I can't Stop the Rain


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We walked into her office and she was on the phone with her legs up on the desk. Her skirt was riding up as a result and she was showing a lot of leg. She was a really good looking woman.

She hung up a moment later, got up and walked over. "Hi, I'm Carla Brown. Welcome to the team."

"Thank you, I'm Dana Gomez."

"Dana are you coming to the staff party tonight?"

"No I didn't know there was one."

"Oh yes, we're celebrating Tuesday's primary win. We always have a little party for the local staff that puts so much time and effort into helping us. We really appreciate it and like to show you guys how much. It's at the Hilton. Please come?"

"Okay. Sounds like fun."

I showed up at the party and felt like a fish out of water. Everyone had dates and I even saw Bill was there, although Sammy never left Carly's side and Bill just kind of wandered around.

"Hey you."

"Dana, what are you doing here?"

"I volunteer making calls to Spanish speaking houses for the campaign. I just started this week." He frowned at that.

"Oh, well I guess they need the help. I have to get going. I guess I'll see you around."

He walked over to his wife, kissed her on the cheek and left. She barely acknowledged him, how sad.

I was standing at the bar when I saw Carly talking to Sammy nod my way. Sammy smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey Dana, you here alone?"


"No boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

"Wow, what a fucking bitch, she's hitting on me," I thought.

"Nope, neither," I replied.

"Why don't you hang out with me and Carly. She will share her top shelf Champagne with you. It's way better than the stuff at the bar."

"Sounds good Sammy."

So I spent the night being Carly and Sammy's shadow. I didn't notice anything inappropriate going on with them, but they drank a lot.

The part was winding down and Carly said, "You're not driving are you, Dana?"

"Yeah, I can't afford a taxi."

"Nonsense. I've got a suite booked her and it has a pull out couch. Please stay. I don't want you getting yourself or anyone else hurt driving home."

"Yeah Dana, C'mon I'll grab another bottle and we can keep the party going a bit," said Sammy.

"Well I guess that would be okay." I texted my mom to let her know and went to the suite with them.

I'm not naive, I knew why they were taking me to her suite and I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I went to the bathroom and made sure I turned on the little camera and walked into the room.

Sammy was giving Carly a foot rub when I walked in. Carly said, "Dana, be a lamb and pour us some drinks please."

I set my purse down with a good line of sight and opened one of the bottles and poured three glasses. Carly was moaning in pleasure from Sammy's foot rub. I handed a glass to Carly and set Sammy's down on the table.

"You're amazing Sammy. That feels so good. Dana, Sammy does a wonderful job of making me feel good."

"Yes ma'am," I said.

"Dana, come sit with me. Get more comfortable.

I sat on the couch with her and Sammy looked at me and winked. She lifted Carly's foot to her mouth and sucked on her toe.

"Oh, yes baby. You know what I like."

I wanted to puke. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and they were doing it in front of me. Carly reached and grabbed my hand, "Come close, my pet. Sit with me."

I slid over and she held my hand while Sammy moved between her legs and began to eat her out. She let go of my hand and put a hand on my thigh and rubbed while she moaned in pleasure. I'd never been with a woman, and I wasn't really willing to be. I just hoped there was no issue with the video and I could fend them off until I could go.

Carly must have been cumming because she squeezed my thigh so hard it hurt and cried out, "Yes. Yes. God Yes."

I said, "Excuse me I need more Champagne."

I got up and went to the bottle. I poured another glass and drank it in one swallow. I thought I had to puke and ran to the bathroom. Thankfully, I was able to splash some water on my face and hold down my vomit. I left the bathroom and saw that they were now in a 69 on the pullout bed. I quietly grabbed my purse and left the room. The guard at the door smirked at me and said goodnight as I ran down to the elevator.

The next morning I downloaded the video to a thumb drive and went to work. As usual, Bill came in. I told the boss I was taking a break and brought Bill his coffee.

"Hi Bill," I said sitting down at his table.

"Hi Dana," he said not looking up.

"Bill, I'm sorry to be the one to give this to you, but now you have your answers. I'm so, so sorry. You don't deserve this at all."

He took it and put it into his laptop. It came up and the first thing he saw was me whispering to the camera in the bathroom, "I'm so sorry Bill. I'm doing this for you." He looked at me funny and looked back to the screen.

There was Sammy giving her foot rub. Next was her toe suck. Then the end of his marriage, the pussy eating.

A tear rolled down his cheek, and as it ended he looked at me. "Why? Why Dana? She chose me. She could've stayed dating women, but she stopped. She chose me."

Now he was full blown crying. I told them I was taking a sick day and led him out. We got in my car and I drove to a nearby park.

"Bill," I said grabbing his hand, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to burn them. They will wish they never heard of me when I'm through."



I flew to New York to talk to my boss in person and give him the news of my story.

"Chuck, I have video evidence that will end the Brown campaign and possibly his career."

"What? What do you have?"

"I have video of his wife having sex with a female staffer."

"No fucking way! Do you have it here can I see it please?"

"No, I have it in a safe deposit box. It's dynamite. Clear as a bell video and audio."

"Bill, look, I'm going to run it past the chief. We can't take this lightly. He's our candidate for Christ's sake. If this was on Moore, it would already be online, but it's Brown. He's progressive. We're a progressive site. This is a nightmare scenario. Let me run it up. I'll call you in a few hours."

"You're shitting me? You are actually telling me that you might sit on this?"

"I'm sorry Bill. This is bigger than us. This is the good of the country we're talking about. We'd be handing Moore the nomination."

"Oh my God. I don't believe this. What the fuck are we doing if we don't report the truth. What is it all for?"

I slammed the door as I left the office. I went back to the hotel and called my attorney. The divorce papers were ready to be served on my wife and the lawsuit against Carly Brown for Alienation of Affection was also ready to be served. Mr. Senator was in a nationally televised debate that night in New York and I was going to have my wife and his wife served there.

My cell rang and it was Chuck, I hit the record app on my phone, "Bill, we're not going to break it. We can't risk our advertisers getting pissed that we are killing our own candidates."

"That's bullshit Chuck."

"Yes, maybe, but Bill; remember you're under contract to us. That video can't surface anywhere or it's gonna be your ass. We will sue."

"I understand."

I hung up and called a buddy of mine that's a producer for the right wing station.

"Mike, it's Bill Frain."

"Hey Bill, you're calling so I assume they killed it."

"Yep, they killed it. I'll be there at 7."

I called my lawyer and said, "Do it tonight."

I got to the station at 7 and felt like I needed a shower as soon as I walked in. I met Mike at the security desk and he brought me to the host of the show. It was Miles Hagen. I hoped Sammy got the irony of it.

So they put me in makeup and got me ready to go on live national TV. I was the lead breaking news story so I was up first.

I gave them a copy of the video which I had edited to hide the naughty bits and Dana's face. She didn't deserve any fall out from this.

Miles opened his show with his usual spiel and then came my bit.

"We have with us Bill Frain who has a bombshell of breaking news tonight. Bill glad you're here, tell us what you have."

"Thanks Miles, I have exclusive video of Carla Brown having sex with a female staffer."

Miles said roll it, and it rolled.

When through Miles asked, "Bill, do you know the identity of the women in that room?"

"Yes i do. The women servicing Carla Brown is my wife and soon to be ex-wife Sammy Frain. She's Carla Brown's personal assistant."

"Well she certainly was giving personal assistance in that video. Do you know how long it's been going on?"

"No, I haven't been able to bring myself to ask my wife. I'm sure I'll find out all of the details soon though. She's being served with divorce papers shortly..." my cell buzzed in my pocket, "I guess she got served already."

"Wow, what are you going to do now Bill?"

"Well, I'm gonna be in court for a while. You see not only am I divorcing my wife and suing her lover for Alienation of Affection, I'm probably going to get sued by my company for giving you the video."

"Yes, we have more audio don't we. Roll it."

They played the conversation with my boss telling me they were going to kill the story.

"Jesus," Miles said. "You see folks, you hear it from me all of the time. You can't trust the mainstream media. They had this story and were not going to go public. This is the story of the decade and they were going to kill it. You even heard their editor say that Brown was THEIR candidate. If that's not media bias, I don't know what is. Thanks Bill for having the integrity to let America know the truth. It's a hard price to pay losing not only your wife but assuredly your employment too. You're a great American."

The camera shut off and Miles said, "God damn Bill. If you get sued, we will pay the penalty. Your story is really dynamite. Will you promise to come back as it plays out?"

"I won't come back but I'll do interviews from my home if you'll send a crew."

"No need. We have an affiliate in Chicago. You can go live from there studio."

"Okay then. Thanks Miles."

"Oh no way Bill, thank you!"



"Mama trust me. My friend is going to be on his show, we have to watch."

"Friend? What friend? Miles Hagen is a racist..." I cut her off.

"Yes Mama, but my friend Bill isn't. He's a good guy who is getting hurt."

"Bill? A man? Something I should know?"

"No Mama, right now he's just a friend but I like him."

"Okay Mija, we will watch the racist piece of..."




"Carly, you're too nervous. He's doing great, calm down."

"I know, I know. We're gonna cruise to the nomination."

"Mrs. Frain?" Asked the guard at the door.

"Yes, Joe."

"Someone to see you."

"Excuse me, Carly." She nodded as I left.

"Yes," I said.

"Ma'am, are you Samantha Frain?"


"You've been served."

At that moment I was in shock, but I heard Carly scream.

"What is it?" She fell to the floor sobbing.

"Carly, Damn it."

Then I saw the screen and saw Alan rip his mike off and walk off the stage.

"What the fuck happened," I asked and Carly was too shell shocked to answer with anything but repeating no, no, no over and over.

I remembered the envelope? I opened it and saw divorce papers and a picture of me licking Carla's foot. I dropped to the ground and hugged Carla, sobbing with her.


The Debate Stage

"Senator Moore," the moderator started, "Tell us your plan for... what? Oh my. Excuse me, we just got word of a breaking story that has been verified. Senator Brown, please comment on the new video showing your wife engaged in sexual activity with her assistant Samantha Frain."

"What? What are you talking about a video? What video? My wife is a role model for American women."

"Senator, Bill Frain was on the Miles Hagen show with a video of his wife and yours having sexual intercourse. Do you have an open marriage sir?"

Alan ripped off his mike as Senator Moore was shouting at him about his wife never cheating on him and breaking up marriages.



The man walked over to Carly and did the same with her. She opened her envelope and it was a lawsuit for her breaking up my marriage. Fuck! I have to talk to Bill. We have to make this right.

As I was grabbing my cell phone, Alan burst into the room.

"What the fuck did you two idiots do? You recorded a video? Are you fucking nuts."

"No Alan, we never made a video. This has to be a hoax."

Alan's campaign manager came into the room with an iPad and said, "Alan, we're screwed. The video is real."

"What video?" Carly shouted.

"This one," and he hit play.

"That bitch!" I shouted. "She fucking had a camera. She's going to pay for this."

"That new campaign worker from the party. She fucking taped us. No wonder she split so fast. She must have been a god damn plant. Who did this?"

Alan said, "It must have been Moore, the bastard even had Sammy's husband in on it. How the fuck did they know they could get this? We were so discreet."

"Well, not enough," said the manager. He sent out a text to the senior staffers. "We need to get on damage control immediately."



It was about 10 when Sammy called. I thought about ignoring it, but figured I'd better just suck it up and deal with it.

"Hello Sammy."

"Bill, why? Why did you go on TV with this? I understand you're probably upset..."

"Probably upset? Are you delusional? You've destroyed me. I simply returned the favor."

"Bill, please don't do this. It was a one-time slip. I love you and only you. I don't want a divorce."

I don't know how I did it, but I managed to not start screaming at her.

"A one-time slip huh?"

"Yes, baby. I was drunk and she took advantage of me. I never cheated on you before."

"Then how do you know what she likes?"


"In the video, Carly says, as you start sucking her nasty toes, that you know what she likes. How did you know she liked her toes sucked if that was your first time?"

"Bill, please, i love only you. She seduced me into it. I don't want a divorce. I love you. Can't we get past this?"

"No. you've hurt me too much. Hell, when was the last time you and I made love? Yeah, that's what I thought. You've been getting your needs met by her. I just wish you wouldn't have wasted these few years of my life. Good luck with the campaign."

I ended the call and cried again. That was the last time I spoke with her before court. She apologized one last time and told me that she would never be with a woman again. I didn't believe her. People are what they are and she can't continue to deny her bisexuality. Maybe her next husband will be into sharing her. I couldn't.

The divorce became final, but I still owed Dana a huge thank you, and now being free I might be able to do it properly.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Sorry. Three stars.



AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Not a bad tale, but it died at the end, chopping off one star. Four well earned stars.



AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

I enjoyed the story but gave it a 4 instead of 5 because there was no real ending. LM

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Remember kids, there is no independent media. Even the so-called free media you might personally prefer, use stories from nose to the grind journalists (not talking heads) who are only being funded by mainstream media unfortunately

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You are such a good writer but once again you disappoint. There was a big build up and middle but the end was reminiscent of a first time writer. You gave us all that build up to make us like the wife, the husband knows about her proclivities but still allows her freedom of living without him. Jeeze that story is old and pathetic, you must know what should have been written, warnings, confrontations, demands that she should resign, the options are endless but take a look at what you wrote or didnt write. I think the other comments are more succinct but they say the same.

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