Ice Queen Ch. 04


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I looked at Heather as Gerald was dragging her around the floor, I could feel the tension radiating off her.

Looking down I sighed, "Yes Ma'am I love your daughter with everything I have to give, but to admit to such could ruin her career and I won't do that. If I could I'd leave the Army just to pursue your daughter's hand, but I still have two years left on my term and two in reserve. So, in a nutshell I'm trapped on the outside for another approximately 1465 days or so."

"My word, you are absolutely steadfast with your honor code. I bet your father had something to do with that didn't he?"

"Well yes and no Ma'am. Dad taught us; it's honor that keeps us separate. The Officers have no choice but to remain aloof and distant, because it's their decisions that get good men sent off to die in times of conflict. Not that I am trying to die, I just will not, cannot, leave a brother or sister behind or fail to help them in time of need."

Grace looked at me, "I can see your mother and father have raised a very handsome and honorable young man. I will say one thing, we are having an important guest turn up shortly best you tidy yourself up, no more drinking young man."

"Yes Ma'am." I chuckled.

The dance soon ended after that.

I escorted Grace back to her table, "Thank you for the honor of the dance Ma'am. Ladies, Gentlemen, General if you will excuse me."

"Oh Corporal, could you be so kind as to bring some more drinks to the table? Thank you," LTC Williams asked.

"My apologies sir but the bar has been closed for now."

"That wasn't a request Corporal!"

"Gerald!" Grace growled, "Corporal Andrews and his family are the General's and my guest. You will be kindly reminded he is NOT your lackey. Get a steward or go yourself; besides, the bar is CLOSED. Heather dear could you go and ask Steve's parents to join us please."

Heather stood as I pulled her chair out for her, "Why thank you Corporal so chivalrous. You are a true gentleman."

"To be a man is genetic, to be a gentleman is a choice Ma'am, rank has no meaning for that."

I extended my arm, "Kindly allow me to escort you to my parents Ma'am."

Heather placed her hand on my arm, and I led her off towards our table. Her touch was electric. I was trembling slightly as we walked away. Mom saw us coming and pointed with her chin. Dad turned, and the rest did as well. I saw something pass between Mom and Dad as he, Rick and Rodger stood when we walked up.

"Gunny. Muriel. Mother has requested that you join them at their table, but as there is only one spare seat I will stay here to talk amongst friends and Muriel you may have my seat. I do however apologize it is beside that insufferable bore Gerald. But on that note, I did witness you shredding his fat ego, and I'm sure your husband will keep that rancid tongue of his quiet for you."

"Thank you dear here have my seat, I'm afraid you only have to put up with Steve beside you, but I'm sure you can stand that." Mom smiled warmly at Heather.

"Oh, if I must," she giggled.

Heather sat and I went to move to my seat, but I was pulled by her and sat in the seat on her right.

"You will always sit on my right side. Always, Steve, always."

The women moved to her left and started gossiping. I was talking with the guys at the table when I felt her hand reach for mine under the table giving it a light squeeze and not letting go. No one at the table could see her hold my hand. It felt wonderful; it felt right.

We had been talking for about ten minutes when the band master asked for men's choice. Before I could utter a word.

"Heather, may I have this dance?"

I looked up to see Gerald's father asking for the dance.

"Yes sir, I will," Heather replied squeezing my hand tightly before getting up.

"Corporal, I believe my wife would like an opportunity to dance with you, as you're quite the subject of gossip tonight."

"Yes sir," I replied.

I walked back over towards the General's table noting her son was absent.

"Thank you for small mercies," I thought to myself.

"Ladies, Gentlemen," I addressed the table. Turning towards Mrs. Williams "Ma'am would you care to dance?" I asked as I held out my hand.

She smiled, "That sly old fox sent you over didn't he young man?" As she stood taking my hand in hers.

"Ma'am if you mean your husband, well, I'm not going to tell."

We walked over to the dance floor and I could see Heather deep in conversation with Gerald's father.

"You keep looking at her you're going to get a crick in your neck young man."

"Sorry Ma'am."

"I didn't believe the rumor mill going around with the mothers, but it's true you really do love the girl. I can see it in your eyes, and I can feel your pulse race when I talk to you about her. I'm sorry my stepson is being an insufferable ass, but his mother is the type to step all over people to get to the top. He is the same, unfortunately."

"Well Ma'am I can look but I can't touch 'til I've completed my enlistment. In 1465 days, I will be free from the Army to chase my heart."

"Can I offer you some advice?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Take what you want or someone else will take it from you. Follow your heart and DAMN the consequences. Sage advice from an old lady who let it go once and regretted it 'til I met Gerald's father."

"Can I ask why I am getting all this advice from the mothers?"

"Because my stepson is not the right match for her. It would break her spirit; you don't become the best Apache pilot by being nice. We have a girl lined up for him. You know the type big tits, air-head and extremely forgiving of his lack of social graces."

"So, you're saying I am her type?"

"Oh god, yes. Heather just won't shut up about you. It's damned annoying that you're so ridged and constrained by your rules and regulations. But we ladies have a plan, mark my words."

I didn't know whether to feel buoyed by this or have a feeling of dread. The dance ended and I was leading her back to the table, when I noticed another person speaking to my parents and the General.

"Here he comes now," Mom said.

The man turned and I instantly recognized him as the Secretary of the Department of Defense. I snapped to attention.


"So, Gunny, this is your youngest son? I can see the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Corporal it's an honor to meet you. Your father, the General and I go way back so imagine my surprise to find that Gunny Andrews is your father." He turned to Heather, "So no hugs for your godfather?"

Heather stood and hugged him.

"It's good to see you sir."

"Now, now, it's Wally when I'm your godfather, sir is for official crap." he chuckled, then turned to his friend.

"Reggie, I've been authorized to show you the footage of Heather's rescue that was captured from the Corporal's helmet cam. But that is going to have to wait as I am here on an official capacity as well. So, if you could, please, I would like to make some presentations."

The General took the stage.

"Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, if I could have a moment of your time, please. As you know, this celebration is for a few reasons. The first is to welcome old and new friends to the fray. Second is to announce our guest The Secretary of the Defense, Wallace Hargraves."

The crowd stood as it applauded the Secretary of Defense.

"Please sit, I am here in both an official capacity and welcoming family home. In family, I'd like to welcome home my goddaughter Major Heather Osbourne, safely returned from her Operational Deployment to the Middle East. Her father and I go way back. Also, I'd like to say welcome to another I've had the honor to serve with in the past, Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Andrews. It's an honor Gunny. It's been way too long since I saw you last. Now in my Official capacity, I'm here to present a couple of awards to a soldier whose bravery is without question held in the highest regard by all his peers and comrades. Corporal Steve Andrews front and center."

I stood and marched to the podium. I came to attention and saluted, turned and faced the crowd.

"Hmmmm," I thought, "right where I don't want to be."

"In my official capacity as Secretary of Defense, I have noticed, soldier, you are out of uniform. I have here two awards for you. One being a fourth cluster for your Purple Heart however the second is the Silver Oak Leaf to replace the first four Congratulations I'm happy for you and your family that you are able to return and share your success."

I went to salute and about face when he stopped me cold.

"Stand-fast Corporal," he said grabbing my should and looking out into the crowd.

He went on to describe the ill-fated insurgent attack on Blitzed Angel in which I ended up cutting my line to save the crew, then evaded the enemy for 32 days and brought back valuable intel on the enemy that allowed special forces to later eliminate them.

"For these selfless acts the President has granted you the Silver Star with V for Valor. Congratulations Corporal."

I stood dumbfounded as the room, as one stood and applauded as the medal was pinned to my chest.

"Now I must confess Corporal your awards were approved a while ago but we wanted to share your success with your family and friends. Now we come to the business end of your short career Corporal Andrews. I don't think you have even told your family the whole story, so I'm going to do it for you."

I knew this was going to be bad when he said that. I didn't tell mom half of the stuff I got up to while I was away. I wasn't looking forward to seeing mom up close anytime soon. I started to zone out trying to hide out in the open. Uhhh, didn't work. I heard the Secretary of Defense talk about that day the Guardian Angel was duped with a fake rescue assistance call and how both the flight crews were severely wounded from the intense gunfight while we were on the ground. It was only good luck they managed to get us further away from the ambush before passing out. We had just landed but were still in trouble. He explained how I stepped into the cockpit and flew the Guardian Angel back to base.

I was hoping he would leave the precarious part about the RPG out, but no it was mentioned. I saw the look of horror on Mom's face and Heather didn't look all that pleased either. For that act of sheer bravery / insanity, I was awarded a Bronze Oak Leaf for the Silver Star.

Damn. I now have two like Dad.

"Now, I'm asking Gunnery Sergeant Andrews to join me at the podium."

A voice yelled, "Medal of Honor recipient approaching sir!"

Again, all the room stood silently and saluted my Dad as he approached the podium.

Dad looked different in uniform, all business few words and his posture impeccably a Marine through and through. He joined us on the podium, standing at attention at my side.

"Well, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have witnessed a son walking in his father's footsteps. But in saying that Gunny has three children, all serve in our great military forces. Two sons in the Army and a daughter in the Air Force. I have already said that I welcomed home safely my goddaughter Major Heather Osbourne, which is largely due to the heroic actions of Corporal Andrews. As a member of a Combat Search and Rescue Team, he is, as we know, the rear door gunner of the Guardian Angel. He is the first one out on the ground in the thick of things. I have one more presentation for Corporal Andrews and I must say this was not issued lightly. We had many and I mean many people who put this forward. I will describe the action for which it was awarded."

The Secretary of Defense then went on to describe that night I'd thought I'd lost my faith in life and love.

"So, after the Corporal had eliminated the threat to Capt. Osbourne, he tended her wounds, covered her to protect her modesty then called for medical evacuation. After being told it was too hot a LZ he carried the Captain seven miles through rough and hostile terrain to a safer LZ."

"Damn, I thought it was only five miles," I thought.

"All up. We estimate the Corporal engaged and eliminated over 20 enemy insurgents on his own, five while carrying Capt. Osbourne. Corporal Andrews this action has shown to your comrades and superiors you are to be considered to be one of an elite group of people, best of the best and would go the extra mile or whatever it takes to rescue or recover a fallen brother or sister. You put your own safety second while carrying out your duties to all personnel in need. It is with the most profound gratitude that the President and Congress has awarded you the highest Military honor for sacrificing your own personal safety many times for your Military family. I'd like to add personally, that I will be forever in your gratitude for bringing my goddaughter home to her parents and me. I'd like you to all stand as we present Corporal Andrews the Medal of Honor."

The room rose as one quietly as the Secretary clasped the medal around my neck. I was visibly shaking wondering why this was happening. I just did my job to the best I was trained to do. There were better people who deserved this. The room went blank to me all I could see was one table. Mom had tears streaming down her face, so did Heather's mom. They were on both sides of Heather, holding on to her arms. I could see the tears in her eyes and all I wanted to do was kiss them away.

I turned when my father called my name. He was about to salute when I stopped him.

"Dad you'll never salute me, I'm your son and you helped mold me into the man I am today." We hug only and damn the consequences, to the roar of the people in the room, "I love you Dad"

"I'm proud of you son, you're twice the man I could ever be. I'm proud to call you my son I always was and will be. I love you, too. Now go and hug your mother, she's gonna kill you, you do realize," chuckled dad.

I left the podium acknowledging the salutes from all and sundry as I made my way to mom.

Mom looked at me tears still in her eyes, "Oh my brave, brave little boy I'm glad you don't tell me what's going on; I'd be a mental case."

As I was pulled into a crushing hug, and Mom was crying tears of joy, I felt another's arms on my side. I looked to see Heather's mom Grace crying and hugging me as well.

"Thank you for being so selfless in your actions and bringing my baby home. I can never thank you enough. Words have no meaning for what you have done for your country, family and brothers and sisters."

It was surreal being held by these two powerful women. I felt a tap on my shoulder and the moms pulled away looking over my shoulder. I turned to see Heather, tears streaming down her face. I flinched when I felt my hand move to wipe them away. The look in her eyes was one of resolve and intention.

I heard a voice say, "Remember Damn the consequences."

It felt like ages just looking at her angelic face.

"damn the consequences," I thought, as I was about to step forward, when Heather beat me to the punch.

She pulled me close and kissed me. It wasn't a peck; it was a full-on kiss. I was stunned, shocked, surprised, hell, all of the above. Here was a Major in the US Army kissing a Corporal in the Army. I reached up and wiped the tears from her face. I couldn't believe how soft her skin was, how nice her hair smelled. Ahh fuck it, I pulled her close and kissed her for the third time ever. Those lips were so soft, I really didn't want it to stop but I could hear a roaring in the background we parted to see the room had erupted in cheers of approval.

Damn the consequences I thought but I didn't want to hurt her career. My pulse was racing I didn't want to let go of her hands. I knew it was wrong, but I led her out to the dance floor. The band picked up and started playing almost immediately. I held Heather close, feeling her body next to mine. I could feel her trembling as we danced. I gently rubbed her back as she placed her head on my shoulder.

Sighing quietly, "This is where I belong. Finally," I heard her say.

We danced and were soon joined by our families and others.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Mind if I dance with my daughter son?"

"Ahh no sir," I reluctantly released her hands and passed her on to her father.

Her mother stepped right into my arms to continue the dance.

"Oh, I had goosebumps when you kissed my daughter."

"Ma'am is the General pissed with me for kissing an officer in such a public place?"

"Not if he is smart, he isn't. She is, and always will be a daddy's girl. He doesn't care about who cares about your relationship. He only cares that it's not just for brownie points with him."

I stiffened at the last remark.

"Your reaction just proves to me that you care more for Heather's reputation than your own. I think you might be surprised if you were to ask her about her future mission now. I can see how much you love our daughter. And, for what it's worth, I give you my blessing. In saying that if you were to ask her what I know you want to ask; the answer might just surprise you. Just think on that for a while."

We continued to dance; I had a lot running through my mind.

"Excuse me Grace might I dance with my baby boy?" Mom asked as dad led her away, mom looked at me and smiled. "Steve you have grown up to be a perfect gentleman. Rick has his rough edges like his father, but you are the middle child and perfectly grounded. But you scare the hell out of me with your antics. I wish I didn't know but I understand your type of honor. Now I have something to give you I've always had and it was left for you. Grandma Andrews always said you would be the first to fall head over heels for a beautiful woman. She could see it in your nature when you were young. I have her engagement ring and now I believe it is time I passed it on to you."

I stood stunned as mom slipped the ring into my top pocket. I always thought it was mom's dress ring the rock was huge.

My thoughts were swirling around. I'd finally kissed the Angel in my life now I wanted to hold her again. I looked around and led mom towards her. Mom guessed straight away when she saw the direction we were headed. As we approached, her face lit up and her dad turned to us.

"Ma'am may I steal you away from your son?" he asked gently placing Heather's hand in mine.

Mom and the General spun away from us dancing as one. I held her in my arms again.

"Yes, Angel you belong here." I whispered to her, I felt her pull closer and mold herself to me. "I Love You Heather Osbourne, I've loved you for a very long time, being without you is so excruciating that I have a hard time breathing. I only have one mission in life and that's to keep you safe and loved."

Heather looked up at me, "I Love You too Steve Andrews. I freaked out when I knew it was you that got shot in the head, let alone when you cut your safety strap. I was useless, JJ had to fly us home. I'd thought I'd lost my soulmate that day. I nearly quit then and there when we landed but JJ talked me out of it. I was in a daze for weeks. But I knew you would have wanted me to continue on so I put my feelings away and started flying for the Major. Then I came to find out you had survived. It was an amazingly beautiful feeling. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I just wish I could have come to see you ASAP. But for us it has been stacked against us 'til tonight. Everyone keeps giving me sage advice about you."

I chuckled, "Same here sweetheart, I've had my ear bent by both our mothers and even LTCOL's Williams stepmother. So, you've been getting advice from the dads and I've been getting it from the moms. Ever think we are being set up?"

"I think they are sick and tired of us mooning over each other and using the regs to keep us apart."

The music ended and I escorted Heather back to her parents table. I noticed that LTCOL Williams was seated and he observed us as we approached. I knew he could see that I was holding her hand and I could see he was about to build up to say something. But it seemed if he had an air of acceptance. As I went to sit, Heather maneuvered me to her right, "I've already said you will always be to my right."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm still hoping for this story to continue. If the author is unable to continue perhaps some other author might have a go.

stewartbstewartb3 months ago

And chapter 5 is when ? We're waiting !

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Brilliant I keep coming back to this story hoping for more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A good romantic story especially if one has served. The abysmal punctuation and run on sentences are distracting and effectively negate what otherwise is a pretty good read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It's been some time since the last chapter, still hoping for more. If not could some other author continue this please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hope you are well. Looking forward to more of your stories after (re) reading IQ. Many thanks for the pleasure you have given us. ATB

linnearlinnearabout 2 years ago

Amazing, please you definitely need to finish this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I keep coming back to this story hoping for more chapters, can anyone else continue this???

oldgraycatoldgraycatover 2 years ago

Great story, you have to finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still hoping for the rest of this great story. Please!!

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