Hybrid Theory Ch. 02


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"So Alex, how far are we from the main building, and how are we going to get there?"

"Well, we have to get to the main drop off point which is a short walk from here. The drop off point is where most cabs and busses can be found in Vamp Sect; during the day at least."

Gabe knew that the words Vamp Sect were important for some reason, but he couldn't for the life of him remember why they were, or what their significance was. Instead of looking a total idiot in front of Mu (Alex), Gabe just decided to feign understanding.

"Oh, I see. Well hopefully there will be a few ready and waiting for us, because I've seriously got to get some rest. I also need to get something to eat, as it's been quite a while, and that demonic grandfather of mine denied me a final meal." Gabe said, chuckling to himself.

They walked for a little while longer, before reaching the point and seeing one cab there. They got in, and after Mu gave their destination, the driver set off. What got to Gabe was just how far he had actually run, as their trip began to tip over fifteen minutes. This also illustrated to Gabe just how large the campus was, and he once again regretted not adequately studying the map, the brochure and the website. After another five minutes or so, the car finally came to a stop, and both men stepped out. Mu then produced a card which appeared to have a golden oriental dragon type design on it. The driver swiped the card, and nodded after the acknowledgement of payment beep the card scanner produced, and returned the card to Mu, who put it back in his wallet. They then walked together towards the office, and what Gabe saw next struck him; there were about five or so queues of students, who were all there to check and sign in. A short, nerdy looking girl then approached them as she saw them standing and looking at the queues.

"Hi! Are you two both here to...check...in?"

The short girl was dazzled by Gabe's good looks, and stunning eyes. He then looked down at her and smiled, not even noticing her ogling him.

"No; I'm the one who's here to check in. I just got lost, and Charles here showed me the way."

She didn't respond, and what Gabe said hadn't even registered yet. She just kept staring at him, with her mouth slightly open. Mu noticed this obvious little moment. On the other hand, this little moment completely flew over Gabe's head; he became slightly concerned when she didn't respond.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"

Gabe's asking actually snapped her back into reality, and realized that she had been staring so obviously and blushed furiously. She then licked her dry lips, cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses.

"Yes, I'm quite alright, thank you for asking. Anyway, will you be sharing a dorm? These lines to your left are for people who will be having either one, or many roommates."

"No, I'm going to be bunking by myself."

"Well then if you would please follow me; I shall lead you to the counter for people who will be living alone."

The both of them then followed her as she walked down an empty area of space next to a queue and eventually to a counter that had about six other people standing before it. Gabe assumed that these people were also going to be bunking alone and thus counted himself amongst the lucky ones, as sharing a room meant he would also be in one of the massively long queues.

"Well, here we are. My job is now complete, so I goodbye, and I hope you enjoy the rest of day."

"Thank you very much; you too!" Gabe said, flashing his brilliant smile, which made the girl blush, and smile shyly before walking away.

Gabe then slung an arm over Mu's shoulders and started sobbing again, but this time with a smile on his face.

"You know Charles; I'm getting closer and closer to finally beginning to live my champagne lifestyle! Staying in my own dorm room, going to parties non stop, and finding bitches and taking them back to the crib for a good fucking! My life is gonna be the shit Dog!"

'W-why Is Gabe suddenly speaking in dorky sounding Ebonics? Charles? Dog?'

Just then, the last person in front of them received their key, so Gabe was next. He stepped up to the counter, and there was an attractive woman sitting behind the counter.

"Hello there; are you here to check in?"

"Hello to you too. My name is Gabriel, and yes I am."

"Very well, could I please have your Identification papers?"

Gabe reached behind him and took his bag off of his back. He opened a compartment on the side and revealed the papers, which his grandparents painstakingly acquired for him without him actually having to be present. He then placed them on the counter and slid them over to her. She went through the papers, opened his little I.D booklet, and read through it. When she looked at the picture, she saw a handsome looking guy pulling one hell of a funny face, complete with googly eyes, flared nostrils and his tongue poking out in an obscure direction. She almost giggled at it, but caught it. She then looked up to see Gabe perfectly replicating the facial expression he had used in his picture and this actually made her burst out laughing. After a quick laughing session, she calmed down, wiping the tears from her eyes and handing back the papers.

"Well, thank you Mr. Xavier, for making a long day slightly more pleasurable, if only for a few minutes."

Gabe then grinned at her, and started laughing. She looked up at him and his smile made her blush slightly.

"It's my pleasure."

"Anyway, seeing as you are a vampire, you shall be staying in the Vamp Sect. Also, for the first week of classes, you will be able to attend both day and night classes, to see which you prefer; after which you shall be required to make a decision on which you will permanently attend. You will also receive your monthly bottle of SunBlock, as well as BloodBags when you really need them."

As the woman was speaking, she was sorting some things, typing some other things into her computer, and all the while Gabe was wondering what she was talking about. He eventually recalled Marty having mentioned the SunBlock, and his filling three BloodBags with his blood. Gabe was snapped out of his thoughts when some papers and a pen were slid in front of him.

"If you could just sign these Mr. Xavier, then I can give you key and you can be on your way."

"Please, call me Gabriel or Gabe. And you aren't trying to get rid of me are you? I mean, you just said that I made your day more pleasurable." Gabe said, with a friendly smile as he started signing on the dotted line at the bottom of each paper.

The pretty lady just smiled pleasantly at Gabe as he signed. Most good looking vampires on campus were complete dicks who believed they were God's gift to women, so this friendly, tanned and cheerful one was a complete switch. She looked to the side and saw a pretty Oriental girl with him, so she assumed that they were dating.

'Oh well.' She thought to herself.

"Well I'm sorry, but are still a few people behind you, so you have to leave. Feel free to drop by and visit though, could always do with a bit of a laugh in this place."

"Well then, consider it done; I shall visit you again soon." Gabe said, and slid both the pen and papers back over to her.

The lady took them, and then handed Gabe a student card, and a room key.

"Here you go Gabriel; your student card and your room key. The student card acts as a pass key of sorts, and is required to be produced when you enter any lecture hall, as that is how your attendance is noted. As I said before, you are over in the Vamp Sect, and you dorm room is on the top floor of building ADZ-2. I don't know how you got a dorm room on the top floor, but that's very lucky as they are usually in high demand; everybody wants to say the stay in a Penthouse suite I guess. Anyway, you no longer have to remain here anymore, so enjoy the dorm room, and the rest of your day. Oh, and I expect you to visit me."

Gabe smiled at her and nodded.

"Definitely. Thanks and I'll see you around. C'mon Fernando, let's go!" Gabe said as he turned around having already put his papers in his bag, and slung it over his shoulder.

Gabe then started walking away, with Mu in tow as they exited the office. Just as they were about to exit, Gabe heard some one asking a person in the queue a question.

"Hey; isn't that the guy who broke down and started crying earlier?"

Gabe then stopped for a second, wanting to listen more intently.

"Yeah, that's definitely him! I wonder if he's going to have another one of those moments, because if he does, we have to get it on video, like the other one!"

'Video?! No way, somebody took a video?!' (Many people took videos, Gabe just didn't notice.)

Gabe then gripped Mu's sleeve with one hand, causing Mu to look at him with a startled and surprised look, and then sprinted out of the building, running at blistering speed, with Mu flipping and flopping about behind him. Most people in the office hadn't recognized or noticed Gabe, so when they saw him burst out at almost Mach speed, all they thought was that somebody needed the toilet or something. Eventually, Gabe stopped running; although this time, he paid enough attention not to just go running in any arbitrary direction for an unknown period of time. He looked for, and found a rather large bush which he dived right into, Mu still in tow. In the confusion and bustle, Mu hadn't actually had a chance to put his feet down and run for himself, as not only didn't Gabe stop, but he was also much taller than Mu, so Mu's feet had no chance of touching the ground. Gabe finally let go of Mu's sleeve, which resulted in Mu face planting on the ground. Mu then shot up onto all fours again, giving Gabe quite a confused and slightly annoyed look.

"Gabe, what on earth are you doing?!"

Gabe was once again squatting, and looking around with paranoia dripping off of his face. It's almost as if he didn't even remember that Mu was with him, he just put both hands on his head, and looked up to the sky.

"W-what, there's a video of the most embarrassing moment of life! What if it gets posted on the internet? I'm fucked if that happens! How am I supposed to make women swoon and blush and flirt with me if that video spreads!?"

Gabe then removed his hands from his head, and draped his right forearm across his eyes, looking like he was about to start crying again. Mu cautiously moved forward, intending to ask Gabe what he was talking about but before he could get close enough, Gabe suddenly popped his face out from him forearm, now looking angry as hell and pointed up at the sky.

"God! God, are you listening you bastard?! What have I done to deserve this, huh?! Or do you have beef with my father? Did he spit in your coffee or something? Is THAT why you're punishing me, HUUHHH?!"

'W-what on earth... now, he's verbally abusing God?'

"My dreams are pretty simple; all I want to do is enjoy my life, is that so wrong?!"

Gabe then went from barking up at God, to again, draping his forearm across his eyes, and this time he started sobbing. Mu was truly dumbfounded as to what to do.

'This guy is such a pain in the ass...'

Just then Mu looked up, and saw the bush people staring into the bush at them, with Mu on all fours, and Gabe squatting in front of him crying.

"Awww, did that guy try and score a quickie with his girlfriend, but fail to get it up?"

"Yeah, I mean she's primed and ready on all fours waiting for him."

"Got a pretty face too, I can just imagine creaming all over it."

"Yeah; me too!"

"The cute ones always give the best head!"

Mu suddenly stopped paying attention to Gabe and concentrated on what was being said behind him.

' 'Primed and ready on all fours', 'the cute ones always give the best head'? What on earth...'

As the realization that they were speaking about Gabe and himself hit Mu, a look of sheer dread adorned his face. He couldn't tell which was worse; being mistaken for a woman or being mistaken as GABE'S woman, awaiting a quickie in the bushes.

"G-Gabe! Gabe!" Mu whispered as he tried to get Gabe's attention.

Gabe didn't hear a thing as he was still having his little episode. He suddenly thought he could hear somebody whispering his name, and in his mind, the only other person around was Mu, so he violently turned his head back, glaring at Mu.

"Q-Quiet you little bastard! Can't you see... that..."

Gabe's speech slowed to a halt as he finally noticed the group of people who had gathered and were now watching for any and/or more developments in the bushes. Gabe quickly turned his head back to the front as his eyes bulged out of their sockets, a bead of sweat running the side of his head, and his lips pursed together tightly.

'Okay Gabe, calm down! Calm. Down. Okay, now think, think damn you! We have to come up with a solution to get out of here BEFORE these motherfuckers start whipping out their phones! Wait... I may...'

During all this, Mu wasn't just sitting idly on all fours waiting to be mounted and taken; he too was trying to think of a plan.

'Okay now Yin Li, THINK! There has to be way out of this particular predicament that is neither too painful nor too embarrassing... wait a minute...'

Just then, Mu was also having a brainwave which happened coincidentally at the same time as Gabe. And as if Gabe knew, he turned back and shot Mu a look with his brow furrowed and his eyes slightly squint. He suddenly gave Mu a small nod, which Mu himself reciprocated before Gabe looked back ahead. He swallowed a lump in his throat before suddenly standing up and pointing behind him to the left. Mu on the other hand shot up off his hands and ended kneeling, placed both hands on his head and looked off to the right with an extremely alarmed expression on his face. Then at the exact same time, both Mu and Gabe screamed.


The people that had gathered suddenly looked off in the directions both Gabe and Mu were facing, not knowing what was going on. In that instant, Gabe used his right leg as a pivot and swung around to his right, extending his left slightly. When he completed his 180, he pushed off the ground, dashing directly at Mu who himself had gotten up off his knees and was already facing the opposite direction, also in a squat but with his left arm pushed up and away from his body, almost in anticipation of what was to happen next. Gabe then ducked under Mu's arm, hooking his own arm around his waist and then pushing off and sprinting right through and past the group of onlookers, dashing out of view. When the group looked back to the spot, all they saw were a few leaves which had been kicked up in the commotion and running away, gently floating back down to the ground, and the leaves and branches of the bushes ruffling, as did the clothes of those people Gabe and Mu dashed past.

After just a brief period of running, Gabe slowed down and came to a halt, skidding and sliding slightly across the ground as he stopped moving his legs. The tails of his coat fluttered behind him as he came to a stop, and then he once stopped, he let out a quick sigh of exertion before letting go of, and putting Mu down. Mu himself also let out a similar sigh, before standing to his full height; then bending down and dusting himself off. He then looked up at Gabe with a slight scowl. Gabe looked back down at him with a clueless expression on his face and shrugged.


"What do you mean 'what'?" Mu asked in a slightly annoyed voice. "What on earth is wrong with you? In the brief amount of time I've known you, you've grabbed me and run away from people TWICE! You break out into random fits of crying and anger, and you keep whining about some 'champagne lifestyle' nonsense! What's going on?!"

Gabe looked down at Mu and after a few moments of silence, grinned apologetically and started scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about all that Mu, I just... This is my first day at college; it's my first time alone, heck, it's my first time off my property. I just... I'm not accustomed to being by myself, and even less accustomed to normal society. The way I saw my first day on campus unfolding is completely different to what has actually happened. I mean, first there was the video, then I got lost and..."

By this time, Gabe had stopped looking apologetic, and was now smiling, looking shocked, having pained looks on his face, all while recalling the trauma that was his first day on campus to Mu. It was in that moment that Mu realized that he was not only having a friendly conversation with somebody, but that the somebody in question was a vampire; a vampire who not only helped him when he was injured, but seemed to genuinely be friendly with him, and completely clueless about the treatment Werebats receive. Before he knew it, the mild annoyance he felt towards Gabe disappeared and he was smiling warmly at Gabe. Gabe caught onto this and just smiled back, before resting his elbow on the top of Mu's head.

"You know what Ed, let's get out of here; wherever 'here' is and head on over to my dorm room. I have no idea where it is, or how to get to this Vamp Sect."

Mu, who surprisingly enough didn't swat Gabe's hand off just raised a brow at him.

"Are you seriously telling me you don't know how to get back to where we were just a short while ago?"

Gabe just shrugged and took his elbow off of Mu's head and started walking off in a random direction, heading towards what he thought was the main road. Mu just shook his head and walked off in the opposite direction, out of what was a small bit off shrubbery onto what was a sidewalk. Gabe also emerged from the shrubbery he had unwittingly stopped in and looked around, noticing that it was quite far from the main building. He just looked down at Mu without a clue in the world of where he was and shrugged again, grinning at Mu who sighed and started walking towards another drop off point, with Gabe walking after him, quickly catching up to him.

"So tell me, is there a place where we can get some actual solid food and not just blood? I'm positively famished." Gabe said, looking up towards the sky in starvation.

Mu looked up at him, and thought about it for a second.

"I don't really know Gabe, as I don't actually live in Vamp Sect. We'll check to see along the way in the cab, but I'm pretty sure there is one close by to your building."

Gabe just grinned, his bag hanging off his back and smiling to himself. After a few more minutes of walking in silence, Gabe and Mu finally reached a drop off point where they sat and waited. They spoke about random things until a cab arrived, after which they hopped on and headed over to Vamp Sect. They drove past a few places that delivered and Mu made a note of their phone numbers, and when they reached building ADZ-2, Mu once again produced that rather attractive looking card and paid for the ride. Gabe wanted to ask Mu why he kept paying for things, but decided against it as he didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth and ruin a good thing. They both got out, and started walking towards the front entrance. Gabe then looked down at Mu.

"Hey Rick, you wouldn't happen to know why there is absolutely nobody walking around here would you?"

Mu just looked up at Gabe rather strangely, looking slightly confused.

"Are you being serious Gabe? A vampire is asking a Werebat why there are no vampires walking around during the day?"

Gabe just carried on looking at Mu, eventually shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. Mu looked up at Gabe, just waiting for it to sink in, and when it didn't, he felt it necessary to enlighten this seemingly idiotic vampire.

"The sun is still out Gabe. It's nowhere near night time. Vampires are nocturnal beings remember?"

Gabe looked at Mu for a bit before it sank in, and he indeed realized that it was still day time. He himself wasn't nocturnal because he was only half vampire, and as it turned out, his father's genes were quite kind to him in that respect. That is also why he didn't feel any ill effects from being in the sun. He just looked at Mu and smiled as they stopped at the door.
