lord Richard casually slapping his crop against the palm of his hand.

"It's ok, Ronald. You are the artist," my wife said.

Everyone held their breath as my wife brought her hands from their post guarding her female parts, and into the namaste gesture.

Her large breasts, including her nipples and her full, black, hairy bush were completely exposed.

She blushed in shame.

Ronald began painting her.

Halfway through the painting, the tea boy returned with the tea. To my chagrin, he had brought another servant boy along with him to assist. He also was the same age.

My wife turned bright red with embarrassment, but knew that covering up or changing her pose was not an option.

Furthermore, since she was in the middle of the room, the boys would have to walk next to her and around her as they served everyone else their tea. This gave them the opportunity to ogle her entire body including her breasts, bottom, and bush in close-up 360 degree exposure.

After taking their time, ogling my wife while they handed everyone their tea, the servant boys left.

Ronald finished the painting, and invited my wife to come look at it.

When she came over to Ronald, I saw that she did not even try to cover up. She just walked over, her arms at her sides. I guess she figured that her modesty was irretrievably lost in front of this group today.

"Amazing work again, Ronald. I am honored to be modelling for such a gifted painter," she said.

"Thank you, Avanthika. You can go get dressed now."

Lord Richard interrupted.

"Ronald, I think you should paint one more picture. Many rich English collectors are looking for exotic Oriental eroticism."

"Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"Avanthika, you don't mind do you?" Lord Richard asked. His eyes told her that this was not a question, and there was only one right answer.

"No, my lord."

"Ok Avanthika, please sit in this chair," Lord Richard said motioning to the large armchair she had sat in for her first portrait.

"Yes, my lord," my wife said as she sat down.

She sat up straight in the chair, legs together, arms on the armrests, breasts exposed.

But it wasn't enough for Lord Richard.

He looked at her for a moment.

"Avanthika, please put your thighs on these armrests here.

Her face went pale, and I could see her hesitate not wanting to expose herself so brazenly.

Then Lord Richard took his riding crop and lightly tapped each thigh.

"Put them over here," he said touching the arm rests.

She knew she would be punished if she disobeyed.

Looking at Lord Richard, she brought her thighs up and spread them wide on the armchair as ordered.

Not even I as her husband had seen such a view in broad daylight. The lips of her womanhood were all exposed and open revealing the pinkness of her vagina. In addition, her bottom cheeks also opened revealing the dark brown bud of her anus. I noticed it looked a little red and irritated at the center.

"Well, I'll damned," said one of Lord Richard's servants. "Behind that big black bush, and those dark cuntlips, she is pink just like our women."

Avanthika closed her eyes, and tears of embarrassment rolled down her cheeks.

Lord Richard was by her side with a handkerchief.

"There, there now, don't cry Avanthika," he said, wiping her tears. "I want you to open your eyes, smile, and look at Ronald as he paints you. If you, however, insist on crying, I will take you back out to the horse track and give you something to cry about," he said menacingly.

My wife opened her eyes, and forced a smile.

"Much, much better," Lord Richard remarked.

"She is stunning, in this pose," Ronald agreed, as he started painting her portrait.

"By the way," Lord Richard said, turning to his servant. "Where is the tea boy?"

The tea boy must have been right outside the room, for no sooner had Lord Richard said that, than he instantly appeared, along with his friend from last time.

I could see my wife's whole body twitch, as she instinctively wanted to close her thighs in front of the tea boys. However, her fear of Lord Richard, kept her immobile and she held her pose.

Lord Richard, motioned them to come to where he was standing, right in front my wife, next to Ronald.

Their eyes went big as they saw my wife completely exposed. They leered openly at my wife's fully exposed privates.

Lord Richard let them stare for a few minutes, before he spoke.

"Clear away the tea cups," he ordered.

"My Lord, we will clear away the dishes," they both said.

Even though there were two of them, they took a lot of time to collect all the dishes, ogling my wife the entire time.

"Richard," Ronald suddenly spoke up. "I am about to paint her anus now, and I notice it looks a little red and irritated."

"That's probably from the ginger root, I used to fig her," Lord Richard explained.

"However, we can use a little coconut oil, to help with the irritation."

"Tea boy, come here," he called the tea boy.

"Bring me some coconut oil," he ordered.

The tea boy left the room, and came back quickly with a small bottle of coconut oil.

"Put some oil on your finger, and apply it to Avanthika's anus," he ordered.

My wife looked as if someone slapped her.

"You don't mind do you, Avanthika? I am only doing this for your own good to help with the irritation."

"No, my lord. Thank you for your thoughtfulness," my wife forced herself to say.

My wife's entire body blushed, as the tea boy put some coconut oil on his finger. He knelt in front of my wife and began to tickle her anus. We watched as it spasmed at the contact. He teased her anus a few moments, and then I heard my wife grunt as he penetrated her with his finger. He slowly turned and wiggled his finger inside her.

"Thank you, my boy," Lord Richard remarked. "I think that is good enough. Now go wash your hands."

The boy pulled out his finger and left the room. His friend who had been watching all this, also left.

"What do you think now, Ronald," Lord Richard asked his friend.

"I like how the oil makes it shiny. It looks a lot less irritated now," Ronald remarked as he resumed painting.

He soon finished the painting and invited everyone to take a look. It did indeed capture my wife's pose in graphic detail. From her flushed face, to her nipples, to her exposed genitals and anus. All my wife's most secret parts were drawn in beautiful detail.

"Sir Francis Burton himself will pay a fortune for this," Lord Richard remarked referring to the Englishman who had travelled the East and was famous for translating the Kama Sutra.

"Avanthika, thank you for your cooperation, you can get dressed."

My wife got up out of the chair, and scampered into the storage room, and pulled the curtain.

She came out a few minutes later, completely dressed.

As we said our goodbye's, I noticed everyone acting like everything was completely normal.

Sir Reginald shook my hand.

"Great seeing you again my boy, and thank you for bringing your wife"

He turned to my wife.

"Pleasure meeting you Avanthika. You are the perfect match for Rohit. I am sorry, you had to be spanked by Lord Richard, but a minor incident like that isn't worth angering a well-connected man like Lord Richard. I hope you understand. I do want to thank you for agreeing to pose for my son. You have really inspired him to make such wonderful works."

"Good luck on your new life in Delhi. Please make sure you visit, whenever you come back to the area," he said as we got in the rickshaw.

I fumed inside. My wife had been manhandled, forcibly stripped, spanked, figged, threatened into posing nude, and anally fingered by a servant boy! And Sir Reginald had the gall to pretend like everything was ok, and was a minor incident!

I realized then, Sir, that India needed self-rule. We could no longer depend on the British to be just, no matter how good they were. If a kind, honest, and good man like Sir Reginald could so easily be corrupted by the Lord Richard into standing idly by while my wife was beaten and humiliated, no Indian was safe. No matter how good intentioned and noble the British Indian leadership was, they were always at the mercy of any degenerate Lord from London!

Yours Sincerely,


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Gym52Gym52over 1 year ago

I believe that the imagery of this story is central and characteristic of the last Victorian era, when British aristocrats would 'Lord it' over any person they believed was of an inferior social status,this attitude was not restricted to life in the colonies but also here in Britain. The attitude did not change until after the Great War when so many men from the UK and the Empire had died in the mud and gore of northern Europe, Social class lost much of its influence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Erotic imagining my soft sweet loving submissive shy wife in this situation

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Avanthika is a keeper. Full stop. I gave you a 5.25 for this story (5.25/5=105% "Exceeds Expectations"!)


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Where is Kavitha humiliations

We are waiting for Kavitha humiliations. Why you are getting late. We are waiting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sequel? continued

Sorry just wanted to add one more thing... it would be great to hear more about her arousal to go along with her embarrassment as she becomes used to/more accepting or comfortable of being humbled by the colonial lords

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very vivid well written story. Very glad it is fiction/fantasy, and see a lot of potential for sequels and more visits that can be worked in as the wife serves/entertains the colonial lords.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is a vivid/great story that seems ripe for sequels, with more visits to a colonial palace.. Not sure how/if the story would need to move to Delhi or not but you’ve made the groundwork for this to continue/escalate

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Re: "Next Installment"

The proposal in this comment (actually, two similar comments but presumably that is some sort of glitch) makes a lot of psychological sense. He, too, has been thoroughly humiliated. Nothing would be more natural than for him to take it out on her, both as a way of shifting the blame and as a way of asserting his masculine/husbandly role in their relationship for the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next Installment

It seems to me that when they get home he should punish her for the initial slap and for getting aroused during the proceedings. But perhaps he should soothe her body first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next Installment

Just thinking that when they get home, he should punish her for the original slap that led to all this as well as for becoming aroused during the experience.

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