Hunter's Bounty


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RJ's original vehicle had been the main cause of disagreement with his mother for as long as he could remember. He'd finally decided earlier in the year that it was time to sell it, to pass it on to someone else who could build their own memories around it. He was sick to death of being reminded how his father had died.


The red corvette had reeked of drug smuggling. His father had known that and had accused him outright in his usual forthright manner. Duffield's partner, Henry Wilson, had heard the conversation between them and decided it was time to sort the old man out.

Wilson had gone out himself, jumped into the corvette and driven straight over the top of RJ's father as he'd left the building and walked to his car in the shopping car park. Nobody had witnessed the event, but RJ knew Wilson had killed him. Now, he was hoping he could nail Wilson, if not for his father's death, then for drug smuggling.

His mind switched back to Willie as he drove the yellow convertible towards the safe house. She sat quietly the whole drive. When they'd stopped at the diner for a bite to eat, she'd hardly spoken to him. He decided it was better that he left her to think about things. Soon enough, she'd begin firing questions at him again.

They arrived at the safe house. A summerhouse by the beach, which his family had owned for the last 20 years, it was bright and cheerfully painted. It was a house set in a place that would clearly show people arriving, should they have any unexpected visitors. The other beach houses would be unoccupied at this time of year.

She hardly looked at the house as they drove down the long open driveway towards it. She was intent on watching the waves as they crashed onto the rocks a short walk from the house. When he stopped the car, Willie pulled out her backpack and walked straight down to the edge of the beach. The only sounds were those of the waves and the seagulls as they squawked across the sky to each other. She stood there for ages, just looking and listening. Finally the cold wind penetrated the fog in her mind and she walked slowly back to the house.

RJ had opened the door for her; the house having been built on one level, she stepped from the ground directly into the house. Shaking the sand from her shoes, she pushed them off and followed him barefoot through the house to the bedroom.

"Whose house is this?"

"It belongs to my family. We don't come here as often as we'd all like, less so since Dad died. But it's a great place to come at this time of year for some peace and quiet. I'd almost forgotten it existed, I've not been here for years."

"It's lovely." She took the backpack and left it on top of the chair beside the little round table that stood under the window. "But I can't stay here forever. How can I help you find the real murderer if I'm stuck here so far away?"

"You'll be helping more than you can imagine. I have to keep you safe and this place is the only place in the world where I can guarantee that. I need you to stay alive so that I can catch Wilson and ensure he doesn't get out of jail for a very long time. He's a drug smuggler honey and a murderer and I want him put away forever."

"Can I ask you a question RJ?"

"Sure honey, you can ask me anything, you ought to know that much by now."

"What did you do when you worked for Mr Duffield and Wilson, I mean before your father's death?" She watched his face, waiting for his answer.

"I did whatever I was told to do."

"I want to know exactly what you did."

"I don't think you need to know those things. They're things that you'd probably never understand. Hell," he said running his fingers agitatedly through his hair. "I don't understand them myself anymore."

"Did you...?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you kill anyone?" She asked in a small voice.

She waited so long she thought he hadn't heard her question. When he spoke the answer wasn't quite what she expected.

"No love, I didn't kill anyone outright. But most likely, I did kill indirectly. I was a courier of drugs for a while. Collected them when they arrived in the country and then delivered them to dealers. So indirectly, I helped encourage a few people in their habit. But I didn't have a choice. My family were threatened, I had to deliver the stuff or they'd pick them off one by one."

She tried to understand what he'd gone through, but it was so far from the realms of her own life experiences that she found it difficult to comprehend his words. Willie moved then, towards him. She held him close. He accepted her hugging for the gift that it was.

Lovemaking that night was slow and languorous. They took their time, learning each other's desires, giving each other their love with whispered words and soft caresses. It was a time for cherishing.

Morning brought with it a pounding. Willie was not impressed at being woken up the same way two mornings in a row. She climbed angrily out of bed, then realised where she was. RJ sat bolt upright as she quickly woke him.

"Nobody knows we're here. There shouldn't be anyone banging on the front door." He quickly jumped out of bed, dressing as he hissed orders to her to hide herself.

He moved quietly through the house, checking his gun was loaded and ready. He held it in one hand as he peered around through the lounge window looking to see who it was that knocked.

Relief shot through him and he pocketed his gun as he opened the door.

"Hi there, Aunt Molly! Long time no see!" His beaming smile went from ear to ear.

"Well RJ is that you dear?" Molly shouted loudly. "Good grief child you didn't half scare me to death. I thought somebody had broke into the house."

"Come on in Aunt Molly. No, I didn't break in. I've brought a friend with me and we're planning on staying for a few days."

"What'd you say RJ? You'll have to speak up child, my hearin' isn't what it used to be you know."

"Willie, come in here. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

Willie came as bid and instantly fell in love with the old lady. That Molly wore an outlandish bright pink tracksuit didn't deter them from having a long conversation. Nor did her huge shell necklace get in the way of a tight warm hug.

Eventually after they had talked themselves hoarse, RJ put his recently formed plan into words.

"Aunt Molly, I'd like you to do me a favour."

Molly turned her head on an angle and listened.

"Aunty Molly, I'd like you to keep an eye on Willie for me. There are a few things I need to do and I'll be away for a couple of nights. Would you look after her for me?"

Molly searched his face for an answer to an unasked question. She found what she was looking for and answered "Yes dear, I'll look after her for you."

RJ left before dawn. Willie waved him goodbye with a tear trickling down her cheek. She knew she was going to miss him and fervently hoped he'd keep himself safe and alive and that he'd come back for her.

Willie was not happy at being left behind, but Molly kept her so busy that she didn't have a chance of feeling lonely. She chattered non-stop in her loud voice all day. Molly found it oddly comforting, she even found herself grinning as she caught both of them standing close together in the old gilt-edged oval mirror that hung in the lounge. They looked an odd sight, Molly's shocking pink outfit on her ample body and her brand new white running shoes, and Willie with her jeans and orange T-shirt, both of them covered in flour from the baking lark they'd been on all afternoon.

Molly stayed the night again in the guestroom. Both retired to bed early that night tired from the day's exertions. During the night, Willie woke several times. The howling wind hit the house and moved the branches on the tree outside her room, causing them to scratch noisily against her window.

In one of those rare quiet moments that happen when the wind briefly dies down, Willie thought she heard an odd sound outside and lay quietly, listening to see if she could hear it again. It had sounded like somebody scuffling along the pathway that ran down the side of the house. After not hearing anything except the wind for ten minutes, she decided she had been mistaken and settled back down into bed.

The last two months of running had given her nightmare after nightmare. Last night's had been the worst, she'd pictured the new manager slumped across his desk, with his blood staining the paperwork and dripping onto the floor. Then she'd seen herself standing beside him with the bloodstained knife in her hand. The dream had stopped there and she had awoken with a trembling iciness trickling through her body.

Tonight though, having ascertained that the footsteps had been in her imagination, she fell back into a fitful sleep.

A small cold metal gun touching her cheek awoke her. Willie screamed a split-second later a clammy hand closed over her mouth.

"Shut up, or I'll use this gun." The deep voice hissed at her through the darkness as the cold metal pushed harder against her cheek. Frightened and with wide eyes, she complied nodding to let him know she had understood.

"Good. Now listen carefully and do exactly as I say." He waited for her nod.

"If you scream, you'll die. It's that simple really. Understand?" She almost gagged as his garlic breath smothered her. Willie nodded. He removed his hand but kept the gun on her face.

"Good. I want you to get up real slow." He moved the gun away a little but kept it pointing directly at her head. Too frightened to do anything else, she slowly sat up in bed. Her eyes darted to the doorway.

At his sneering laugh her eyes spun back to his face. "Don't even bother trying to run for it lady. You won't get more than three feet before I pull the trigger."

Willie pulled back the bedcover and stood up.

His left eyebrow raised. "Get dressed."

She moved to the chair and quickly put on her jeans and the flour covered red T-shirt. Then she turned and stood waiting for his next demand.

"Walk to the kitchen. And remember, don't bother trying anything stupid." With the gun pressed against the small of her back she walked quickly and directly to the kitchen. The lights were on. Molly sat on one chair with another intruder holding a gun on her.

"Molly! Are you okay?" Willie rushed towards her, putting an arm around her shoulders. She felt Molly shaking.

"Yes dear, I'm fine." Molly gave Willie a tiny grin, then a quick wink. Willie blinked in surprise. Then she realised Molly wasn't shaking with fear; she was excited.

Willie moved away then, sitting in the chair her assailant directed her to by the wave of his weapon.

"What do you want?" Willie asked of her short, overweight garlic-chewer, as if she couldn't already guess what he was doing in RJ's family beach house holding a gun on her.

"Well, for starters, I want you to make me a coffee. While you're at it, some food would go down well too. Some of those chocolate cookies I see over there on the bench." Again, he waved the gun. Willie figured that if he wasn't careful he'd probably knock the trigger and shoot somebody. She hoped she wouldn't be in the way of the bullet.

Rising slowly from the table, she cast a weary eye on the gun and glanced at Mollie for reassurance. Mollie smiled and briefly nodded without speaking.

"Boss we have to hurry. We can't be seen here when daylight comes." The second guy was beginning to get a little antsy, moving from one foot to the other. He aimed his gun in Molly's general direction, holding it with both hands.

Molly kept her eyes downcast, scratching an invisible mark from the oak kitchen table with her fingernail.

Willie efficiently brought a steaming pot of coffee to the table, then laid out a dozen cookies.

"Pour it out girl." Garlic breath ordered.

She poured the strong black liquid into a mug and placed it on the table in front of Molly's captor. Looking down at Molly, she was surprised at another quick wink. Willie poured out garlic breath's coffee into his mug. As she handed it to him, she caught Molly's eye. Instantly, Willie knew her thoughts.

Molly elbowed the hot cup beside her, sending it flying and landing against her captor's trousers. His yelp of pain told Molly the coffee had landed in the right spot.

Quickly Willie threw the cup she was holding at her captor. He gasped, grabbing his shirtfront away from his body. As he made for the cold water tap, he tripped over the chair Willie kicked in his way. The gun flew across the room.

Molly stood up from her chair letting it crash back into her captor's shins. He was too busy with the spilled boiling hot coffee down his jeans to get out of the way of her chair. He fell to the floor with a dull thud, dropping his gun. Molly spun around, rolled to the floor, stood with the gun aimed at him, all in one fluid motion.

"Get the gun dear," as Molly spoke, both men stared at her dazed. Willie picked up the fallen chair then collected garlic breath's gun from the floor.

"Get up." She pointed the gun at the guy on the ground. Clutching his jeans he'd been trying to take off, he awkwardly stood.

"Sit there," Molly directed him into the chair she'd vacated. He did as he was told.

"Check out the other one, Willie."

Willie took the gun with her, watching carefully for any signs of rebellion from her charge. He was more occupied with his scold burns than with the fact Willie was now holding a loaded gun on him.

"He's gonna live Molly."

"Bring him over here dear."

Willie pointed the gun in his back and moved him to the chair opposite Molly.

"Tie them both up dear."

Willie quickly found some rope from the broom cupboard, grabbing the arms of each intruder, she tied their hands expertly behind their backs. Then she made sure their legs were tied to the legs of the chairs they sat on.

"Good. Now, pass me that phone dear." Molly made a quick telephone call, Willie didn't know who to, but it sounded pretty brief and official.

"RJ is on his way. He's almost here and has a couple of cops in tow."

Now that surprised Willie. She'd thought he was on his way back to the office site to report in to his boss. At least that's what RJ had said he was going to do first. Intrigued, she sat and silently waited as she held the gun steady, aimed directly at garlic breath's head. Beads of sweat popped out and trickled down the side of his face. But he never uttered a word.

"Molly, you're wonderful as usual," RJ's grin took us all in after bursting in through the kitchen door. "I knew I could rely on you." His hug swept her off her feet as he swung her around.

"Awww, put me down you great bear." Molly's admonishment was only half-hearted. RJ put her down when his eyes found Willie.

"Are you okay honey?" Willie was too overcome to speak, so, as she'd done an hour before, she simply nodded then found herself sitting thankfully in the nearest kitchen chair.

The police crashed through the doorway next, holding their guns out in front shouting, "Freeze. Police. Put your hands in the air." They looked almost comical as they realised the intruders were already bound and unable to move.

"These are the guys you want," RJ pointed to the captured couple. "Take them away, I'm sick of looking at them. I'll follow you down to the station shortly."

"Yes, Sir. Right you two; let's be having you. Mr Wilson." The constable laid his hand on the man's shoulder saying "You're under arrest for the murder of Mr Jack Thomas earlier this year." He then bent and undid their feet. Guarding them with their guns, the two policemen directed them both out of the house and into the waiting vehicle.

"Glad you eventually turned up RJ. I was beginning to think you'd not make it back in time. Thanks to some quick thinking on Willie's part, we managed to get one up on them." Molly's grin split her face in two. Willie almost expected to see her dancing a jig at any moment. Molly was in her element. Willie stared in astonishment.

"Of course I turned up. Fancy thinking I wouldn't. I always turn up on time Molly, you know me by now." RJ's wink further intrigued Willie.

"Are you okay dear?" RJ's arm went around Willie. "Did they hurt you at all?" His look of concern touched her heart.

"I'm fine RJ. I'm just a little shaken. What's happened? Why are you here and not back at the office? I thought that's where you said you were going. And who is Jack Thomas?"

"I had to make you believe that's where I was going and I had to say that to you in case they were listening. I didn't have a chance to check the house for bugs. I figured they'd show up here eventually. That's why I had Molly looking after you." He flicked a quick grateful smile for Molly. "Jack Thomas was my father. Wilson murdered him, ran him over in my corvette. Dad had figured out that I was mixed up in drugs and Wilson overheard us arguing. He took it upon himself to get rid of him."

Willie held RJ close; she couldn't imagine what he had been through.

"But how did they know I was here? We hadn't told anyone," she persisted.

"I let slip to Wilson that I needed to come up here to the beach for a day or two, that I had a little business to attend to."

"Wilson? Mr Duffield's drug dealing partner?"

"Yes." He waited until she sorted through her thoughts. He could read her so well. He saw when the fright had disappeared and then the anger arrived, before she even realised that it had. He saw the anger leave and the resignation appear.

"The guy with the garlic breath was the same Wilson?"

"Yes, that was him."

"Why didn't he fight?"

"Most likely because he knew he was caught. He knew he wouldn't be able to get away and he knew that he'd been set up."

She thought about that for a little while. She didn't realise when RJ and Molly had a quiet discussion, nor did she realise when Molly left the house.

"What will happen with the drugs already stored in the lock-up?"

"The police have them in police storage already."

"Then it's over?"

"Yes, love. It's over. You'll need to make a Court appearance, and will have to pay back the money you owe, but because you've helped in catching Wilson, you'll get off most likely with only a verbal warning."

"RJ will you do me a favour?"

"Anything Willie."

"RJ will you take me to bed and make love to me. I want to feel your arms arou..." she stopped, then giggled as he swept her into his arms, walking with determination to the bedroom.

He lay her reverently on the bed, and stretched himself out beside her. He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her mouth softly.


"Mmm Yes, RJ?" Her eyes closed as she finally relaxed.

"Will you marry me?"

Her eyes sprang open; her smile warmed his heart as she answered "Yes, RJ, I'll marry you. On one condition though." Her eyes twinkled up at him.

"What's the condition?" He warily watched her.

"On the condition you tell me your full name. I can't marry someone whose name I don't even know."

"I guess you need to know sooner or later. My parents christened me Reffriam Jeremiah."

Her snort of laughter gave him an excuse to tickle her mercilessly.

"I think I prefer RJ."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Another fine read


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