Hungry for Love


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It was too much. She sucked me off like a madwoman. Her tongue lapped furiously around my shaft so she wouldn't miss a single drop. I had to grab the corner of the bed so I didn't topple over. My whole body twitched as my throbbing cock exploded into her mouth.

"Wait, did you seriously come from just that?"

Thankfully she gave me a short break. I could take a lot of pleasure, but her tongue on my post-orgasmic cock-clit would've been hard even on me. "Told you it's sensitive."

"It's also yummy." She licked over my dripping tip. That alone was enough to make me shudder again. "Sure you can fuck me with this thing?"

"I have to admit, I've never tried it. I only grew a cock twice and both times I was alone. It was just an experiment."

And I really hadn't been sure if I could handle it to use my cock for its intended purpose. I still wasn't, but I only needed to look at Trix's manic grin to know that no more hesitation would be allowed.

"Time to take your virginity then."

She got up and pushed me onto the bed. "You look a bit afraid," she told me as she crawled onto me.

"Maybe a little bit."

"But why?" She grabbed my boobs. Her right hand was still sticky from my juices. "You're a big, strong sex demon, aren't you? You can handle a bit of pleasure."

"I'm not a demon," I reminded her. "I'm a cubus."

"And just like that you've lost any chance that I go easy on you. That's what you get for being a smart-ass." She bent down further and flicked her tongue over my lips. "But you never wanted me to go easy on you, right?"

"Of course I don't." I kissed her. Maybe I was afraid, but in an exciting way. And I couldn't say no. Not just because I'd look like a wimp if I did. Pretty much every time I'd fucked one of my meals, I'd been their revelation. The one who showed them what sex could be like. It was so refreshing to have someone else do that for me.

"That's good, because I like to fuck real hard."

She sat up and guided my cock into her. It was pathetic how much that alone made me moan. Her cunt felt so tight. Its slick walls constantly pressed against my cock from all sides, much more than her mouth had. Trix clearly enjoyed the ring of nubs as they slid in, but they also meant a lot more friction for me. It was almost like having several additional small clits. I was so going to die. And it would be a glorious death.

"I saw that you don't go limp when you come, so that won't be a problem."

"Not a problem for you, maybe."

"You can always ask for a break. But I believe in you. You're a strong girl, you can take it."

As if I'd do that and lose all my credibility as a succubus. "I won't. Ride me as hard and as long as you want. That's what my cock is for."

I already knew that I'd regret these words. In a way that was exactly why I'd said them. I didn't want mercy. I wanted sex. I wanted pleasure in its purest form. I wanted to be shown the limits of what I could handle and that they weren't real limits at all. And I sure as hell wasn't going to lose a sex challenge to a human.

"Then strap in, this is gonna be a wild ride."

Trix hadn't promised too much. The way she pushed her hips up and down, I could almost believe that she got all her muscles from sex alone. After each thrust she pulled back until I was almost completely outside of her, before she slammed back onto me. Her tight cunt hugged my cock each time it slid in and out. I tried my best to hold back, but I knew I had no chance. That endless slick friction all over my cock felt too good and she gave me not even a second to cool down.

It could've only been a minute or two before I exploded for the second time that night. I screamed and trashed around as the hot pleasure rolled over me. Trix didn't even slow down, though.

"That's gonna be interesting," she just said. "I've barely even started."

A couple minutes ago I'd thought that I couldn't handle a tongue on my post orgasmic cock. Now it got a ruthless fucking and there was nothing I could do except to suck it up and take it.

It was brutal how each touch against my burning cock felt like being pinched by sharp finger nails, but after a short period of pure torture I learned to harden up and breath through it. I could take it. I had to. I wanted to. It was the same pleasure-pain I'd always enjoyed so much, only even more pure.

Maybe my fingers dug holes into the sheets, but I didn't care. I grabbed it even harder and engaged my own hips. I couldn't let Trix do all the work. What kind of succubus does the star fish?

For the next couple of minutes we both gave it our all. Neither of us wanted to show any weakness. I wasn't even faring that badly. After the worst hypersensitivity wore of, it was smooth sailing. Even I took some time to build up to a third orgasm and it was intensely pleasurable to ram into Trix again and again, but nothing I wasn't used to. And Trix was slowly getting tired. Sure, she tried to hide it, but that shining sweat on her abs didn't lie and she didn't pant like that just because it felt good.

When she had to slow down for a second, I took the chance and rolled her over, so I was on top. After a moment of surprise she let it happen, but the way she sprawled out underneath me made it clear that she expected a performance now.

I kept ramming into her. My own abs started to burn, but I'd had enough strap-on workout to push through it. And Trix's moans made it more than worth it. She writhed under me, her hands digging into her breasts while she didn't even attempt to keep the noise down. There's nothing more sexy than a woman enjoying herself and Trix knew how to sell that enjoyment.

Too late I realized that these thoughts got me far too aroused. There was already that familiar tension rising in my fake cock. I did my best to hold on, but if I held that speed and power, there was no way I wouldn't come within the next minute.

"Are you close?"

I was afraid that even talking could set me off, so I just nodded.

Trix slid back the next time I pulled out of her. My cock throbbed at that sudden absence of pussy. I wasn't sure if she'd done me a favor. Sure, pounding into her would've lead to another round of post orgasmic torture, but leaving me hanging when I'd already resigned myself to the explosion wasn't exactly nice, either.

"Come here!" Trix grabbed my sides and pulled me forward until I was almost sitting on her face. "Would be a shame to let it go to waste."

She stared hungrily at my cock. It was all but dripping from both our juices. I totally got her. In her place, I'd have been begging to suck that dick as well and I wasn't even into dicks.

After all that time squeezing through her tight pussy, Trix's mouth was pure bliss. Even though she sucked me with a greed as if this was the last chance she had. Well, most likely it was, at least for tonight. My third orgasm was glorious and I screamed my lungs out as her tongue wrung every last drop out of my spasming cock, but that had to be it. Even I had my limits. I pulled out of her mouth and whimpered. That little friction was already torture.

"Where are you going?" Trix licked her glistening lips. A scary fire burned in her eyes.

"I think I'm done for tonight. That thing is killing me."

"Come on, don't be a drama queen." Her hand shot upwards and closed in a tight fist around my throbbing cock. I shrieked and tried to pulled away. Big mistake. Each little movement only lead to more friction over that hypersensitive piece of flesh. I froze up and tried instead not to move at all and not to beg for mercy. Trix didn't soften her grip at all and kept talking as if this was a harmless conversation.

"If I understood you correctly, I'll have to finish myself."

It was hard to focus on her words while she rubbed my poor cock between her fingers. Slowly I understood why you'd want your dick to shrivel up after you came. But no, I didn't have that luxury. I had to stay big and hard, leaving every nerve exposed for whatever abuse Trix decided to dish out.

"If I suck you off while I do it, does that count for your life draining thingy?"

I could've lied. I could've told her that it counted. Would've saved myself a fuckton of sexual torture. But what kind of succubus would pussy out like that? And I loved her far too much for turning me into her suffering sex slave. No human had ever dominated me so completely in the bedroom. I couldn't not give her all of my body as my offering to her.

"It shouldn't." I whimpered as she let go of me. "Unless you have a really, really strong oral fetish."

"Not really. I just can't get over how fucking great you taste. I could suck you all night."

Welp. I really hoped that was only a figure of speech.

"Okay then." I took a few deep breaths to steady myself before I lowered my hips again. My wet cock already shone in a deep red from all the abuse and I was bringing it back near her devilish mouth. "But I'm warning you: I'll get loud. That thing's so fucking sensitive by now, you wouldn't believe it."

"Oh, I do believe it." She gave me her dirtiest grin yet. "That's what makes it fun."

I resigned myself to my fate and dropped down all the way. At least she didn't immediately assault me with the fury of a thousand vacuum cleaners. Instead she took just that ring of nubs between her lips and dragged her wet tongue over my very tip.

It wasn't the brutal sensory overload she'd put me through until then, but that didn't make it any less torturous. There was no reason to pretend. I moaned like the whore I was. The tip of my cock was on fire and I wanted her to really understand how much she made me suffer. And if my pathetic noises spurned her on to even more cruelty, just the better.

Trix had her hand between her legs, but she only did lazy circles, just enough to keep her comfortably hot. She was in no hurry to finish. Why would she be when she had such a responsive toy to play with? Her licks didn't get faster or stronger, but she always hit the same spot. That familiar pressure built, but only in the tip of my cock while the rest throbbed in neglect. A fresh load of juices ran down my shaft, but Trix didn't care. She let it run over her lips and even down her cheeks while she kept sucking only my very tip. Why was she doing this? Hadn't she said that she loved my taste? Was she denying herself just so she could torment me even more?

I tried to push down further, force myself into her mouth entirely. She pushed against my hips with her free arms, easily keeping me up with her impressive muscles.

"Are we getting a little impatient?"

I felt every movement of her lips as she talked. Maybe if we kept doing this, I'd learn to read her lips like this. She could block my ears and suck me off for hours, until she'd taught me to understand her just from how her lips and tongue brushed against my screaming tip with each syllable.

"Please," I whimpered between my moans. What little grip I'd left on reality was slipping.

"Please what?"

"Please let me fuck your mouth for real, suck me off all the way, make me cream myself again, I'm going insane here."

Trix laughed softly, sending vibrations all the way down my cock. "You're such a slut."

She opened her mouth to let me in. I could've cried from relief when it finally wasn't just the tip of my cock anymore that burned under her assault.

Until I remembered that there was nothing special about the tip. All of my cock was really just a blown up clitoris. For a few seconds I had something almost like a break while Trix lapped up the thick layer of juices that protected my pulsing flesh, but I ran dry all too quickly and once again she mercilessly sucked me all over.

The walls must've been pretty soundproof. Otherwise the neighbors would've called the police for sure. I was more screaming than moaning as I kept fucking Trix's greedy mouth. But no human was immune against my cries of pleasure. She might've tried to pace herself before, but the louder I got, the more violently she finger-fucked herself. She was pretty close, but if anything, her lips only clamped down harder. She wouldn't let go of me until she was completely finished. I prayed that she had enough self-control not to bite down when the orgasm hit her.

She didn't, but it was a close call. When she tensed up, her mouth clamped shut around me as if I was fucking a tight virgin ass. Her body shook like crazy, but she came almost silently, gagged with my cock as she was. She was the only silent one, though. That last rush sent me off into yet another screaming orgasm.

My brain must've had a hiccup. One moment I was once again shaken by the scorching pleasure, the next I was lying beside Trix, all sweaty and exhausted. My cock still ached and throbbed and I felt like I couldn't even lift an arm. It's been ages since someone had managed to fuck all the strength out of me like that.

"Had fun?" Trix gentle nudged me in the side. Her lips were still shining wet and she had leftover drops of my juices sticking to her cheek. In this moment she was the most beautiful women I'd ever seen.

I wanted to answer, but when I opened my mouth, only laughter came out. There wasn't even anything that funny, it was just, it'd felt so good and it'd been so much and now it was over and everything was great and I guessed I just needed to wind down or something. I didn't care. Laughing was good. Laughing was easy.

"Sounds like it."

Trix let me calm down a bit before she pulled me into a kiss. After sucking me off for so long she almost tasted like I was tongue-fucking myself, only even better.

"You know that I kinda envy you? That thing looks crazy fun to have. Even better than a real cock. Never limp, always wet, tastes good..."

"Crazily oversensitive," I offered.

"That's another plus. Aaand..."

She caught me completely off guard. Two of her fingers dug into my pussy with a wet sound. I closed my eyes and moaned. During all the abuse to my clit-cock, my pussy had been utterly neglected. It was a deeper, but also much more mellow pleasure and I sank into it immediately. Trix might've said something else, but I didn't process anything until she pulled out again.

"Thought so. You've still got a perfectly fine pussy. I bet two succubi could fuck each other at the same time and it would be the greatest sex ever. It's unfair."

She sucked my delicious juices off her fingers, which gave me some time to think. Not that her suggestion required much thought, but my brain really wasn't up to speed anymore.

"Maybe," was my intelligent reply. "Haven't tried it. And I told you, fucking other succubi is kinda incesty."

"Right, there was that. Still, I'd really love to see it for myself what that feels like."

She poked my cock. It was gentle by comparison, but in my state still enough to make me gasp.

"Well, it's gotta have some advantage to be a succubus," I said.

Trix tilted her head. "Sure. Because there aren't any other advantages, right?"

There was something dangerous about her smile. I pulled up my knees just to have some protection if she decided to attack my cock again.

"Like what?" I asked, all innocent.

"Well, let me guess..." She stroked over my cheek. "You always have perfectly clean skin, right?"

"It comes with the package."

"And I bet your bras always sit perfectly and don't rub or squeeze or pinch or are uncomfortable bitches in any other way?"

"That's right," I said. "But that's only because I don't need bras. Like, at all. Unless I feel like sexy lingerie."

"Of course you don't." Her hands traveled to my boobs and she idly played with my nipples. I knew she was up to something, but that only made it more exciting. And my nipples and pussy hadn't gotten much love yet that evening. I could go for another round without a problem, so long as we went easy on my clit or cock or whatever.

"May be a stupid question, but can succubi even get pregnant?"

"Nope. We don't get born. Astarte creates a bunch of us from time to time when she feels like there's not enough of us. So, we're basically made from life force and sex magic."

Trix's hands stopped for a moment and she gave me a blank look. "You know what? Let's deal with that some other time. The real question was: Do you have a period?"

"Nope. Don't even have a womb. Only the parts that are fun."

I wouldn't have bragged like that by myself, but hey, she was the one who wanted to point out all the great parts about being a succubus. And, I mean, she wasn't wrong. Being a succubus fucking rocks.

"Okay, that does it. You don't deserve any mercy."

She forced my legs apart and crawled in between them. Even if I'd wanted to, I couldn't have resisted her.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, you know..." She came closer until her face was right between my legs. "I skipped dinner because I had to have sex with you. And you taste fucking great. I think it's only fair if you're my dinner. Don't you think?"

Another advantage of being a succubus: I might've been worn out as fuck, but give me two hands on my inner thighs and a bit of dirty talk and I'm all ready to go again.

"Sure thing. You can eat my pussy as much as you want."

I didn't really think it'd be that easy, but hey, it was worth a try.

"Yeah, that'd be one idea." Trix dragged it out and grinned as she did so. "But since you reminded me what a spoiled little princess you are, I think you deserve to suffer a bit."

She licked over my shining cock. I shuddered. It'd been long enough from the last orgasm that I didn't scream from every touch. Didn't mean this was going to be easy. Then again, who said I even wanted to have it easy?

"Go ahead. That spoiled princess can take it one more time."

Trix giggled. "Who talked about one time? You're not giving me a lot of calories here. It'll be a long time before that adds up to a full dinner. Good thing we don't have to get up early tomorrow, right?"

It might've been a joke. Or she was really this cruel? I totally bought that she could be. Still, better to clear things up.

"Yeah, right. As if you'd really have that much stamina. Bet your jaw hurts after another couple of minutes."

"Watch me." Trix almost growled and jumped at my cock.

I reached up and clenched my fists around the bed frame. Now that I'd provoked her, there was no way this wouldn't be brutal. I was so going to die. But hey, that's what I'd signed up for.

Logically speaking, I couldn't have produced an entire dinner worth of juices. And I didn't die. That's pretty much all I can say about the rest of the evening. The rest is a haze. A hot, sweaty, screaming haze.

I don't know how long Trix sucked me off or how late it was when she finally stopped. I vaguely remember cuddling up to her. Maybe we talked. If so, I couldn't have been all that coherent. My clit, back to being a normal clit, was still killing me, but I was so done for that I fell asleep almost instantly.

So yeah, that was one of the best nights of my life. Thank God we didn't need to get up early the next day. Trix dragged me out of bed at about eleven. By then my clit still felt sore, but not so much that I wouldn't have been up for more sex. Well, maybe not the same kind as the day before. And not only because it was fucking torture. If I grew a cock for a second time, I'd be starving pretty much instantly from the overuse of magic.

Talking about starving, the first thing I did in the morning was to take one of these giant two liter bottles of coke and down it in one go. My body desperately needed the liquid.

"You were cute yesterday," Trix told me when I sat down at the breakfast table. Or was it the brunch table? Whatever.

"You're a pretty twisted person if you call that cute." And I hoped she'd always stay this twisted.

"Actually, I meant the part after that. Before you fell asleep."

"Did I say anything?"
