In The Shadow of The Moon Ch. 05


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He licked her from top to bottom; an all consuming lick that pressed firmly against her extra sensitive skin. Her heart leapt. She could feel his hands creeping up her thighs. She could feel where they interrupted the copious flow of liquid from her very needy center. Her mind was awash with the feel of him, with the smell of him lying in a thick layer on top of her skin. Gone was her to do list, gone were thoughts of her responsibilities. All that existed was the fire he lay down on her body. Her nipples hurt with the tight desire he had left there, her center wept. Her mind zeroed in on the slow process of the moving fingers. She knew where they would go and she tugged at the binds on her wrist.

She wanted to stroke him. To grab his hands and put them where she wanted, no needed them. The fingers finally reached her lips, wet with desire. The fingers played lightly outside while the tongue danced circles around her needy clit. Fuck this.

"Carter, NOW!"

He laughed; his tongued still moving sent the vibrations like a shockwave through her. The achy need had consumed her. That was a no. She hated the word, but as soon as she had grabbed onto that feeling, trying to pull herself out of this mire of pleasure, he sealed his lips and sucked hard. Light flashed in front of her eyes. The climax was hard and fast. It left her back bowed off the bed and her mouth thrown open in a scream. She had barely come down, before his fingers slid into her. She was climbing again. His fingers stroking her walls deftly, sending rockets of toe curling heat through her yet again. She pulled at the ties on her wrist; she needed to hold on to something. Her body was moving faster than her mind could follow; it blindly reached for peak again. His tongue kept up its attack on her clit, flicking the sides then followed by long rough strokes on top. She shook her head and moaned as he flung her, higher than she had gone before.

She desperately pulled at the straps on her wrist. This time it happened in slow motion. Her body came to a slow boil as the pleasure swamped her. It spread out from her center and slowly, but completely consumed the rest of her. Carter never stopped his movements which only pushed it further. Her fall seemed never ending.


Her body convulsed beautifully, each of her muscles straining with the force of her orgasm. The moans and cries lacing the air called to his inner animal. With her body arched so gracefully, she left her neck delectably exposed. He had to pull back. He wanted to mark her as his. He had already laid his scent heavy on her skin; no one would ever touch her, but him. He felt himself start to shift, his teeth lengthen, his body and his wolf of one accord. They had been together for years, now was the time. He quickly pulled back and removed his clothes.

He would lay claim to her now. They didn't need a mating ceremony; all they needed was each other in this room in this moment. She lay there quivering on the bed. He had done that. He had caused the screams that still rang in his ears, now she would know completion. She was his; his to love, his to give pleasure to. His wolf rang out in his mind, they both were of the same accord and they would claim her now.

He quickly slid back onto the bed and deftly undid the knots with a claw. The ties fell in graceful tatters to the pillow beneath them. He carefully removed the blindfold. When she finally opened her eyes he was mesmerized by the satisfaction there. The multifaceted grey orbs swirled with so much emotion. His wolf clawed at the fetters of his control. Her eyes said it all. Non-verbal consent to a desire they both had.

He pulled her up against his chest. Her hands grasped firmly on his neck and shoulders as he thrust slow and hard, into her body. He pulled out with the same pace. He shivered as her walls fluttered around him. The unspoken promise in that delicate movement left him desperate for the pleasure. Her womb grasped tightly at him as he thrust forward. She clung to him. As he inhaled, she exhaled, their bodies riding an inexplicable tide of utter release. Hips moving up and down as he slowly plowed his way into her, laying his claim with every long stroke. His spine tingled with the force of pleasure being dealt out upon him. He began to nibble and lick at the join between her shoulder and neck again. She moved her head to the side, to give him more space. He wanted her so much. He let his slow pace pick up. Her moans vibrated in his ear. They blended with her heavy breathing, her breathy pants. He ground into her deeply and reveled in the cry that set loose from her lips.

He wrapped himself in her; let the painful pleasure of her nails falling down his back sweep him up in a tide. His hips picked up speed and she clutched him closer, both their bodies desperately stretched taut toward the blissful pleasure.


The drag against sensitive tissues, the push and pull against flesh desperate for completion, left her with no room to speak. She looked deep into his eyes, glowing with the passion that had called up his inner animal. She wasn't prepared for another. Her mind said no, but her body screamed yes as it plunged ahead for pleasure. Each muscle tightened and stretched, stretching toward the bliss just out of reach. His mouth reeked havoc on her neck. Wherever they went they left fire in their wake. She wanted so much, needed so much. Every muscle in her was trembling to the beat of her heart. Her world had shrunk to his body and hers. She blindly reached for pleasure she had never known until now. Never had it been this strong, the drive, the need for completion.

She writhed against him. The thrust would go from long to short, quick to breathtakingly slow. He was destroying her and making her new again. Taking everything she had to offer. Things she couldn't imagine she had to give, but here it was. Her body quaking and begging, silently crying out for the pleasure his thrust promised. There were moments when her breath stopped all together. There was one thing she needed, just one thing; something more, something soul encompassing.

His teeth sunk deep as he thrust in hard and ground his pelvis roughly against her clit.

The world went white as she fell blissfully over the precipice of pleasure. The pain melted into pure rapture. The explosion left her hoarse. Her body shook. She clung to Carter, her life; her continued existence depended on her holding him. It was too much. Every muscle in her tensed and released at the same time. Carter's release only pushed hers higher. Her body climbed and fell over and over again. She gave everything she had in that one moment and he took each felicitous moment of it. She was no longer her own, but in that moment completely his. She gave herself to the mind numbing pleasure. She felt it as he swelled within her, locking them together.

His body now stroking deliciously and continuously against her g-spot, left her skin a flame. She existed and didn't exist. His thrust fast...hard...and short left each orgasm blending into the next. Time ceased to exist, it could have been hours or minutes when she finally collapsed on the bed. Her arms were free and resting on his back. The blindfold was gone, but her eyes stayed closed though. Her throat was sore.

His promise about her noises had been more than fulfilled.

There had never been a knock at her door, it must have been a record, but frankly she didn't give a flying fuck. She absently heard the sound of her air freshener releasing a puff of spray. Carter was still held snuggly within her. With each small movement she quivered. He rested his forehead against hers, breathing hard. He rolled them over so she lay on his chest. He gently kissed her closed eyes lids and whispered, "Sleep Babe."

And she did just that.


Natasia was the most rested she had been in days. Her whole body was relaxed and comfortable on top of a man size pillow. The memories of her afternoon drifted lazily into her mind, the murderous torture and the blissful end. She hummed with pleasure. She hated the word no, or more so hated when people told her no. But the explosive set of climaxes she had just had made up for it.

Carter was drawing lazy lines over her back. She was sprawled across his body completely. She moved, grudgingly, to slide off, but his hands locked her in place. She was ok with that. She smiled and looked up at him.

"Welcome home."

"You are the best welcoming committee I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing."

"Well glad I could be of service. You...Are a spectacular stress relieving service. I'll have to recommend you services to all my friends." She paused for a moment. "Nope, I can't do that. Cause if you gave them what you just gave me, I would have to cut your dick off and shove it down your throat."

His laugh was deep it vibrated against her head even as she slid off of him. She rolled over and reached for her phone.

"Shit! Victoria's grandparents should be getting here within the hour, I have to go and take a shower." She was up and out of bed before she finished the sentence. She ran into a hard wall of man chest in her bathroom door way.

"Nope, no shower for you. I want everyone to know who you belong to." He traced his finger over the bite mark on her neck. A smug smirk on his lips.

Before she could think about it her hand reached up and slapped the smirk right off his face.

"Listen you cocky bastard, we have been planning on mating for months now. Just 'cause I finally let you 'lay claim' to my beautiful body, does not mean I belong to you. If that is how you are thinking, then you can just walk yourself right on out this room..."

He pressed her up against the wall. He nipped at her ears, "Shut Up. I have no hesitations about putting you right back in that bed and showing you whose boss."

She bit her lip. Aggression was always a sexy look on Carter. She melted inside.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "You promise?"

He growled and swept into his mouth, his tongue making dirty allusions.

She pulled away to catch her breath. Carter was plastered against her. She felt herself heating up. She looked down at her phone and cursed. She didn't have time for another tryst with Carter and thanks to their argument she didn't have time for a shower. What an excellent way to meet your friend's grandparents, smelling of sex and hot man.

She growled herself and slipped out from underneath Carter and went straight for her closet. No time to argue anymore, no time to shower, so he would get what he wanted. She could feel the smugness radiating off of him in waves. She growled again. She had too much to do and nowhere near enough time.


Victoria stood impatiently outside the front door waiting for her grandparents to pull up. It would be easier to do if Antony weren't ruminating over her "seduction" earlier on. After dropping Carlie off with her mate, Antony and Victoria had gone for a vigorous run around the indoor track. By the end of the run, Victoria was determined to try this whole mating thing. She had had to admit to herself that she liked the way he made her feel. His sister's story had opened up some doors and left her curious. She wanted to get to know him more.

All in all it had lead to her attempting to seduce him in the hallway on the way back to their respective suites. Extremely nervous, she had awkwardly stopped him in his tracks and just went with her instinct. That stupidly involved her kissing his palm and then his chest before cautiously reaching for his lips. Unfortunately, she hadn't taken the whole height issue into mind. She was a few inches shy of his lips and a blush was converging on her cheeks. She had started to pull away when he grabbed her face and kissed the hell out of her.

In the end her failed seduction and the breaking of a very beautiful vase, when her powers had lifted and then dropped the afore mentioned item. She had been so embarrassed she had run all the way down the hallway into her suites and through her room door in under three minutes.

It had been an overwhelming past few days and now all she wanted to do was to see her grandparents and get herself grounded again. Right now she was flying in the clouds and didn't like the feeling one bit. She saw the approaching car and she began to bounce on the balls of her feet. She had gotten the same anticipatory feeling when they had been in the car driving up to see her grandparents, the cars could never move fast enough.

The plain looking sedan pulled up and in quick succession three people stepped out. The minute her grandfather's feet hit the ground she took off and flung herself into his arms. He smelled so familiar. That fresh woodsy smell with the hint of his cherry brandy brought back memories of a pleasant childhood. The first time she touched a fish and had screamed so loud. When he taught her how to build a bird house and especially it reminded her of the night after they had left her fathers, the night when she cried in his arms.

Yes that smell was safe and these arms were safe. Same as the delicate hands that brushed her back, everything in this small pocket of space evoked the feeling of safeness.

She put her feet on the ground and looked up at two of her favorite people in the world. She turned, wrapped their arms around her and began to guide them towards the door.

Antony stood smiling, laughter evident in every line of his face. She rolled her eyes. She probably had looked like a dunce flinging herself at her grandparents that way, but who cared.

"Grand-mère, Grand-père, this is Antony..."she paused hesitating, ", possible, maybe...mate." She said the last word slowly. She felt the gentle squeezes on her shoulders, but refused to look up.


Natasia stood off to the side. Carter lounged against the wallwaiting for the awkward meeting to come to a head. He had yet to meet the Alpha's mate, but he could tell she was strong. She gave off a very powerful and strong aura. He looked forward to getting to know her, especially with her and Natasia growing so close.

Natasia let her thoughts snap back into her own head. It was weird in the last half hour she had seen more into his life that she had seen in the last ten years. The mate bond was growing fast between them it was a little bit scare at times.

She watched attentively as Antony was sized up. It was absolutely hilarious to watch him try to make a good impression with the intimidating older wolf that stood in front of him. Natasia had to hold back her laughter when Antony paled a bit at the older wolf's vague "hmm" before he smiled and stuck out his hand. Natasia hoped she would be there for their first conversation, maybe even their second.

The representative of the sisterhood made herself known. The woman in front of Victoria was shorter than most expected when meeting a celestial being, but the way she stood always made her seem taller. She carried an air of benevolent power as she stepped towards Antony and gave him a large hug. Celeste, her formal name being Mistress Sleepwell, had always been an extremely blunt person, so the next words out of her mouth did not surprise Natasia in the least bit.

"Antony, I don't think you could have done any better. She's gorgeous. Also she seems to be much better behaved than that horrendous Catrina or Calina or whatever her name was." The look on her face spoke only distaste and Mistress then smiled and promptly walked into the compound with out another word.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Me too.........I went back and reread the last paragraph from the previos chapter again thinking I missed something .

Who in the Heck is Celest and how did she get into the story???? Did she arrive with the Grand Parents?????? Did Vicky just ignore her grand mother????

Stephen J

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I feel like there was a chapter missing

silentlysillysilentlysillyabout 12 years agoAuthor
Note From the Author:

Chapter 6 has been submitted, just waiting for them to post. Chapter 7 is away with my editor and Chapter 8 is a blank page, but shan't be that way for long!

oneboobeeoneboobeeabout 12 years ago

I agree with Cantfightfate, that you skipped ahead and left us hanging. What happened after the story from the dance studio was left out, and you skipped us to the mating of a secondary character, now we have to wait for chapter 6 for you to continue....Not Nice at all. Please hurry with chapter 6!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
it could have been better

im kind of dissappoint it could have been better maybe greater ,

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago

glad you're returning to the plot in the next chapter. While it wasn't bad to see a little into Natasia's life, it seemed completely pointless and badly timed. It was also frustrating because it took us away from the main characters. I spent the whole chapter wondering what had happened in the dance studio. I wanted to know whether Victoria took Antony's hand or not. I wanted you to pick up where you left off, not skip ahead. When you leave things as a cliffhanger, don't skip ahead and tell things from other people's points of view. I want to know what A and V are thinking and feeling.

So, I'm glad you know this chapter was a bit off track. I'm looking forward to the return to order in Chapter 6.

silentlysillysilentlysillyover 12 years agoAuthor
Note from the Author: Sorry

I had a few emailed complaints about lack of story about secondary characters also I hadn't done a sex scene in a while. So I thought I would give it a try. I agree, it doesn't necessarily flow with the story. No worries chapter 6 and on will follow Victoria and Antony and ill just try and incorporate secondary characters sub stories within their point of view.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago

I wish you had spent more time on Victoria and Anthony in this chapter. It feels like you just threw in the other story line as an excuse to add a sex scene.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I didn't notice much wrong with this, however I am with willeriley regarding the story line, I had to go back to the previous chapter to see if I had missed something or was reading the right story.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago
Finaly Caught Up

and for the first time I don't have the next chapter to what?......this has been a really good read. I look forward to staying caught up now that I have found your story. The very last paragraph has me confused but I figure you will reveal more in the next chapter.

I'd like to congratulate you on your first story to Lit. I spent so much time catching up I missed telling you that on chapter 1.

willerileywillerileyover 12 years ago

I really don't care about these secondary characters. You've set up such a complexity of issues and conflicts w/Victoria, Antony, & Victoria's ma and pa, her abuse, etc. that I can't quite see what this chapter has to do w/anything.

Nothing wrong w/how it's written. I can't see how it advances your storyline.

AND, some readers want stories that have been proofed by NY Times editors. Huh? I don't get that. I'm happy with your best efforts.

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