If Loving You is Wrong


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Ring... Ring... Ring!

The ringing phone shook Mike from his wearied sleep brought on by sexual exhaustion. Lucy was still asleep and didn't wake until she felt Mike move to answer the phone. Mike gazed at Lucy and shrugged his shoulder before snatching up the phone.

"Hello?" Mike groaned.

Mike's head was foggy from the wine and the wild sex with Lucy. It was dark outside, and Mike hadn't turned any additional lights on in the bedroom before they dozed off. He was a bit disoriented from the wine, but the dim glow of a night light made it possible for him to orient himself in the darkened room.

"Mike, we need you at the hospital right away," Dave shouted excitedly into the phone. "Angie is going into labor, and she is asking for you. How soon can you get to the maternity ward at Phoenix General?"

The excitement and apprehensiveness were undeniable in David's trembling voice. Mike knew David probably had a tough time making the call. It was the first time they had spoken since that night he walked in on Dave and Angie while they were engaged in illicit passion in his marital bed. The first contact since he caught them meeting behind his back to have sex.

"Say no more, buddy. I am on my way," Mike eagerly replied!

"Please hurry. Angie wants you there when the baby arrives!"

"Why in the hell would Angie want me there?"

"Angie needs you. That's all that matters," Dave yelled, before hanging up!

Mike turned on the bedside lamp and found Lucy staring blankly at him. He searched for words to explain why he would rush to the bedside of the woman who had betrayed him with his best friend. It had been about eight months since Mike walked in on Angie and Dave in his marital bed together.

"That was Evans on the phone. Angie is in labor, and he is taking her to the maternity ward. He said she wanted me there when the baby came," Mike said with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Then go, Mike. It's probably your baby anyway," Lucy smiled.

"You don't mind if I rush off right after we.... you know. Mike blushed and looked as guilty as a young boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"After we just had amazing sex?" Lucy grinned.

Mike nodded affirmatively.

"Don't worry about it, Mike. You were married to Angie for a good number of years, and we both know that you and I could never be anything more than fuck buddies. I got what I came for; now you go do what your heart is telling you to do."

"Are you sure, Lucy? I feel like an asshole rushing off to meet another woman immediately after the incredible sex we just had," Michael replied.

"Go, Michael! I insist. I got what I came for and more," Lucy smiled. "I have plenty of fuck buddies, and I am not looking for a relationship." *** Mike dropped Lucy at her car and arrived at the maternity ward just as they rolled Angie to the labor room. There was brief eye contact between Mike and Angie. She was in obvious pain but smiled before being moved through the swinging double doors. David was close behind a nurse rolling Angie to labor. Mike requested to accompany her, but the hospital's policy stated only the husband, a close friend, or a family allowed in Labor Room. Mike challenged the practice pointing out Angie was no longer married but had been married to him at one time. He wanted to go to the labor room also. The nurse repeated the policy was the husband or a family member, but not both. Mike argued that David was not her husband or a family member.

"The patient can request someone other than a husband or family member be present. Miss Williams ok'd him to be present in the labor and delivery room," the nurse informed Mike before directing him to the waiting room.

Mike accepted his restriction to the waiting room. Forty-five minutes later, Michael was still pacing back and forth in the hospital hallway and waiting room area. It seemed like the clock on the wall had stopped. It had only moved a couple of minutes since the last time he looked. He wanted to be in the delivery room with Angie and David. However, he understood the delivery room was small and could accommodate only one person in addition to the medical staff. So, there he was, waiting nervously.

Suddenly, the swinging doors burst open, and David excitedly danced out dressed like a doctor in a blue hospital gown and paper hairnet. "It's a girl," he bellowed, beaming with pride.

"And?" Mike asked.

"And she weighs five pounds and six ounces."


"Well, I'm not sure," Dave answered. "The baby's all gooey, and I can't determine much about her features, but the nurse said it would be a half-hour or so before they had her presentable enough for the nursery. After that, the nurse said I could see her when she brings her to the nursery."

"David! Answer me, please! I'm asking, how is Angie?" Mike yelled.

"Oh! Angie's fine and wants to see you, Mike," Dave smiled. "The nurse is going to make her presentable for visitors."

"How did she do during pregnancy? I remember that first pregnancy was a real nightmare."

"She didn't have any of the problems like that first pregnancy. However, she did cry a lot."

"Why? Was she in pain?"

"Yes, I suppose you could say that. Angie had terrible pain in her heart. She begged me almost every day to call you. She missed you so much it was killing her. I told her you were suffering because of what we had done to you and would probably not want to see us."

"I hurt inside too, Dave. I wanted so much to see you both, but I didn't dare make that call. I don't think I could've handled a rejection."

"Well, you're here now, Mike. That's all that matters."

"I can't wait to see Angie and the baby. Does the baby look like Angie?" Mike asked.

"I really couldn't tell you, Mike. We can probably tell more about the baby's looks after the nurse cleans her up. Do you want to go get a cup of coffee while we wait?" David asked. "We have a lot of catching up."

"Lead the way, old Buddy," Mike said with a smile, placing his hand on David's shoulder as they walked toward the cafeteria. "Well, Dave, how does it feel to be a new Papa?"

"Great so far. It would feel even better if I knew for sure I was the biological father."

Mike stopped, put his hand on David's forearm, and asked, "What do you mean if you knew for sure that you are the father? I thought you had already come to the conclusion you were the father."

"Angie won't allow a paternity test to establish parentage. She says it doesn't matter to her. She will love the baby just as much regardless of which one of us is the biological father."

"Well, the hospital will insist she list someone as the father on the birth certificate. Who is Angie going to list? I'm pretty sure she won't put unknown on the child's birth certificate."

"Angie said that since she was legally married to you at the time of conception, she will list you as father unless you object and insist on a paternity test."

"I would never insist on a paternity test if Angie didn't want it, and she knows it," Mike remarked.

"Well.... There you have it. I would never demand a paternity test if Angie didn't want one. So, it's safe to say Angie will forego a paternity test and list you on the birth certificate as the father."

"I guess that makes sense," Mike reasoned. "It will be better for the baby when she gets older and starts asking questions.

Michael and David silently continued to the cafeteria. Each man was consumed with his own private thoughts. Nevertheless, both appeared happy with what Angie had decided to do regarding the baby's official parentage.

"I can't wait to buy her a...wait a minute. What's her name?" Mike asked.

"Michaela Davina Williams," David beamed.

"That's a beautiful name. It's a bit unusual but beautiful nonetheless. How did Angie come up with it?"

"Angie named her that because she insisted on naming the baby after her father."

Michael smiled broadly, shook his head affirmatively, then looked at Dave. Mike's eyes and facial expressions were both pride and surprise.

"That sounds like my name AND your name, Dave."

"Well, Unfortunately, we can't both be the father, but I guess it's Angie's way of allowing us both to feel a personal connection to the child," Dave smiled.

"Angie always was the sensible one of the three of us. Leave to her to come up with a logical solution," Mike mused.

"I'll let Angie explain her thinking. We can see her after we stop by the nursery to see the baby. But until then, let's enjoy our coffee and renew our friendship. I have really missed you since that night I made the biggest mistake of my life. You can't begin to imagine the regret I have put myself through," Dave lamented.

"I've missed you too, Dave. But I prefer we didn't discuss that night right now."

"Angie's missed you more than I could ever tell you. It broke her heart the night you left her. I hadn't seen her so depressed since her miscarriage."

"It still hurts me too much to talk about that night, Dave. Can we not discuss it right now? Let's talk about the baby. I can't wait to buy Michaela her first tricycle," Mike replied with a broad smile.

"I think Davina would like that," David chuckled.

Mike and Dave downed their coffee quickly and were back at the nursery in a flash. They both had their nose to the window when the nurse brought Michaela Davina Williams into the nursery. When the nurse spotted Dave standing at the window, she brought the baby over and held her up so they could get a better look.

"I think Davina looks like me, don't you?" Dave gloated

"No! No, I don't, Dave. But, luckily for Michaela, she has her Mama's good looks," Mike laughed.

"I think you're right, Mike. She does have Angie's beautiful blue eyes," Dave agreed. "However, I can't tell much about her hair because she has none."

"Michaela's hair will probably be blonde just like Angie's," Mike replied. "At least I hope she'll be blonde and beautiful like Angie."

"You're probably right," David agreed. "She'd be a lucky little girl if she looks just like her mother.

"Do you think Angie would mind if I taught her to ride a motorcycle when she gets older?" Mike asked.

"What do you say we go ask Angie right now?" David said with a smile. "She probably thinks we abandoned her anyway."

"And, by the way, congratulations, David. I think you are going to be a great father figure for Michaela."

"What are you talking about, Mike? Angie expects you to be just as much of a father figure as me. She already has plans for the both of us to be active in the baby's life."

Michael smiled when David put out his hand to his best friend. The two men shook hands warmly and walked together from the nursery to Angie's room. Angie was sitting up in her bed. The nurse had helped her brush her hair and apply fresh makeup. She looked beautiful. Angie tearfully held her arms open and motioned for Mike to come to her for a hug. Mike almost burst into tears. He sat on the edge of Angie's bed and embraced her. It felt wonderful to hold her again. If only he had not let his pride drive him that night, things might have turned out differently.

Michael detected just a trace of perfume. It was Angie's favorite, the same fragrance David had given her as a Christmas gift. Angie held Michael tightly and wouldn't release her grip right away. Once she released him, she put the palms of her hands on his face and pulled him to her lips. It caught Mike by surprise, and when he gasped, her tongue darted into his mouth. The kiss became passionate when Mike instinctively kissed her back.

Dave stood nearby, beaming with love for his best friend and Angie. Mike pulled away and blushed. He was perturbed that he couldn't thwart the involuntary erection. He looked embarrassingly at Dave, who was smiling and shaking his head in approval. Angie noticed his reaction to her kiss and was also beaming as she glanced down at his erection. She loved that she still had that effect on him.

"I'm sorry, Dave. I didn't mean to take advantage and kiss your Angie like that in front of you!"

"It's okay, Mike. She doesn't belong to me. Angie decides who kisses her and who doesn't."

"What? What do you mean?" Mike asked. His face registered complete puzzlement. "I thought you two were exclusive now."

"I wish," Dave chuckled, "Angie is a single woman who gets to control who she lets into her life."

"Michael, I want you AND David to be an active part of my life again," Angie interrupted. "I want both of you to join me in raising OUR baby. I want her to know BOTH of you. She was conceived in love, and I want her to grow up in a home full of love."

"Our baby? You know for sure she's my baby? Are you saying she is my biological daughter?" Michael asked.

"Well, I don't know for sure, but you COULD be her biological father. She's your baby as much as she is David's and mine. Dave and I both agreed we didn't want to know for sure. But, that unfortunate night you found us together, Dave and I had already formulated a plan to let you know we had strong desires for each other. I realized that I had always loved you both equally. I was just slow to admit it to myself, and society wouldn't allow me to marry you both."

"Well, it was almost like you were married to both of us. The three of us were together all the time, and I have to admit I liked it that way," Mike remarked. "The only thing missing at the time was sex between you two, I thought."

"I told you, Mike, I have regretted my mistake a thousand times over," Dave apologized. "I never intended to go behind your back. If I could do it over, I would do it differently."

"Don't keep beating yourself up, Dave. It was as much my fault as it was yours," Mike replied. "I did remove all the barriers and set the stage for the inevitable. I encouraged you to make romantic overtures to Angie. You tried to talk me out of it, but I didn't listen," Mike remarked.

"I had already decided before you walked in on us that night, I was going to ask you if it would be okay if Dave shared our life to a fuller extent," Angie interjected. "I think you know what led me to think that way, Mike. I had learned you agreed to let Dave have sex with me if it helped bring me out of my postpartum depression. You loved me enough to share me with our best friend if it helped me get better. So, I planned to ask you if it would be possible to share me with both of you. It was regrettable that society prevented us from being together legally as one family. Some societies allow a man to have two wives, and I didn't see why a woman couldn't have two husbands."

"So why didn't you ask me, Angie? Why did you let it go on until I caught you two together? I would've much rather had that conversation than walk in on the two of you as I did!"

"You may never believe it, Mike, but we had planned to get together that very weekend and discuss it because the sneaking around was having a devastating impact on each of us. Dave and I had discussed it at length. He understood I would be the only woman allowed in our arrangement. He would not be allowed to be intimate with any other woman but me. We had a plan for the three of us to be together, as one big happy family. It was unfortunate you walked in on us together before we got a chance to propose our plan to you," Angie explained.

"And I was stupid not to tell you the minute you returned from the seminar at San Francisco that I had crossed the line with Angie," Dave added, "I should have been more trusting, but I was afraid that you would end our friendship. The longer I put it off, the harder it became to broach the subject. You were always upfront with me and said I could go as far as Angie would let me. I could have saved us all a lot of heartaches if I had trusted you as much as you had trusted me with your precious wife."

"I really wish you HAD been truthful with me that night I called you from San Fransisco. I honestly think I could've handled it better if you had, Dave," Mike replied. "I didn't really want to hear you say that you had fucked Angie, but I think I could have handled it better that night than walking blindly in on the two of you having sex."

"We tried to explain everything the night you walked in on us, but you were in no mood to listen to anything we had to say," David declared.

"I know, and I have regretted my actions ever since that night for not taking the time to hear you both out. Unfortunately, my pride prevented me from listening. I didn't want to give you up, Angie, but like a fool, I rushed to get a divorce."

"We can correct everything right now if you wish, Mike," Angie hopefully offered. "We don't need an official document for me to be your wife AND David's wife. All we need is an understanding between the three of us that I am your wife and David's wife, and both of you are my husband."

"How would that work, Angie? How do two competitive men like Dave and I share one woman? Would there be a schedule? Just how would that work?"

"No need for a schedule. I would be there for both of you any time you want, alone or together. I love you both the same. I always have. Nothing is preventing the three of us from having an open relationship now. The three of us are the perfect sexual combination. David is very good at getting me aroused with his foreplay, and Mike, your stamina is such that I am more than satiated when we make love. We are all single adults and not bound by marital or societal rules that dictate our behavior. The arrangement I propose would be the perfect solution to all the obstacles we faced in the past. There would be no more sneaking around behind anyone's back, no more jealousies, and everything would be out in the open. We can have threesomes if that's what either of you wanted. Mike, I had fantasies before we divorced of you taking my ass while Dave entered my vagina. I'm yours any way the two of you want me. Dave and I have already agreed to give my proposal a try if you agree."

Mike was incredibly shocked when Angie said that she wanted him to take her ass. That was something Mike had dreamed of but never thought would happen. He had been hesitant even to bring it up. Now, Angie was offering to do anything Mike wanted. Angie's plan was beyond anything Mike had imagined. He wasn't about to complain, though. He wanted her back under any circumstances. However, Mike couldn't believe that David or Angie would go along with that arrangement because Dave was a horndog and never a one-woman man. But David had never truly loved a woman until he met Angie. The agreement could possibly work, Mike thought to himself. Mike looked at Dave as though he were asking his thoughts. Dave smiled and shook his head affirmatively. Angie was holding her breath, waiting for a decision.

When Angie told Mike of her plan to have him and Dave simultaneously, he almost had an orgasm right then. He looked at Dave and asked, "Dave, how would you feel if we both had sex with Angie at the same time?"

Angie moaned enthusiastically when she heard Mike's question. She knew he was on board with her plan. They had accomplished the biggest hurdle. She also knew what Dave's answer would be. Moving forward was all that is left.

"Best friends share everything, Mike. You were willing to share Angie with me when you two were married. Although you didn't realize just how much you were sharing for a while. Anyway, it's time I reciprocated," David answered, and Angie squealed with delight.

"I think Angie really wants this to happen, and you know how persuasive she can be," Mike smiled.

Mike paused. He glanced at Angie hopefully and then back to Dave. "I hate to admit it, but I would have probably agreed to this arrangement long ago if you both had been truthful with me that night I called from San Francisco. I knew all along that Angie had fallen in love with you, too, Dave. The signs were always there. I wanted Angie to be happy, but I just didn't know how to share her with you without screwing everything up. When I asked you to start romancing her, I subconsciously wanted to share her with you, but I couldn't admit it without looking like a cuckold."