Hybrid Theory Ch. 01


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She remembered her child though, and that she didn't have time to mourn the loss of her love. She got up, and resumed her run to the road. She finally reached the road. It was around midday when she reached it. She decided to wait, and try catch a lift, rather than run, and scare the cars off by running past them. She hoped one would arrive quickly though, as there was no telling when Obraniaks' vampires would catch up. A car finally came, and stopped.

"Where might you be going Miss?" asked the elderly gentleman, driving the car.

"Into the city please."

"Sure thing sweetness" He smiled, and noticed her eyes were puffy and red.

"What's wrong angel?" and the sound of the word, she burst into tears again.

The remaining months of Angelas' pregnancy were spent on the run. She had sold all of her assets besides her compound, and her casino. She put the bulk of it into 1 account, and the remainder into another. She stayed at cheap hotels, and wore cheap clothes, disguising herself completely from Obraniaks' thugs. She eventually looked up two old friends, who had moved out of her Coven about 150 years ago. They were old vampires, and were going to die soon, however, they had been experts in hand to hand combat, as well as vampire combat techniques, and she decided her child had to learn to defend itself from the best. She approached their door, and rang the bell. The door opened.

"Angie? Angie, is that you?! Oh my, everyone says that you've been missing for months! What's going on? Wait a minute, are you pregnant?! Oh my word!!" The old female vampire Wynne said, giddy and excited, having completely forgotten about what she said first.

"Yes, well, I'll explain everything inside. I have a huge favour to ask of you as well."

"Of course, please, come inside."

Once inside, Angela told Wynne and Paul absolutely everything that happened to her over the past year, about Gabriel, what he was and everything. They were truly shocked, but were warm and supportive as well.

"So what's this favour you need?" asked Paul.

"I need you to raise my child as your own. I've sold all my assets besides my compound and casino,and deposited the money into two accounts. One is for you two, but the account with most of the money is for the child."

"What?! You're joking right? You know how old we are. We're nearing the end, why would you—"

"Please! There's no telling where and when Obraniaks' men might attack, and you two are the best when it comes to hand to hand and vampire combat techniques. Please, I have no one else to turn to! Plea—"Angela froze.

"Angie, what's wrong?"

"My water just broke Wynne, my child is coming, and it's coming right now!"

"Ok, ok, just calm down. Paul dear, please fetch me a dish full of water, fresh clean towels, and a bottle of Scotch."

"Scotch?! What's Scotch got to do with child birth?!"

"Shut up and get me what I asked for!"

"Ok,ok, I'll be right back." Paul left, and came back with all the requested items.

"Here you go! Now if you'll excuse me, I don't handle blood very well!"

"What the hell Paul? How the hell did you survive all these centuries then?" Angela laughed between gasps.

"I closed my eyes, and told myself it was an iron flavoured milkshake!!"

"I can see how that would work." Angela giggled, and screamed, and the contractions hit.

"Don't worry Angie; you're in good hands with Wynne. The old bag'll deliver your baby just fine." And with that, Paul left the room.

Many hours and blood curdling screams later, the crying of a baby was heard. Paul got up, and rushed into the room, to see Angela holding a gorgeous baby boy. He had her jet black hair and blue eyes, but was a handsome little man. The moment the little baby burped, and flashed a tiny smile, everyone in the room fell in love with him. Paul leaned in close, and pointed to himself.

"Here's Grandpa! Here's Grandpa! There's Grandma! There's Grandma!" he said, pointing Wynne.

"And here's mommy." Angela said breathlessly.

"Angela; we'll raise the boy, not as our son, but as our grandson. He will know who his mother is. What's the boys name then?"

"Gabriel; Gabriel Xavier."

"Now then, let me leave, so that my dear grandson Gabriel can get something to eat." And Paul left the room again.

The following 3 days, Paul couldn't get over spending time with Gabriel. Every chance he got to hold him, he did. He truly was a Grandpa. Wynne had to calm him down, and tear him away from Paul so he could feed and rest. Every time Gabriel went to sleep, Paul became bored and depressed. Angela knew that Gabriel was in good hands, and that strengthened her resolve, as she had decided what to do.

On the night of the 3rd day, when everyone was asleep, Angela walked into Gabriels' room to say goodbye. As she neared the crib, Pauls' voice startled her.

"So you're going to do it huh? You realise that going to the Obraniak Coven isn't going to Bring Gabriel back right?"

"As much as losing him hurt, this isn't about Gabriel. This is about ensuring that my son has a childhood and a shot at life. Both those things are impossible as long as I'm around him, and as long as I live. I've lived for 388 years, and that's long enough. In that final year, I've experienced more joy and sorrow than in the preceding 387. There is nothing in this world I love more than this little boy Paul, and if sacrificing my life means that he'll have a chance at living a full life, then it's my duty as a mother to do so, and give my son every chance t living." With that, she walked up to the crib, bent over, and kissed Gael on his tiny forehead. "I love you my darling boy. Grow up strong and happy."

Angela then left Gabriels room, with tears in her eyes, and made her way over to the front door. She stopped in the doorway, and without looking back said.

"Thank you Paul. Tell Wynne I said so. I love you both." And with that, Angelas' eyes turned black, and she disappeared.

Angela arrived at the Obraniak Coven at 4 am, fully prepared to die. She didn't even announce her arrival, as she moved super speed, and ripped out the throats of both the gate guards. She drank the blood straight from their wounds, and her eyes glowed red, and her power and energy grew. She was still a powerful vampire, and part of TFK, so she would die like both. Sprinting up the drive way, she made her way into the courtyard and yelled


Vampires came bursting out of the shadows, and came flying towards her. She was dodging and evading blows, all the while, slicing and stabbing, decapitating, pulling hearts out of chests, going crazy. The more she killed, the more would pop up, and when their blows started landing at more regular intervals, she jumped, and did a back flip onto the roof of a house, legs and feet together, and eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, blood came gushing out of her pores, and formed two ribbons, twirling together upwards into the sky. Once enough had left her body, she pointed her right arm downwards at the group of vampires, with her hand open, and fingers straight. Her eyes glowed red.

"Bloody Rain" She closed her fist.

Thousands of tiny crystalline blood needles came raining down on the group, piercing all of them, and heavily damaging them. She started running on the rooftops of the houses in Obraniaks' compound. As she ran, another group of vampires emerged from their homes, and charged towards her. She leapt up into the air

"Bloody Wave"

All the crystalline needles became liquid again, and a massive tidal wave of blood crashed into the group, and washed them away. After this, she jumped, and continued her ascent on the ground. As she reached Obraniaks' mansion, a 3rd group of vampires emerged. Angela was low on blood, but refused to give up.

"Bloody Fists"

Blood gushed out of her again, and formed four arms, with four huge fists. She continued to press forwards, her own two arms used for offence, and the four Bloody Arms used for defence, she punched, threw, smashed and trounced her way through, however, their numbers were too many, and her blood reserves were too low. The arms slowly started becoming weaker, and smaller, and eventually, they exploded, and blood splashed on the floor. Two vampires drove their hands through her, and two hands jutted out from her stomach. This didn't stop her though, as she kept walking towards the mansion. Two more sliced on either side of her neck, blood spurting and spraying, as though her neck was a fountain. Her legs wobbled, and she almost lost her balance, but kept walking. As dawn approached, she looked up to see Marius standing on his balcony in a rope, holding a glass of wine. He just smirked as he looked at her.

"OBRAAANIIIAAAAAAAAK!!!" She screamed, before two vampires drove their hands into her chest, and they went clean through. She coughed, and blood flew out her mouth, as she was dying.

All of a sudden, everything turned white. She looked around, and she was still in Obraniaks' compound, but the sky was white. All of a sudden a golden figure appeared. She looked at it, and recognised it instantly.

"Gabriel?" she asked, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Yes my love, in the flesh; well, so to speak" He flashed that smile that made her heart melt a year ago.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, it's nice to see you too! Yes, I did have a haircut. And yes, this is a genuine halo, thanks for asking!"

"Gabriel! I'm dying here! Sorry if I didn't notice your haircut. Now what are you doing here?"

"Hmph; no sense of humour. Anyway, remember when I said how whether I lived or died, I was going to the same place, and that I'll see you there? Well the fact that you just gave your life for son kinda tipped the scales in your favour. Since our first kiss, I had kinda been asking The Boss to let you come up and be with me. It was touch and go for a while, but you dying for your son kinda swayed His decision, and when He offered me the chance to come pick you up, I jumped at the chance. So my love, are you ready to go?" Gabriel asked, as he extended his hand to her.

"Yes!" Angela said, tears gushing out of her eyes, and she smiled; a smile that could have mended the most broken heart, and dried tears escaping from any eye. She took his hand, and they flew up together.

"You know, The Boss'll be happy you're finally coming. I've bugging Him nonstop about you!"

"That sounds just like you Gabe..."

And with that, Angelas' body went limp, however the smile never left her face.

Paul and Wynne sat together in the kitchen, and Pauls coffee mug cracked, and split in two. They both understood what that meant. Wynne sobbed openly, while Paul showed a stiff lip. The tears still escaped his eyes though. At that moment, Gabriel woke up, crying in a way that either had ever heard him cry, and they knew he knew his mother was gone.

19 years later :

Paul swung left and right hooks, being easily evaded and blocked. He tried a spin kick, but was countered by another spin kick, which was started just after his, mimicking the exact motion, and it connected, sending Paul spinning in the opposite direction his kick came from.

"Bloody Pellets" Cried Wynne, as tiny pellets of crystalline blood went flying towards him.

"Bloody Shield" He held up his left arm, on which a huge shield formed, that easily stopped the pellets. He raised his right arm, and pointed it at Wynne

"Bloody chains" And crystalline chains of blood bound Wynnes' body, and she fell to the ground.

He then leapt, doing a back flip, avoiding Pauls' surprise attack. He landed, and then took a long stride forward with his left leg, and planted it, bringing his hands from behind him and clapping, the resulting shockwave causing Paul to go flying into the fence. With that he stood straight, and relaxed. He faced Wynne.

"Release!" The chains turned into blood again, and he inhaled, as all the blood he used, all flowed right back through his pores.

"Damn Gramps, you sure you're not getting old? That seemed to be easier than tying my shoe! Hy-uk!" he laughed as he smacked his knee. He then turned to Wynne.

"You ok Grandma?"

"I'm fine thanks sweetie." She replied with a sweet smile.

"Why don't go and get changed Gabriel? Your lift to college will be here soon."

"Sure thing Gramps!" And he left to go get changed. When in his room, he changed out of his training attire, into his sleeveless black tee, slightly baggy black jeans, black Nike high top kicks, and a black custom made sleeveless coat that reached all the way down to his heels. It flared at his ass, and jutted out, curving around. From his waist, it opened up into a V, which fanned out. Once he buttoned it up, leaving the top 2 buttons open, grabbed his luggage, and waited for the cab.

"That boy is ridiculously strong. He's the only vampire I've ever seen who can use two techniques at the same time! As well as the only vampire with a tan, and a sense of humour. He must've gotten those from his father."

"And now he's going off to college. Angie would've been so proud."

Paul and Wynne stood with their arms around each other, looking at their grandson.

"I know that she is. Both her and Gabriel."


So, this is the end of the first part. Lemme know how you feel about it in the comments section.

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed it.



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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I wish there were more chapters of this and badass

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 7 years ago
Alpha Theory Discredited

"...in the wild, a wolf pack is a family, consisting of a mated pair and their offspring of the past one to three years."

"The concept of the alpha wolf as a ‘top dog’ ruling a group of similar-aged compatriots is particularly misleading."

No Alpha, Beta, Omega. It's bad science become popular myth that filtered into way too many things, including lame were-animal lore. Even if it were true for wolves, were-tigers or were-bears would be antisocial, like tigers or bears.

Inaccurate in reality and trite in stories. The "alpha-were" concept has outlived its sell by date. Time to trash the bad idea and do something new.

lucy0708lucy0708over 8 years ago
Need more

I love this series can't wait for more:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This was a very touching first part can't wait to read the next one.

JemgirlJemgirlover 10 years ago
So far so good

Enjoyed the first part so far. Looking forward to reading Part e.

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