I'll Be Your Woman


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Darren gasped. Darren broke into soft envious laughter. Kirstin laughed as well.

"Jealous," Kirstin asked.

"Just a little, Kirstin," Darren admitted, after a moment of silence.

"Good, you should be, mate. You've got a lot to be jealous of. We've had the most fantastic sex together."

Darren laughed again. He was definitely green. Kirstin grinned into the phone, while her eyes wandered over Kyle.

"Tell me more, babe," Darren asked.

"We'll be out in five minutes, babe," Kirstin whispered, watching Kyle as he located a trolley for their luggage and stacked their cases onto it. "See you soon."

Kirstin hung up on Darren. She put her phone away in her handbag and motioned for Kyle to follow her.

The two lovebirds strode across the interior of the domestic terminal towards the gates. Kirstin's high heels cracked on the gleaming marble floor as she took each step. Her long dark ponytail swung from side to side as she picked up her pace. Darren's wife looked sexy in her tight white singlet top and snug black leather pants. She was wearing her sunglasses. Her skin was deeply tanned. More than a few men turned their heads to watch her pass by.

It had been an eventful flight home. Kirstin had been lost in her thoughts for most of the journey. She had spent most of the flight looking out the window, all wrapped up in her concerns.

"Are you okay," Kyle had asked her at one point, while she watched a vast dark cloudbank billow around the plane.

Kirstin turned to Kyle. She looked into his tentative uncertain eyes. She abruptly leant in and kissed him passionately. She broke their hot moment.

"I'm fine, babe. Kyle, I've made a decision. I do want you to move in with Darren, the kids and I. There's no way I want this to be just one week. I really do want you to be my boyfriend."

Kyle gasped. He broke into a grin. The two of them kissed again. Kyle ran his fingers along her moving jaw and she cupped his face in her hands.

"I love you, Kirstin," Kyle whispered in her face, after they broke their kiss.

"I love you too, Kyle," Kirstin responded.

Kirstin had a plan in mind. She opened her thoughts to Kyle. She and Kyle fashioned the scheme on the plane. Darren would be moved out of her bed. Kyle would be moved into her bed. Darren would be the breadwinner. Kyle and Kirstin would enjoy the proceeds of his efforts. Darren would be carefully managed. Kyle and Kirstin would act as the managers. Darren would be treated severely. He would receive tough love from his wife and her boyfriend. Kirstin and Darren would remain married, but Darren would never again be allowed to penetrate his wife's body or kiss her lips. That pleasure would belong to Kyle only.

"And you, my dear one, will be worshipped," Kirstin advised Kyle. "Pleasing your big dick will be at the centre of my life and my marriage. Making sure you're completely satisfied physically, emotionally and financially will be Darren and my job from now on."

Kyle sighed with satisfaction. He slowly nodded.

"I love it and I love you," Kyle softly declared. "It's a great plan."

"It sure is a great plan. It's only the start though, babe," Kirstin whispered in his ear. "I mean I love my husband, but he is the biggest chump. I'm going to get him to do everything and I mean everything. The idea of dominating and pushing Darren around really turns me on."

Kyle softly laughed.

"Oh wow, I would love to see that, though I guess I feel a bit sorry for him," Kyle said, before he and Kirstin enjoyed another hot kiss and groped each other in economy class.

"Uh huh, but honestly don't feel sorry for him," Kirstin said. "I know Darren really well. He loves being submissive. He really does want to be taken advantage of. He loves being humiliated and pushed around. We've talked about this before. He likes it when I'm a cold hard bitch."

"Oh okay," Kyle said, scratching his head.

"I know - it's a bit hard to understand if you're a regular guy. I'm sure you'll get into the habit of telling him what to do and pushing him around. I'm sure you're looking forward to that. You did mention you wanted to dominate him and manage our marriage for us."

"Yeah babe, I really want him to watch me and you doing it in his marriage bed."

Kirstin broke into laughter. Kyle laughed as well.

"There you go, you already understand how it all works," Kirstin said, smiling. "Trust me Darren is going to love watching us have sex."

"I don't care if he doesn't like it or not. I'm banging you in front of him. I love an audience."

Kirstin burst into laughter. Kyle and Kirstin kissed again. It was a feverish moment. Kyle wanted to take her clothes off on the plane

They reached the airport gates. The two lovebirds walked through. Darren was waiting for them, amongst a crowd of people, at the end of the terminal, near the exit doors.

Kirstin saw her husband and she felt her love for him blossom. She saw him smile. He looked so vulnerable and silly as he grinned at her foolishly. Kirstin did love him, but it was a new and unusual sort of love. It was the sort of love an adult might feel for a child or even a mistress might feel for their pet. It was the sort of love a queen might feel for a loyal and trusted servant. He was her husband after all and the father of her two children, even if he wasn't a real man in her eyes anymore.

But then there was something more. Kirstin suddenly felt like being cruel to Darren. It was a feeling which bloomed in her as she click clacked her way through the knots of noisy people surrounding them. Kirstin wanted to humble her husband. She wanted to humiliate him. She wanted to put him down in front of everyone. She knew he wanted her to. She had always held back in the past from really letting him have it. She didn't feel any need to restrain herself any further.

For a second Kirstin cast her mind back to the flight home, which Kyle and she had just departed. She remembered Kyle's words as they made their plans in economy class.

"Why don't you just divorce him," Kyle had asked her at one point.

"No, Darren's got a good job," Kirstin said. "He's earning great money. I want him paying for everything. That's his job. I'm not going to let go of that sort of money. I really don't want to have to work and you don't earn enough, Kyle."

"Okay, that makes sense," Kyle said, with a smile. "He's a resource you and I can use. He's like a cash cow."

"Yes, that's right, Kyle," Kirstin said, with a smile. "Darren's a good earner. He's a hard worker. I really want to take advantage of that. I really want to put him to work."

"You want that money?"

"Absolutely Kyle, obviously," Kirstin stated, "of course, he's my husband as well and the kids love him."

Kyle and Kirstin had burst into laughter. They had kissed deeply. They broke. Kyle looked into her eyes with excitement. He was exhaling hard.

"And who am I to you, Mrs. Ice Cold Bitch?"

"You're my sexy toy," Kirstin whispered in his ear. "You're my teddy bear with the big dick."

Kyle burst into laughter. A second later the two lovers were kissing passionately again.

"God, I want to fuck you so badly," Kyle hissed in Kirstin's ear, while he held her tight and stroked her brown skin.

"I know you do," Kirstin had whispered.

Kirstin reached Darren. She smiled up at him. She took her sunglasses off and gazed up at him with her sparkling eyes. She let him take her in his arms. He tried to kiss his wife's mouth. Kirstin quickly turned away, so his soft lips collided with her cheek.

"Oh my God," Darren whispered, inhaling her scent, "your neck and shoulders are covered in love bites."

Kirstin stood up on her toes. She spoke directly into her husband's ear.

"My whole body is covered in bruises. I'm so sore I can barely walk. My butt hurts, babe. Your friend brutally used my little body. He treated me like shit. He's been doing my little bum all week. I can barely sit down."

Darren gasped. He licked his lips. He tried to kiss Kirstin again. She only offered her cheek to him.

"He fucked me so hard, Darren," Kirstin whispered. "He got so worked up at times. I thought he was going to break me on a few occasions."

Darren grinned. His eyes lit up. Kirstin burst into soft laughter. Kyle had arrived with the trolley of luggage. Darren stopped looking at his wife. He grew red in the face as Kyle smirked at him. Kirstin turned and looked at Kyle for a second.

"Here mate," Kyle declared at Darren, offering him the trolley. "Push this. Where are you parked?"

Darren stood there for a second. Kirstin turned back to her husband. Darren scratched his head. Kirstin offered her husband a thin cold smile and hard impassive eyes.

"You better get on with it, mate," Kyle said, "and take your hands off my sexy girlfriend, right now. She belongs to me."

Darren gasped. He stared at Kyle. He stared down at Kirstin.

"You better do as you're told, babe," Kirstin stated in her husband's ear, "you do what my boyfriend says. Got it, mate."

"Kirstin," Darren asked, scratching his head.

"If my boyfriend tells you to do something, you better do it or else we're through, got it," Kirstin said menacingly, with a soft smile on her beautiful features. "Now get on with it."

There was a short pause. Kyle and Kirstin waited silently. The two love birds watched Darren. Kirstin's husband dropped his eyes. His face was flushed. Darren suddenly released Kirstin. She broke into mocking laughter as her husband stepped up to the trolley, took hold of the trolley handles and waited for further instructions.

"Come here, honey," Kyle said to Kirstin, urging her to come to him.

"Coming, babe," Kirstin said, cheerfully.

Darren's wife walked across to her boyfriend. Kyle wrapped her up in his arms. He picked her up and spun her around and around on the spot. The two of them smiled at each other. They ignored Darren. Kyle put Kirstin down. Kirstin's husband watched with a stunned expression as Kyle reached out and ran his fingers over Kirstin's dark hair. A second later Kyle and Kirstin were kissing in front of Kirstin's husband.

"Oh boy," Darren whispered, feeling excited, humiliated and jealous all at once, "oh my God, Kirstin."

Darren couldn't help it. He reached down and stroked his hard dick through his jeans while his wife and his friend made out in the airport's busy domestic terminal. Darren's heart pounded in his chest. He was breathing hard. He was gripping the handle of the airport trolley. His knuckles were white.

"I'm going to come back to your place and fuck your wife, dude," Kyle told Darren a few moments later, after Kirstin and her husband's friend had ended their kiss. "I'm going to fuck her senseless. You can watch."

Kirstin laughed. Kirstin clung to Kyle. She laughed at her boyfriend. She turned and watched Darren.

"Oh, okay," Darren said, scratching his head, grinning and looking red faced and confused.

Kirstin laughed again.

"You're such a loser, Darren. I'm going to punish you for being so agreeable and for being so damned nice all the time," Kirstin said, before turning back to Kyle and kissing his mouth again and sliding her tongue inside.

"Oh Jesus Christ, Kirstin," Darren hissed, as his wife and his friend made out in the busy airport.

Darren gasped and broke into a broad grin. His dick was hard. He couldn't take his eyes off his bitch of a wife and his asshole of a friend.

"Oh my God," Darren whispered, wide eyed.


It was a month later.

Kirstin had some great news for her husband. It was early in the morning. The children were still asleep. Kyle was still snoring in their bed. Kirstin picked up her short colorful kimono and put it on. She walked through the house in her bare feet. She found Darren on the back porch with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was staring into the backyard. For a moment Darren wasn't aware of his wife. Kirstin silently tip-toed up behind Darren and ran her arms around him. He gasped with surprise. He jumped. He spilt some of his coffee. She giggled.

"Got ya, mate," Kirstin whispered into her husband's ear, "you nervous Nelly."

"Damn," Darren hissed, looking down at the small puddle of coffee at his feet, "I only swept and mopped the porch yesterday - good morning by the way, babe."

"Well, you're going to have to mop it again, aren't you, hey," Kirstin said, with a smile growing on her face. "That's your job, right, and good morning to you too?"

"Yes, my job," he whispered, "along with every other damned job around here."

The two of them laughed.

"Yes, of course, Darren," Kirstin said, after a moment.

Darren was silent. He seemed moody. Kirstin watched him drink his coffee. She ignored his mood.

"I feel so good this morning, babe," Kirstin softly enthused, rubbing her beautiful body up against his from behind. "Kyle really knows how to please me and make me feel great, so I can get a yummy night's sleep."

"Yes, I remember," Darren said with a tone of annoyance in his voice. "I heard you two at it from the next bedroom. I'm surprised you got any sleep at all. You two were at it most of the night."

"I had a fantastic orgasm," Kirstin stated with a grin. "It really put my lights out. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to watch us at it last night. You went to bed too early."

"Uh huh," Darren muttered.

"What's up," Kirstin asked her husband, finally trying to fathom his feelings and his thoughts. "You seem a bit cold and distant with me this morning. You seem a bit annoyed."

Darren drank more coffee. Kirstin waited. There was no response.

"Here, give me that," Kirstin finally said, growing impatient, reaching out, taking her husband's coffee from him and slamming the cup down on the table next to them. "What's going on with you?"

Darren turned to face his beautiful little wife. She searched his eyes. He dropped his gaze. He ran his hands over her petite body. She stroked the side of his cheek.


Kirstin's husband looked into his wife's beautiful eyes. He reached out and stroked her soft jaw. He leant in to kiss his wife's lips. She turned her head and offered him her cheek instead.

"Is this about Kyle and I," Kirstin softly asked, turning back to him as he withdrew. "Are you still jealous? I thought you were over all that, Darren. I thought you were going to act like an adult and accept the way things are now. I thought..."

"Sometimes it's just hard to deal with, that's all," Darren whispered down at his wife, cutting her off in mid speech. "I mean I'm doing my best, Kirstin. It's tough on me when I can't kiss you on the mouth anymore, or sleep in the same bed as you, or make love to you."

"Are you sure about that, mate? I don't think you're doing your best at all, babe. You know I don't like these grumpy moods you get in sometimes. Kyle doesn't like it either. The kids are picking up on it as well. I don't think you're doing your best, given the situation. You really need to be mature about this. You need to grow as a person and just let go of any jealousy or envy you are holding onto. You need to evolve."

Darren licked his lip. Kirstin continued.

"You're not really keeping the house clean. You're a bit lazy when it comes to cooking dinner. I don't know how work is going right now, but I'm assuming not so great. You're the bread winner in the house. You need to lift your game, Darren, honestly -- you have so many responsibilities around here and you don't seem to be taking any of them really seriously."

Darren dropped his eyes again. Kirstin watched him.

"Well," Kirstin prompted him.

"I am doing the best I can," Darren muttered, still not looking up at her.

"Really," Kirstin said, raising her eyebrows, growing annoyed, and escaping his arms. "I don't think that's the case at all. You haven't been very welcoming to Kyle since he moved in. You haven't encouraged the kids to spend time with him and get to know him."

Darren grew red in the face. Kirstin took a step back from him and crossed her arms. He finally looked up at her. Kirstin looked beautiful, but stony faced. A soft morning breeze played with her dark hair. The edges of her kimono fluttered in the light wind.

"Listen mate," Kirstin said, after a moment of waiting and getting nothing from Darren, "Kyle is my boyfriend and you're my husband. That's the way things are around here. Kyle is my man and the head of this household. He shares my bed. Darren, you're just the house-servant around here. You just work and earn -- got it."

Darren fidgeted. He looked forlorn. Kirstin tried to calm down. She breathed slowly.

"I actually thought you liked our new arrangement," Kirstin continued, frowning. "You didn't raise much of a complaint when Kyle and I made you move your things out of the main bedroom, so he could move his stuff in. You just did as you were told. I thought you were being so mature. But recently you have become such a whiner. You're acting like a cry baby."

Darren grew more flushed in the face. He stared at the ground. His wife stopped castigating him. She looked at him sadly. She felt her heart melt as she looked at him. She gently shook her head.

"Darren, say something. You know I still love you, don't you. You're still my husband. It's just our relationship has changed for the better. I'm happier and Kyle's happier and the kids are happier as well. Why aren't you happy, babe?"

"Well, I...," Darren began, but then grew silent. Kirstin stepped in after waiting a moment.

"Look Darren, Kyle and I have been so accommodating. We let you watch us make love together. Kyle and I don't mind that you masturbate while you watch us, even though you do look pretty pathetic jerking off like some desperate teenager. We're so generous. We're so accommodating, Darren. Don't you like watching Kyle and I having sex together? I thought you loved it? I can lock you out and you can stand outside the bedroom door, if that's what you really want?"

Darren gasped. He took a step towards his wife. She took a big deliberate step back. He stopped in his tracks.

"Well," Kirstin demanded, suddenly getting annoyed again. "Okay, fine, you're out in the cold, mate. You're so selfish and unreasonable, Darren. And to think I had some amazing news to share with you."

Kirstin turned on the spot. She took one step and then another step. She was walking away from her husband. She was headed for the back door. She was about to enter the house. Darren gasped. He aggressively scratched his head.

"No, don't do that," Darren blurted out desperately, "please don't kick me out. I love you, babe. Don't lock me out. I love watching you and Kyle make love together. I can change. I can do better. I promise I'll be good."

Kirstin stopped walking away from her husband. She wouldn't turn around and face Darren for a moment. She was grinning. Her eyes were lit up.

"I'm so sorry if I upset you, Kirstin," Darren stated, walking up to her and running his arms around her waist. "I'm so lucky to have you."

Kirstin changed the expression on her face. She lost her smile and adjusted her eyes. She was wearing her opaque mask when she turned back to face her husband.

"And what about, Kyle," Kirstin asked him, prodding his chest with her index finger. "Are you finally going to accept he is my boyfriend? Are you finally going to accept your lower place in the house? You agree that Kyle is in charge?"

Darren paused and then he nodded. He lowered his head again. A soft smile slowly spread across Kirstin's beautiful facial features. Her eyes gleamed. She looked triumphant. She looked arrogant. She wanted to put Darren down. She knew, almost instinctively, that he needed it.

"You're such a loser, Darren," Kirstin whispered up at him, with her haughty smile.

Darren gasped. A grin broke across his face. Kirstin laughed at him. He looked up at her. He was excited, despite himself.
