I'm not Angry Anymore


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"Yeah? Good for him," Jimmy said, ushering Marla out of the trailer.

Three hours later, a drunk Marla was banging on his door, screaming and crying. Jimmy let her in and she flailed her fists at him.

"God damn! Fucking Kenny fucking Sampson's going marry me and you don't even fucking care!" she wailed bitterly.

"Nope. Not one bit," Jimmy agreed as he urged Marla to her knees.

She slurped noisily on his cock, small hand kneading his balls. He fucked her face for a few minutes, then urged her out of her snug jeans and lace panties.

"Augh, I, I fucking hate you," she sobbed bitterly as he pounded her squelching pussy.

"Ditto," Jimmy smirked as she drove herself back to meet his forward thrusts.

"Really, you really going let me marry that Kenny Sampson?" Marla tearfully asked, shuddering into another climax.

"Yeah," Jimmy said. "Why not? He's willing to marry you? Let him."

"I need to stop by; I got some receipts for some maternity clothes," Marla told him a few days later.

"Uh? Maternity Clothes? That's your problem, not mine," Jimmy said. "Get Kenny to pay for that shit. Me? I don't give a fuck what you wear."

Jimmy threw the wedding invitation into the trash. Keith Sampson had stood out of Jimmy's reach and threatened Jimmy with grievous bodily harm if he set one foot into the church. Jimmy smirked but assured the man he had no intention of ruining his son's happy day.

"Your son's stupid pussy enough to marry that slut? Good luck to him," Jimmy thought as he cheerfully gave the angry father the middle finger.

"My marriage is tomorrow," Marla said as she presented Jimmy with some more bills.

"Yeah?" Jimmy asked, doing another Bill-Pay on his cell phone.

"Unless you..." Marla hinted, edging the hem of her short skirt up.

"Unless nothing, Marla," Jimmy said. "Fuck. I don't like you. Damned sure don't love you."

They fucked on the kitchen table. It was hard, savage fucking. Marla dug her fingernails into Jimmy's back. Jimmy made sure to leave a passion mark on Marla's right breast for Kenny to see tomorrow evening when he helped his bride out of her pale blue wedding dress and strapless bra.

"Mother fucker!" Marla screamed at him as she fled his trailer.

"Why, yes, yes I am," Jimmy laughed and toasted her departure with a sip from Grandpa's Iron Barrel whiskey.

"And, you, you're the best fuck I ever had," Jimmy drunkenly said to the empty trailer a few hours and a few glasses of whiskey later.

"Jimmy? I..." Marla sobbed into his voice mail the next afternoon. "I love you."

"Uh huh," Jimmy said but did not delete the voice mail.

Kenny was enraged when he found Jimmy's passion mark on his new bride's boob. Marla tried to convince Kenny it had been a prank; it had happened at her bachelorette party. When she'd passed out from all the champagne, one of the bridesmaids had given her the kicky as a joke.

"Oh yeah? Know which one it was?" Kenny asked, developing an erection as he thought of watching his wife with another girl.

"Probably Shelley," Marla suggested, naming Shelley Cronaur, the very tall, very butch bridesmaid.

"Ew, yeah, probably her," Kenny grimaced.

On their Honeymoon to New Orleans, Marla drained the mini-bar in their room, creating a very expensive bill for them. She also drank at several bars in the French Quarter, causing Kenny to get into a few fights when Marla flirted with men that were willing to buy her drinks.

Returning home, Marla promptly incurred her third DUI, totaling Keith Sampson's brand new Chevy Silverado. She'd taken her father in law's truck because Kenny had wisely hidden the keys to his Malibu from her.

Looking through the on-line listings, Jimmy found Amelia Waters, an attorney that was willing to fight for children's rights and protections. At the arraignment for the DUI, Marla was wheeled in front of Judge Jesse Johnson, her broken leg propped up.

"Your honor," Amelia Waters called out after Marla, through her court-appointed attorney had pled not guilty. "Amelia Waters? Representing the unborn child's father?"

"Jimmy!" Marla giggled happily. "I knew you'd..."

"Wait. What? What the fuck!" Marla screamed when she realized Jimmy was not riding in on a white horse to rescue her.

"How far along is she?" Jesse Johnson asked the Public Defender.

"He's talking to you," the woman spat, jabbing Marla's shoulder.

"Fuck, let's see, June um, June eleventh, five months," Marla said, glaring up at the lawyer.

"Remanded to CDU for their ninety day program them house arrest until she delivers the child," Judge Jesse Johnson said, banging the gavel onto the desk.

"You, you can't be serious!" Marla gasped, horrified.

The public defender was not listening; she was already calling on her next client. A helpful bailiff gently pushed Marla's wheelchair out of the way.

"I hate you!" Marla screamed at Jimmy as he and Amelia huddled, talking with a very sullen Kenny and bitter Keith Sampson.

"Ditto," Jimmy said, then turned back to listen to Kenny's pathetic insistence on a DNA test on the fetus.

Marla Tooms was asked to leave the DeGarde CDU less than three days after being remanded; she had sex with two male patients and a female intern. Kenny was livid when the DNA test came back showing that Jimmy was the father but Marla snuggled up against him and whined she had really believed that Kenny was the father.

Her house arrest was revoked two days later when she was picked up for trying to shoplift a fifth of Nulough's Chocolate flavored Vodka from the Burns & Burns Grocers grocery store. Quietly, Keith did suggest to his son that he cut his losses and be rid of the girl.

"I mean, shit, son; you're still paying me back for that hotel bill," Keith said. "And ain't even done paying for that engagement ring."

When Jimmy went to visit Marla in the DeGarde Lockup, Marla professed her undying love. Jimmy let her ramble for a few minutes, then cut her off.

"I'm suing you for full custody," Jimmy said.

"Full custody? Full custody of what?" Marla asked, genuinely baffled.

"Full custody of what? Jesus, Marla. How many brain cells have you fried?" Jimmy asked. "Full custody of our baby."

"Well, you can't have it," Marla hissed hatefully. "I'll fucking kill the baby before I'll give you custody."

"What? Think they'll let you keep the baby in here?" Jimmy scoffed.

"No. My husband," Marla said, smirking as she said the word 'husband,' "Kenny will have him or her."

"Marla, God, huh? Wake the fuck up," Jimmy said. "Kenny don't want shit to do with the baby; it ain't his."

Through his attorney Amelia, Jimmy was indeed granted full custody. Marla was stunned; she had truly believed that her dupe, her drone Kenny Sampson would fight for full custody or at least shared custody. Kenny had not even shown up for the hearing.

"What, what about my parents? They, they should have full custody," Marla begged the judge.

"Seeing what a great job they did raising you?" Jimmy laughed a bitter laugh.

"I'll kill it," Marla threatened.

"Which is why we've filed an injunction," Amelia informed Marla.

"Jimmy, please, please don't do this to me," Marla sobbed as she was being led out of the courtroom by a DeGarde Police Officer. "Jimmy? Please, please don't leave me! Please don't leave me! Jimmy?"

The door closed on her anguished scream of "Jimmy!"

"That um, was painful?" Amelia suggested.

"Yeah, the first hundred or so times you hear it, it kind of is," Jimmy agreed. "After that? It's almost like you don't hear it at all."

Guinevere Fae Schoenberger was seven weeks premature. Because she was premature, the guard did not believe Marla when she screamed she was in labor. Fortunately, the ambulance did not take long and Marla was whisked to St. Elizabeth Parish Trauma Center.

Marla did not wonder if the maternity nurses had ever seen a patient in an orange jumpsuit before. She wailed, sobbed, sweat and cursed Jimmy Schoenberger, her parents, Kenny, anyone she could blame for her misery.

"You're the one poked holes in the condom," Jimmy reminded her as he stood in the delivery room.

"Fuck you," Marla hissed hatefully.

"You did. And here we are," Jimmy said as Marla groaned through another crippling contraction.

Guinevere had to remain in the hospital; they wanted her to get her weight up to five pounds. Having a healthy appetite, she did accomplish that feat in six days.

Looking down at her angelic face, with her big blue eyes and little tuft of blonde hair, Jimmy felt both love and fear in equal measures. He felt both huge, all-powerful and tiny at the same time.

Guinevere was three months old when Marla was released from jail. Reluctantly, Kenny took his wife in; she swore she loved him. Upon hearing that Kenny had caved, had taken Marla in, Kenny's father was extremely disappointed in his son. Keith let Kenny know, he would not bail Kenny out of whatever scrape Marla managed to involve Kenny in.

Then, after she'd drank everything in the trailer, including an old bottle of Vanilla Extract and the bottle of Listerine mouthwash, Marla called Jimmy.

"Heeeey! I'm baaaack!" Marla giggled drunkenly into Kenny's cell phone.

"Marla? Jesus God, it, it's three twenty in the morning, you crazy ass bitch," Jimmy sleepily complained.

"Want see my baby," Marla demanded.

"No," Jimmy said and ended the call.

Jimmy blocked Kenny's phone number. He sighed and tried to get back to sleep. Guinevere apparently decided Jimmy had slept sufficiently and cried for a diaper and a bottle.

"God. Bad enough I got one crazy blonde," Jimmy smiled at the beautiful baby. "Telling me I got two of them now? Huh? That what you telling me? Daddy's got two crazy blondes?"

A few weeks later, Marla showed up at Jimmy's trailer, a bedraggled looking blonde girl with her. The girl's hair looked filthy, her skin was mottled and had scabs were the girl had scratched herself raw. She wore a Cabrini Catholic High School uniform, but the uniform was filthy and stunk horribly.

"Hey! This, this is my friend, Angela Gernaud. Told her I, we have the most beautiful baby in the world and..." Marla enthused.

Truthfully, Marla Sampson and Angela Gernaud were not there to see the baby. Kenny had locked Marla out of his trailer and Keith had refused the girl entry into his home. Marla's parents also forbade their daughter entry into their home. The purpose of Marla and Angela's visit was to check out Jimmy's place, see if there was anything they could steal to sell.

"You don't have a baby," Jimmy said, forcefully shoving Marla away from the door so he could shut and lock the door.

"God damn, just, God damn!" Jimmy cursed as Marla began hammering on the door.

Marla and Angela beat on the door for a solid five minutes. Jimmy called the police and they did send out a cruiser. When Marla and Angela saw the cruiser turn the corner, they both ran. But by that time, the baby had been woken from her sleep and was screaming at the top of her lungs.

"My lawyer says I need a report to file a restraining order," a tired, frustrated Jimmy said, rocking and patting his daughter.

"Yes sir," Leanne Pyle said. "Hi Sweetie, hi! I just love babies."

"Uh huh. Everyone says that, until it's time to change a diaper," Jimmy smiled at the attractive red head officer in her snug uniform.

That night, Jimmy was awakened by a thunderous boom. His trailer seemed intact and, miraculously, Guinevere slept. Jimmy stepped outside and looked around at his neighbors' trailers. They all seemed fine.

Through the treetops, Jimmy saw the light from the fire. Turning on the television, Jimmy saw the coverage by Summer Duhon of Performance 12 News. He smiled; he had a big crush on the beautiful blonde reporter.

And, just as he lay down to go to sleep, his daughter demanded attention. Wearily, Jimmy got to his feet and prepared a bottle of formula.

Seven days after seeing Marla in front of his trailer, her meth addict friend in tow, Jimmy pulled up to the squat building. He checked himself and chuckled as he pulled his tie out of his dress shirt; apparently he'd not pulled it out after changing his daughter's diaper. Sliding open the door of the rear passenger seat, Jimmy saw that Guinevere was sound asleep.

"Perfect," he said to her. "See how long you can stay like that, okay?"

Kenny glared with undisguised hatred as Jimmy and Guinevere entered the small room. Keith Sampson looked over and regarded Jimmy with tired eyes. Then, with a shrug, the old man looked toward the front again.

Jimmy approached the casket. He knelt and said a prayer for the young mother's soul. Standing, he again looked at the simple casket.

Jimmy shook his head; Marla would have been outraged at the no-frills casket. She would have been outraged that she would have a closed casket; she would have wanted everyone to admire her as she lay in repose. But the fire had burned her thoroughly. For four days, they had believed Marla was the daughter of Bobby Broussard, one of the men burned in the trailer. The expensive engagement ring and wedding band clued the investigators in; Brenda Jo Broussard was not engaged, nor was she married.

Dental records confirmed the identity of Angela Gernaud. Dental records and the inscription inside of the wedding band with the date of the wedding identified Marla's body. They continued to sift through the ashes and finally determined that Brenda Jo Broussard had not been among the deceased.

"What the fuck you doing here, Schoenberger?" Kenny demanded through clenched teeth as Jimmy settled himself and his daughter in a vacant pew.

"Paying my respects to a former friend," Jimmy said loudly, attracting the attention of the few people in attendance. "Remember? She was the mother of my child."

"Kenny!" Keith ordered.

Jimmy watched Kenny stomp back to where his father sat. Looking around, he deduced that the softly sobbing woman must be Marla's mother; they looked a great deal alike. He did recognize Garrett Tooms sitting next to the woman. The man looked much older than the last time their paths had crossed. The man just looked gray, wrinkled. Jimmy nodded to the four former classmates.

"Yeah, Marla, you would have hated this," Jimmy said. "Just about no one is here for you."

Jimmy nodded, seeing his floral arrangement next to the arrangement Marla's parents must have bought. Or, perhaps the Sampson family had bought the cheap arrangement. His daughter woke up just as Jimmy decided he'd been there long enough to pay his respects. When he stood, a few people looked over at the man and the crying infant. Jimmy gave a slightly apologetic smile and hustled out of the room with his daughter.

The men's room had a changing table just inside the first set of doors. Jimmy made quick work of changing her diaper. Then, digging around in his diaper bag, he found a warm bottle for her. Leaving the restroom, Jimmy found a couch in the funeral home's lobby and sat.

"Got good news and bad news for you," Keith Sampson said, sitting next to Jimmy as Jimmy fed Guinevere her bottle.

"Yes sir?" Jimmy said, looking over at the normally antagonistic man.

"They grow up," Keith said.

"Uh. Is that the good news or the bad news?" Jimmy asked after a long moment of silence.

"Both," Keith said. "By the way, sorry about your grandfather."

"Thank you, sir," Jimmy said.

"Shit. Sorry about all of this," Keith sighed and got to his feet. "Good luck son."

"Thank you, sir," Jimmy said.

The visitation had been sparsely attended. The funeral had even less attendees. Jimmy and Guinevere were the first to leave, which left the priest, Marla's mother and father and two teachers from Kimble Academy, one of which was kin to Marla; she was cousin to Marla's mother.

"Marla, I'm not angry anymore," Jimmy affirmed as he drove away from the cemetery.

The End


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad. I likewise thank those that take the time to rate my works, those that 'Favorite' my words.

This story was placed in the 'Loving Wives' category because as of yet, Literotica does not have a 'Cheating Sluts From Outer Space' category. It does not have a 'Serial Cheaters' category.

Marla Tooms is a minor character first introduced in 'Xyla' in the Fetish category. She is a primary character in 'Vodka: Mint Chocolate' in the Lesbian Sex category. She makes an uncredited appearance in 'Five Trailers, Lot E' in the Romance category.

Mrs. Neidemeyer, the nasty Mathmatics teacher is a minor character introduced in the 'Quantity Vs Inequality' series.

Connie Edwards, the photographer that takes the Homecoming Dance photograph of Jimmy and Marla is a character first introduced in the 'Flowers in the Heart' series in the Transgender & Crossdressers category.

Brandon Simoneaux is a minor character first introduced in 'Xyla' in the Fetish category.

Dr. Ellen Sweetman, the Ob/Gyn is briefly mentioned in 'Tuff As Nails' in the Loving Wives category. Her detached business-like manner is further discussed in 'Twist To Remove' in the Loving Wives category.

Shelley Cronaur, the bridesmaid Marla falsely accuses of giving her a passion mark on her breast is a minor character introduced in the 'Quantity Vs Inequality' series.

Amelia Waters, Jimmy's attorney is a character featured in the 'The Garbage King, Prince, and Queen' series in the Novels & Novellas category.

Nulough's is pronounced 'New lows.' In other words, if you are caught attempting to shoplift this slop, you have reached new lows in your alcohol consumption.

The death of Marla Tooms and Angela Gernaud is detailed in 'Five Trailers, Lot E' in the Romance category.

Have a swell day. And some of you, have a swollen day.

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1Martiniman1Martiniman18 days ago

Well written, but sad enough I wish I had not read it. I guess that means this writer is good at what they do. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pretty good story. But you really need an editor. It was kind of fractured and jumped around way too much. Created a lot of distraction for the reader.

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters5 months ago

Really empathetic view on the reality of addiction, Marla was one of those flawed characters.

Addiction isn't a choice.

StruckwrongStruckwrong10 months ago

She was an adult who made choices .

GhostdogginGhostdoggin10 months ago

BS she tried to be a good person wether you say so or not. There was not one redeeming quality mentioned about her in this story so you must of known her irl huh? Wasn't his job to get her help and even if he tried its obvious she wouldn't be redeemed until she wanted change. Every chance he gave her she pulled an underhand stunt. He didn't owe her nothing.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Damn you, was she a good person? No, did she try to be? I say yes, dod he try to help find guidance for her? No. She cried time after time for help. He failed her just as much as she failed herself, was she fucked up? Yes but she loved him, and he loved her but he never tried to get her help. Fuck you.

kamdev99008kamdev9900811 months ago

Sad tale of an unguided girl with dead ending

No one... No one including Jimmy ever tried seriously to protect an innocent girl

Heart touching

Rated 5*

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

No one tried to help Marla.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Was she in the wrong yes, did he try to help her? No, he cannot take thr high ground.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He dealt with it

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Also, he didn't give access to her parents the grandchild, that is fucki g evil.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

He says he loved her but yet didnothing to try and help her, was she in the wrong? Yes but he stood by and did nothing the whole time, she was crying for help and he did nothing.

usaretusaret12 months ago

Not bad, not overly great either.

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Very engaging and familiar to me from real life. Enjoyed it.

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 1 year ago

Well mystery solved of who the girl in the trailer was that burned up in a previous story! Thank you for clearing up that mystery!

Please do keep writing and I will keep reading!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another good one. 5* Is there anymore about Jimmy's Grandfather anywhere?

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