I Stumbled into a Daily Blowjob Ch. 06


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Andy held me to unload in my mouth... but I wanted him to and I like the way he tastes...what an exciting experience... I want more...

Why am I thinking these thoughts, why do I feel this way?

Andy always compliments me for the effort I make to be noticed... both my silly self as well as my appearance for the first time in my life...

I've noticed how Andy looks at Ashley... but he's a man and she is a pretty young girl, right?.... But I think she enjoys it the way I do.... She needs that confidence.... Why doesn't that bother me?...

Andy is such a respectful, good, hardworking man.... a real man, with a man's cock... will he take more control like this morning?...

I'm not going to suppress myself anymore... It's exciting to explore and act on my desires... I love this feeling...

I want Andy as happy as he has made me... he deserves that....

Am I falling in love?...or am I just lost in lust?... I want these feelings to continue...


I pull up to lot 38 and back into the rough-in gravel drive...the bricklayers have made up a scaffolding up out of the mud... scraps of plywood are lying about for the hod carrier to wheelbarrow fresh mortar around the house...I roll my window down as Steve plods through an area of mud to get his check...

"8500 brick, correct?..sucks the weather kept you home a couple days this week" as I handed Steve an envelope. Steve has been laying brick for me the last five years...he's a dependable sub and has an excellent crew of three working for him. We're about the same age and have become great friends as well.

"Yea man... but the forecast is good and the guys wanna work tomorrow too for a good check next week...I see us finishing the last 12,000 by end of day Thursday".

"Love it Steve! Seen my electrician today?...I have a check for Gary.

"Nope, not today"

"I guess he'll get hold of me.. Been watching the games?" I ask

"Oh yea...bunch of upsets...you up for Sunday"?... Steve smiles

"You bet...first game is at 2, come on over early, shoot some pool if ya want...gotta run"...and off I go to lot 56...

I hit the road and just like yesterday I am becoming consumed thinking about Jill... sitting with her, passing time in a boardroom exactly one week ago... just finished seducing me into letting her suck my cock this morning.

Not that I'm complaining, but what have I gotten myself into?... I've been a five year plan guy and this has thrown me a major curve ball... Who wouldn't want Jill sucking their cock, but I have no idea where Jill's new found self is goingI... It may branch off into different interests other than sex... It's really fun right now, but I work a lot and chances are she will move on after using me as her rebound infatuation... I can't let myself be distracted from my goals...

...But, damn it!... Am I overthinking this?... I'm really liking the person, Jill, more and more as each day passes and that's starting to scare me... and it's not just the sex... she is fucking beautiful, her exotic facial features, she's fit, damn is she fit!... but funny, a great conversationalist, and she carries herself with so much style!... A woman like her doesn't come around very often, if ever... as they say, Jill fell from heaven right into my arms.

I'm making my runs and it's getting later than I wanted...by the time I get home, no need to get all saw dusty for just a couple hours... I have all day tomorrow to get a lot done in the shop.... It dawns on me... I've been obsessing about Jill all day... and yet I need to see about getting another reservation.

I pull over into a parking lot and find the HBA number on my phone and make the call. I got a lady named Karen... "This is Andy" I tell her and then my circumstance and need an extra reservation, and it needs to be at the same table with me.

"There are a few left, but mating at the same table? I may not be able to make that happen".. Karen informs me.... "What's the last name Andy?"

"Burnside...Andrew Burnside" I reply and there is a paused silence, keyboard clicks in the background.

"Oh.. I see you here...and you're nominated for an office, right"?

"Yes, that's me"..I'm trying to be patient.... More keyboard clicks.

"Give me a minute Andy... let me see what I can do"... keyboard clicks in the background.

"Sorry for taking so long... it's the same as last year, eight to a table... I found a few with a single reservation I've shuffled to get you and your date together as close to the stage as I can... it's a special night for a nominee, congratulations!!"....she informed me, all upbeat. "You want me to reserve it?... I can send both reservations to your phone, and send you a separate invoice...that be ok"?

"Yes, please do" I reply

"Name, please"?

"Jill Whitehouse" thinking what luck!

"Very good, you're all set for two, I'm sending to your phone now.!"

"Thanks so much Karen".


I've delivered all the checks but one... Gary texted me a few minutes ago, so I headed back to lot 38 to give him his check, and passed by Party World... reminding me to pick up more Appleton.

Gary thanks me for my extra trip. I checked the time, 3:20, and it's Friday so I'm not going to get started on anything else today, but I could use a haircut. Next week is going to be good weather and this is my best chance to take care of this shaggy hair before next Saturday.

I used to go to one of those coed type chain places, but I found this little old school barber shop in the same strip shopping center as Party World a couple years back... It's a throwback, always a couple old guys hanging out talking sports and politics with Len, the single barber who is damn good at his profession.

Len immigrated from Dubrovnik 20 years ago, and speaks pretty good broken English. It's a hoot to sit in the chair listening to these old retired guys. It's funny too... a haircut can take 10 minutes or 45 minutes, depending on how busy he is.

I walk in... Aundey!.. Is goodt to see you my frien!.. I be white widt you... 10 minants. I warm you a towel, we do a shafva today?".. I've had his hot shave a couple times.. Pretty awesome, but not today.

"And you to Len... nope, no shave today, just let me run down to the store and be right back". Everyone calls him Len because we can't pronounce his full name correctly.


Jill had changed into her "mom" clothes, she and Ashley are on the way back to the house from school. Ashley is excitedly asking Jill if Lana can come over and spend the night. She's told her all about the house and Andy.... Lana is anxious to see the new digs she's living in and curious about this Andy guy that Ashley babbled about all day..

"Andy is taking us to dinner tight, I don't think tonight is a good night... and I could use your help tomorrow getting the kitchen squared away"

"I'll help Mom... so maybe tomorrow night then!"? Ashley accepts tonight isn't good, but excitedly pushes.

"Ashley... remember it's only been a couple of days... you know he has friends come over on Sunday... we don't want Andy feeling like we're taking over his house honey."

"I know, you're right Mom... but what if I drop a hint at dinner?... we wouldn't go downstairs Sunday... maybe see what Andy says?"

"You know how Andy has been with you... that's not playing fair!"... a little laugh as Jill shakes her head.

Ashley smiles at her Moms comment, sits back and drops the subject for now, and sends Lana a text that she's working on it.


I walk in from the garage, around 5:30 or so, carrying two bottles of Appelton. The girls are working in the kitchen, discussing the best place for what...

"Hi Andy!"... Ashley has the biggest smile... She just warms my heart.

"Oh Andy" Jill puts her hand over her mouth... "I forgot to get the pineapple and cranberry... I'll run up there now and pick it up"..

"No, no... we can stop and grab it on the way to dinner... no worries".

Jill lets go a little sigh of relief... "We can stop working in the kitchen anytime you want to go".

"I need to grab a quick shower first... if you two are ready then, I know games will be on in the restaurant, but I would still like to get back and watch on the big screen downstairs."

"I am so looking forward to a margarita after today... Ashley honey, let's wrap up for tonight so we can get changed".


I'm waiting for Jill on the loveseat with Ashley. She's wearing skin tight leggings, the waistband is high, just letting her belly button show, and a loose fitting long sleeve crop top that drops straight down from her breasts...she's wearing a bra, so there shouldn't be any accidental displays. Her hair looks extraordinarily beautiful tonight, falling down her back, past her top, in thick bouncy waves. I don't know why, but I'm anxious waiting, I'm in a pair of stone washed jeans and dark violet polo shirt and sort of feeling underdressed to ask Jill out on a date,

A couple minutes pass and Jill comes out, "Looks like everyone is waiting on me"? As Ashley and I stand up, ready to leave.

Jill is wearing a nice pair of stretchy jeans that fit snug, her wedges and her ass looks great on top of that combo and a loose fitting long sleeve sweater that falls naturally between her breasts. Her hair is perfect, her makeup is perfect, she's wearing a tiny gold chain necklace and a pair of gold hoop earrings... She looks as stunning as last night, but more conservatively dressed, casual like a mom, but a hot mom nonetheless... My anxiety quickly diminishes...

"You look stunning as always Jill"

"Andy, you always say the nicest things, thank you".. Just a tiny blush through her smile. "You look pretty handsome yourself."

Ashley is texting as Jill sees her wearing leggings that pull up in her crotch and cheeks leaving little to the imagination. Her tummy exposed... "Are you really wearing that to dinner... um, a little revealing wouldn't you say"?

Ashley looks up at Jill... "Well... you do Mom"...

"For my workouts...but not in public, honey!"...

Ashley doesn't speak back to her mom, rather just looks at Jill with a "Duh...yes, but all the time in front of Andy"..on her face...

It's the first time I've seen Ashley challenge her mom. Jill doesn't say anything... what can she say after the past three days... there will be no arguing tonight... not in front of me.

"I guess we're ready to go then"? I ask Jill and off we go to the garage.


I decide on driving my truck, it's a two year old HIgh Country Silverado crew cab... leather, heated/power seats... every option available is in this package and while the outside is dirtied up from weather, same as Jill's Escape, I keep the inside clean... It's much roomier and I'm familiar with the controls.

We swing by the grocery and Jill insists on going in after the pineapple and cranberry while Ashley and I wait in the truck.

"The inside is nice Andy... I didn't know trucks were like this"

"Thanks sweetheart... I like it"... looking in the rear view, Ashley is texting.. And smiling at her screen.

Out of the blue, she looks up in my mirror, "Have you and Mom been dating... you know, before we moved in"?

"No sweetheart... why would you ask that".

"You two seem... I dunno... to like each other a lot."

"Well Ashley... I like you a lot too."

"Andy... I was thinking... well... would it be ok if Lana spent the night tomorrow night?... I'm a little excited to show her my room... and your man cave too."

"I don't care sweetheart, it would be nice to meet your friend... but you know anything like that is up to your mom."

The door opens and Jill gets in caring two heavy plastic bags with the juices... "all set"


We are sitting in a booth at the restaurant, I slid in first and Jill sits beside me, Ashley across from us looking over the menu.

"So, a margarita Jill, frozen?..salt?..and what about you sweetheart"?

"Perfect...that's the way I like."

"I don't know... a coke I guess"... looking up from her phone.

"Something I want to ask you Jill once we get done with dinner, don't let me forget"... as if it's no big deal.

The waiter comes by to take drink orders... "We'll have 2 margaritas, frozen, salt... and a virgin daiquiri"....Ashley gives a little smile...Jill and I are having margaritas, and she's feeling like an adult in the restaurant crowd...

The food arrives and everyone has a plate full... The way Jill has been lately, I would have thought she would be rubbing my cock under the table by now, making faces at me, teasing me in public or something of the silly sort she's been up to... but no, she is the perfect mom, the lady I've known from the office... and I like that.

The waiter comes back and clears the table, asks if we want another drink.

"Not for me, I have to drive... What about you girls, another?

Both the girls opt out... maybe because I didn't get another, knowing I want to get back the the TV,

"What is it you wanted to ask Andy?"

I take a breath...Jill made sure she looks beautiful again tonight, proper posture, the classy woman that she is, taking the last sips of her margarita.

It's been a few years since I've asked a woman out on an official date and I'm sorting in my head... don't come across as a stumbling dumbass. I think to myself,..."Well, the annual HBA dinner is next Saturday, but I purchased my reservation a month ago and I was thinking today... um... l made a call and managed to get another last minute reservation... I thought you might like to join me?"

Jill is silent for a few seconds, processing what's happening..."Really?...um... I guess... Sure!"

"What's an HBA?" Ashley curiously asks, her eyes are fixated on her phone..

"The Home Builders Association, sweetheart."

"I'm vaguely familiar...I've heard it mentioned around the office...What should I expect Andy...I mean what do you do, what should I wear?" Jill has a puzzled look, and it dawns on me she hasn't a clue what it is.

"Mom... isn't that your birthday?"... Ashley looks up at her mom all smiles.. Jill looks back at her with a touch of scorn for mentioning it..

"JIll?... it's your birthday?.. Why has no one mentioned that to me?... if there's something else you have planned... or rather do, that's ok, I didn't know."

"Because I didn't want you to make a big deal of it Andy... you have done so much for us already" Jill assures me... "I had no plans, really..."

"Ok then, let me backup a second. First, it's not a bunch of builders talking shop all night... The HBA dinner only happens once a year.... Members and associate members can attend with a guest, and new officers are announced and recognized for the five officers and five board members for the coming year... that's the extent of business, maybe 30 minutes.".. I'm explaining the reason for the dinner as simply as possible

"It's a really nice affair Jill... in the Hilton Ballroom...usually about 250 to 300 people attend... At 6 pm is a cocktail mixer, then seated at 7 for a white tablecloth dinner with waiters, it's not a buffet. Around 8 there will be a little talk about the coming year for the building industry followed by announcing the new officers and board members while finishing dinner and dessert being served. At 9 a variety band entertains for dancing and an open bar until midnight."

Jill is listening intently.

"I usually have a drink after dessert while I listen to the band for four or five songs and I'm home by 10:30...the same band has been booked several years...9 piece with the horn section... They are really good, and the female singer is awesome....I've never had a lady friend accompany me to stay and dance.... I thought you might enjoy a dress up night out."

Jill places a hand and my hand... her lips are parted open a bit, eyes opened wide... "Yes, yes...that sounds wonderful, but how should I dress?"

Ashley is smiling from ear to ear, taking this all in.... "Wow mom, what an awesome night to spend your birthday"!

"Well, the ladies dress anywhere from business casual, to decked out Hollywood Premiere night, or anywhere in between...I usually wear dress pants and a dress jacket."

"I don't know what I would wear Andy?" Jill is in a dead stare into nowhere.

I pull Jill's chin to look at me..."Honestly...a woman as beautiful as you...I would like elegance on my arm, Jill... the one everyone notices at the mixer" I offer with a sincere smile.

Ashley is silent, her eyes wide open and excited... thinking, where is this going?

Jill's lips still parted with a semi shocked expression at my suggestion..."Andy...I don't know what to say...I'm not sure I have elegant in my closet, We...I..never go to this sort of thing."

"Jill... I've had a very good year, this is your birthday... and this night is important to me." ...with a seriousness in my voice..."I'm sorry it's such short notice, but you have a full week to go shopping on my card....Please... I want you to buy a dress... something elegant that you feel beautiful in...shoes, a bag... your nails, your hair done, whatever would make you feel special for the night... and I won't take no for an answer."

Jill is melting..."Oh Andy".... Her eyes are getting misty... " I couldn't do that.'"

"You can and you will!'"... I assured her..."this is what I want, ok?...and if Ashley wants to keep you company, take her with you... get her hair and nails done too... Jill, this is an important night for me too," I repeated again.

Ashley is in excited disbelief..."I know just the style of dress and shoes for you...this is exciting Mom!"...she starts searching on her phone..

Jill is staring at me, almost in a trance, not saying a word.

"Jill...I have been going to this dinner alone for several years and this will be such a treat to have you with me."

"Look at this Mom, you would look great in this!" snapping Jill out her trance as Ashley comes around and scoots in on the end of the booth bench to show Jill... "We should search on your Ipad when we get home. for larger pictures."

"Ashley, that is pretty.... I just don't know... it's been so long since I shopped formal"...Jill looks back at me with an almost blank stare...like...I'm looking at evening dresses?... What just happened?

"So it's a date?"

"Yes Andy, I would love to go with you!"

"Ok then".. as I attempt to scoot, indicating I'm ready to leave..."I know nothing about fashion, so you girls have it...my only suggestion...select shoes you can dance in!" and give Jill a wink...

Ashley is standing as Jill scoots out of the booth giggling, "Don't worry Andy, I'lI make sure she is all dolled up for you."...

I'm last to get out as Ashley has made her way half way out of the restaurant... Jill waits for me and as we walk towards the door I feel her take hold of my fingertips as we walk...


The girls babble all the way home about clothes, hairstyles, shoes... I just drive silent, listening to the excitement.

Home again, I go straight to my room and into my PJ's, walk back into the kitchen and notice the backs of the girls sitting on the loveseat together, Ipad between them, scrolling and talking about hairstyles...

I let them have the moment, head downstairs without a word, pour a drink and head to the TV and turn on the games. I don't know whether to expect Jill to come down or not as I text back and forth with my buddies to see who will be over Sunday.

About 30 minutes pass and Ashley shows up, standing in front of me, the TV blocked... the light from behind highlighting her leg gap and that edible teen pussy mound bulging in those leggings, dead in front of my TV view.