I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 11


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"Oh, what is it, Monica? You know you can tell me anything."

"Mama, last night, Jill and I got, you know, intimate."

There was a pause. "How intimate?"

"I wound up sucking her tit."

"'Wound up?' Is that as 'intimate' as you got?"

"Well, yes. I mean we didn't do anything, you know, down there."

"You mean south of the Mason-Dixon line?"

"No, ma'am. Really, Mama, I'm not a complete degenerate."

"So all you did was suck her tit? Where was 9 while all this was going on?"

"She was sucking her other tit."

"So there you and 9 were, like Romulus and Remus, suckling at the breast of the capitoline wolf." Mama is so much more cultured and refined than I am, like 9. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I did recognize the names of the twins Romulus and Remus. I knew they had been raised by a she-wolf, so I could fill in the gaps in my liberal education by just imaging she was equating 9 and Jill and me to this scene out of mythology. Even though 9 only heard 1/2 of the conversation, she was able to fill in the gaps and was laughing uproariously at this imagery of her and me as Romulus and Remus suckling at Jill's tits.

"Well, yes, whatever you just said."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I, uh, I just feel guilty about what we, what I did."

Again, there was a long pause. "And that's all you did?"

"Yes, of course. Mama, please forgive me."

"I'm not sure there's anything to forgive. You and Gillian just got caught up in a moment of intimacy and expressed you love and respect for each other." I was surprised by her reaction, her accepting this revelation so calmly. "Frankly, I'm glad that you two are so accepting of each other."

"Mama, this is you lover I was intimate with."

"You really weren't that intimate with her. You know down South we often greet others with a kiss. I imagine it was dark and you just missed a little when you tried to kiss her goodnight."

I laughed. "Oh, Mama, thank you for being so understanding. So you're not mad at me? And Jill isn't in any trouble?"

"In the short time Gillian and I have been together, I've realized she is a woman of tremendous sexual passion. She's younger than me, by 13 years. Sweetie, somethings it's hard for me to keep up with her. I recognize that she may have to seek sexual gratification from others. If she is going to do so, I'm glad it was with someone I love."

"So have you two agreed to have a, what would you call it, an 'open lesbian relationship'?"

We haven't sat down and spelled it all out, but we haven't pledged fidelity to each other."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not really. I'm 46; I should just be grateful for what I do have. And what I do have is wonderful."

"Are you going to disclose any, what would you call them, 'affairs' each of you may have outside your relationship?"

"First of all, sweetie, I'm grateful for what I do have. I'm not going out cruising any lesbian bars looking for something else."

"But Jill is going to be in a different port each night. Aren't you concerned that she may be sleeping around?"

There was silence. "Only if she was lying to me. Infidelity I can handle, outright deception, not so much."

"Wow, I've got a lot to learn from you. So what if she was unfaithful to you with, say, one of your family members?"

"I haven't really though about it. But the idea of Kyle and me sharing a Gillian sandwich is somewhat titillating."

"Mama, you know that's not what I meant. What if Jill and I were to, you know, plow each other's cotton field?"

"Is that something you want to do?"

"Well, no, but if she's going to be staying her a couple of nights a month, who knows, it just may come up. It would be nice to know in advance."

"Is it something you want?"

"This is getting too weird. Can we change the subject?" I was glad to move on and leave a lot of questions unanswered. "Mama, you remember I told you I was dating another woman, Joyce?"

"Yes, I really didn't understand what you were looking for when you have 9."

"Well, Jill met her, Joyce. I'm sure she's going to give you a full report. I just want you to be prepared."

"Prepared, for what? Does she have two heads? Or three tits?"

"No, nothing like that. It's just that she's, well, a little older than me."

"Well, I certainly can't let that bother me. Even assuming that it would bother me, even if I weren't involved with Gillian. You said 'a little older'. How much older?"

"She's older than Jill."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"She's a bit older than that."

"So, how much older? Is she in her 40's?"

"No." I was telling the truth. 51 isn't 'in her 40's'.

"I still don't see a problem."

"She's 51." Stunned silence. "Mama, are you there?"

"51? Monica, that's old than me!" I think I might feel uncomfortable dating someone 51."

"But that's the whole point. I don't feel uncomfortable at all."

"What are you getting out of the relationship?"

Remember, 9 was listening, but she could only hear 1/2 of the conversation. If I didn't feel uncomfortable about dating Joyce, I did feel a little uncomfortable about talking about the relationship in front of 9. I grabbed her hand and only let it go so that I could caress her thigh and then her arm. I went back to holding her hand. I had a little forlorn smile on my face. "The sex is good, but it's good with 9 too. But it's a little different.

"How is it different?"

"Each of them have different parts that I most enjoy caressing. I really enjoy sucking 9's breasts; they are always so full and inviting. Joyce's are a bit smaller, kinda like mine. Gravity hasn't devastated them, but it's starting to catch up with them. I love Joyce's feet. They are so small and petite. I could just suck them and her toes all night long." I squeezed 9's hand, but she shuffled and moved her feet under her body so that they weren't exposed, as if I didn't know what they looked like.

"I noticed 9's feet were, well, very calloused and rough when she was here."

"That's because of all the running around she has to do in her job. We calculate she runs a marathon every day. And now she's running around on the pavement in her bare feet. But I'm not so shallow that I would consider breaking up with her just because of that."

"Anything else?"

"Well, there's one other major difference." I pause. "I really feel uncomfortable about talking about this."

There was another long pause, then Mama implored me, "Go on."

I really enjoy eating out 9's asshole. When my tongue touches her sphincter, the shrieks of joy she emits cause me to gush like old faithful. 9 doesn't like eating out my asshole. Or at least she never has." 9's finger moved to my butt. I shifted so that she had a clear passage to inserting it into my butt hole, which she proceeded to do. I caressed her arm to show my appreciation.

"But Joyce loves eating out my asshole. The orgasmic ecstasy she makes me feel keeps me coming back for more." I realized in the months 9 and I have been together we had never discussed this. Surely she knew how much I have enjoyed the times 11 has pleasured my ass hole, either with her mouth or her finger, even while we were on the dance floor.

"So is that all? Is it just the physical differences?"

"No, not really. Joyce and 9 are both very well educated and cultured. Joyce has been able to take me places like the opera, the ballet and the symphony that it just wouldn't occur to 9 and me to attend. I really enjoy the doors into society that Joyce has opened for me. 9 just doesn't have that background."

"Does that difference bother your?"

"No, not at all. It's just a difference that's nice to have available to me. Joyce is having me accompany her to several parties that I just wouldn't have the opportunity to attend with 9. But I'm taking 9 to the office Christmas dinner next week because I want to be there with her. If I were just out for the maximum self-aggrandizement of my career, then I would have gone with Joyce." I smiled at 9, "And 9 knows that."

"What does 9 think of all this?"

"Here, ask her."

"Has she been listening to all this."

"Yes," I handed the phone to 9. Now I could only hear half of her conversation with Mama.

"Hey, Margaret, nice to hear from you again.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, Jill told me it was because of my nervous arm syndrome. I guess it's like nervous leg syndrome, but with me it's my arms that flail about while I sleep."

"I don't know. I really was sleeping but Monica says she is sure I knew what I was doing." We smiled at each other and squeezed each others hand.

"The only thing I remember was someone moving my hand to Jill's breast and the next thing I knew it was in my mouth."

"Oh, I loved it."

"No, ma'am. We never even considered going down there."

"Well, Jill told Monica, 'I've got one more' and the next thing I knew we each had one of Jill's tits in our mouths."

"As far as I'm concerned, 'guild' had nothing to do with it. I guess it's bothered Monica more that it's bothered Jill and me."

9 giggled, I have no idea at what. "Thank you, I appreciate you saying that."

The subject had obviously changed. "I don't like the idea, but I've gotten used to it."

"I think I should really dislike Joyce, but I can't. I can see why Monica likes her."

Wow, that was really a revelation, but I shouldn't have been completely surprised based on some earlier incidents, 9 helping Joyce bathe before the Thanksgiving supper, their warm embrace at the end of the evening and 9's concern that there may be some friction between Joyce and me.

There was a long period of silence, at least on 9's part.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll try. Thank you, Margaret." She handed me the phone and Mama and I exchanged out goodbye's and ended the call.

I asked 9, "So what did she say to you?" She got the biggest smile on her face and said, "That's between Margaret and me."

We made love and eventually fell asleep.


It really was nice reconnecting with 9 this past week. I'm glad I decided to give her the whole week here at the apartment. Saturday morning, she had one more request.

"Monica, we've had a great week together. Tonight, can you do one more thing for me? Let's get dressed up and go out on a special date. Can you take me to another of those gourmet restaurants like you and Joyce are always going to. I want to come in on your arm so everyone will know that we are a special couple."

Of course I agreed. I told her I would take her to Panzano. While this was the first restaurant Joyce had taken me to for our first date the night we went to the opera, it wasn't "our" restaurant so that it should have made 9 uncomfortable, or frankly. not me either, in being there without Joyce. 9 looked stunning in her fancy formal dress suit. I wore an evening cocktail dress.

We walked in and I'm sure everyone realized this wasn't just a couple of girls our for a fancy meal. Clearly there were two lovers. Being hand in hand completed the imagery. The maitre d', Guido, greeted us warmly, but he was discreet in not mentioning that I had been there before with Joyce. "Guido, this is my lover 9. We are looking forward to a superb meal. Can we begin with a little love song?"

Guido started singing, "Bella figlia dell'amore,

schiavo son dei vezzi tuoi;

con un detto sol tu puoi

le mie pene consolar.

Vieni e senti del mio core

il frequente palpitar."

The aria was beautiful, even from Guido's untrained voice. "Bravo, Guido. Grazie."

He acknowledged our appreciation, "Ah, Rigoletto. I hope you enjoyed it."

9 had the advantage over me. She spoke passable Italian from time spent in Italy, but I had no idea what Guido had sung.

"What do the words mean?"

9 translated, "Fairest daughter of love,

I am a slave to your charms;

with but a single word you could

relieve my every pain.

Come, touch my breast and feel

how my heart is racing."

"Monica, you couldn't have begun our date any better."

"I would love to touch your breast and feel your heart racing."

We decided to share two appetizers and each of us ordered an entree, which I'm sure we would wind up sharing. I had veal piccata and 9 had cioppino. As we started the entrees, I told 9, "You look particularly ravishing tonight. Are you going to wear that to the Christmas party next week?"

"No, don't be silly. I'm going to wear my mailgirl uniform."

There was no mistaking what she was saying. "9, are you serious? You're planning on going naked?"

"What's wrong with that? Why should I wear anything else?"

I was beginning to become annoyed. "9, this is a very formal occasion. I'm taking a big risk in bringing you as my date. There are a lot of people at Seahawk who don't like you, who don't like the mailgirls. We can't do anything to antagonize them."

"They don't seem to mind when they gawk at me all day long. Why not give them another eyeful next Wednesday?"

I'll admit I was getting more and more frustrated and my voice was raising. "You are not going to embarrass yourself and more importantly embarrass me by going naked."

"Monica, keep your voice down. You're creating a scene. Can we discuss it later?"

"As far as I'm concerned there's nothing further to discuss. You will wear a formal outfit." We finished the meal very quietly.

When we left the restaurant and went to my car in the parking lot, 9 made a point of showing her continuing annoyance by taking off all her clothes. She was doing her striptease as we walked. She was starting to draw a crowd. Her timing was perfect as she removed her panties just as we reached the car.

"Look at me, Monica. I'M A MAILGIRL. This is who I am. Neither your nor I can change that, at least for another 18 months. YOU'RE DATING A MAILGIRL! If you have a problem with that, maybe you need to reexamine your relationship."

I drove us back to our apartment. Yes, I'm aware I just said "our". That wasn't a typographical error. The dead silence told me the argument was over. 9 hadn't won so much as she had warn me down. She would be wearing her mailgirl uniform Wednesday.


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subbrian773subbrian773about 2 months ago

I’ve enjoyed all the musical quotes but I LOVED the Irving and Puzzo shoutouts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Hoping to see more

Great storytelling. At first, I found it hard to accept the "mailgirl" premise, but as the story went on, that ceased to be a problem. The depth and realism of the major characters is compelling. I am very curious to see how Joyce evolves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Hey, Anon!

It's fiction! You know, like not real. It was a delightful story that was pure fun to read.

I will say the misspelled words and verbs in the wrong tense were somewhat distracting, but it didn't stop me from reading every chapter, and looking forward to more!

LupusDeiLupusDeiover 4 years ago
Waiting for Christmas :)

It's going to be blast.

jenorma2012jenorma2012over 4 years ago

I though you have forgotten this since it was so long since we read anything from you, all this was pretty good except when Monica called her momma and told her about what her and 9 did with Jill, I would not be so understanding in fact I would have been mad at Monica and 9 for it but hey that is just me

TSreaderTSreaderover 4 years ago
A very good addition!

Very good indeed. Trials and tribulation always occur in relationships, this one is a bit off center, so I do suppose it will = a very good Xmas party...;) Thank you!

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 4 years ago
A good continuation

Interesting to see the changing dynamic between Monica and 9. Monica is almost a Mailgirl now.

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