I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch. 05


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"I have some chores to finish," Scott said. He then walked away. A swell of relief swept over Madeline. Her husband had not succumbed to the wiley temptress! He was not an adulterer!

The clip ended. The replay icon splashed over the top of it. Madeline found herself grinning like a schoolgirl.

'Thank God,' Madeline said, hitting the little phone icon next to Shelly's name. Now that Scott had shown his true colors - that he wasn't going to cheat on her no matter how hard Shelly tried to make it happen - Madeline felt it was ok to call Shelly. The game was over.

--- ---

Shelly had her lips wrapped around Scott's cock when her iPhone started to ring. She was now topless, bottomless, and completely naked - as was Scott - both of their swimsuits tossed unceremoniously aside on the pool deck. Scott was standing on the edge of the towel. Shelly was kneeling at his feet.

Shelly ignored the ringing phone, even though she recognized Madeline's ringtone.

"My wife is calling you," Scott said, seeing his wife's name and smiling face on Shelly's caller ID. Shelly raised her eyebrows at him.

"It will go to voicemail soon," Shelly said, taking her mouth off his dick briefly.

She put her lips back around the tip of Scott's cock, and then, looking up at him, slowly sucked him into her mouth. She started taking him into her mouth deeper and deeper. She was trying to go down on him all the way, she hadn't yet been able to. .

"I'd like you to answer it," Scott interrupted her efforts.

Shelly seemed genuinely surprised at that request, but she pulled him out of her mouth.

"All right then," she said, stroking the length of Scott's shaft with one hand, reaching for her phone with the other. She managed to pick it up, just before it rolled over to voicemail.

--- ---

"Hi, Maddy," Shelly's voice sounded happy and bubbly in Madeline's ear. "I take it you watched the video, huh? I've been trying my best, but your husband is REALLY HARD."

Shelly was stroking Scott's cock with her hand, her fingers barely wrapped around it's girth.

"So hard," she whispered to Scott, moving the phone away from her lips so Madeline couldn't hear.

"I mean," she said quickly, bringing the phone back to her mouth, "He's a hard man to seduce."

"Oh my god," Madeline said, missing the innuendo entirely, "I know! I thought you were being a little modest when I saw that first picture of you all covered up in the kitchen. You were wearing your sarong over your bikini, remember?"

"Mmmppff. Mm-hmmmmm," Shelly replied. It was the best reply she could manage, because her eager mouth was sucking on the tip of Scott's dick, once again.

"In the next picture, you'd taken it off - you were wearing just the bikini. I could tell Scott didn't seem too happy in the background. Poor guy, you've really torturing him!"

"Urrh-gurk," Shelly said, then coughed loudly into the speaker.

"Shelly? What was that?" Madeline asked worriedly.

"Sorry," Shelly said. "Me, coughing. I was, ahh, just drinking and swallowed some water down the wrong pipe."

"Oh, be careful. Anyway, I have to admit I was a little nervous when when you told my husband to untie the back of your bikini. And then, when he actually did it. O. M. G."

Shelly rolled her eyes when Madeline actually spelled out the letters, but then she felt Scott's hands running through her hair. She felt him aggressively pulling her head down on his cock, and thought to herself, 'Oh my God, I love this man."

"I was positively green with jealousy. I mean it - I was even getting a little mad at him," Madeline continued in her ear obliviously. "But then I noticed that he didn't really do anything. You gave him an open invitation to go as far as he wanted, but he didn't take you up on the offer. He just put tanning oil on your back and left it at that! Even after you suggested he rub some on your bare-naked ass!"

Madeline was surprised to hear the amazement in her own voice. She paused, wanting to hear Shelly's accounting of the encounter. Only Shelly didn't speak.

Madeline wrinkled her nose and tilted her head. She listened, hearing something very faint. She took the phone down from her ear, then clicked the volume control on the side to it's max setting.

When she lifted the phone back to her ear, she heard a pattern of noises that she couldn't quite recognize. It was a wet, gurgling sound.

"Gurrk, gurrk, gurgle, gurk, gurrrk."

"Shelly? What's that noise?" Madeline asked at last.

--- ---

Scott had a fistful of Shelly's hair, and he was grasping it tight. He was holding her head steady while thrusting his hips back and forth. The wet, slippery gurgling sounds was Scott's stiff cock sliding in and out of Shelly's mouth.

Shelly's eyes were lovingly locked on his. Her saliva coated his cock, but it also dripped from her mouth in long, thick strings. She felt then landing with great plops on her chest, and the tops of her thighs, as she knelt there, letting this man have his way with her. She was holding the receiver to her ear, but had turned it upside down, so that the mouthpiece was near the top of her head, not near her lips.

'Smart girl,' Scott thought. Still, he felt that the mouth fucking he was currently giving Shelly might be loud enough that it could be heard over the phone's sensitive microphone. He realized he didn't really care.

"Gurrk, gurrk, gurgle, gurk, gurrrk."

These noises came unbidden from Shelly's mouth as Scott's cock hit the back of her throat. Shelly heard silence on the phone, then Madeline's question to her. She looked pleadingly up into Scott's eyes, struggling to pull her head off his dick. At long last, Scott let her hair go and Shelly pulled herself off him, gasping for breath. She quickly turned the phone the right way, and spoke into the receiver.

"What? That noise? Oh, it's this thing. What do you call it? The skimmer basket."

"The skimmer basket?" Madeline asked.

"Yeah, that door flap in front of it," Shelly explained calmly. "I'm was in the water to get wet - it's so hot out today. I'm right next to the skimmer, and just pulled myself out of the water. I must have stirred up some waves with my kicking just now."

Shelly looked up at Scott, wiping saliva from her chin with a huge smile on her face.

"You're so bad!" she whispered, loving how he had been abusing her just now.

'Door flap?' Madeline thought to herself. 'Yeah, I guess that makes sense. That is the noise it kinda makes when someone jumps in the pool near it. A gurgle, flap, flap sound.'

Shelly stood up, turned her back on Scott, and slowly sauntered over to the reclined lounge chair. She kneeled on it, presenting her naked backside to Scott. She pressed the speaker button on her phone.

"Hey girl," Shelly said, loud enough for Scott to hear. "Putting you on speaker so I can reapply my sunscreen."

"Since my loving, Dudley Do-Right husband is off doing chores and won't do it for you!" Madeline said, laughing merrily.

"Right!" Shelly agreed, "Only he only does half the job when he does do it."

Shelly knelt on the fully reclined chair, resting on one hand, while reaching behind herself with the bottle of tanning oil in the other. She poured the clear liquid onto her ass cheeks. The bottle had warmed in the sun, and Shelly felt it dribbling over her round buttocks, then slowly down the back of her legs.

"He doesn't get all the places a woman needs him to get, you know what I mean?" Shelly asked.

Madeline was laughing on the phone, while Shelly looked over at Scott invitingly, eyebrows raised. She watched the sway of his cock swing back and forth as he walked over to her.

"Listen, girl," Shelly said, put the tanning oil down, then turning back to the phone. "I just wanted to ask: are we good? I don't want you to be jealous, and I hope you don't think I took things too far."

"No, no, no," Madeline's voice was sincere. "God, you were perfect. You did everything we talked about."

Shelly sensed Scott stepping up behind her, then felt his hands settle on her left hips as he straddled his feet on either side of the reclined chair. Shelly wiggled her hips slowly, side to side..

"Ok. You sure? I was just flirting it up with Scott. You're my best friend. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

Shelly felt Scott rubbing the tanning oil into her skin. At first she thought he was using the flat of his palm, but as he made a slow painting motion across her rump, she realized it was something else: his dick. Shelly looked back to see him gripping his shaft in one hand, using it like a paint brush to rub the oil smoothly all over her skin. In his other hand, Scott now held the tanning oil bottle.

"I know, I know." Madeline's reassuring tone came over the speaker. "Really, Shelly, it's ok. I'm over it. You were amazing. Hell, I don't think I would have been able to resist the invitation to rub oil all over your naked body!"

The thickness of Scott's cock was resting in the crack of Shelly's ass cheeks. Still kneeling, she lowered her shoulders until they were flat on the recliner. She stretched her arms forward, her ass pushed high in the air.

"Oh?" Shelly replied, her voice became low and sultry. "Tell me more."

Madeline laughed, her thoughts dancing away as quickly as the words had left her mouth.

"I'm being silly," Madeline confessed. "Forget I said that."

"Oh, too bad," Shelly purred, "I think I might have enjoyed hearing what you would have done to me."

Shelly heard a clicking noise behind, which she recognized as the tanning oil cap being opened. A moment later, she felt more of the warm liquid being poured on her lower back, the lush, round curves of her ass cheek, and along her ass crack.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" she purred into the phone.

"Oh, stop it. You are shameless!"

Scott was now rubbing his cock, slick and well-lubricated with suntan oil, along Shelly's crack. She closed her eyes in concentration, feeling the tip of his cock as it slid down her crack, toward her tight, puffy anus.

"So, it looks like I'm in the clear, huh?" Madeline's voice said over the speaker phone. "Scotty isn't a cheater after all."

Shelly could feel Scott's thickness along the length of her ass crack. His cock cleaved the perfectly round globes of her ass, causing her to tremble slightly. He was so goddamned big!

"It looks like that way," Shelly said, smiling back at him. "I've been trying to come on to him all day. He's been avoiding me steadily. He's a real pain in the ass!"

Shelly could feel the tip of Scott's cock now pressing more insistently against her tiny, unyielding asshole.

"You, umm, might be too big to take me there," she said plainly to Scott, covering the phone mic with one hand

Shelly felt a mixture of relief and disappointment when Scott stopped rubbing his tip against her anus, and instead angled it lower. It's not that she'd never done anal sex before. She enjoyed a good anal fuckfest every now and then. It's just that Scott was so big ... and so thick!

"Where there's a will, there's a way," Scott replied.

Shelly felt a well-manicured finger circle the rim of her ass, probing gently. She squirmed as Scott poured more tanning oil directly on her hole, then slowly inserted his finger.

"Oh, shit," she hissed softly, then moaned as he eased her open.

Scott lubricated her gently with his finger, preparing her for what was soon to come. The rich scent of coconut tanning oil filled the air. On the phone, Madeline was rambling on about something she had seen on a mutual friend's Instagram page. In the neighboring yard, Shelly heard the sound of a lawn mower starting up. Her ass felt empty as Scott withdrew his finger. But she was wet, slippery, and oh, so eager for his cock to fill her body once again. Even if it meant him busting her ass wide open. God, she was horny!

Scott pressed his cock, thickly smeared with tanning oil, against her hole. Shelly relaxed her sphincter muscles as best she could.

"Oh, baby," she pleaded. "I need this so bad."

Scott pushed himself in slowly at first, getting her used to his thickness. Even so, Shelly opened her mouth wordlessly, looking back over her shoulder at him.

"Oh my God!" Shelly said at last, when he was only half way in. She was taking deep breaths in and out, feeling the thickness of him inside her, stretching her.

"I know, right," Madeline exclaimed on the phone, "That's what I thought! Anyway, I think I'm going to go help Mom with dinner. You probably won't be there when Tommy and I get home, but I'll text you tonight "

"Ok," Shelly said, quickly, breathing in short gasps. "Love you girl."

"Love you!" Madeline said cheerily, then hung up.

With a final thrust, Scott pushed himself all the way in.

"Ohhhhhh!" Shelly cried out desperately in shock and pain and pleasure.

The front of Scott's thighs were pressed against the back of hers. He was fully inside her now, every delicious inch. They were both quiet, listening to birds chirping in the trees around them, the dull roar of a lawn mower moving slowly away, and their own quickly panting breaths. Then the silence between them was broken when they both spoke at once.

"You are so tight."

"You are so big."

They laughed, both still not moving. The lawn mower had made it's circuit, and was coming back their way.

"Play with your pussy," Scott told her.

"I can't," she warned. "I'm going to cum any minute now."

"Do it," he said sternly, smacking the top of one ass cheek with a flat palm.

Shelly yelped, then reached obediently between her thigh. Her legs were already trembling, before she even started rubbing the firm little nub of her clit.

Scott pulled back slowly, then thrust himself back in.

"OH, FUCK!" Shelly cried out again, this time quite loud. She was vaguely aware that their neighbor, Sam Jordan, might hear her - even though he always wore ear protection muffs when mowing the lawn. If not him, perhaps one of their other neighbors. Even though she was no longer on the phone with Madeline, she'd have to temper her screams of sexual pleasure.

As Scott started pounding her, she wondered if any part of the pool area was visible to Sam Jordan. Not that she'd mind. Shelly had always been a bit of an exhibitionist. She imagined Sam peering over the hedge, watching as Scott fucked her ass from behind while she fingered her clit, faster and faster.

"Oh God, Scott, that feels so good. Fuck my ass, baby. FUCK MY ASS!!"

Shelly's eyes were clenched tightly shut. Mixed sensations of pleasure and pain were swirling deliciously together as her body rocked back and forth. Her fingers were thrusting deep into her pussy now, the flat of her palm rubbing furiously quick against her clit.

Scott thrust harder and harder until ...

"I'm coming," Shelly moaned, feeling her orgasm begin to crest. But what she thought was the crest was just the first wave.

Scott was pounding her ass, and she could feel his hairy balls slapping against the back of fingers. She pulled her fingers out and lifted her shoulders up. Doggy-style, she felt him thrusting inside her more intensely.

"Oh shit, baby. I'm coming so hard." Pulsating waves of pleasure rocked her higher and higher, until Shelly's climax hit her full on: tsunami.

Scott's hands quickly muffled Shelly's screams. Down below, Shelly found herself squirting intensely, something she seldom did. But now as Scott's balls slapped against her shaved pussy, she felt herself spraying uncontrollabl. Her entire body quivered, spasmed and trembled.

Just as she was coming down, Scott started moaning. She felt his cock swell, imagined it growing even fatter inside her, and then felt it buck - literally pulsate inside her - as he shot loads of warm, milky cum up inside her ass. It was an incredibly divine feeling.

She glanced back at Scott. His eyes were closed, but lifted to the sky. His well-toned body was drenched in perspiration. His thrusting hips slowed, and then stopped. They rested like that for a long moment, his softening cock still buried snugly up her ass.

"Oh God, baby," she whispered. "That was ..."

Shelly had trouble with the words.

"Holy shit, that was amazing," she said at last.

"We're gonna have to find a way to get my wife out of the house more weekends," Scott said.

Shelly's ass felt empty and hollow when Scott finally pulled himself out. He gave her ass a final, playful slap, then turned and dived naked into the pool.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," Shelly said as Scott swam underwater. "Leave that to me. I've got big plans."

Then she dived into the cool water herself, following him toward the shallow end of the pool.

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wh6rewh6re6 months ago

the way madeline unknowingly turned herself into a cuck is hilariou

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosover 1 year ago

Hahaha I loved the anal <3-

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Love it hope she turns into a total slut .she needs to be a “Queen of spades”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I fucking love it! Cheating sounds very hot and so sexy when the betrayal comes from people whom the victim trusts the most. The wife is an idiot! She's bad in bed! Her husband deserves someone better. I'm happy that the husband chose to commit sin with his wife's slutty BFF. Mmmmm... THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!

I also want to seduce my best friend's husband. I know he'll fuck me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Didn't like it.

I find no redeeming qualities in any of the characters. Why would Maddie think she could trust Shelly, who she knows to be a cheating slut. The husband is worse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Love it!!

I just found your series and holy moly, my pussy is a sloppy mess. I love the anal fucking with the wife on the phone. I would love to see Shelly and Maddy play as their sexual tension is also building. Delicious all the way around. Only because I am a freak, I would love to see him tie Shelly’s tits up or slap them a bit. I love slutty best friend stories! A+++

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Hot damm

I usually not into anal but damm this was so hot. I love this series and the cheating makes it so damm sexy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Never end

I am loving this series so much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Holy Shit this is HOT!

I've been rooting for a lasting romance between Shelly and Scott since the end of chapter 2!

Shelly: the Salacious Sex Kitten and Alpha Female needs, in every sense, what ruggedly handsome, dependable, and well-hung Scott provides! Shelly's been trying to fill a void (no pun) within herself with all of her sexual adventures / cheating, to make herself whole and happy, which is what I think she's stumbled upon with Scott. He's a rock. And despite how brief their romance has been, she's discovering he's HER rock.

Bad Girls Need Love, Too. Shelly deserves her Happily Ever After with Scott, just as he deserves a partner who accepts and appreciates him. He is the Water that tempers and balances Her Fire.

The wife is a clueless idiot who doesn't know how good she has (or had) it. Hit her with divorce papers (or a meteorite) and be done with it. The same for Shelly's husband. Shelly and Scott married the wrong people, which I'm hoping you fix in the coming chapters.

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