I Found My Wife... A Sequel

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This is a sequel to Lotsaluck's, I FOUND MY WIFE ON MARRIEDHOOKUP. The premise struck me as something out of the ordinary and, therefore, intriguing.

I have attempted to contact Lotsaluck several times and he has not responded. His last submission to Literotica was in 2017. Lotsaluck left his story open for alternate endings and sequels. He himself wrote two sequels to his own story. This is my sequel and I hope he approves of it.

To get the most out of this story, read Lotaluck's original story first.

My thanks to my editor, Chris, for his constructive help with this submission.


I slept during most of the flight to LA, and I was well-rested when I checked into my room at the hotel. Since I had a lot of decisions to make within the next few days, I decided to take the extra daylight that Pacific Standard Time afforded me and make some plans.

I grabbed a notepad and my laptop from my briefcase and went down to the hotel lounge. It was still early evening and the lounge was uncrowded. I took a table in the back of the bar and ordered a spiced rum. I told the waitress to bring me another drink whenever she noted that my glass was empty.

I wanted to write out a concept of operation. It was something the military often does when faced with a problem. Its exact format varies depending on the issue but it starts out with the overall background, a statement of the problem itself, factors bearing on it, restrictions and limitations (time, money, personnel, equipment, facilities, etc.), alternative solutions and the advantages/disadvantages of each, and so on.

Early on, I had decided that I would not be an unknowing or even a knowing cuckold to my wife's physical adultery. If she had sex with another man, it meant divorce - whether or not I loved her. It was bad enough that she had already committed emotional adultery. I wasn't certain that our marriage would survive even at that level of infidelity.

Wendy thought that I would be gone until Friday. She had a tryst planned with another MarriedHookup subscriber named Jim on Wednesday and a date on Thursday with my alter ego, Henry. So, whatever I did meant that I would first have to obviate Wendy's date with Jim. Then I would confront her on Thursday.

But confront her in what way? Show up as Henry and surprise her? Would she be sorry? Apologetic? Remorseful? Of course, she would, but that might not be the shock and awe necessary to drive home the extent of the hurt and humiliation she had caused me and the damage she had done to our marriage. I needed some action or actions that would make her forever after the faithful wife I wanted her to be. If I couldn't trust her and assure myself of her future fidelity, I would divorce her without a second thought.

After a few more shots of Blackheart 93 spiced rum, I hit upon, what I thought, were the things that were important in her life: Our marriage, our children, our home and my fidelity to her.

I formed a plan.

Before I went to bed on Sunday night, I looked up a private investigation agency in the local area. I wanted them to find out as much as possible about Jim, Wendy's liaison for Wednesday. They were closed when I called but they had a number to call in case of emergency. I called it. It allowed me to leave a recorded message. I explained that it was not an actual emergency but a time-sensitive matter I needed help on. I left my cell number.

I received a call back almost immediately. After a short discussion, I was told to be at the PI offices at 8am.

Next, I found an escort agency in the Chicago area. I needed a male escort to act as Henry and meet my wife on Thursday and I needed a female escort to act as my mistress in front of Wendy.

The spiced rums helped me sleep well that night.

In the morning, I took an Uber cab to the address of the PI offices. A gentleman let me in, explaining that the receptionist was not due at work until 9am. He introduced himself as Lee Ellis, the managing investigator of the office. After a few niceties, I explained my position and told him I wanted all the information he could get on Jim, Wendy's Wednesday Liaison. I gave him copies of the e-mails between him and Wendy as well as the MarriedHookup website on which Jim listed his availability.

By the time I finished with my story, it was 9am and the PI office began to fill with numerous associates and personnel. Mr. Ellis had me follow him into another section of their office complex and into an office that was surrounded by computers and monitors. That office was occupied by a pretty young lady with short auburn hair and a few tattoos on her arms whose name was Sandy. I stood back while Mr. Ellis explained the challenge to Sandy. After a few minutes, he approached me and asked me if I wanted to wait for the results or have the them forwarded to me via e-mail. I told him that I had a business meeting to attend and to please forward the results to me. I left my credit card information for him so that he could bill me for his assistance.

I managed to get through the business meeting without any of the distractions caused by my personal affairs. In fact, I pushed forward with business meant for the following day, since I wanted to finish my part in this meeting on Tuesday, so I could fly home on Wednesday.

When I returned to my room late in the evening, I opened my mail to find a report from the PI agency along with a bill for their services. I was amazed by the amount of information I received on Jim in only a few hours. His full name was Jim Loring. He was a 35-year-old salesman for an appliance company outside of New York. He made monthly trips to Chicago and other central US cities. He had a wife named Bethany, two children and a large house in a nice suburb of the city. The PI report included his address, the phone numbers of his home as well as his cell phone number and his wife's cell phone number. The information also included the e-mail addresses of both Jim and his wife. There was a lot of other info available too. For instance, according to the technician that hacked his record, he had hooked up with at least eleven other married women over the last several years.

I called Jim at his cell number.

He answered, "Hello."

I said, "Hello Jim. This is the husband of Willing Wendy. Do not hang up or the next call will be to Bethany."

"What do you want?", he inquired in a whisper.

"What I really want to do," I responded, "is to fuck up your life beyond all recognition. However, if you comply with my request, you will not hear from me again."

It was obvious that Jim was in the presence of his wife. I could hear him excusing himself from the table and making some sort of excuse that he had to take this call. In another minute, he asked me again, "What do you want?"

I outlined the situation to him. "On Wednesday, you will be in Chicago where you have a liaison planned with my wife Wendy. On Wednesday morning, I want you to contact Wendy and tell her you cannot meet her as planned because of business. You are not to tell her anything about this call or my knowledge of your rendezvous. I have the ability to monitor Wendy's e-mail, telephone and the MarriedHookup website. If you tell her anything, I will unload your MarriedHookup history on your wife including e-mails, pictures exchanged and details of your previous hookups."

"All I have to do is cancel my date with Wendy and you will leave me alone?" he asked tentatively.

"That's exactly right," I answered.

"Okay, I'll do just as you ask. Please don't out me to my wife. I love her and I love my kids. I couldn't live without them."

"Then, asshole, maybe you ought to drop your subscription to MarriedHookup, or sooner or later you're going to run into a husband who is a lot more vindictive than I am."

"I'll take care of that right away. You don't have to worry about me anymore," he said.

I hung up without saying anything further.

Next, I had to make arrangements for the confrontation with Wendy on Thursday night when she was to meet my alter ego, Henry.

First, I found a private investigation agency in Chicago and contacted them. I told them I wanted surveillance on my wife on Thursday evening when I thought she planned to meet a lover. All I wanted them to do was get video and audio recordings of anything she said or did with her date up to the time they go upstairs. I made arrangements to meet with one of their agents at my hotel on Wednesday afternoon after I returned to Chicago.

I found an escort agency online near the vicinity of my home. I paid the fee to join the site and filled out all of the required information. The agency was obviously interested in screening out undesirable applicants. I needed to supply my real name and e-mail address as well as financial data. Once accepted, I had the ability to peruse the catalogue of escorts.

I quickly settled on a beautiful woman who called herself Kitty. She was a blond who looked to be about thirty years old. I contacted her and made arrangements to meet casually on Wednesday night for two hours at the shopping mall near my home. Then I made arrangements for her to spend the night with me on Thursday at the Cosmopolitan Hotel downtown. The two hours on Wednesday cost me $400 and the all-night session cost $1,000.

I then set out to find a male escort to be me - what Wendy thought was Henry. I found a very handsome gentleman named Steve. He reminded me of a forty-something Errol Flynn. Like Kitty, I booked him for two hours on Wednesday night right after my meeting with Kitty and I booked him for all night on Thursday, although I didn't think I would need his services that long.

On Tuesday, I had managed to complete my part of the business meeting and I made arrangements to fly back to Chicago early Wednesday morning.

Tuesday evening, I called home and told Wendy that I would be getting home late Friday night but that I might have to stay another day and fly home on Saturday. She sounded genuinely disappointed that I might remain an extra day but I'm certain she wasn't. It would give her the margin of an extra day to meet Henry and recover before I returned home.

I checked Wendy's website and emails. As I directed, Jim had contacted Wendy to tell her that he would not be available to meet her on Wednesday as they had arranged. His note was brief and to the point and made no excuse as to why he had to cancel out on their date. Wendy wrote back saying that perhaps they could meet another time. Jim did not respond.

Meanwhile, I/Henry wrote to Wendy confirming our date at the Cosmopolitan Hotel for Thursday at 7pm. I suggested meeting in the lounge area and then having dinner followed by a little dancing. I told her that I had a room booked at the Cosmopolitan for Thursday night. I also confessed that the picture of me/Henry that was on my website was not my picture, explaining that I had to be careful and used a fake picture so that no one would recognize me. I then attached several of Steve's photographs from his website to the e-mail and stated that I hoped she would find the real me acceptable.

Wendy responded to the email within an hour saying the real Henry was more than a suitable replacement and that she was very anxious to meet him/me. She also confessed that she was not a real blond and that she used a wig in her pictures to hide her identity for the same reason that Henry did. She included a recent picture of herself.

Upon returning to Chicago mid-day on Wednesday, I checked into a suite that I had previously booked for myself at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. I brought my dark suit with me and had the hotel laundry service clean and press it. I had my shoes shined. I bought a dress shirt, a bow tie, studs and cufflinks at a men's store. I have a slender build and I clean up pretty good when I want to. I wanted to be dressed equivalent to how Wendy and Steve - and Kitty - were dressing.

At the appointed time, I went to meet Kitty at the mall. We rendezvoused without a problem at the bar of an upscale mall restaurant. Kitty was beautiful and she was ever so friendly. Between her good looks and her effervescent personality, I could see why she was successful in her chosen avocation.

I told Kitty exactly what my situation was and what I was planning. Her job would be to make my wife believe that I did not care for her anymore and that I was going to have my own extramarital affair.

As part of the little theater scene I was arranging, I told Kitty that I wanted her to wear the exact same dress that I knew Wendy was going to wear. After we finished our drinks, I walked Kitty to Madilyn's Closet, an upscale dress store that specializes in sexy clothing for women. I identified the scarlet dress that I wanted Kitty to wear and she tried one on. Kitty was very aware of her size and the first dress she put on fit her like it was woven around her body. She looked hot! A significant amount of her breasts showed and, with a slit that went well to the top of her thigh, her curvaceous legs showed well too. I bought it for her. It wasn't inexpensive.

Before we parted, I bought Kitty a few accessories to go with her outfit. She seemed grateful for the dress and extras above and beyond her fee. I requested that she meet me in my hotel room at the Cosmopolitan at 6pm on Thursday evening. I gave her my room number.

Next, I returned to the bar in the mall restaurant. Right on time, Steve showed up. He was as handsome as his pictures and, he too, seemed to have a pleasant personality. He would be the ideal companion for Wendy.

I told Steve what I had in mind. He was to meet Wendy on Thursday evening at 7pm in the lounge of the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Further, his job was to seduce her during dinner and then bring her up to my hotel room for the wild sex she was expecting. He was allowed to take any liberties with her that Wendy allowed him to get away with during dinner and afterward if they should retire to the lounge first for a few drinks and dancing. That included touching, kissing and heavy petting.

I filled Steve in on the background of my little charade so that he would have the same info that Henry had. He was excited about his role in this real-life theater play. He explained that in addition to his escort activities, he was an actor and often had parts in local stage productions.

I gave Steve a keycard to my room and told him to be in the Cosmos lounge at or before 7pm. I also gave him a miniature digital recorder disguised as a ballpoint pen. It would record up to four hours of conversation on one charge. He was to turn it on when he first met Wendy.

The stage was set. Now it was up to Wendy. My greatest hope was that she would have second thoughts again, stay home, cancel her subscription to MarriedHookup and resume being the good wife she has always been. If she did that, I would never confront her with her present activities. However, I had a tight knot in my gut that said she would most likely go through with her illicit rendezvous.

My suspicions were confirmed when she sent an email to Jennifer telling her that she was going to go through with her tryst. Jennifer, in return, encouraged Wendy to leave her inhibitions at home and enjoy the charms and excitement of a strange man. Jennifer was going to be in my crosshairs after I finished with Wendy.

The reader should not infer from the technical description of these events that I was not emotionally caught up in the situation. I was anxious. I was hurt and humiliated that I could not please my own wife to her satisfaction. I was angry. I was uncertain what would happen to my kids. And I wept a lot when I was alone. I even cried openly when I was in the shower and nobody could see me.

I wanted to make one last attempt to prevent Wendy from going on her sex date. Thursday afternoon, I had a large bouquet of flowers delivered to the house. The card said, "I love you more than anything in the world. I am so happy that you are mine alone and I hope you feel the same."

At 4pm in Los Angeles on Thursday afternoon it was 6pm in Chicago. If Wendy was going to meet Henry at 7pm she would probably leave the house around 6:30pm. I called her at 6pm.

"Hi Baby, it's me", I said while trying to keep my voice from cracking with a sob.

"Hi Honey", she responded. "I was going to call you a little later. Are you finished with work for the day?"

"The flowers are beautiful!", she went on.

I lied to her. "We took a break this afternoon and we are going to have a working dinner. I was afraid that it would break up too late to call you Chicago time so I wanted to do it now."

I wondered if I caught her in the middle of finishing her makeup or zipping up her red dress.

I continued, "Being away from you makes me realize how much I love you and how much you mean to me."

"I feel the same. I want you home with me. I want you in our bed," she said and sounded sincere.

"Where are the girls," I inquired. I would like to say goodnight to them."

Wendy answered, "Jennifer is babysitting them tonight. She wanted some company and promised to take them to school in the morning. Since her condo complex has a big swimming pool, they were excited to go."

"What are you up to this evening then?", I asked.

"I'm going to relax, read a little and then make an early night of it."

I had tears running down my face so I ended the call quickly, "Then, I won't keep you longer. Remember, I love you more than anything. Bye-bye."

A few minutes later, I received a call from a gentleman who worked for the detective agency. He was in the lobby and was waiting for me to brief him on the situation. As it turned out he was there with his wife who occasionally helped him in his work. They were a cute, middle-aged couple and were dressed nicely for the evening. The detective explained that in this situation a couple would be much less noticeable than a single man, both in the restaurant and in the lounge. The wife said she was happy to be out on a date at such a swanky hotel with her husband even though it was work. I explained what I wanted and gave them pictures of Wendy and Steve. They were to keep me informed on the activities of Wendy and 'Henry' and deliver whatever evidence they gathered to me in my hotel room later in the night.

At 6:30pm, Kitty showed up in my room. She was movie-star beautiful and extremely sexy in the red dress. I told her that my prayer was that Wendy would not show. I hoped she would return home before going through with her planned adultery. Kitty was sympathetic. She poured me a glass of wine and tried to get me to relax.

She noted that I had a point-and-shoot camera on the bar counter. I picked it up and tried to show her how it worked but my fingers were too shaky. I explained that it was set to take multiple pictures once the button was depressed. It would take flash pictures automatically as fast as the flash could recharge itself, about one-half second.

Kitty took the camera from me, looked it over for a few minutes and then took a number of practice pictures. "Why don't you let me take the pictures for you," she said. "You just concentrate on the situation and do what you have to do." I thought that was a great idea and said thank you. At that point she approached me, put her arm around me and took a few selfie pictures of us. After looking at them, she said, "We make a cute couple."

A few minutes after 7pm, the PI called me to say that Henry was seated at the bar and he had spotted Wendy entering the lounge. An attached picture showed Henry and Wendy both sitting at the bar shaking hands. Wendy looked sumptuous in her revealing red cocktail dress.

I paced the room, imagining what must be going on between Steve and my wife. Kitty tried to calm me down by talking about the situation but nothing really helped. At one point she said, "You must love her very much otherwise you wouldn't go to this much trouble and expense to out her. And," she added, "you wouldn't be this hurt. I wish I had someone to love me that much."