I'm Going To Hell


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My mouth was dry as it had been hanging open. I took a drink. My little sister had no sex filter at all.

"So, you followed these rules since-."

"Since senior year, yeah. It's worked out pretty well."

"I gotta ask, what's your body count?"

"Girls or guys?"


"As of today, three twelve."

"You're only nineteen and you've had sex with over three hundred guys?"

"And forty-six girls."

My heart was pounding. "And Mom and Dad?"

"Daddy took my virginity on my Eighteenth birthday last year. Mommy walked in on us. I thought she was going to be so pissed. But, after Daddy went to work the next day, she took me to bed and we played all morning." She leaned in. "We can have fun anytime you want to, Marty." She grinned.

"That's not going to happen, Britti. You're my sister. It's wrong and illegal."

She frowned. "Maybe it's illegal, but it's not wrong, Marty. I love you."

"I've got to get to class." I tried to act normally. I leaned over and gave her a peck on the nose. "See ya later."

I couldn't concentrate on any of my classes. I'd met promiscuous women before but this was way over the top. I looked up 'Nymphomania' and found that she didn't fit the description. She wasn't compelled to have sex, at least I didn't think so, she just did it. As she had explained, it was like breathing. I had a hard time thinking of Brittney as a slut. She didn't dress or act slutty. She dressed pretty conservatively. She didn't wear much makeup and she always acted calm and pleasant. Plus, she was smart as a whip and had graduated high school number five in the class. I couldn't pigeonhole her into a category. My sister was just a five-foot-two-inch force of nature.

I kept tabs on her, and by Halloween, it was clear she was the most popular freshman on campus. I took her home for the holidays but didn't stay. She wouldn't promise that she wouldn't have sex with Mom or Dad. At spring break she was one of the few freshman girls to get to go somewhere warm. A group of junior and senior guys pooled their money and took her to South Padre Island. She told me it was fun, but she didn't get much sun. At the end of the year, she had made the Dean's list in both semesters and was in the honors college. She went home for the summer, and I started my second internship.


I'd been concerned when I had called out Mom and Dad back in August, but they continued to pay my way through college. So, all the money earned that summer went to my bank account. I used some money to take a few girls on nice dates. One or two seemed to like me a lot, but somehow it never seemed right to me. That changed when Brittney returned for her junior year. She'd brought Connie with her. She'd convinced her to transfer from State and had talked Connie's Dad into paying for it. I didn't want to know how she did that.

I'd known Connie since Brittney had dragged her home in the sixth grade. She knew everything about me, and I had heard everything about her. She was always comfortable around me. By this time I had a job in town at a local bank but was still living in an apartment close to campus. We went out for pizza that first night at school, and she went home with me. She didn't leave until Christmas of her senior year. It was a fun-filled eighteen-month romp. At Christmas, we both acknowledged that the spark had died, but we parted as friends.

Brittney was upset that her matchmaking had failed, but she asked if she could move in with me. Her roommates were taking up too much of her time, and she needed to work on her senior thesis. She said she had kept her nose in the books all semester, she and had only had sex with sixty-three guys that year.

Brittney had a lot more stuff to move than when she was a freshman. "Guys like to buy me things," she explained.

She worked on her thesis all day, but she usually had a different guy in bed with her every night. She had an endless supply of 'nice' guys. She had the occasional hot girl spend the night. She always tried to set me up with them the next morning, which embarrassed both of us. By the end of school, she had fucked every guy in the apartment complex.

Brittney and Connie graduated in the spring of 2019. They were going to go to grad school together at State but were going to take a year off to make some money. Connie's Dad had finished paying for school.


Connie got a job with a local construction company. Brittney started at a nearby daycare. She loved the little kids. Unfortunately, she got fired after two weeks, when one of the Moms found her with one of the Dads in the kitchen. Brittney didn't know why everyone was so upset. It was just a blowjob.

She had a friend, a 'nice' guy whose father owned the local BMW dealership. She got hired and was an immediate hit. By her second month, she was number two in sales. All the guys there taught her everything about Beemers. By August, she had screwed every guy that worked there including the jock that washed the cars and the pretty little receptionist. The money rolled in.

"Why aren't you and Connie getting an apartment together?" I asked at the end of the summer.

"Connie and I thought that it would be awkward for you. Besides, I don't want to leave my Marty."

"How could that be more awkward than having a strange guy in my apartment five or six mornings a week?"

"Hey, I only bring home nice guys. They are always nice to you."

"I notice that lately there have been a lot of police and firemen."

"Well, Jack is a big supporter of the local first responders." Jack owned the dealership.

"And now you're a big supporter?"

She giggled. "A girl likes to know she has protection. You do know, you'll never get another traffic ticket in this town, don't you." I'd been stopped more than once driving Brittney's fire engine red Beemer.

"Good to know."

A week later she showed up in a deep blue Mercedes SL.

"What's this?"

She told me the story. She was sitting at her desk, cold calling potential buyers when Jack's wife roared up and stormed in the front door. The whole office listened as she yelled and pointed at Brittney.

"She going to take down your business Jack. It's all going to blow up in your face."

"I can't fire her, she's done nothing wrong. She's one of my top salespeople."

"She's screwing your office manager and your service manager. Their wives know, Jack."

"But look, everyone is happy. We're having the best year ever." He waved his hands out at the showroom.

She looked at Jack. "Fuck, you're fucking her too, aren't you? You get rid of her right now, or don't come home."

Jack had walked up to her desk. "I need your car keys, Brittney. I'm sorry."

She'd been standing in the parking lot, about to call me to come to get her, when two cars rolled up. Four of the sales guys and four mechanics were sitting in the cars. She got in with the mechanics and all eight guys looked at Jack's wife, standing in the showroom window, and flipped her off. They drove to the new Mercedes dealership, on the other side of town, and all nine of them were hired that afternoon.

Just then, one of the mechanics, Pete, who I knew from the dealership, pulled up. He got out and picked her up twirling her around. "Was that awesome or what? I'm so horny I could split a log with my dick. Let's fuck."

She turned up her nose and frowned at his crude talk and public display in front of me. But, she took his hand and said, "Okay, but you need to shower first." She led him to the apartment. I decided to go for a walk.

By Thanksgiving, she was the number one salesperson. At Christmas, she convinced twenty guys to buy cars for their wives as a present. On a warm January day, a guy came in and took a test drive, with Brittney in an S class sedan. Brittney let him fuck her across the hood on a back road. He bought the car and when he came back to pick it up he handed her the keys to a condo downtown. He wanted to be her sugar daddy.

She had to explain her rules to him. He was amused but said, "Hell, why don't we give it a try? If it doesn't work out you can still live in the condo for a year."

Brittney wouldn't move without me, so we got out of my lease, and we moved in late February. The guy came the next weekend and stayed til Monday. He told her he lived in Chicago, but he'd be back at the end of March.

Then Covid hit.


Everything was shut down. Our county was the hardest hit in the state. We watched as the numbers continued to climb. The dealership was shut down. No one was allowed to go out.

A lot of guys called, but Brittney said she didn't want to be a Covid Typhoid Mary. She sat and watched the news. The three-week deadline came and went and then the three-month deadline and we were into summer. It was a time when we were still wiping down our delivered groceries with bleach. It seemed people were dying all around us.

"Marty, I'm so antsy I can't sit down."

I laughed. "Britti, you're just horny."

"No, I'm not."

"Britti, you haven't been laid in ten weeks. When was the last time you went that long without sex?"

"You really think so?"

"Go rub one out, and see if it helps."

She went into her room and came back ten minutes later. "You were right." She snuggled up to me on the couch. I could smell her pussy.

After that, she started to get more and more flirty with me. She stopped wearing anything but my T-shirts. She couldn't sit by herself or keep her hands off of me.

My phone rang one morning. It was Mom. I hadn't talked to her for over a year. Brittney had been keeping up with her since Covid hit. "Hi, Mom."

"Marty, how are you?"

"I'm good. Why aren't you talking to Brittney?"

"I've talked to her. Now I'm talking to you. Your sister needs you, Marty. You've always been her protector. Now she needs you to be with her."

"That's not going to happen Mom. She's my sister. I'd do anything else, but not that."

"Marty, she's in pain."

"She can take care of that herself, Mom."

"It's not the same and you know it. You need to be there for her."

"Not going to happen. I gotta go." I hung up. I couldn't believe Brittney had enlisted Mom to get me to have sex with her.

We shared one bathroom so I wasn't surprised when she came in and used the toilet while I was in the shower. "That was not nice, Britti, having Mom call me."

"My pussy is aching Marty. I need your dick."

"I've told you before. It's not going to happen."

The next day, she stopped wearing clothes.

"Britti, come on. Cover up."

"Oh look, Marty," she cried lifting her breasts, "tits."

I groaned.

"Look at this Marty, a vagina."

I walked to my room. When I came out for lunch she was still naked. She stayed naked all day. We watched a movie that night and she curled up next to me like she always did. But she was naked. She got a chill and pulled a blanket over both of us.

During a steamy scene, I noticed she was jiggling against my arm. "Are you playing with yourself?"

"Yeah, see." She pulled the blanket off so I could see her fingers in her pussy. She held her hand out so I could smell her.

"I'm going to bed."

"Sweet dreams, Marty."

While I was taking my shower the next morning, she climbed in with me.

"Britti, come on."

"What? I'm just trying to save water." She soaped herself up making sure to rub on me as she did.

The clothes stayed off. By the fourth day, I gave up. I washed her with my hands. The next day I washed her hair as she pressed her tight little bottom on my cock.

"I could take care of that for you." I just growled at her.

Watching TV that afternoon, she laid back on the couch and started playing with herself right in front of me. "Gawd, Britti."

"You're the one who said I could take care of things myself. You can help if you want to."

I tried not to watch.

Three days later I woke up with a naked Brittney in my bed. We showered together and then I worked while she watched TV. I felt a little let down that I was getting used to her being naked. At least I wasn't walking around with a boner all day.

In the afternoon Mom called again. "Martin Benjamin Coulson." She hadn't tried this with me since I was fifteen. I nearly laughed out loud.

"Hi, Mom."

"You need to have sex with your sister."

"Not going to happen, Mom."

"I can't believe you are so self-centered and cruel. She is in her room crying right now."

I looked up and caught Brittney peeking through the door at me, She pulled back too late and closed the door.

"Stop calling Mom." I disconnected.

I woke up in the morning with my hand on her breast. Damn, her tits felt amazing. That morning I let her wash me after I was done washing her in the shower.

The next morning she squatted down with her face to my half-hard cock. She opened her mouth. "Britti, stop," I said.

"Connie says it feels amazing, She says you know how to use it too." She kissed the head of my dick.

That night we watched a special report that said the pandemic was getting worse, not better. They had pictures of the bodies piling up in New York. She started to cry.

"Britti, It's going to get better. We're going to be fine."

"I feel so sad," she sobbed. "I'm sorry I let you down, Marty. I feel so bad that you're ashamed of me."

"Hey, when did I ever say I was ashamed of you?"

"I've seen the looks you give me when I bring home a new guy."

"I just get concerned that you'll run out of 'nice' guys. I'm used to it now Britti, I am."

I kissed her and we made out for a few minutes.

She stopped sneaking into my bed. We just started going to bed together. I woke up with my hand on her tit every morning.

About a week later, I woke up as normal with her hand over mine on her tit. She pressed my hand to her chest and pushed back against me. "Mom, Marty's got a boner." We laughed. I poked her through my briefs.

At night she lay on the couch playing with herself watching my face. I couldn't take the frustration anymore. I rolled over to her and stuck my face in her pussy, sticking my tongue in as far as I could.

"Oh, Marty," she stroked my face as I ate her, using everything that Connie had taught me. My jaw was going numb when she finally came. I sat back up. Her eyes were glassy. "Thank you, Marty. Are you going to fuck me now?"


"I think you are." She gave me both dimples.

I didn't though. We went to bed and I spooned around her. She took my hand and put it on her pussy.

"Put your finger in me, Marty. See, I'm always wet for you." I fell asleep like that and woke up with my hand still on her. I stroked her clit and she woke up.

We didn't speak all morning. I worked on my laptop, and she watched TV. After lunch, I went to use the bathroom, and when I came out she was doing her stretching exercises. She had her back to me and was bending to touch her toes. I just dropped my shorts and walked up behind her and pushed myself in.

She pushed back and reached to grab my arm. I fucked her silently for a couple of minutes and came explosively in her pussy. Breathing hard I slumped into a chair.

She crawled into my lap. "I love you, Marty."

"Love you too, Britti" I picked her up and carried her to bed. I was done working for the day.

Turns out, I was done working for a couple of days. We used every position she knew and I think she knows them all. We only stopped to eat. The next day, I heard her talking to Connie on the phone as she sorted through her lingerie.

"What are you doing? You're going to start wearing clothes again?"

"Hi, Marty"

"Hi, Connie"

"Brittney said, "I want to look pretty for you."

I heard Connie giggle. "Hey Brit, can I talk to Marty for a minute?"

Brittney handed me her phone and I walked into my room. "What's up, Connie."

"Look, I know you are her sister, and you guys say it all the time, but she's never said I love you to any of those thousands of guys she's screwed. Not once."

"She's never had a single guy that she wanted to make a life with?"

"It's always been you, Marty. Always. I thought you should know."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. "How are you, Connie?"

"I'm good Marty; in fact, if we can get out of this apartment, I'm going to get married."

"Wow, I guess being together every day for six months has worked out for you."

"It has, I just hope we can get out before I start to show." She giggled.

"You're going to have a baby? You'll be a great mom, Connie."

I took the phone back to Brittney. She had on a red mesh teddy. She did look very sexy.

"Connie's going to be a Mom?" She could see the concern on my face. We'd been together for six months and I'd never seen her take a pill.

"I've got an implant, Marty. I'm good for at least the next three years. If you want to put a kid in me though, just let me know."

So here I sit, with my cock softening in Britti's pussy. I'm looking forward to the next few months of this pandemic. Then I'm going to hell.

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unclemerv77unclemerv7712 months ago

Needs a chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Here's the thing, I like the initial idea, the problem was the execution, it was really bad. This was more of an outline or a long synopsis than a story, the characters are paper thin, the plot gets weak and nothing happens, no one acts like a human.

The story tries to portray him as protective and caring brother.. but let's his sister become an actual whore, ruin dozens of marriages, probably contract a new STD not previously known to man and he just... Does nothing, there's no reaction, he has no emotions and I think that's the biggest problem with this story, you wrote a bunch of plot points but filled them with mannequins.

He's disgusted that his family is banging and punishes his parents but does laughs it off with his sister, the parents are never mentioned again, they're not regretful or anything that they lost their son?

This could work, it's not a bad idea, it's just... Empty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I would love a chapter 2 where she has hiv and he talks about sex isn't about getting laid. He tells about a true emotional connection makes it better and then tells them maybe some bullshit of how a pushy over years would conform itself to 1 cock etc.. let them slowly die in regret.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Who needs Covid when there are so many STDs out there? A yhousand plus random guys and never caught anything? Yeah, right.

JAFCritic3JAFCritic3about 1 year ago

Please accept this as helpful advice. This story has some interesting dynamics that you don’t see in many other incest stories. MC finding out his sister mother and dad are having sex together and he NOT into it. When sis comes to his college and he tells his parents he knows and won’t be coming back because of it. A separate storyline is that she’s an ethical slut. That’s not a bad thing. She has a code of ethics she believes in and others are willing to follow them. But those 2 storylines are not that compatible and there’s not enough explanation for the reader to grasp it. I think some will either see the sister as a slut only or an uncontrolled nympho who has no problem with who she has sex with. I know you briefly addressed this in the story, but again, I’m not sure it was done in a way for the reader to grasp it. The sex scenes were not fully developed either. It just didn’t work for the story in some cases and in others like when mom and sis or dad and sis were seen, it didn’t titillate for lack of a better word. Another issue was the pacing. You breeze through a lot of time like the 18 months that Mary and Connie were dating. And if Britti is so in love with Marty, what’s she doing setting up her brother in a relationship? Unless she wanted him to fail? Or use Connie to get to him somehow? But instead, she was upset when Marty and Connie broke up. The last part of the story during the lockdown is also fast paced and doesn’t really explain how Marty changes his mind about having sex with Britti.

I wouldn’t like to suggest that you use this as a first draft and add in scenes to describe at least Marty’s thought process, develop an emotional connection for the reader to connect with the characters, and look at this from more than 1 point of view. Marty has questions about how and why his sister changed so drastically from the girl he knew. She needs to be able to explain it in a rational manner. If not directly from her than in pieces that Marty can learn from others. His mom and dad’s POV may be needed at times. And if you continue to keep the relationship with Connie and Marty, then I would like to know how she sees having sex and friendship with Britti and a close dating relationship with Marty.

I wish I could explain this in a better manner but understand that it is meant as constructive criticism.

tangoperutangoperuabout 1 year ago

So she always loved her brother and, to prove him her love, she had sex with everybody for years and years and turned her body into a cesspool of disease and rot.

I don't think so.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyabout 1 year ago

I would love to hear more from these two.

Jdavis77Jdavis77about 1 year ago

I fell dumber reading this story this shit sucks stop writing

LadyB06LadyB06about 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I have to agree with Sarkasmus. This story was a good idea but the execution was poor. The story was boring including the sex scenes. Your story was not detailed enough. Better luck next time.

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