Husband is Finally Set Free


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"Robert, this has been a challenging time for all of us. What I am about to say comes after a lot of careful consideration."

Robert's mind was racing at a thousand miles an hour; 'what the hell is about to happen?' he wondered.

"Two years ago, you were picked by Andrea to be her husband. You have all of the characteristics to be both a loyal husband and an excellent father. You are intelligent, fit and strong. Sadly, you were not treated as well as you deserve. Had I known then what I know now you would not have been punished last year. That was wrong, I apologize for that."

Robert was having an 'oh shit' moment as she spoke. Where the fuck was she going with this act of contrition? Was he out or in? He was praying for out. He looked from Mrs. Windsor to Andrea and back again. Andrea was staring at the wall. Shit.

"Robert, I have come to the conclusion that you are the best man to be Andrea's husband."

'What the fuck!' he thought. His eyes were wide and his expression was one of disbelief.

He summoned his courage to speak because if ever there was a time to talk on your own behalf this was it. "Mrs. Windsor, thank you for that endorsement but what does Andrea want? Who does she really want to be her husband? I ask this because I have the very strong feeling that it is not me. If she did want me she would not have had sex with Kyle and she would not have had his child. Right now, I'm not sure I want her to be my wife."

This last statement stunned both women. They looked at Robert with an expression of disbelief. Very few men had ever had the courage to speak to Mrs. Windsor that way.

Robert stood up and continued, "Unless I see a very good reason to stay here then I have made the decision that I am leaving. I contacted a lawyer to protect my interests as they were outlined in the marriage contract that I agreed to when we got married two years ago. Other than what you just said a moment ago, no one has ever apologized to me for the way they have acted. Andrea, you have been unfaithful. You had sex with your tennis instructor starting well before I was punished by your mother for defying the Windsor family. What do you have to say about yourself? I have to be faithful to you, why don't you have to be faithful to me?"

Andrea looked stunned by Robert's question. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Robert looked disgusted. He looked angry. "You expect a lot from me, but you don't seem to think I expect something in return. I could care less about all the Windsor fortune and power. I thought I was getting a wife who would love and respect me in return. I guess I was wrong."

He paused for effect hoping that she would say something. She was silent.

Robert exhaled deeply, "OK, well, I will leave within the hour. I can see that this wasn't going to be a discussion that was going to see my wife admitting she made a mistake. Mrs. Windsor, I'm done. Andrea, I will be out as quickly as I can throw what few things are mine in a bag. Goodbye"

Robert turned and left the room. He walked quickly out the front door and down the driveway to Andrea's house. His anger was making him shake. Along with that anger was the expectation that there would be consequences. He even looked around to see if the dreaded Ms. Patterson was emerging from the shadows to try and taser him.

It took him all of 20 minutes to gather up his few possessions that he could call his own. He left behind the expensive suits and clothes and packed his jeans, shirts and jacket. His sandals, swim trunks and sunglasses were in the bag first. He changed into casual clothes and left his car keys and cell phone with the housekeeper before he went out the door. "Make sure that you give these to Andrea when she comes back, please." He also handed her his wedding ring. The housekeeper looked at him with a puzzled expression; she had no idea what was going on.

He quickly made his way to the gate and asked the security guard to call him a cab. The gate man was used to seeing Robert go in and out usually driven by a chauffeur in one of the limousines or driving himself in an expensive car. Walking away from the Windsor family compound was unheard of unless you were one of the servants or lost.

Back at Mrs. Windsors study she and Andrea sat in silence. Mrs. Windsor was fuming inside herself and Andrea was still reeling from Robert's rejection. She had rarely been told 'no' by anyone other than her mother. To have her husband tell her off was a real slap in the face. At the same time, she was embarrassed by her own stupidity. Windsors don't act that way and they certainly don't get pregnant by idiot tennis instructors.

She exhaled, "Now what do I do mother?"

Mrs. Windsor looked at nothing in particular and replied, "I have no idea what you should do. I thought I could control things like I always do but this time I seem to be wrong. What do you want to do Andrea?"

Andrea looked stunned by what had just taken place, she really didn't have any clear idea what to do.

"Do you want to marry Kyle?"

"Jesus, mother. You must be kidding. He's an idiot. I made a very stupid mistake and I have paid dearly for that."

Speaking slowly, she replied, "Soooo, what are you going to do? Being a single mother is not attractive dear. If you want that young man that just walked out of here you had better act fast. He has pride and character that I did not know he had and showed me that he is not about to live the way that we might want him to."

Her astonishment showed on her face; she didn't believe that she had just admitted that she underestimated Robert. He was much stronger than she had given him credit.

By the time Andrea got home she was greeted at the door by the housekeeper. She was holding Roberts keys, phone and wedding ring. "Mr. Robert told me to give you these, he said that he won't be needing them anymore. Do you want some dinner?"

Andrea looked at the keys, "did he say where he was going?"

"No, ma'am, he left with a backpack. He was walking."

Robert's independence frightened Andrea, she did not know how to deal with this new side of him. She thought about the last time he left. Mother had taken care of things and brought him back and had beaten the resistance out of him. His punishment had been brutal, and he had survived. She knew instinctively that he was stronger than she was. In his own straightforward way, he was the one with the power. Yes, she had wealth, but he had real freedom. Andrea realized too late that she had been stupid to be infatuated by a pretty-boy tennis idiot. Now she had to live with a child that she did not really want, the consequences of her stupidity.

Robert was amazed by the fact that he had just walked away from the mighty Windsor family. He knew that deep inside he could not stomach the constant reminder that he was a mere servant to be used and abused in whatever demeaning way that his wife and her mother chose. He couldn't take the mental domination that was implied every day and in every act and decision taken that he had to abide by and nod dutifully to.

He would rather they do their best to destroy whatever chance he had for independence and to be happy on his terms. He would change his name and move to another part of the world if he had to, to be free of them and their agents of control. Lawyers were the worst. He had listened to too many and they never did anyone much good. He would pay one now to get him a divorce and be free of the Windsors.

By the time that Andrea had returned to her house Robert was in a cab heading to the bus station. He planned to go to the city and find an inexpensive hotel for a few days. He was talented and would get another job in a few weeks; but first he needed to get his head sorted out and that started with a beer and some food amongst real people.

Andrea summoned a chauffeur and decided to try and go after Robert. She had no idea where he would go but figured that he might return to the city and possibly see his grandmother. She had to call her personal lawyer to get the address and then told the driver to take her there. It was about 90 minute drive and when she got there she discovered that the grandmother had moved some months ago.

It was night and Robert liked the anonymity that darkness gave him. He could walk around and not be thinking about who might see him. He was not well known by anyone outside the Windsor family social circle and they didn't frequent anywhere outside a limited number of high-end clubs and restaurants. Robert was in the beach area and was already enjoying the feel of the ocean humidity and warm wind on his face. He got a room in a small boutique hotel, it was simple and clean and inexpensive. He liked it. He asked at the desk where he could get some food and a beer and the woman directed him to a great neighbourhood pub around the corner. He was hungry and thirsty.

Andrea had no idea what to do after finding out that Roberts grandmother had moved so she went home. It was late when she got home and the nanny that worked for her asked if she wanted to see the baby. Andrea was reminded that she was a mother. Not an entirely pleasant idea for her right now. She told the nanny that she was tired and needed to get some sleep. The nanny would have to tend to the baby's needs during the night.

The next day Robert slept in and walked to a local café for a leisurely breakfast. He felt odd not being at work at 7 AM but it was a good odd feeling. He read a newspaper for the first time in months. He wore his sunglasses as he left the restaurant and took a stroll around the area enjoying the feel of the warm sun on his face. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and headed towards the beach area to see if he could rent a surf board and reacquaint himself with surf and sand. As he got close to the beach he began to look for obvious cars that would tell him if the Windsors had deployed their army of investigators and lawyers to find him. If they did he wouldn't make the same mistake as he did a year ago, that mistake cost him dearly. The Windsors could send all the lawyers that they could muster after him but he resolved that he would not give in to their scare tactics and threats. He was free of them and intended to stay that way.

A week went by and with no sign of the Windsors, or their lawyers, he was starting to relax. He had spent a couple of days at the beach enjoying the feeling of getting wet in the waves and let the sun work its magic. Last time he spent this much time in the sun it was not by choice and he was virtually cooked. It took a couple of weeks and lots of treatment by Diane, the Windsor family nurse, to reduce the pain from the sunburn that he had over virtually every square inch of his body.

He knew that soon he would get bored and needed to find a job. He would go back to working in the computer systems business and he had started to reach out to contacts that he knew from his days working for the Windsors. He could do just about anything that was of value in system design and implementation and he could program with the best. He was smart and learned fast.

After dinner one evening he was in a bookstore casually browsing for a good book to distract him when he heard "Robert, is that you?"

At first a wave of panic swept over him. Fuck, had they found me, he thought. He turned and saw the smiling face of Diane. He was startled to see her but hid it well. "Hey, Diane, what are you doing here, it's good to see you, I think."

She smiled, "I have days off you know, and I like to get away from the estates of the rich and powerful. I heard that you left two weeks ago, rumours were running rampant but no one from the Windsors said anything."

He smiled, "I can imagine, yes, I left after it became clear to me that I was not needed anymore. I'm sure they are glad to be rid of me."

It was a bit awkward and Diane blushed just a bit. Robert finally figured out that he wanted to talk with her so he said, "can I buy you a coffee or a drink? I really would like to talk to you. I need to talk to someone that understands what sort of craziness goes on with the Windsors. I'm sorry, are you here with someone? How stupid of me to presume."

"I'm by myself and I would like that drink. I'm not going back to work for two more days and I had planned to stay in the city tonight. "

Robert smiled, "Great, lets go, there's a great Irish pub that I know of not far away. Do you have a car?"

"No, I took the train in to the city."

"Great, it's not far, we can walk."

The next morning Robert woke up with Diane snuggled up next to him. The sheet covered their bodies. Her chestnut hair was luxuriant and covered her shoulders. They were naked and Robert smiled remembering the fantastic sex that they had had until the early hours. They had talked a lot over a couple of drinks and she was mesmerized by his look. She thought that he was incredibly sexy and he thought the same about her. The heat between them was immediate and intense. They wanted to please each other so much that it was ridiculous. He wanted to caress every part of her body, to feel her skin next to his. He was happier than he had been for a couple of years.

Diane loved his touch and the attention that he gave every part of her. His mouth was skilled at pleasing a woman, she knew that, and he did not disappoint her. His cock was ready to please her and be pleased by her. That was the difference between Andrea and other women. Andrea expected that Robert was there to please her without any thought of his needs. Diane wanted to please him as much as he pleasured her.

As they woke up he got out of the bed and went to make coffee, she smiled as she marvelled at the wonderful night they spent together. Robert was naked as he made coffee and Diane was curled up on the bed with a sheet pulled up between her legs. Robert admired her breasts and the beautiful curve of her ass and thought that he had died and gone to heaven.

"How do you like your coffee?"

"With some cream, if you have it, please."

"You're in luck, that's how I take it."

They spent the next two days together, barely taking time to eat, they were intimate all day and night and all the next day and night. He was in heaven, she was in love. She knew she was attracted to him when she was caring for him when he was suffering the punishment inflicted by Andrea and her mother. The employment and secrecy agreement that all Windsor employees sign meant that she could not interfere, but all the same, the harsh treatment they gave to this beautiful man appalled her. He withstood far more than she thought possible.

Over the next few months there was a lot of change for both Robert and Diane. Robert got the divorce he wanted from Andrea. Mrs. Windsor was eager to get this bit of business resolved to the benefit of both the Windsors and Robert. In return for his discretion he would receive a series of contracts for his new business. He would stand to make a lot of money and could expand his business to other customers. Diane quit her job as the Windsor family nurse and soon learned that she was pregnant. Robert was the father and she and Robert were happy beyond description. They married and moved to a house in the suburbs not far from a beach and became a family. He told her that he wanted a big family which is just what she wanted. They were happy.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago
The Nurse Was Part of The Problem

I don't believe that the writer put Robert and Diane together. She was just as guilty as the rest of the Windsor clan. Maybe even worse, she knew and condoned what was going on.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

What a lump ending.Also I don't believe Mrs Windsor would give him any business.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A non disclosure (NDA) is not in force if an illegal act is occurring. The law overrides the NDA. So Diane could have gone to the police.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A few photos or a short video of the punishment and/or the aftermath of scarring and wounds smuggled to the police? And also to a few legitimate journalists?

My experience is that once working detectives get info about illegal activity by the very rich? They want to go after them with a vengeance. Police don't like rich people who think the law doesn't apply to them.

So...once the story is out and journalists start reporting the fact that this billionaire is enslaving men as husbands to her daughters and is torturing them?

The police will be all over investigating the crimes. And there would be consequences.

You can't agree to be enslaved in a pre-nup and actually have it be legally enforced.

What kind of moron signs it in the first place? And then after leaving the abuse thinks they are contractually bound to HAVE to return to abuse and enslavement? Pretty idiotic.

I scored this story 1 star. The premise was just stupid.

Imagine Mark Zuckerburg as a billionaire was enslaving people at his estate and beating them and working them so much they almost die? Would he get any kind of break or consideration from the press or law enforcement? Hell no he wouldn't. Peoppe would be all over that! His life would be over. We'd all love to see him put in prison and we'd all be reading about every prurient detail.

That's why this story made little sense to me. This cunt billionaire woman would NEVER get away with any of this shit.

They'd actually use the pre-nup and the verbiage in it to help prosecute her and her moronic daughters. Really. They all seem really really stupid as characters.

It was beyond belief that characters this stupid could actually be billionaires.

MasterJerryGMasterJerryG5 months ago

Couldn't make it through this story. After all he went through it just ends all hocky docky, bullshit.

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