Hypnotrack Ch. 06: The Video

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Mark examines the video - and makes his own.
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Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 05/05/2023
Created 03/11/2021
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No sex in this chapter, but an exploration of what is happening, and the introduction - maybe - of some new sex slaves...


This was bad. This was very, very bad indeed. Mark felt almost sick as he pondered what to do.

Mark had listened to the voice track three different times, making sure to stop and start, have things to distract him, so that there was no chance of him focusing only on what was being said -- that was the core of hypnosis, after all. Getting the subject to focus completely and follow what was being said: so when dissecting a script, you had to make sure not to do that.

The audio track opened with the chanting dancers -- the obedience is pleasure, pleasure is obedience that he'd heard all the girls repeat -- and segued after a few minutes of that into telling them they wanted to obey, that their minds were empty and needing purpose. Telling them they loved obeying, and they would remember every part of this video without knowing they did. Telling them to agree to it. Waiting the beat for it to happen -- then telling them to sign up as Recruits of EroticToys. To say 'yes', and by saying such, confirm that they were the property of EroticToys.

It then built a persona within them, the 'Recruit' who was responsible for managing and controlling their behaviour in the service of EroticToys. At this point, two voices sounded -- A male voice, which stated that henceforth, until the end of the video, it was the only voice women could hear: and a female voice that echoed in the back of his mind, saying the same thing -- for men.

Now to understand what they did next, we should note there are two basic things that one can do with hypnosis. Install post-hypnotic commands, to make the subject act in certain ways: And editing, removing, and rewriting their memories (We will include their senses in this category) to alter who they are. It should be obvious that the former is something easy enough to remove with Hypnosis -- the latter is emphatically not.

The female voice informed the man who was listening that they were being promoted to being a recruiter for EroticToys. It then spent a few minutes performing memory edits, to make sure they wanted to build a harem, wanted to see women as subservient, and wanted to covertly collect as many women as possible using the video.

Mark had absolutely no idea, now, if he was doing this because he wanted to, or because he'd watched the video with Melissa and been programmed to. They weren't, after all, suggestions most men would argue with -- but that was part of the programming! He couldn't trust his own memories on the topic!

It didn't stop there, however. It used a variation on Relyfe techniques to make sure any men would not notice losing contact with members of their harem -- specifically, if they packed up their lives and left, they would be forgotten the next time he slept. It added a post-hypnotic trigger that would signal the speaker as his Manager, and he would perform any tasks his manager gave to the best of his ability -- and he was to take a picture of the first woman he used the video on, and send it, along with his name, address, and phone number to a given E-mail address.

When he'd understood this, He'd checked the website once more -- and sure enough, amongst the reviews telling how great and effective the video was: There was a picture of Melissa, writhing beneath him, from the first time he fucked her. Sure enough, he found the E-mail in his 'send' folder. Just as he'd been ordered to do.

So that was bad. He was compromised. What the male voice did was worse.

First, it defined their purpose as Recruits of EroticToys: They were the toys in question. It was phrased as a presentation for the Recruit in their heads, as to how to manage their behaviour: They were things for men to enjoy. Could be assigned a role, and should reshape their minds and personalities to excel in that role. Possible roles given were girlfriends, sex slaves, cam girls, prostitutes, and merchandise to be sold. The briefing directed the Recruit to identify all memories and concepts in the Subject's mind that were opposed to this, all beliefs that would stop it, and delete them.

Moving then into another memory edit, it associated resisting anything the video told them or that was a result of video with every horrific thing the speaker might have found unpleasant, over and over, telling them to repeat it and let it sink into their memory are as incontrovertible fact. When it was fully immersed, they were to feel the pleasure of an orgasm.

The video then walked the Recruit through basic hypnosis techniques -- how to modify the subject's memories, orientation, kinks, fantasies, walking them through the techniques to use, what sort of memories would need to be changed and how to change them. These were specifically for the Recruit to use on the mind it was housed in -- recruit was to take a moment and identify all the memories the subject had that built their sexual image, for future reference. Why?

That was the second last part for women: It defined a few post-hypnotic keywords. The default trigger -- 'Are you a stupid fuck slut?' which would put them in a programming mode, confirming activation by stating they are a stupid fuck slut, making being fucked the only thought left in their head, and giving a summary of all commands successfully programmed into the recruit when the user was 'done' with her.

It defined this as the 'default' activation for this mode, and stated that while the command could be changed while in this mode, if the current template was wiped, it would reset to default. It also defined the idea of 'covert' and 'overt' mode -- to be identified based on the Recruits judgement when given a role, to decide if the subject could remember what happened while this command was given. Why?

Because the next command - 'EroticToys Reassigns you.' - Was one that would cause them to leave their current assignment, and report to the specified location at the specified time to be reassigned to a new role. Forgetting all post-hypnotic triggers they had been assigned in their previous role, forgetting who they had been assigned to, at the moment of collection.

Similarly, there was another command -- 'EroticToys assigns you this role' - that would allow the speaker to command changes in their lifestyle -- Examples given were signing up as a cam girl on a website, or spying on the person you were currently assigned to, but it could be anything. It was a catchall, 'Recruit, act like this' sort of command, that could again, be covert -- the subject has no memory of actions taken towards the role, or Overt, thinks it's their own idea.

Lastly it instructed the Recruit in three things. First, start distancing herself/fomenting arguments with everyone she is close to except her current assignment, with a goal of being isolated from everyone except her assignment by the end of the month: Second, that she is currently assigned to whoever just showed her the video: finally, at her earliest moment of privacy, she was to take a revealing picture of herself -- as if posing for a photo shoot -- and send it, her phone number, name, age, and address to the same deniable e-mail address, and to expect a call to confirm her role or reassign it within Forty-eight hours.

It then moved into telling her to hand any device her current assignment had given her back to him, wait three heartbeats, then enter programming mode.

Poking around the website he'd found the video on, he eventually found a link to a camgirl site -- and was able to match some of the girls listed there to pictures in the 'recommendation' list. A few minutes of frantic searching did not find any of his harem on there -- but it might just be a question of time. They might have been ordered to sign up, and were still waiting on the needed equipment, or something.

There were no links to 'EroticToys' on there, no matter how much he dug -- but on a hunch, he rebooted and slipped onto the dark net, poking around... and eventually found a user selling women who offered (For a fee) a link to a page of all the women he owned, who had been crafted into perfect slaves, and could be customised for a suitable fee to whatever the client desired. It sounded suspiciously similar.

It was now three am, and he was pondering what the hell he was going to do. He needed to strip out the post-hypnotic commands from himself and all the girls he'd used it on. But.,. But.... did he really want to stop? He knew it was almost certainly the video prompting his desire, but as terrible as it was... he had 'Make his own version' on the list.

The thought struck him, as he finally stumbled into bed -- was this how the creator had started? He'd figured out the video, started building his own collection of slaves... then started thinking on how to recruit the ones he couldn't get? Eventually building into... this? His own thoughts had certainly started in that direction...

Nightmares of having them all stolen from him, of being arrested for being part of a slavery ring, tormented his sleep. He woke with his alarm at eight am, feeling wretched. Some coffee and a big breakfast brought some life into his mind. And he resolved to fix this. To do better. His resolve lasted him all the way to the Gym.

There was a different person behind the desk today -- a young, athletic man, his black hair cut short, his body rippling with muscle: emerald green eyes alert with a wry humour as he looked up from what Mark suspected were cat videos. "Can I help you?"

Mark confirmed he was here to see a personal trainer, and after verifying, the young man -- Carl -- directed him to the door on the left of the corridor leading to the Gym, where he'd be met. Mark found the room easily enough, and his resolve snapped when his personal trainer walked in -- or so he presumed the African looking beauty was. With smooth, athletic skin the colour of chocolate, containing a slender athletic body, her full breasts contained within a tight sports bra: her hair tied back in dreads, brown eyes giving him a professional going-over. Her tag noted she was 'Brianna'. She moved like a predator, sinuous and lithe.

Mark wanted her almost immediately.

"So, Mark." She greeted him with a warm, appealing smile. "I'm Brianna, and I've been assigned as your trainer. Can you run me through what you're looking for from Empire Gym?"

He ran her through his desire to build his stamina and endurance, a focus more on building athletic muscle than the build of a weight-lifter: His plans to swim at least three times a week -- he was thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday -- and the fact he'd started cycling to work. All the whole, thinking of her naked body writhing on this table, telling him she was his slut, begging him to fuck her. He restrained himself: that was not an option until he'd made his own video. But the feeling of his phone in his pocket, the video he knew was on it, kept taunting him.

He managed to keep it out of his tone, happily, and she discussed with him her thoughts on his plan: She arranged to meet him for updates every Friday before his swim -- so same time next week -- and suggested he sign up for the Aikido class that ran on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

When he asked about it, she noted it was a good way to build that sort of athletic muscle he wanted, as well as teaching self defence: She did let slip she was one of the instructors. He added it to his list immediately -- this would have him at the gym every week night, which he thought would probably be hell for the first month or so -- but would go a long way towards building the endurance he wanted.

They briefly discussed his diet, and she approved of his plans -- he had done the research! - but cautioned him against dieting: control of what you ate, not reducing it, was key, and for what he wanted, eating more would actually be recommended, especially for the first few months until his body acclimated to his schedule.

Meeting over, she had to leave to her next appointment, promising to see him next week: She walked him to the changing area for the pool, and then left. He promised himself that he'd show her his video then, musing over what he should put on it as he changed.

He spent the next hour at the pool, doing laps from one end to another: His gaze continually drawn to the attractive women in swimsuits that hid far less of their body than their normal attire: again and again, the nagging thought about 'recruiting' them all bounced around in his mind. He was noticing it, now, the way that impulse surged whenever he looked at an attractive woman, and the fact he didn't know if his memories of always feeling like that were his own or implanted utterly ruined his focus.

Showering, he mused the issue, continuing to do so on the short walk home: His package had arrived, it seemed, and he hauled the three boxes upstairs before sitting at his computer. Right. Himself first. After some more energy bars, he went to work.

He spent fifteen minutes writing his own script, based on the pattern of the existing one. He wrote it to do four things: First, erase any and all post-hypnotic commands in his head, and restore all memories hidden by the Recruit, including what said triggers might have been. Second, make him ignore and be unable to fully focus on any version of the video he had not personally created, after this one was complete. Remember it, but always have other thoughts blocking it from taking hold. Third, to remove his refractory period -- That took a bit of research, but he was pretty sure he'd see it steadily shrinking. Fourth, to give him complete control over his own impulses -- deleting the recruit within his own mind. Fifth, to ensure he focused on and remembered every woman he used any video on, and never forgot a member of his harem. Lastly? To make him love any woman he compelled to love him.

Now a stranger might wonder about that last one, but while Mark was into all sorts of kinky dominance games, he also had a romantic side -- that was the part of him that was inviting all his girls round for a meal, to be wined and dined before their use. The reason he'd bought in so many toys, good food and entertainment. His mindset was that he should treat his property well -- and by reciprocating their feelings, showing signs he cared for them as much as they cared for him, it would also reinforce their programming on that concept, as it would match their expectations of what it meant to be in a relationship, in love.

He read out the script in his best hypnotic tones, recording it then merging it with the voiceless video: cutting off the video that lasted longer than his script. He would need to very carefully watch it after this, to ensure there weren't any text based commands.

He hesitated just a moment before resolutely pressing play. Again, the dancing girls, silent now: The enticing pattern in the back, the fast tempo beat, his own voice giving him instructions. He nodded along to each, feeling the commands laid into his mind fade and be forgotten. He realised he could stop watching if he wanted, but chose to focus on what it was doing, accepting his own words. That long digression, mental exercises that started up immediately. A training regimen so he wouldn't soften after he came: it felt almost like a training montage went through his mind. Feeling the recruit in his head be fired, merging with his own consciousness -- remembering taking the picture of Mel when he fucked her, uploading it with his details after she left. No memories of any calls or post-hypnotic commands, thankfully. Knowing he could never forget any of his slaves. Then?

Then overwhelming feelings of happiness and joy, the love for all the women he owned filling him with rapture, and the desire to keep them in his life forever. And he would: He was resolute, coming back fully to himself as the memory of what he just watched, what he'd just done, replayed itself in his mind. No longer hidden, he sighed in relief. Knowing he was fully in control of his own mind once more -- regardless of what changes had been made. He was no longer a Recruit, or a Recruiter. He was Mark. He was Master.

His next priority was purging most of the commands in the heads of his women, and keying the programming one purely to his own voice and presence. This was a little more complicated. Mark wanted to know if they'd been given any orders, gotten any calls, or other assignments. He needed to remove almost all their post-hypnotic suggestions, and reassign the programming one to his voice and presence alone - that is, it shouldn't work if he phoned them and used it, or someone had a recording of his voice: Only if he was physically present and saying it.

He also needed to immunize them from further uses of the video -- something told him that 'EroticToys' might investigate when they stopped responding, and preventing their recruitment seemed sensible in case of that eventuality.

He watched the original video by himself, just a touch of trepidation -- but he needed to know if his own quasi-immunization worked. Happily, it did -- he focused on not accepting the video, watching it play, listening to the script and watching the images, remembering it all -- there were happily no text based commands he'd avoided, and he wasn't pulled in and made to absorb the commands -- part of him just kept saying: 'It's not my voice. Ignore it.'

He spent about an hour thinking about options before he had a suitable script worked out -- it was nearly two pm, and he made himself a big lunch to eat as he finalised the details. He decided to use the old 'pause and tell me' template: The new script instructed the 'recruit' to wipe all the 'EroticToys' commands, told them they were permanently assigned to Mark, irrevocably so. Locked the programming command to his voice and presence, cancelled the directive to distance themselves from friends and family, and then instructed them to pause the video and recount any and all memories hidden from the Subject -- such as calls they had made -- and include any assignments given, before restarting it. It then instructed them to forget all assignments, and installed what he thought of as 'Maintenance' mode -- if he, personally, said 'Maintenance time,' then they would enter an calm, obedient state where they had total access to every hidden or suppressed memory, and would recount any changes or updates to Mark, even those they had been instructed to hide from him. He thought Maximum paranoia was a good idea. Lastly, it would then 'immunise' them to any video Mark did not personally tell them to watch.

He read it a few times, making sure of the cadence and pattern, before recording it -- he actually did two takes, as he wasn't happy with the first -- and merging it with the voiceless video, which he cut down to match in length.

Right. That would hopefully cure the existing girls. It took the bare moment of hesitation before he pulled out what he'd written of EroticToys script -- and started editing. This one would be a little more tricky.

So, he planned on keeping the obedience is pleasure bit, but at the point where it told them to become a recruit of EroticToys, he'd put up his passport picture, and told them to recognise him as their master and owner. To be filled with pleasure at being his property. He then defined a 'Slave' in their mind, and in a similar fashion to the original, made a presentation -- In this case, with his 'standard' commands for his slaves, and adding a contact number.

The standards he decided on, the 'common' commands, he was fairly set on. They would become bisexual -- rewrite all their memories back to their first sexual awakening to have sexual thoughts about both men and women. They would identify him as their Master, someone they'd been looking for their whole life -- and obviously, any memories of their previous interactions with him would be filled with lust and desire, knowing that he owned them, feeling his name engraved on every bone of their body. To get off on treating him as their superior. To feel that both of true love when thinking of him, to crave his touch and approval. To love any other woman he took as his, to discard jealousy from their mind. To feel almost as much pleasure from playing with their sister-sluts as he gave them. To be incredibly aroused by the thought of being pregnant with his child, and to want to see their sister-sluts pregnant with his children. To feel intense arousal and pleasure when obeying his commands.