Incessant Pt. 04

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Things build-up to a big birthday bash!
8k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/04/2020
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This part turned out a little longer than initially imagined. It takes us up to the edge of Emily's birthday weekend, when things are bound to get crazy ;-)

Thank you for reading along and please enjoy. Every rating, comment, favourite, and bit of feedback is immensely appreciated. Please take note that part five might take an extra week or so to put out. It's written, but I have some alterations to make after I decided to make this part longer.

All characters are 18 or older. Any resemblance to real persons or events is coincidental. Stay safe and responsible out there :-)

Chapter Six

Thursday morning, I woke up with one hell of a hangover and a heavy head laying on my lap. Out of habit, I ran my fingers through its hair but when an unfamiliar groan replied, I quickly pulled back.

Somehow, Riley had ended up sleeping on top of me. Her shoulders started to stretch and her grey eyes slowly opened. She greeted me with a smile before her expression changed to one of alarm. Springing to life, she rushed for the bathroom. (I hoped it was a reaction to last night's wine and not to me...)

My own lips were dry, but my head wasn't quite pounding and my stomach felt strong. I began articulating my body; making a mental inventory of how I felt. The previous night had ended with me and the girls making out on the couch. Well, with me and Riley making out with Emily. It was quite the event, and I was eager to see how everyone would handle it.

First, I found my little sister in the kitchen, hunched over a cup of coffee. She looked beaten-up; kinda like she used to look every morning before school.

The old routine was that Mom would berate her while Dad took her side. He wasn't a total asshole — he always adored Emily, but he wasn't serious enough for the rest of us. Every morning that his daughter didn't want to go to school he would say, 'She's too smart for school!' As I stumbled toward her, I thought about that, and it brought a smile to my otherwise queasy face.

Emily saw me approach, "Fuck, Big Brother. What happened last night?"

Not sure how to answer, I froze up.

"No, I know what happened-happened, but why?" she whined.

I shrugged my shoulders, "It was fun though, right?"

My little sister snorted and her lips twisted into a lovely shape. "It was fun."

Walking over to the fridge, I gave Em's bum a little squeeze as I passed. "I guess it's going to become more common once Riley moves in with us."

"What?!" Emily jolted.

"Sorry— I was just— I assumed—"

My little sister sank onto her elbows, "No, you're right. I guess it's something we have to eventually discuss, possibly."

I put a hand on my sister's shoulder to reassure her. For a couple of days, I had all these doubts about Riley's place in our lives. Yet, something changed; something brought back my confidence.

I'd always had an unshakable belief that Em was my partner for life, that Blake was my protector, and Mom my oracle. With each passing day, I became more of a 'family man'. I wanted nothing more than to care for and protect these incredible women. One day, that would include a sister-in-law, and it would no doubt be the blonde throwing up in the bathroom.

"I waited my whole life for you," Emily twirled a finger through her hair. "Now, I need to avoid fucking things up."

My little sister and I embraced in the kitchen — smelling of booze and limbs heavy. We didn't have much power in our arms, but we held each other as tight as possible. After what must have been a few minutes, Riley emerged from the bathroom. She shot us a half-smile and we all laughed. Then, everyone retreated to their respective beds as we slept off the previous night.

At about 11 AM, a loud knock on my door scared the shit out of me and I shook myself awake. It was Riley, "Sorry, but your sister is asleep and there's a delivery here for you."

The blonde still looked a bit under the weather, but she had regained her happy disposition. I checked my phone and realised that our new bed was due to arrive.

Looking scruffy, I went to greet the delivery guys, and we started the process of lugging the thing up the stairs. But first, we had to remove the old bed and mattress. This wasn't the kind of thing I wanted to be doing with a massive hangover. Still, I was also ecstatic that the thing finally arrived!

We'd had no trouble on a king-size before, but with everyone living together, we needed an upgrade. The new bed and mattress were a custom order — emperor size! That meant seven feet by seven feet, accommodating everyone in our little family. Hell, Riley could also hop on, and we'd still have a ton of space.

As soon as it was in place, I crashed onto the massive bed. My hangover subsided as I sank into the foam, and I was half-asleep as soon as I made contact.

Riley had been watching the whole process intently, "Wow, it's huge."

"Yeah, we'll have to make the room bigger," I boasted.

The blonde giggled and went to sit on the far edge of the bed. It seemed like she had something on her mind, but it took her a while to put into words. Finally, she decided on an approach, "So, last night—"

"Last night was interesting," I interjected.

"Do you think that's what it will be like? You know, if I stick around?"

I shifted back until I was sitting upright. My friend's hair was messy and the side effects of her hangover still showed in the way she carried her body. She'd changed into a pair of grey cotton shorts and a sleeveless white top. Her arms were muscular, yet feminine and the profile of her face was beautiful.

"Do you regret anything?" I asked.

"Hell no!" Riley laughed. "It was great, but are you okay with it? I mean... I'm gay-gay and, well—"

"You never have to worry about that," I assured.

Would it be fun if life were an all-out orgy with a limitless supply of beautiful women? Maybe. Probably not, if I'm being honest.

I'd grown very fond of Riley over the last few days. I loved the way she cared for my sister; loved the kindness in her heart, and her shy charisma. I wanted to give her a hug and say, 'welcome to the family!' But I didn't want to sleep with her (not at that very moment). Yet, if ever given the chance...

"We can still do some stuff!" my thoughts were interrupted by an uncharacteristically forward remark from the blonde


"Real brother-sister stuff. Like, hand holding and cuddling," her eyes shifted away from me.

"Oh, is that what real brothers and sisters do?" I teased.

Riley seemed to squeal as she overcame her shyness, "If I'm going to taste your spit on Emily's mouth... I'm going to want to hold your hand."

I didn't quite know how those things linked up. All I could do was smile and nod politely as if I did understand, which, let me make it clear, I did not...

My visitor continued, "I'm also pretty sure that you guys don't normally sleep in separate rooms. I don't need special treatment, Josh."

The use of my first name was like a splash of cold water, "Of course! Of course! You can sleep here tonight."

"Good," Riley smiled. "And I want you between me and Emily. We need to get used to holding each other."

"We do?!" my eyes went wide.

"Yes!" the usually shy blonde's voice went loud and she chuckled. "Gosh, for a guy who seems to kill at life, you are a bit silly. I'm ready to go all-in on this weird life you guys live — I just never want your dick inside me."

My simple male brain could not comprehend what she was saying. Upon reflection, it made more sense than most relationships: it was going to fluid but it had a hard limit. Like she said, she was 'gay-gay' but still wanted to be part of our unique family set-up. I nodded thoughtfully before cracking a lame joke, "So, do we cuddle now, or...?"

The blonde's melodic laugh filled the room again, "Ugh, don't make me regret this."

As she started walking to the door, something popped into my mind. "Riley, there's just one thing," I mulled over my next words carefully. "Guys have a tendency, when they're close to someone... Physically close... Well, what I guess I want to say is... Uhm..."

"I can handle a boner poking at me," Riley smirked. "It'll be... New, and I mean, how big can it really be?"

With that, the blonde winked and exited the bedroom. I found myself staring at the ceiling for half-an-hour. There was no way this doesn't end badly.

Chapter Seven

They never really fought, but there was a mutual sense of frustration between my sisters. Both wanted the other to live up to their full potential. Emily thought Blake was anti-social and Blake thought Emily never finished things. Personally, I think both made a good point...

One night, after we'd just moved in together, Emily raised some of her gripes with me. "You should get a girlfriend."

"What?" I looked at her with a puzzled expression. "I thought I had three girlfriends?"

"We're all family — that's what makes it special. Girlfriends are for other things; that's why I have one."

"I don't need a girlfriend."

"Blake definitely needs a girlfriend, though," Emily shrugged.

I snorted, "You know, she might want a boyfriend."

"Oh, please, just because she's in love with her brother, doesn't mean she's not a dy—"

"Emily! Language!"

My little sister rolled her eyes, "You would never let her have a boyfriend in any case."

"I don't think I can stop her from doing anything," I countered.

"Wow... You still haven't realised how badly the women in your life want to please you. I mean, it's obvious for me — my big brother ravaging me is a huge turn-on, but for Mom and Blake it's about something else..."


"You're the little shit who tears them off their pedestals. It's the same reason Wall Street guys pay people to step on their balls." Emily shrugged as if everything in life was obvious, and I was a fool for missing it.

"Where would I be without your nineteen-year-old wisdom?" I asked sarcastically, while pulling Em closer.

It was the middle of the night and Blake was sleeping over at our parents' place. Divorce proceedings hadn't started but Mom and Blake were closer than ever before. The eldest daughter would sneakily advise her Mom on legal strategy during the day. Then, at night, she'd fuck her senseless.

I think Blake felt genuine resentment towards our mother. She loved her, but she also had to stand in for our parent a few too many times in the past. So, Blake would be quite 'intense' with Mom, and I think that was almost like therapy for the both of them. There was also something else to it... Blake was the alpha-female, she wanted to make that apparent to our sister and to our mother.

Back in our apartment, Emily and I were sitting on the couch while a movie played silently in the background. She was looking cute in a pink and black cami set, made of a soft-thin fabric. Her face was lit by the blue hue of the television and it brought out the electricity behind her eyes. She looked most beautiful in those moments where other people's looks failed them. In unflattering light or in the morning when our breath smells, and we are half-miserable.

At that time, we still had a few rules to follow. The biggest was 'no sex-sex until she turns 20', which made perfect sense. It was to give her time to decide whether she really wanted to lose her virginity to her brother. There was never a doubt in my mind that she did — she tried her best to tempt me so that I'd break the rule. I always resisted, but that night things happened...

"You should really get a girlfriend," my little sister chimed, again.

"I'm happy with what I've got."

"One day you'll want a girlfriend, and then a wife."

"You'll be my wife," I measured my ego. "Well, one of my wives."

Emily rolled her eyes, "I'll be you submissive little sister and I'll do all the things you can dream. In many ways that's better than a wife. Still, it wouldn't be the same."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're trying to get rid of me," I shrugged.

"Fuck's sake! You're the only man in the world who wouldn't want to add a fifth woman to your harem," she giggled.

"Oh, so I have a harem now? I'm going to have to buy you guys some outfits, then," I playfully stuck my tongue out.

"Outfits? I thought you like me best when I'm naked?"

My little sister was slowly running her hand over my body. We were reaching that point of the night. Feeling what we felt every night — moving beyond the last of our resistance.

Emily folded her leg over mine and my hand slipped underneath the fabric of her shorts. A tingle ran up my spine as I felt her bare crotch, then rested my fingers on her soft slit. It was exactly the reaction she'd wanted, "Oh, Big Brother, have I always had this effect on you?"

"Always," I replied.

"Good," she pushed her body forward until she was straddling my lap. Our foreheads met, and we lingered with our lips an inch apart.

"Are you going to kiss me?" I dared.

Emily blew some air from her nose before picking her girliest voice, "Mommy says it's not proper to kiss boys."

I moved my hands to her ass, so that both were cocooned under my sister's PJs. As I moved them again, along her thighs, her breathing became a little more chaotic. She wanted to put on a bit of a show, but her body was going to betray her. She was going to rush when she wanted to be sultry; it was inevitable. We were both simply insatiable.

Emily bit her lip, "I guess you aren't any other boy, so maybe I can kiss you."

"That's right. I'm your big brother, and we kiss all the time."

"Like this right?" Emily lovingly put her lips to my forehead.

When she pulled back I shook my head, "Not like that."

My sister kissed me again; putting a finger under my chin and kissing my cheek. She waited for my response and when I shook my head she kissed the other cheek.

"Still not right," I teased.

Emily wrapped her arms around me and put her soft lips to mine. Her tongue followed and I happily met it. The kiss was a moment of relief; something so perfect that proved we were meant to be. I ran my hands up along her legs then under her shirt. They tickled her tummy before resting on her modest breasts and massaging ever so gently. Then I moved my hands to her back, feeling every nodule of her spine as it articulated to my touch. She was grinding into my lap as our tongues danced — her arms pulling me closer.

"Please, tonight. I can't wait any longer," my sister plead.

As skin touched skin, I felt an incredible passion building rapidly. I stood up with Emily still on my lap and pushed her against the nearest wall while we scrambled to get undressed. I could feel the heat in my face as my hands ran along her pronounced hips and to the pillowy flesh of her ass. Our tongues broke their connection as we jostled to get at each other's bodies. Her top flew off and into the corner, revealing her petite breasts — exposing them to my mouth. She gasped and groaned as my lips sealed onto her pale nipple and provided suction that made her toes curl.

My cock was sandwiched between my little sister's legs; her wet slit grinding against my shaft. All it took was one step back for her body to arch and for my knees to bend. For the tip of my penis to press against the entrance to her tight pussy, and for her begging eyes to invite me inside. It took only a slight shift of my pelvis, and then, fireworks.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

A rogue burst of cold water froze me out of my memory. It felt like ice but was soon contrasted by the feeling of warm cum exploding out of my cock and onto the shower wall.

There were two beautiful women waiting for me in my bedroom. The one was Emily, and I'd been in bed with her a thousand times. The other was her girlfriend, Riley. There was going to be nothing sexual, sensual, romantic... No, there would be no such thing between me and Riley that night. Still, I was still frightened by how my brain might respond to her touch.

My shower masturbation was part of a plan to control my body. Maybe I thought it could also control my mind. I thought back to a glorious memory, which made me wish the blonde wasn't there. I would've killed to bend Emily over that night; part of me even thought, why not?

The kind-hearted blonde was going to be part of our lives and it was fair of her to expect equal treatment. She would eventually live with us and it wouldn't make sense for her to sleep in her own bed if she was dating my sister. On the other hand, it would be weird if Emily didn't sleep with the rest of her lovers, but shared a bed with Riley. So, the obvious solution was co-habitation. We all had to get comfortable around one another. Perfect logic, right?

I took a deep breath, wrapped a towel around my waist, with my half-soft cock still straining against it. Then, I opened the bathroom door, only to immediately shut it again. Riley was standing right outside! My brain put two-and-two together: she must want to use the main bathroom. I desperately started to clean up anything that looked even mildly out of place. It was one of those situations where you cram everything into the back of a cupboard without any real order. I even mopped the floor with a towel before throwing it in the laundry basket.

Satisfied that I'd done my best, I took another deep breath and entered the bedroom with a smile. Riley beamed back at me, "All done?" Then, she scooted past, into the bathroom, with her toiletries under her arm. She looked back at me before closing the door, and I swear she bit her lip as she gazed over my body.

Emily was lazing on the bed, probably scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. She smirked at the sight of me — her shit-eating-grin telling me that she enjoyed my discomfort. I stared daggers at her before throwing on a pair of boxers and T-shirt.

"It will be cold, tonight," Emily remarked about my outfit.

"Not with three people in the bed."

My sister put down her phone for a second. She had her eyebrow raised in the way sisters often do. "Excited?"

"It's just sleeping together... Uhm, what I meant was... It's just—"

"Sleeping together?" she whispered with a giggle.

I laid down next to her and started distracting myself with my phone. The sound of the shower starting up next door made me shift a little. It was a reminder of Riley's presence in the 'inner sanctum'. Thinking about the memory that entertained me in the shower, I moved my eyes over to my little sister. She was dressed in a pair of striped pyjama pants and a matching sleep shirt, made of a similar fabric to what she wore on 'that night.'

Emily spent a few minutes on her phone before turning to face me. "Riley had a moment of courage. Don't expect it to last."


"She wants to feel included, but she's still very shy. You'll need to move slower than she says she's comfortable with. Be gentle, Big Brother."

I replied with a thoughtful expression and shook my head in the affirmative. Honestly, what my sister said didn't come as a revelation. Riley had always struck me as shy and her recent behaviour was definitely not the norm.

Moving a little closer to Emily, I put a hand on her belly, tickling her slightly. She put her phone aside and curled up to me; pouting sweetly before giving me a kiss on the lips.

"What if I wanted to get with your girlfriend," I asked, trying to make it sound tongue-in-cheek.

Emily's eyes went wide, "Then I'll wish you luck, Dear Brother. But promise me I'll always be your best girl."

"And I'll always be your favourite?"

My sister put a finger to my lips and winked, "You're the love of my life." Then she nuzzled into my neck, and we held each other snuggly.

The blonde's shower only lasted a few more minutes before she stepped out of the bathroom. She had wrapped a towel around her body, like I had, and I found myself desperately looking away. In the brief moment we made eye-contact, her face turned scarlet, and she began shuffling to a pile of clothes near the bed. I could hear my little sister snicker as I searched the room for things to distract me. Of course, I'd seen Riley in bikinis, and even saw her bare breasts the day I watched them have sex. Still, I had so much more I wanted to look at — it was hard to resist!