I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 03


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"So you two are living in sin." She said with a twinkle in her eye. "You're living like a couple of hippies." Of course there was absolutely no judgment in her voice and she was just joining in in the light tone of the conversation.

Ted replied, "'Let him who is without sin cast the first sharn of manure'."

Jennifer brought the conversation back around. "So these are the two women you've been spying on all evening?"

Ted blushed, "Busted. Actually, if you had joined me and shared my telescope, you would have seen I was only spying on one of these beauties." He looked at me with a twinkly in his eye, "Regrettably Ms. Ross remained fully clothed."

I replied, "The next time we are dining on the balcony, I'll have to remember that we have a potential audience." I ran my hands up and down my body as if I were a stripper.

"Yes, yes," Ted nervously replied. "Jennifer, remind me to have my nitroglycerin medication refilled."

Jennifer added, "And your viagra?"

Now 9 and I were both blushing. We continued talking for over an hour, at least mostly with Ted. Jennifer was flitting around schmoozing with the other patrons. As the gallery was closing, I told Ted we had walked here and asked if he and Jennifer wanted to join is in walking back. "Well, we actually drove, but I need the exercise. Let me ask Jennifer if she would mind driving back and I can join you two charming beasts."

That's what we wound up doing. We walked arm in arm in arm, but 9 and I were on each side of Ted as if we were some happy polyamorous group out for a pleasant evening stroll.

When we got to the lobby, Ted turned to 9, "Aren't you a tad bit overdressed? I missed your performance 2 weeks ago." 9 took the invitation and started disrobing. She handed me each item of clothing as it came off. Soon my hands were full.

. .

Ted invited us up to his apartment for a night cap. 9 and I looked at each other and she spoke for both of us. "Sure, that would be great."

We got into the elevator, Ted pushed the 19 button. "Hit 17, please. I want to drop 9's clothes off." When the elevator stopped at 17 I asked, "Are you going to hold the elevator or do you just want me to join you?

"We'll hold it for you." I popped out at 17 and just dropped 9's clothes off on the couch without hanging it up. I didn't want to hold them up.

When we got to the 19th floor, of course Ted entered his apartment without knocking but he did announce, "Jennifer, I brought the girls up for a drink. Would you like to join us?"

A voice from the bedroom announced, "I'm already in bed. Do you mind if I beg off?"

"Well come out here and say good night to the ladies. Jennifer came our completely naked. We learned later she was 15 years younger than Ted. Her body was stunningly beautiful. She came over and extended her hand to each of us. "Good night, it was a pleasure meeting you."

She retired and Ted blushed and said, "Forgive her, I guess she was trying on her costume for Thursday." 9 and I eyed each other wondering was she was going to do to outdo us? "What would you ladies like to drink?" We had been drinking champagne at the opening, lots of campaign since I didn't have to drive.

I asked, "Do you gave gin and tonic? 9, do you want a beer?"

Ted questioned, "Do you want to have these on the balcony?"

9 asked, "You don't mind?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I minded."

9 and I stepped onto the balcony while Ted fixed the drinks. We had not embraced passionately since much earlier in the day and 9's disrobing and all the champagne had both of us revved up. When Ted came out with the drinks we were locked in a libidinous kiss.

"Ah, hum," Ted said to announce his return. "Do you two need to get a hotel room?"

I laughed and replied, "No, we're find." We continued to hold each other.

We continued our conversation from the art gallery. Ted and 9 discussed various paintings. He was quite knowledgeable and 9 was clearly impressed. 9 told him of her background.

"My, that is quite impressive. How did you wind up as a mailgirl?" 9 told him her story, revealing quite a few details I had not heard before. "Do you enjoy your work?"

"I used to hate it..But then I met Monica and she has complete changed my life. She gives me something to look forward to each week." We kissed.

"So what you're saying is I could have hired you to shovel shit in my manure factory and as long as you had Monica you would have been happy?"

"Would you have paid me $60,000 a year? And would you have given me an endless supply of fluoxetine? And estrogen?"

"I don't understand."

"Fluoxetine is an antidepressant that keeps me on a perpetual high. And the estrogen keeps me in a constant state of sexual arousal."

"Oh, dear. Are you in a state of sexual arousal now?"

"If I weren't on the rag," she glanced down to her crotch and if Ted had not seen it before he would have noticed her tampon string protruding, "I would have been masturbating myself."

"Oh, my. This is a lot in information to process. And you enjoy living like this?"

"Enjoy? I would just say that with Monica and the fluoxetine and the estrogen . . . and the sexual release they provide us at work, I survive."

The conversation went on for quite awhile. Soon it was 3:20.

Ted said, "May I make a rather bold proposal? I find this rather enchanting and fascinating. I find myself like Shariah being enthralled by Scheherazade." I didn't catch the reference, but 9 spoke up.

"In 1001 Nights or Tales of the Arabian Nights Scheherazade entertained Shariah each night with a new tale."

"Yes, exactly. I'm an old man and I'm tired. But I don't want to bring this evening to an end. Could we continue this conversation in my spear bedroom? You understand I don't have some ulterior deviant sexual motive, I'm not trying to bed and debauch you. My motives are quite pure and I'm only concerned about our comfort."

I looked at 9 and she looked at me. She answered for both of us, "Sure, why not. But what's Jennifer going to say when she wakes up in the morning?"

"Jennifer is a saint. That's part of her charm. She will understand. She's found me in many more compromising situations during our relationship."

I spoke up. "9 is ready for bed, but can I borrow a shirt to use as a nigh shirt? I really am quite modest."

"Yes, of course, let's retire to my boudoir, or rather my auxiliary boudoir as it were."

Ted excused himself and came back 5 minutes later dressed in a beautiful pair of black silk pajamas. He carried a shirt and handed it to me. He advised me, "You can retire to the restroom if you wish."

"That won't be necessary" I disrobed.

Ted laughed, "My word, why is your pussy hair in the shape of a 9?"

"I'm just indicating it's ownership." I kissed 9 passionately. I was still naked, but donned the shirt. I did not have on my underpants and remained naked but for the shirt. I buttoned only 3 of the buttons.

We continued our conversation in this manner. I was actually the 1st to doze off. When I awoke at around dawn with the urge to expel all the champagne from the previous night, I found Ted and 9 asleep. I looked around but didn't find a restroom. I sneaked into the master bedroom and relieved myself. I did not arouse Jennifer, thankfully. When I returned, I though to myself, what an idyllic scene, a man in his 50's and a naked and half naked woman each in their 20's in a situation otherwise wrought with sexual innuendo and they are all just sleeping like three kindergarten classmates enjoying an innocent sleepover. 9's naive innocence is certainly infectious.

At about 8:30, I was awakened to the smell of bacon frying. I let 9 sleep, but went into the living room. I saw Ted, still in his pajamas, Jennifer had on a pair of shorts but she was bare breasted. Ted was cooking and they were sharing a cup of coffee.

"Good morning. Would you care to join us?" Jennifer asked. She was in such good spirits, there obviously had not been any brouhaha over the previous nights sleeping arrangement, or if there had been, it had been worked out.

"I have to use the bathroom, but I would enjoy some. Black, with two sugars, please."

When I returned, 9 had joined them. She excused her self to tend to her toilet.

Jennifer suggested, "Shall we dine on the balcony? Of course there won't be a show on the 17th floor." She said it with a twinkle in her eye, aimed at both 9 and Ted. When I realized I was the only woman with her breasts covered, I unbuttoned my shirt completely but kept it on. Ted, or anyone for that matter, could have gotten an eyeful. Actually, with my small breasts it was more of a glimpse.

We ate and chatted some more. 9 asked, "So, Ted, what happened to your shit business?" I think she enjoyed engaging in scatological language.

"I sold it 5 years ago. . . .to Seahawk Industries." 9 and I guffawed and nearly spit out our coffee.

9 picked it up, "What, we have a shit division. Monica did you know this?"

"Actually I saw some memos about a old acquisition of Silvercreek Enterprises. Is that you?"

"One and the same."

9 squealed, "Good lord, I hope I don't ever have to make a delivery from there!"

"No, no, that division is in the southwestern corner of the state."

"Thank goodness." We finished our breakfast.

I said, "Ted, . . .and Jennifer, this has been a delightful evening and morning. Thank you for sharing your bed with us." I had a big smile on my face; 9 engaged me in a lip lock. "But we really must go. May I return your shirt to you later?"

"Absolutely not. I don't trust you to return it." He was grinning from ear to ear.

"You're right, I'm not trustworthy. I took off the shirt and picked up my clothes. We exited the apartment and I suggested, "It's only two floors down. We can take the stairs."

9 protested, "I take the stairs all day at work, besides there will be more of a chance we run into someone on the elevator."

I smiled to acknowledge 9's deviousness. We emerged from the apartment and went to the elevator.

"You realize this is the 1st time I've ever been naked outside my apartment."

"How does it feel."

"Liberating." We engaged in a passionate kiss as we waited for the elevator. We didn't run into anyone.

We both decided we needed naps. We awoke mid afternoon. I asked 9, "Are you still out of commission?"

"Yes, but you aren't." She started to lick my pussy.

"Wait, I am not very fresh. I need a shower."

"We both do, I'll join you."

We showered. I paid particular attention to 9's asshole. I wasn't sure if I would be enjoying that pleasure with the dildo or with my tongue, but I wanted to be prepared.

We adjourned to the bed and 9 performed her little miracle on my cunt. After I came, I did give her a rim job with my tongue. She again exploded with ecstasy.

The rest of the day was quiet. I had promised I would let 9 stay overnight tonight and I would drive her in tomorrow morning. I suggested we retire at 11:00 PM. Some late night smooching. 9 thought she had recovered from her period, but we decided we didn't need to test it out. She did pleasure me before we went to bed.


"9, is everything set for Thursday night? Will you be through working at 8:00? If so, I can pick you up at the warehouse at around 8:15 or so."

She didn't respond. "Are we all ready?"

She gave a very curt and abrupt, "Yes."

"Is something wrong?"

She was still being elusive, "No, no, we're fine."

"What's going on?"

"I was assigned to work the 42nd floor Thursday night because I was third on the list in terms of demerits."

"Does that mean you can't get off? Do we have to plan on my picking you up at around 11:00 and joining the party late? I'm sure it will just be getting started."

"No, I'll be ready at 8:15. I traded of with 7. She agreed to work for me."

"Well, that was generous. Give her my thanks."

She was clearly agitated, "I had to pay a price."

"A price?"

"I agreed to spend the night with her in the big bed."

"Is this your 1st time?"

"Yes," she cried nearly in tears.

This news also shook me up. "When will you be doing it?"

We knew Thursday would be out of the question. She suggested Friday. I told her no, Then she said Saturday? I told her no again, I thought I would be spending the night here. When I refused Sunday, she told me the price just went up. I would have to spend three consecutive nights with her, one for each refusal."

"You're going to sleep with her three nights?" I couldn't hide my agitation.

She burst into tears. "Yes, yes, please don't be angry at me."

"You think you're doing me a favor and this justifies your, . ." I fought uttering the words, "your prostituting yourself?"

"Don't say that, Monica, PLEASE!"

"I'm, I'm floored. You think that just because we want to be together you're justified in trafficking in your own. . .your own flesh?"

She was completely discombobulated. "Oh, Monica, Monica. can you ever forgive me?"

I lay there sulking for 10 minutes while she finished her crying spell.

I didn't sleep well. I could hear 9 weeping occasionally throughout the night. The alarm went off at 5:00. I got out of bed, of course without kissing or caressing 9. I was torn between closing the bathroom door to give a non-verbal clue that I did not feel empathy with her plight of having to give up all privacy while she shit each morning or keeping the door open so she would have to put up with my odors expelled from my anus. I kept the door open. I was completely dressed by 6:00 AM. 9 got out of bed and tended to the minimal preparation she had for work, shitting, brushing her teeth. She didn't insert a new tampon so I assumed that Shark week was over.

We got to my car. Not one word, not one caring gesture had been exchanged. I pulled into my parking space. Before she got out, I said, "9, you know I'm not happy. I'm very, very disappointed in you."

"But don't you realize I did this because I so much wanted to be with you."

""Don't you dare try to put this back on me. I want you to listen. Mark my words well. I will never, NEVER, prostitute myself just to be with you. That's a line I refuse to cross. If you think that's an indication that I don't want to be with you, well, we have some bigger issues we need to address."

Her head was lowered and she was still sobbing quietly. "Now, get to work. I'll see you Thursday at the warehouse." I could tell she was visibly relieved to hear that.

"Oh, thank you, Monica."

"Give me a kiss." I turned my head so she could only place a gentle kiss on my cheek.


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LupusDeiLupusDeiover 4 years ago

I wonder would Monica's stout statement at the end ever backfire. And oh my, they have shit packing plant for an exile camp...

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 5 years ago
Getting darker

I may be too invested in 9 and Monica, but the growing darkness concerns me - hopeless romantic that I am.

CorbinCCorbinCalmost 5 years agoAuthor
You can read my mind

To Anonymous, you must be reading my mind. I'm heading down that road soon. Maybe not so much in Chap 4, (a little bit, but I'll try to step it up). But if you can stick around to Chap 5, I really think you will enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Turn Up the Humiliation

The story does a good job of describing the social interactions between Monica and Mailgirl 9 outside of work. What about detailing more of Monica's reaction to witnessing Mailgirl 9 being humiliated at work? An example would be describing Monica's embarrassment at seeing her girlfriend degraded during an important boardroom meeting. More emphasis should be placed on differentiating between Monica's high corporate status at work as opposed to Mailgirl 9.

Enjoying the story so far.

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