I'm With the Band Ch. 06


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For Jess, the view was indescribable. She had been a city girl her whole life. Her only excursions out of the city were for the occasional school field trip and even-rarer camping trip with her parents. Verdant, lush plains and hills tumbled out before Jess and Jordan. The woods they had driven through earlier were poking out from around the corner of the house.

"There isn't another house for miles," Jordan noted, leaning on the balcony railing. "Not even a single street light. At night, the sky becomes an ocean of stars. It's one of the reasons why I go straight home after shows."


"Yeah. Come home, smoke up, see a show," he said, pointing upward. "Can't be beat."

Jess hugged Jordan from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Can I see it later?"

"Absolutely." Jordan looked down and saw she was still holding her phone. It was unlocked.

"There's something you should know," she said, and tilted the phone screen up so he could see. It showed an email from a doctor's office. Jordan scrolled down the email and saw it was a list of different STIs, all with the word 'negative' next to them.

Jess explained: "No offense, but after I found out what your flag meant, I went and got tested. And this came in-"

"-in the car, none taken. So that's what you were reading in there," Jordan realized. He felt her pulling on his waist back towards the door. He turned around, she took his hand, entwined her fingers in his, and led him to the bed. Jordan closed the balcony door behind him. Jess laid back on the bed; her tight sweater accentuated the size and roundness of her chest. Jordan crawled on top of her and cradled her head in his hands. He gently caressed her temples with his thumbs and looked into her eyes.

He wanted to take his time. He wanted to savor this beautiful woman he happened upon that fateful night at his show, who he welcomed into his life, who accepted him for who he is. Up until today, Jordan only knew of one woman that could accept him, who wanted him before finding out about his wealth, who made him feel warm, who gave his life color and harmony, and pushed him to be better. And now he had found another. My cup runneth over, Jordan thought, and his heart was full-to-bursting with joy.

"What is it?" Jess asked. Jordan had been staring into her eyes for thirty solid seconds. Her hands had been sliding up and down his sides under his sweater, feeling his ribs and obliques through his undershirt, but he hadn't reacted to her touch.

"Thank you," he quietly said. Jess saw him softly smiling at her, and his eyes seemed to be slightly moist. That wasn't for the test result. What is he thanking me- oh. Oh, Jordan, she thought. She pulled her hands out from his shirt and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You too," she said and pulled him down to kiss her. Jess held him in place for a minute, tenderly kissing him. She hoped he understood the feelings she was trying to convey. She knew it was too early to say anything that serious -- and Jess still had to figure some things out -- but, at the very least, she wanted him to know that she truly cared for him and accepted him.

Jordan's kisses grew deeper. More intense. Stronger. Firmer. Jess's hands reached back under his sweater and his undershirt. She fiercely rubbed her hands across the ripples of his back, around to his front, and up and down his abs. My god, you could shave with these things, Jess thought.

Jordan rose to his knees and ripped off both of his shirts before casting them off the bed. He dove back onto Jess and kissed, licked, and gently bit her neck. Her back arched, her nails dug into his sides, and a velvety moan escaped her throat. His hands reached down and pulled her shirt up over the top of her tits. Her white balconette bra contrasted with her skin in a way that left Jordan entranced. He methodically slid down, kissing across her collarbone, then down her chest until he was between her tits. Jordan gently pressed them against his face. Jess looked down and giggled as she ran her fingers through his hair, although she was still enjoying him enjoying her cleavage. Jordan reached under her back and unhooked her bra with quick precision.

"You are way too good at that," Jess marveled.

He looked up at her with a single raised eyebrow. "You complainin'?" He started sliding the bra up and off of her.

"God, no," Jess excitedly sighed and pulled everything off her torso, while Jordan started peeling her jeans off of her. They were so tight Jordan had gotten the impression they were painted on. He slid off the bed and quickly undressed while Jess pulled off her socks. As far as Jess could tell in that moment, everything about him was chiseled from stone. Everything, Jess leered. Jordan climbed back onto the bed and rolled her on top of him.

"Hey," Jordan sternly said. "Ride me."

Jess was straddling him already. She looked down the contours of his mountainous arms as he put his hands behind his head. She ogled the hard red nipples in the twin mesas that were his chest -- you could cut diamonds with those, she mused -- the small rivulets of sweat that had formed in the ridges of his ribs and protruding back muscles, the firm, uniform sand dunes that made up his abs, and the spire of his scorching-hot, pulsing dick as it lay flat between his lower abs and her pussy lips. As she had imagined Jordan lording over his domain from his castle wall before, she found beneath her a domain she could rule over -- at least in this moment. How could I say no?

She raised her hips and slowly guided his raw dick inside. Jess's lip quivered slightly as he reached her g-spot and a shudder found its way out of her mouth. He throbbed inside of her, as if his dick were urging her to move. Jess placed her hands in front of her on his stomach and carefully started sliding up and down. She found herself afraid she would impale herself if she came down too far, so she leaned back with her hands on Jordan's legs.

Jordan moved his hands to her waist and watched her tits bounce and roll in time with her movement. They rotated in opposite directions, like her nipples were conducting an orchestra. Jordan debated whether to interrupt their rhythm and flow by reaching up and grabbing them, or to just sit back and enjoy the concert. He eventually decided this should be an interactive experience, and moved his hands up. He firmly gripped her tits and pinched her engorged nipples between his middle and ring fingers. Jess tilted her head back, her moans getting louder and more frequent.

He decided it was time for her to finish. He released his grasp of her right tit and put his thumb against her clit. Once he started rubbing, Jess forgot where she was.

"Oh God, Jordan! Your d- your dick, it won't-" Jess was finding it difficult to form words. Jordan started to lightly pinch her clit, and he too started to moan louder. "I. Full. So. Fucking. Cu-" The thought never came, but Jess did. Her head snapped back so far the veins and tendons in her neck were bulging from beneath her skin. As Jess spasmed atop Jordan, he sat up, hugged her tightly, and came with her, moaning into the nape of her neck. Jess felt his hot breath under her ear, and his jizz spurting hot, hard, and deep inside her; she was overflowing. He laid back on the bed, pulling Jess down with him. Still inside of her, he held her in his arms. His cum was sliding down the base of his dick and balls onto the bed.

"I've never... I mean, I..."Jess was still struggling to form coherent thoughts.

Jordan laughed as he caressed her back. "It's okay. Just take your time." Jess's breathing eventually grew slow and deep as she fell asleep on top of him. She dreamt of nothing.

Jess woke up to the smell of butter sizzling in a hot pan. It was still light in the room, so she assumed she hadn't slept for more than a few hours. Jordan had managed to slip her under the heavy duvet and sheets without waking her. It was the most luxurious bed Jess had ever slept in. She looked to her right and left; the bed could comfortably fit four people. She rolled over to her right and was immediately hit with the smell of Jordan's hair coming from the pillow. She inhaled deep and let out a satisfied sigh. When she re-opened her eyes, she saw her phone had been placed on the nightstand. She reached for it and briefly considered calling in sick the next day as well. She decided against it, however, as she didn't want to overstay her welcome at Jordan's house.

Jess heard the faint sounds of a pan scraping against a stovetop and some kind of downbeat instrumental music. She rolled out of bed -- Have to roll twice just to reach the edge, Jess observed -- and grabbed Jordan's hoodie and threw it on. Jess felt like she was swimming in it. She pulled the sleeves back enough to expose her finger tips, and the hem of it went down to mid-thigh.

She made her way down the stairs. With every step she took, the shirt jostled on her small frame and wafted more of Jordan's scent up to her. She felt like she was swimming in Jordan as well, and felt herself getting wet again. Relax, Jess. Breathe. Or, maybe don't. It's making things worse, Jess thought. His smell was soon overpowered by the smells coming from the kitchen. She heard Jordan humming a melody along with lo-fi beats coming from invisible speakers.

Jess walked in on Jordan cooking something on a gas range. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants that hung low around his waist, and nothing else. Jess could almost see the base of his shaft peeking out from the waistband.

"Morning, sunshine," Jordan said with a smirk. "Sleep well?"

"I did, yeah," Jess said and stretched her arms up, pulling the shirt up in the process. Her pussy remained just barely covered. "Whatcha makin'?"

"Grilled cheese and tomato. Want one?"

"Uh, sure," Jess reluctantly said. With the exception of pasta sauce and ketchup, she didn't like tomatoes, but she didn't want to be rude.

"Well, you're right on time, then." He slid the sandwich out of the pan onto a nearby plate and cut it in half. He held up a section, blew on it to cool it down, and offered it to her. "Careful, it's hot."

Jess reached out and held the offered hand as she gently blew on the sandwich before taking a bite.

"Woah. That's... that's actually good!" Jess admitted.

"I salted the tomatoes. Cuts down on the acidity, but keeps it tastin' like tomato. Here, this one's yours. I'll make another one real quick."

Jess took the sandwich and plate from him while he got to work slicing and preparing. She quietly ate and watched him work. She found it fascinating, seeing him do something as ordinary and mundane as making a grilled cheese sandwich, and then contrasting it with the man she saw screaming his lungs out on stage. By the time he had finished building the sandwich, Jess had finished half of hers. She abandoned the other half and walked over to him.

Jordan started working the stove again, and he felt Jess slide her arms around his waist. Both of her hands slid down and gripped his dick underneath the waistband. She started massaging and stroking as it quickly grew hard within her grasp. He moaned softly through pursed lips.

"Look, I appreciate it, but there are other ways to thank me for lunch."

"This isn't for you, you idiot," Jess said, as she lifted the sweater up to press her tits against his back. "It's for me." Jordan put the spatula down, and she stopped moving. "No no, don't mind me. Keep making your food. I'll just be here." As he resumed cooking, so did she. He spread some butter on the bread, and she pulled his dick all the way out and stroked with both hands. He flipped the sandwich over, and she kissed and gently bit his back. Jordan inhaled sharply through his teeth and let out another moan.

Jess moved around to his front and made room between him and the range. "Don't burn it, now," she said with a wink and put his dick in her mouth. She moved her head vigorously up and down his cock while still working both of her hands over the shaft and base.

"Oh God, more," Jordan loudly moaned, firmly putting the spatula down on the counter. Jess tasted the salty pre-cum leaking out onto her tongue. She knew he was close; she could feel his pulse quickening in her mouth. With every suck, she tried to take more and more of it into her mouth. At that point, she had one hand on the shaft and the other cradling his balls. His dick was now grazing the back of her throat.

Jordan was starting to tremble. His hips started pushing into her face as the butter started to burn. He grabbed the pan and threw the sandwich off; he only managed to get half of it on the plate. He tossed the pan on the counter and grabbed Jess's head and started thrusting. Jess grabbed his ass and started pulling.

Jordan gasped and burst in her mouth. His salty, bitter cum squirted down her throat and pooled up on the back of her tongue. It felt like his dick was about to explode with every spurt. Jordan let go of her head, but she remained. She softly milked his dick until it ran dry and he pulled out. Jess deeply swallowed several times. Jordan stumbled back and leaned with all his weight against the kitchen island.

"Jordan?" she said, looking up at him from her knees with his sweater still up over her chest. "I'm still hungry."

Afternoon turned to evening, and Jordan thought Jess was insatiable throughout. The truth of the matter was Jess still wasn't convinced this was real. Jess -- ever the pessimist -- believed that the happiness she felt that day would not continue into the next. So, she wanted to seize it for all it was worth. This meant Jordan ended up fucking her there on the kitchen island, with her lying back on the granite countertop, and him gripping her ankles and spreading her legs wide; they moved to the laundry room, where he bent her over the dryer and pounded her from behind; they found their way to the stairs where Jess mounted Jordan and aggressively rode him until he finally came a third time inside of her.

They ended up walking upstairs hand-in-hand for the second time that day and crawled back into his bed. The blinds were still open, and the autumn moon poured its light into the room. They laid there for over an hour, looking out the window at the night sky, talking about music, what school was like for them growing up, and past relationships before finally falling asleep in each others' arms.

Jess woke up and heard the sound of a garage door closing. Jordan was still fast asleep.

Shit, am I still supposed to be here?

"Jordan, you upstairs?" she heard Kyla call from downstairs.

I never got the green light to stay the night.

Jess heard soft footsteps growing louder from down the hall.

Do I hide? Do I say hello? Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

The bedroom door opened and light from the hallway came in with it. Jess poked her head up from behind Jordan and meekly waved. Kyla waved back.

"Awww, looks like I missed out," Kyla loudly whispered. Jess started to get up, but Kyla held a hand up. "Don't; you'll wake him."

Jess mouthed to her, "Are you sure?"

Kyla nodded, and began undressing. Jess laid her head back down on the pillow in wonder. Despite knowing the arrangement Jordan and Kyla had, she still couldn't believe she was allowed to stay. She knew Jordan wanted her here, but she still wasn't sure about Kyla. She said she was fine -- and seemed somewhat interested in Jess -- but feelings and opinions could change at any time.

The light went out in the hallway, and Kyla slipped under the covers behind Jordan, completely nude. She reached a hand over his waist and grabbed his tumescent cock.

"Mmmm. Good night, Jordan. Good night, Jess," Kyla quietly said.

Jordan moaned softly. Jess looked up and saw him smiling in the moonlight. Jess smiled too and answered, "Good night," before falling back asleep in his arms.

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