Hungry for Love


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"Don't know if that makes it any better, but I'd be doing that anyway, even if we weren't in a relationship. It's how I live."

Trix's expression made it clear that it didn't make it any better. And yeah, maybe it'd been a shitty thing to say, but then again, that's just what I was. No reason to sugarcoat it.

"I know," was her entire response to my remark. She let another couple of seconds pass. "You still want to do this? This thing where we act like we have a normal relationship and you don't magic me into submission?"

"Absolutely. I want to be your girlfriend. And not just as an act. Like, don't we have a real relationship now?"

She made another of these facial expressions I didn't know how to read. "I guess? I really like you and the last couple days were a lot of fun and I want that to go on, but... Honestly, it's scary. That you could take control of me any moment. And I wouldn't even know it."

"Hey, that's not true. I can only put my spell on you when I take your life force and I'm not doing that."

"Yeah. Unless you can't restrain yourself. Or you decide that me having second thoughts is boring. Or if there's another way for you to control me which I have no clue about because everything I know about succubi I know from you."

I'd hoped that I'd earned myself a bit more trust than that, but apparently not. And yes, in theory I could do these things, but I wasn't going to, because I liked our relationship and wanted to keep it as it is. I'd just have to convince her of that.

"I promise, I won't use my powers against you. Not in a way you don't want to."

Trix gave me a weak smile. "That's nice and all and I think I believe you, but, yeah, it's still scary that you could."

I wanted to ask again if she really believed me or just 'thought that she believed me', but she sighed and continued.

"And actually that's a completely different issue and we should be thinking about what to do with your hunger."

"Yeah." It wasn't the best topic either, but at least it steered us away from the trust issues. Maybe.

"So, do you need to go now and find someone or, I don't know, how did you expect this to work?"

That would've been the most straightforward thing, but Trix looked rather distraught and I didn't want to leave her alone.

"No, I want to stay with you. Spend a nice evening. I think we need it. And I can solve that hunger thingy tomorrow after our drawing session."

Trix didn't look as happy as I'd wanted her to be. "And you sure it's safe? You won't lose control and... you know?"

"I'm sure. Another day is not that a big deal."

I did my best to sound certain. And I was. Yes, it had been hard when Trix had come right in front of me, but that wouldn't happen again and I'd been able to keep it together even when she'd done it.

"Even though we're doing body painting tomorrow?"

Right. I should've been able to bear it, but then again, why take unnecessary risks?

"I'll just be the canvas, then I shouldn't be tempted by you too much. And don't worry. I have myself under control. Really."

"If you say so." She still didn't sound convinced, but at least she trusted me enough not to insist on me finding a meal immediately. I guessed that was the most I could ask for.

"Okay, so we meet with Alice tomorrow as usual and then you go and fulfill your needs or something."

"If you're okay with that."

Trix snorted. "What else am I supposed to do? Let you starve? Let you suck me dry and die on lack of life force? No, I guess I've got to be okay with it for now. Hope I really am, in the long run."

"I hope so, too." I could've imagined a better conclusion for this talk, but also a lot of worse ones. At least she even considered a long run. "I love you, you know. Just wanted to say that."

"Yeah, I love you, too." She took my hand and this time her smile looked genuine. "I just wished everything was a little easier."

"We'll manage. You're the coolest human I've met, if anyone can make this work, it's you. And I want it to be you."

I kissed her. Right on her naughty lips that hid so much oral sex potential. With the worst danger over, my arousal was already rising dangerously again. "So, what will we do with the rest of the evening?" I asked her, not sure if I hoped for a sexy or a non-sexy answer.

"Sorry, I don't think I have the energy for something active."

"So, Netflix and chill?"

"Sure, why not."

Not much to say about the rest of the evening. We watched some Netflix original show about a cop hunting cyber-criminals by literally hunting them inside a virtual reality (it made about as much sense as you'd expect from that premise) and cuddled. Trix kept her clothes on, which was probably for the better. I loved being close to her, but even when I tried to focus on the action on the screen, I couldn't ignore the growing urge to strip her down and ride her with that monster strap-on of hers.

I did no such thing, of course, and we went to bed without any incidents. I'd have loved another quickie before sleep, but I understood that Trix was a bit wary around me at the moment, so I just masturbated while she brushed her teeth and that calmed me down a bit. At least enough that I could fall asleep. After finger-fucking myself again, right there in bed. If Trix noticed, she didn't comment on it.

When I woke up, my nipples were rock-hard and a sizable wet spot had formed on the sheets underneath my cunt. I tried to hide my raging horniness from Trix. It was just arousal, I could deal with that. And I didn't want her to worry if I could really control myself. I could. I had to.

Breakfast wasn't easy. Just watching Trix's lips move was enough to get my juices flowing. Or rather, get them flowing even more. I'd put on panties, just so I wouldn't completely soil every chair I sat on.

If it hadn't given away my sorry state, I would've fucked myself right there at the table. Instead I acted clumsily and got jam on my fingers several times, just so I had a pretense to suck on them. It wasn't the same in any regard, but at least it gave a tiny bit of satisfaction.

Luckily I could convince Trix that I should go over to my place right away to get all the stuff and then meet up with her at Alice's. Which was efficient, because I didn't need morning bathroom time and all that jazz. Or at least that was the official reason. Maybe Trix suspected the real one. If so, she was good enough in pretending not to know.

The way to my apartment was a haze. It didn't help that I sat opposite a hot brunette who kept chewing her pen while she did a sudoku. A hot brunette who was single and actively searching for an adventure. Sadly also a straight one. Otherwise I'd have exchanged numbers in a heartbeat. Not that I expected any problems finding someone in the evening, but still. I'd have loved to know how it felt when she chewed my nipples like she did with that pen.

Finally I made it home. It was an even bigger mess than usual because I'd spent so much time away lately, but that didn't matter. My portal seeds were still where they belonged and within a minute of arriving I'd already popped one. This wasn't a matter for sane sex toys anymore. If I was to make it through the day, I needed the full program.

At some point I needed to learn the exact name of the plane these portals lead to. If only to know where to retire to one day. Drawn to the smell of sex sticking to my body, three thick tentacles shoved their way through the portal frame. They barely fit through, blocking the entire shin-wide portal, save for a faint red shimmer around their base. I didn't bother taking off my clothes. Their slime did that faster than I could do it myself.

When summoning Eldritch forces, you never quite knew what you'd get. Only that it was going to be exiting. This time I got one red tentacle that was segmented in increasingly thicker parts and taunting me with the question how many of them I'd be able to handle. Another was of a blueish green and thicker than a fist all the way through, but dripping with slime so profusely that it'd slide smoothly into even the tightest holes. The last one I thought I remembered. Once I'd had such an orange, deceptively thin one that had slipped in without any issues, but then it'd switched between scalding hot and freezing cold every few seconds. My ass'd been overly sensitive for at least two days after that, but it'd been so worth it and I would've gladly done it all over again. Actually I didn't even care which tentacle picked which hole. I needed to get completely spent and they were going to deliver that.

The tentacles wrapped themselves around my limbs, pulled them taut, lifted me up in the air, their grip so deliciously slimy and naughty, unyielding even as they went on, extended further, slithered over my skin. I could barely move a muscle, no ground under my feet, no way to stop them until they were satisfied. I loved it already.

Soon the giant one stopped under my ass and pushed up. It felt far too big to ever fit in and the first push already forced my hips up, but I liked a challenge. I wanted that dripping chunk of flesh to dig all the way into my asshole. My mouth opened for a long moan and the orange tentacle took its chance.

It wrapped itself around my tongue in an instant, made it transform into its real form, intertwined with it like two snakes having sex. This one wasn't interested in throat fucking. It pulled my tongue like it was a leash. My mouth hang gaping open and I could do nothing about it. Thin slime sunk into my taste buds. It was intensely sour, as if I'd gotten my tongue stuck in a giant lemon. The taste made my mouth water like crazy and within seconds I was drooling all over myself.

The blueish tentacle kept trying. Slowly it forced my ass cheeks apart, dripping slime like I was dripping drool. It had barely made any progress and already my ass felt like it was being ripped apart. I didn't dare to fight it, but I made sure that the tentacle didn't have it too easy, either. Didn't want to miss out on that adrenaline rush when my sphincter was forced open.

The creature must've been getting frustrated with the slow progress. The last free tentacle wrapped itself around my hips and pulled me down. Just when the giant tip fully pushed its way into me, my tongue flared up. For a moment I thought the orange tentacle had heated up, but this was a deeper, more pervasive burning. The slime had turned into something like chili sauce.

Sweat dripped from my every pore. The blue tentacle pushed deeper and deeper into me. It's slimy surface massaged my gaping hole. It was exhausting enough just to get filled like that and I couldn't even properly moan with my tongue pulled out. My itching and burning tongue, which got bathed in more and more of this spicy hot slime.

A quick flick of the orange tentacle splashed more of that stuff all over my breasts. Big splotches landed on my nipples and sizzled there. I twitched against the bounds of my wrists, but to no avail. Of course they wouldn't have allowed me to wipe it off. That would've made it easier on me. Their only goal was to drown me in sensations until my brain melted, which was exactly what I'd summoned them for.

Seconds later the last tentacle forced its way into my pussy and my mind went blank.

The portals from the seeds were only stable for an hour or so. No idea if that was a technical limitation or a safety measure, but it was more than enough time to completely wear me out.

When the tentacles retreated, they left me as an utter mess. My pussy was sore from the countless orgasms, my ass would continue aching for hours to come and there was not a single spot on my body that wasn't covered in sweat, drool, pussy juice or slime. I was barely conscious, but happy. The fucking had been glorious. Enough so, that for the moment not even the hunger mattered anymore. You could've put me in a harem full of beautiful girls and I would've been perfectly fine just dozing off on the pillows.

That state wouldn't last, of course. Still, after another ten minutes or so I felt strong enough to get up and take a shower. Once I was sufficiently clean, I packed my body painting supplies and moved out, confident that I'd make it through the day without any issues. At least until the evening, when I could find myself a cute snack.

I ended up being late, but only by fifteen minutes or so. Little enough that I could blame it on public transport. Alice looked a bit nervous, which didn't surprise me all that much. There was a difference between drawing a nude body and drawing on a nude body. If I hadn't been the canvas for safety reasons, I would've totally insisted on her doing it. Just to show her how fun life was outside the comfort zone. Or even further outside the comfort zone then I'd already made her go. She'd been doing a good job so far and I noticed that she was still wearing that thick pink collar.

Trix and Alice had already made a rough plan for what they wanted to do (as in, more details than the obvious "space Amazons fighting a crazy mythology monster" crossover), so we could quickly get to business. I took off my clothes and found myself a comfortable sitting spot while they prepared the colors. Being a canvas could get exhausting and my body, especially my ass, was still sensitive, so I made sure I found a position that was relaxing enough to hold it for a long time.

When they started to put on the foundation, Trix had to take a toilet break, leaving me with an Alice who was by this point almost shaking. I was just thinking about the best way to relax her, when she blurted out "I know what you are!"

That was so far out of left field, that I wasn't even sure I'd understood her right. "What?"

"You, you're a succubus, aren't you?"

Okay, now she had my full attention. "What gave you that idea?"

Alice chewed on the inside of her cheek. "Doesn't matter now. Are you, or not?"

I could've pretended not to be. Maybe she had definitive proof, maybe she hadn't. In any way she didn't look all that confident and a brisk denial might've been enough to shake her off. But where'd have been the fun in that? And I had to applaud her. It took guts to even try and confront something with such a question.

"Who told you that succubi exist?"

Alice threw a quick glance in the direction of the bathroom. "Later. Can I talk to you after we're done here?"

I had no idea what was going on, but I was intrigued. If Alice knew about us, someone must've fucked up their job pretty badly. Kinda like I did with Trix. Anyway, there was a good chance for an interesting story. And more importantly: I wanted to know what Alice's end goal was here. According to her aura, she was still more than ready to jump into bed with me. Maybe she was searching for a spectacular way to lose her virginity. Which would've also saved me the trouble to find someone else tonight.

"It's a date," I said. "I'll just stay here after we clean up."

Alice gave me a brief nod. "Good," she said and continued to stare at me in silence.

I gave her a few seconds before I jiggled my tits at her. "So, are you gonna paint me now or not?"

Alice blinked a few times. "Sure," she finally said and took up her brush again.

She managed to act natural enough that Trix didn't notice anything when she came back. I could've blown Alice's cover right then and there, but I wanted to know what this was all about first. With a bit of luck it had nothing to do with Trix and I could resolve the matter quickly without dragging her into it. She had enough succubus issues to deal with already.

Getting body painted was a bit tedious at the best of times. It didn't help that I was mainly waiting for it to be over so I could have that talk with Alice. At least my sexual burnout flattened out soon and I could enjoy the continuous brush strokes across my skin.

Alice painted something over my left breast that I'd have described as a giant Banshee with flaming hair. Apparently it was an "Empusa", something like an ancient Greek version of a succubus, but much more hardcore and metal. Maybe that monster choice was a subtle message. Or not. In any case I didn't think this Empusa stood much of a chance against the army that Trix assembled over my other breast and my belly.

We didn't talk much, since that would've sabotaged the painting process. Looking at fluffy squirrels got old pretty soon, so I spent my time taking a closer look at Alice's aura. It couldn't hurt to go in with as much information as possible.

Obvious things first: She was still a virgin and still into me. Like, really into me. As if knowing what I was only made me more exciting to her. Understandably so. She wanted a partner who took control and had experience. I didn't pick up any clear sub vibes, though. Maybe she wanted to be guided, but not dominated. Well, I was pretty sure I'd find it out. No matter what else she had on her agenda, she was eager enough for sex that it wouldn't take much help from my side to get us going.

The question remained, what to do about her. Well, besides fucking her, of course. And taking her life force. That was a more than fair price for getting to lose her virginity in an epic and satisfying way. But then? Putting her under my spell was the safest option, but if she had some other cubus watching over her, that might've pissed them off.

Slowly but surely the day went on. In the early afternoon Alice and Trix went to get some noodle boxes and brought me one, too. It was easier than waiting for the paint to dry enough that I could put on a shirt and go with them. After lunch they got right back to work and around six they declared me finished.

They'd done an amazing work. Alice had painted the flaming hair of her Empusa in the most vibrant colors. After she'd finished the creature, she'd moved on to add lighting to Trix's half of my body. With all that fiery energy radiating from the Empusa, it looked a lot more believable that she stood a chance against these eight women with their puny laser spears and metal bikinis.

We spent the next half an our or so taking pictures of me so we had a lasting keepsake of the event. The lighting wasn't perfect, what with it getting dark already, and while the lamps did a decent job, they weren't perfect, either. Still, after a lot of fiddling around we managed a couple of shots we were satisfied with.

Around that time my hunger raised its head again. Posing for the camera had too many associations with sex. But that was okay. I only needed to wait for a couple more minutes.

My plan went smoothly. Trix offered to help clean up, but since we'd only used my stuff and we'd go different ways anyway, she didn't protest when I said she was free to go home. Which left me with Alice to finally find out what the hell was going on.

"Okay, so what do you know about me?" I asked once I was sure Trix was gone.

Alice fidgeted with her collar again. She still looked nervous, but her voice was steady. "I know that you're a succubus."

"I got that part. What gave it away? That I'm too sexy to be a human?"

I loved how I was still naked while we had this conversation. The layers of paint over my breasts were thick enough that they might've counted as covered. They'd only painted my upper body, though, so Alice was still free to ogle my wet pussy.

"Actually, it was when you used your powers during the lecture."

"You noticed?"

"I noticed Trix doing, you know. And she whispered something like it was your fault. It was a bit strange. And then I remembered that in your videos you dye your hair all the time and it always looks natural. And that you don't seem to get cold."

Apparently I'd been severely underestimating her all this time. "Impressive. Still, just from that, it's a bit of a logical leap, I'd say."

"That's what tipped me off. Yesterday I made sure. Turns out, the laws of gravity don't apply to your breasts."
