I Crashed Their Dinner - Aftermath


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Just then a man walked up behind Trish and loudly said, "Well, I wouldn't have believed I could raise such a bunch of scheming sluts, but I've heard enough from your own mouths to know all four of you are just that!"

"Dad!" screamed all four sisters, not only shocked they had been overheard, but horrified it was by their own father.

"Yes, and right now I'm ashamed I am. Believe me, I'm gonna have some harsh words with your mother when I get back home. Just what values has she been teaching you where lying, cheating and adultery are okay in your world? It makes me wonder if you four covered for your mother's cheating while we were married, too!" and he stormed away mad as hell all over again.

Trish picked up her phone to call her mother and warn her that dad was on the war path, then decided that she didn't want to have to explain what had put him there to her mother.

"Oh shit! How did things get so screwed up in such a short time?" Trish asked. By now all four women were crying.

"Now Daddy thinks I'm as big a slut as the rest of you and I haven't even had sex yet." said Kay through her tears. Her three sisters looked at her with surprised faces. How could she not have had sex yet, they wondered.

Kay continued in a confused voice, "I wonder why Dad ended that way. You know, when he said 'It makes me wonder if you four covered for your mother's cheating while we were married, too' . That sounds an awful lot like they're having marital problems over this, too. Especially if Dad thinks she's been cheating on him a long time. Don't you think?"

Karen looked at Trish, then to Julie and back to Trish, "And you had to pick Nick of all people!" she glared at Trish. "If Dad is mad enough, he'll hire a PI and discover the truth and we'll all be in deep shit."

A shocked Kay asked "What are you talking about Karen?"

"Who do you think Mom's been screwing the last few years? Certainly not our Dad. She's been fucking Nick, of course. He's safe 'cause he's married, he's convenient 'cause he lives next door, and he's easy to handle 'cause he's a pussy hound and not too bright." replied Karen.

Trish responded, "Well, he's not gonna be safe any longer, 'cause Sue's filing for divorce on Monday. And he's not gonna be convenient any longer, since he won't be living next door anymore. My guess is that this 'two out of three' IS bad."

Just then Trish's phone indicated she had received a text message, followed closely by bells from both Julie's and Karen's phones. All three just rolled their eyes at each other in an unspoken 'What now?' gesture.

Karen reacted first and opened a text message from her husband Steve. It read:

'Just saw proof that you tried to pull an end-around and contact Trish by using Kay on Friday night. You're all four on my shit list. I will not accept this level of disrespect and betrayal from those who say they love me. As promised, you can expect to receive the divorce papers some time late Monday evening. Don't bother coming home. You're no longer welcome here.'

Karen dropped her phone on the table and with more tears streaming down her face said, "Steve knows I tried to get Kay to call you Friday night, Trish. He's filing for divorce on Monday and I can't go home!"

With shaking hands, Julie then opened her text message from her husband Roy. It read:

'You're lucky you didn't try to do the same BS that Karen tried Friday night by bringing Kay into this mess to warn Trish. If you had, then you'd be getting divorced right now, too. Still, considering your obvious belief of a wife's right to commit adultery, and your recent actions in co-planning and executing through lies and deceit this cheating tryst between Trish and Nick, I wonder why I bother staying.'

Everyone looked at Julie fearing a similar text to Karen's, but Julie calmed their fears some by stating "No divorce, as yet. But I did think about doing the same thing. I felt the risk of getting caught was just too high. Guess for once I was right."

Finally, Trish opened her message from Chris which she read aloud so they all could hear.

'Seems you three, Oops, sorry, you four sisters are not too bright when trying to cover for each other. You had to know that I'd be checking your phone and computer for any calls or messages from your sisters. It was just by luck that Steve and I compared your records to Karen's and discovered the calls to and from Kay Friday night were just minutes apart. Tell Kay I am very, very disappointed in her. I never would have thought she would condone such behavior. Even though you're her sister and I understand her wanting to protect you, cheating is wrong and it's still adultery whether the vows have been spoken or not. We were already in an agreed upon "exclusive" relationship. Remember? Or did you three sluts conveniently forget that little fact?

(Trish paused here to dry her eyes, blow her nose and take a small drink of water. She glanced at Karen and Julie, whose heads were bowed, and then continued)

Besides, by the time Kay finally knew to call you around 10:00 pm, I'm sure you had already screwed Nick several times. Thus making the warning unnecessary as you had already committed the act of betrayal she was trying to stop. And just for your own information, even if Kay had been on time to stop you from physically fucking Nick, you and your sisters had already betrayed your promises of fidelity to me through your lies and deceit in setting up this cluster fuck in the first place.

Furthermore, your lying to me in order to fuck another man just weeks before our scheduled wedding simply shows that you have absolutely no respect for me at all. I'm not going to live that way. I'll never be able to trust you ever again.

Don't call, text, Facebook message, e-mail, snail mail or otherwise try to contact me. There is no fixing this betrayal of trust. And don't try to use any other family members or our mutual friends to intercede on your behalf. That'll just ruin my relationship with them and gain you nothing.'

Trish just laid her phone on the table, put her hands over her face and cried harder than she had ever cried before.

After several minutes the four finally composed themselves and Karen spoke to the sisters.

"It seems our husbands and Chris have teamed up and are checking their notes on our behavior as of late. I suggest if anyone has something else to confess they should do so right now so we can deal with it." She looked at each of her sisters for a response. None came, although no one seemed to be able to look at each other either. Karen continued, "As a result of this ill advised tryst with Nick, there's already been one canceled wedding and now two pending divorces, maybe three (she glanced sadly at Julie). We don't need anymore drama in our lives. Yet, now, as Kay suggests, it looks like our parents may be headed to divorce court soon, too."

A shocked Kay replied, "We really are a screwed up family, aren't we?" It is telling that none of the other three sisters could say anything to refute that statement.

"Karen, I guess you can come stay with me in the Hilton since you can't go home. Call Steve and ask if we can come by and pick up some of your clothes." Trish offered. "I have a two bedroom suite so there's plenty of room for us both." Karen called Steve, but he said he's pack her some bags and deliver them to the front desk at the Hilton later that day. He really didn't want to see her as he was still too angry to trust himself to be civil.


After talking things over with Chris and Steve, Roy ultimately decided he could no longer live as Julie's cuckolded husband. This was especially true since Julie's affair with Jerry was now apparently common knowledge as Steve was already well aware of it. He messaged Julie his decision Sunday afternoon. Julie ended up staying at the Hilton with Trish and Karen as she was not welcome at her home either. Roy filed for divorce at the same time and using the same lawyer as Steve that following Monday morning.

Kay's comment about their parents having marital problems proved to be all too true. Trish's father did hire a PI and as luck would have it, it was the same firm that Sue had used to investigate Nick the first time she suspected he was cheating. Low and behold the "other woman" turned out to be none other than Trish's mother and the PI firm already had an extensive file of this long term affair, with pictures, audio and video enough to choke a horse. Sue was true to her word in her text to Nick and directed the PI firm to release all documentation they had to Trish's father. He filed for divorce citing adultery on the Friday after Roy and Steve filed against Julie and Karen. He also stopped all contact with his four daughters as he felt they had all covered in one way or another for their mother's adultery for years.

So in the end Trish's fling with Nick, which she admitted was not worth it, ended five marriages. (Nick and Sue's, Trish's Parents, Roy and Julie's, Steve and Karen's and finally the canceled marriage between Chris and Trish) In addition, it caused Trish's father to lose all the money he had already spent for the canceled wedding and whatever deposits they wouldn't refund. And there were many.

What about Nick? With his divorce from Sue and the suit filed against him by Trish's father for destroying his marriage, Nick lost everything and left town for greener pastures when his parents refused to bail him out of this mess. Trish's father did have a discussion with Nick, but early on he realized that Nick really was mentally simple and easily led by his ex-wife into servicing her sexually. He just didn't have it in him to physically adjust Nick's attitude. He realized with his limited mental capacity it wouldn't be two weeks later and Nick would forget everything and go right back into this same routine. It's a shame, but assholes like Nick always seem to get away rather cheaply and Nick just went to another town, found another lonely housewife and started his shit all over again. Chris heard several years later that Nick was shot by an angry husband who caught him in his marriage bed, fucking his wife and his daughter. He didn't kill him, but did end his fucking career by blowing off his dick.

Karen, Julie and Trish forever regretted ever setting up the fling and losing their family's because of it. All three really did love their spouses, but to them their flings were just that, 'harmless' flings. Their mother was getting away with doing it to their father for years, so why shouldn't they. Apparently, this was one lesson they all learned too well.

Now, their mother was extremely mad at all three of them. Not because she lost her husband to a divorce, and not because it resulted in Karen's and Julie's divorce's, and not because of Trish's canceled wedding. She was mad because she had to go out and find another young lover to replace Nick. It's obvious where this family's problems began and apparently still lie.

The only player in this whole mess that came out relatively unscathed was Kay. All she was guilty of was trying to help her older sister Karen contact her other sister, Trish, to warn her that Chris knew everything before Trish started physically screwing Nick. A task she couldn't possibly complete since Trish left her phone downstairs and was already screwing Nick by the time Kay knew to call. Still, Kay did lose three good brother-in-laws and her father to the divorces that were the direct and indirect result of the tryst and the attempted cover up.

Chris, Steve and Roy? Well they remained good friends for life and included Trish's father in many of their joint adventures. All four of them never regretted separating from their ex's. They each knew they were much better off without them. It just goes to prove that no one wins when someone in a committed relationship decides to cheat.

The End

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kirei8kirei83 months ago

So where was the extra "revenge" you promised? Nick had his junk blown off but not by the cucks. Kay was the only family member hurt in your version; divorce, in this case, was not "revenge".

pummel187pummel1874 months ago

Yup they all follow mother piggy don't they

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

enjoyed this more than the rather bizarre wedding to the youngest sister that ended the original.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit8 months ago

A pretty good follow-up from the cheaters’ POV, but it didn’t quite align with the original story. At the end of the original, Trish’s father was walking Kay up the aisle to marry Chris. This follow-up has Kay “unscathed” yet estranged from her father and Chris. The tone is that the father, Chris, Roy, and Steve will have nothing to do with any of the sisters or their mother. So how does Kay end up marrying Chris? Need some kind of epilogue or another sequel.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x8 months ago

"[She] was beginning to feel it was a really bad idea." - Was BEGINNING to feel it was a really bad idea? It didn't feel like a bad idea when she first thought of it?


"Besides, the guilty parties who planned and executed this cluster fuck were really the three sisters;" - I always wonder about all the vicious revenge against the lover, when it's the woman who cheated.


"Even that late, I hadn't yet had sex with Nick." - She and her sisters lied so that she could spend the weekend with Nick with the intent to fuck him, that's bad enough, actually fucking is the poisoned icing on the cake.


I agree with Finchy, it was too convoluted.


@TheKrrak, in this version he didn't marry Kay.

ttt59ttt599 months ago

You can't betray your spouse, fuck somebody else and claim you love them. There is no love. Perhaps an emotional connection because of what they give you but love = loyalty, fidelity and commitment to the care and best for the other person. You had an interesting story, but the wives claiming they really did love their husbands undid your good work up to that point.

lColoradosllColoradosl11 months ago

I wonder if the author turned 12 years old? Such a bunch of crap. I respect BTB, but this is a kindergarten. Author, you have VERY big complexes related to your mother

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Again. Mom was head whore in this brood of bitches.

JusteenKJusteenKover 1 year ago

Absolute tripe from top to bottom. Poorly written, nonsensical and I'll researched.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

1 star - waste of time

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